Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Virtue of the Referendum
They say Bush is going to invade Iran soon before Tony Blair leaves office because Blair's successor in Brittain will be against the war and we have to act in Iran while we still have the support of the Brittish. Others have said that the Brittish only allied with us for some one time oil deal and now that that's done they have no interest in sticking with us. These democrats in this country are trying to pass all these prohibitions against escalation but I doubt whether the President will pay attention to any of them. It seems the people in Iraq are already "voting with their feet" and the nation is spontaniously "ethnically clenzing" itself, as Suni and Shiite make their way into separate camps. Certainly partition is another option we can pursue. How is it that Peace seems to be the one option President Bush doesn't want to pursue? As Randy Rhodes says, you negotiate with your enemies and not with your friends. Certainly having some sort of conversational intercourse ("interraction" for you people in Rio Linda) can have fruitful results as we assess just what it is each side wants and how everybody can best get most of what they want. Both sides I imagine would welcome peace about now.
Back when I was a teenager my Mom had these psychology books and they talked about the "Identification Patient". I was led to believe that this - - Person - - was the one who did all of the complaining and was the most dissatisfied with the current situation. I found out later, like a couple of years ago on the Dr. Phil show that this Identification Patient was instead the person who was CAUSING all the PROBLEMS. But I wonder- - I wonder who someone like Rush sees as the greater enemy - Al Qaida or the liberal democrats. This isn't such a silly question. Remember when Bush was asked about Bin Laden and he said "I don't know- - and I don't really care- - I'm not concerned about him" or some such thing. It's like we've forgotten about both Afghanistan, where we have a democratic investment, and also Bin Laden, the root cause of all this trouble. Or so we thought. But it seems that the root cause with Woodward's and other's books, is traced not to Bin Laden but to George Bush's lust for oil. Indeed the letters Opperation Iraq Liberation stand for O I L. What a coincidence? Now we are actually pulling troops OUT of Afghanistan and into the bottomless pit of war known as Iraq. As George Harrison said in a song "How did things get so inverted and perverted? No one alerted you". It was stated that Eisenhaur ran on a platform of Peace in Korea in 1952 and the American people went for it. Peace was a big seller then. But Bush, like his mentor Nixon, seems to have as his primary goal the desire to devide America into pro and anti war camps, and villify everyone who disagrees with him. So the "Identification Patient" in truth isn't Al Qaida or Bin Laden, but instead the democratic liberal left of this country who want to safeguard our civil liberties. In this capacity our side one a major victory by the Bush Adminestration saying they would no longer engage in surveilance of American citizens without authorization from some Court.
You wonder at times whether God puts things up for a popular vote. The truth is that when the Ten Commandments were given the people gave their concent and said "All these things we will do". Of course it's important to know what IS and IS NOT in the Ten Commandments. For instance Murder is condemned. Anger is not. For those who insist that anger is a sin are playing right into the hands of the enemy. Think about it. If an enemy sees his opponets spending all their time trying NOT to be angry they will soon exaust and exasperate themselves, and the Enemy wins! In like manner bearing false witness is a violation. But all lying is not covered. You can forget about the notion of hiding Jews in Holland because nothing in the ten commandments would prohibit this. On the other hand you have heard it said that the 3rd. commandment doesn't matter because "Everybody lies so don't sware to anything". On the contrary it's a coward will not take an oath and stake his word on something. You have also heard it said "all sex outside of marriage is wrong". You will search in vain in the Old Testament for anyone being condemned for having sex outside marriage, or even going to a prostitute for that matter. Indeed the people in Joshua who visited the prostitute Rahab, who put the red ribbin on the wall to save the people from Divine wrath- - according to Gene Scott and some secret translation he has- - these people who met with Rahab were actually patrons, ie. Johns, and they were not condemned. Judah visited a prostitute and God never condemned him for this- even though she bore two children. She was condemned but HE wasn't. Could it be God knows what it's like to be a man? Lying is not a sin if you're asked what a gift costs and you lie about it. It's the heighth of rudeness to "look a gift horse in the mouth" to begin with and you get exactly the answer you deserve, despite what Act's chapter 5 says. My point is that most people agree that the ten commandments are good. But that doesn't mean you have to pray five times a day or not let your children play vidio games. Indeed it is a specific sin to "Add to the word of God". It says so in Revelation. In Genisis it quotes Adam and Eve as saying "We may not eat of the tree in the midst of the garden - Neither may we Touch it". God didn't say anything about Touching the tree. They added that. Laws are made by governments who are elected by free, enlightened men- - "to promote the general welfare" of society.
Some say it would be wrong for Bush to meet with Iraqi president Meliki to hammer out some sort of cooperative deal. After they point out that the Bible says not to seek fellowship with the wrong people, even though Jesus did it. Well, did you know that God apparently consorts with at least one "wrong" person. It seems God starts off his day in sort of an executive council meeting with Lucifer planning out what woes will befall mankind today. Does Lucifer have some sort of "title" in this capacity? Yes he does, the Son of God, or rather A son of God. That may be why the Federation says that justice can be had by logic and not seeking after some "God" or deity. Indeed many people such as Fred Price believe you don't need a Pastor to tell you how to think. But sometimes people can "get inside your head". When I first became a Christian I was going to Golden West College learning to be a studio sound technician. But somewhere I got the notion that the music these people were listening to was immoral and that I'd best, for the sake of my spiritual walk, get out of the program. This was far from the ONLY reason I left, but it was one of them. I didn't have my radio antenna set to "my higher self" of I'd have seen the folly of my actions. Christians used to believe, and I still do, that people are born with a contience or higher self that they can look to to get a moral bearing. After all, why should Satan be the only person to exercise "Free will" unfettered? Some Christians say that you should not attack or rail against Satan directly because the "rules of engagement" don't allow it. The Federation would like to see every earth dweller wired into that higher sixth dimension of psychic reality. There is a recent example of my own "seeing through a lie" I'd like to tell you about. At Circuit City when me and [Pete Richards] were buying my HDTV, we asked the salesman to take the power antenna out of the box and hook it up to the TV, "just to see if it really works". Well, it didn't work. Just static. The salesman promptly proclaimed that that is because this is a "digital" antenna so naturally doesn't work. That was a lie. The device was a gain amplifyer and the output was measured in decibles. It was not a digital decoder. Whether the signal was digital or analog made absolutely no difference to the device. And yet many pastors will tell you "Oh you need digital and I'm digital and you're analog. Come to Me. I am the way. I have the Jesus-decoder in my brain". When in reality sometimes it's the Pastor himself that is Blocking the Signal you need to tap into God on your own antenna. We all need to tune in - turn on- - and drop out- - drop out of Religion. (Selah)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Ice Invasion Cometh
Back in the year 1845 they had a massive global cooling problem. A Brittish expidition led by a captain named Franklin launched a massive expidition to find the fabled northwest passage to the Pacific by water. But their trip was doomed from the start. First of all they stored their food in lead cannisters and when all of the crew were examined later every last one of them had abnormally and dangerously high amounts of lead in their system. Three men died on one island early on. As they sailed on the ice got worse and worse and finally they decided to veer south thinking they would find more open waters there. But the ice got worse even in the summer. In the summer of 1846 the ice never melted. They have proved this fact by subsequent drilling of holes in the permafrost. Finally the ship got stuck in the ice. Time passed. The men began dying of scurvy. Their skin including the insides of their mouth turns black. Personality changes such as paranoia were noted. They had brought lemon juice with them but it's a scientific fact Vitamine C loses its potency after a while. They met a tribe called the Inuit. Later in 1869 the old ones were interviewed and they said that the men resorted to canabalism in the end. They all died a horrible death. Some of them turned to the Inuit for food but they could only share so much and had to head off for a hunting expidition the next day. This whole tale is rather analogus of my twenty-odd year history as a Christian. "Turning back" may be something I decided to do after that incident with Frank in Octobor 1987. Even though as a party a few weeks later when the broad sympathies were with me rather than Frank - after all it's Frank who broke one of the ten commandments against me - - in the end it was Frank who ramained a Christian and not me even though people such as [Bobby Hayden], [Jim Cooper], and Ron sided with me. I "retreated" away from the whole scene to a new apartment but I continued to encounter "persecution" from many corners. Later this "persecution" came from people like Kathy and Clint, who I thought were my friends. Of course 1994 for me could symbolize my boat getting stuck in the ice, with a tripple whammy that occurred with me that year. I was doomed. My "end" as a Christian was now only a matter of time. Another analogy I have used on my Christian walk is the Viet Nam war. We were initially brought in by a lie about the facts. Just as I had lied to myself about the facts. I never received the proper back-up when I came under fire. The moralle of people around me was often poor. I was having to opperate under disadventagious engagement rules against the Enemy. I had a president, (my mind?) who knew the situation was bad and getting worse, and yet the only action he took was to escalate my efforts further, which compounded my problems.
Randy Rhodes today was doing a show called "War or No War". If seems if you were to decide to spend the 1.2 trillion dollars on something else you could feed all the hungry and give everybody universal health care and cure cancer and do other things. But Bush doesn't want to do that. President Bush in the Jim Lerr interview, which I saw last night, spoke of the "cracked egg". He said "The egg isn't broken but it is cracked, but we can fix it". Any housewife will tell you if you see a cracked egg in the cartin you either have to use it immediately or else just throw it out. There is no way to put Humpty Dumpty together. Any nursery school kid knows this. Indeed, sometimes it gets exasperating even thinking about President Bush and the War. Jim Lerr asked him about national sacrifice. But Bush's answer to this was "Well the people watch the war on TV and suffer". For all we know they may be seeing the same fifteen seconds of file footage run over and over because that's all they'll let us shoot. One is tempted to tell the troops to do something radical like go AWOL. You don't suppose they could schedule a massive AWOL campaign, do you? Apparently the troops are not even allowed to pettition or sue their own government so a congressman initiated a Bill on their behalf and in three short sentenses declared that this was was wrong. We do have some good news that Democrats have passed a lot of ethics and earmarks regulation legeslation, and have also raised the minimum wage to $7.50. Of course people like Larry Elder are praying that the President vetoes the bill. There seems to be some concerted move of the media not to give us news on what the Democrats have been doing. Their motto seems to be out of sight, out of mind. This whole thing is like a desaster that is happening in slow motion, and there is no way to stop it.
There is news that Fidel Castro may be near death. He has suffered complications from three intestinal surgeries. If he dies one of my prayers and hopes will be unanswered. I was hoping that Castro would renounce communism and become a Born Again Christian. I have heard roomers to that effect. I suppose people like Larry Elder or Sean Hannity would like to bring back the Juan Baptista government and let the mafia run things in Cuba like the good old days. People have been saying since 1989 that communism is dead. But when this country thinks of Castro we suddenly go into a forty year time warp. I think we need to expand trade with Cuba just as we have with China and so many other countries, and then relations will improve.
If you call in the Jesus Christ show the host will say reincarnation or worse yet, what we are describing- - Asteral travel- - is quite impossible. If asked to explain he will quote ONE Bible verse, because it’s the only one in the Bible to quote. Yet Jesus’ own view of heaven is so much at odds with what the real Jesus preached 2000 years ago it isn’t even funny. Jesus talked about heaven as a state of harmony and peace among men. He spoke of it as a place of generosity and compassion and concern about your fellow man. Jesus of Nazereth would be shocked someone preaching in his name that heaven was some opium like state where you forget about people you’ve known in the past and are not even aware they ever existed. The host of the Jesus Show might go on to mention the very things we’ve mentioned- - that God specially created our DNA and our cell structure and how our brains work, and that each one is unique and can’t be transferred. Using his identical logic, not only would reincarnation be impossible, but so would any resurrection (a word he doesn’t even use to describe the afterlife) or any life beyond when they lower the coffin lid and inturr you in the ground. If the forgoing proposition is true it doesn’t matter how many unexplained events the Apostles do; it has nothing to do with any known dead man being alive. Some say, “When you reject Jesus it’s amazing the things you will fall for”. This saying contains a lot more rhetoric than truth.
You know back in ninth grade there was a song called “The In Crowd” by Dobie Gray. And he also did that song about “I wanna get lost in your rock and roll”. I don’t like either of these songs now because the guy who wrote them is now one of these narrow-minded condescending Jesus little chauvinists. These people couldn’t tell their ass from a hole in the ground; there’s no way they’re going to “Find Jesus”. Lennon wrote a song about Dylan “finding Jesus”. Let’s get this straight. If reincarnation or astral travel were proved tomorrow, Jesus of KFI wouldn’t believe it. He would say that Whatever evidence we had it was coincidence. The same way if you try to reason with a drug addict hooked on cocaine you’re fighting a losing battle. The only Reality that drug addict knows is his cocaine. That is his “validation” and reason for getting up each morning. All other logic and sensory input is blocked out by the drug. So far scientists have dissected matter down to the very molecule. We’ve mapped out human DNA. And guess what? We haven’t found the soul. We haven’t found God. At one time the Catholic Clergy knew Galileo was wrong. There was just no two ways about it. Dante knew that Hell was a place in the center of the earth and in a rare sign of enlightenment (?) believed that the “Mount of pergitory” was on the south pole on the other side!
OK I wish I could push a button and sent that in E mail. I don’t even think Mike would like that paragraph. Pope John Paul II, sadly, is dead. If there is some “cosmic hand” guiding the world, I don’t know where it’s leading the world to.
NBC Nightly news is coming on and I may watch some of it. Of course there’s news that the Bush economy may be topping out. And there will be no more tax cuts. Kate Roberts has taken all your drugs away. I think maybe now we ought to come to grips with the real problems such as out-sourcing and illegal immigration. The stock market was down over four hundred points last week, which, in the grander scheme of things may not be all that much. Now they say US Corperations may not be paying their fair share of taxes. In WW II it was a 50 – 50 split but now the workers of nation pay 80% of the taxes. Larry doesn’t think Corporations should pay income taxes at all.
Some may say there was an angry tone to some of my remarks today. Well, if I occasionally resort to obscenity it’s only shorthand for a much longer explanation I could give, and have given in the past but am not inclined to go into it now again. It bothers me that Christianity seems distilled down into some in-palatable mixture that may be good for fueling cars but not good for drinking. Farmers in
“I do believe in Duffelgangers!- - I do – I do – I do!!!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Governments Instituted Among Men
Give 'em peace and shelter and a fork & knife
Shine a light in the morning and a light at night
And if a thing goes Wrong- - -
- - You Better Make It Right
Now I'd like to talk about the Freedom being the essence of knowing God. Moses said that every man has the light of God's law within him. Many would ask what the Bible teaches about slavery. Well, Slavery is kind of like gravity. Just as when you Die, it's better to go Up rather than Down, but this is not to overrule the law of gravity. And so it is better to be Free rather than Slave. My hunch is that God knows that things like Slavery, and for that matter, Prostitution, will always exist. God says it is a shame to be a prostitute, without advocating the abolition of the profession. It is in the nature of Free men to strike back when struck. In this way women should listen to their feminist sisters and learn the most effective way to fight back when oppressed by a man. So it is that Moses told the Isrialites not to be as they were in Egypt. There is a superior struck you, you were not to fight back. That was a privelege allowed only to Free men. In this way I believe that self defence is a holy trait. If you believe our US constitution is of God, then you also believe that the right to keep and bear arms is a devinely inailable right. Men get their rights from the God, the living and true God, not the antiseptic God of the theologians. Thom Hartman has even stated that the principle of democricy is even seen among animals. It is observed that a hurd of buffalo for example will head for a water hole when the majority of them are standing and pointing in a certain direction. Then the whole hurd will take off in that direction. With flocks of birds or schools of fish- - minute changes in "attitude" in some of the fish or birds will "clue in" the whole flock that this is now the new direction in which to go. I have said that I would rather be around dogs who were raised by moral people, rather than by people who wern't. Does a dog have inherent goodness? Is a dog tought espressly to, for instance, save his master who is drowning or in some other trouble? No. He does this because it's in his inate nature. In the movie Ghandi it was stated not to fear the oncomming horses but to lay down because they will not tread over us. And it was so. The mounted horses came to a halt, despite the express wishes of their riders. When I was a teenager I believed the mind was a blank slate and that environment played a role. Certain wild beasts are the way they are because of their environment. If you're in a resource depleted Serengetti plain and starving all the time, you have to by necessity hunt for your food. And yet there was a shot on TV the other say showing someone hugging and being really cozy with a lion with no fear. It is said that even snakes can be charmed. The only animal that appears morally vapid is the Ape. I have likened Apes to Christions. (see Escape from Egypt) Apes will suddenly "turn on you" and be consumed with hostility and attack you. I have heard of and seen countless examples of this. The only thing there remains to do in such a case is to have the Ape destroyed. The Ape is one of the few others that will commit premeditated murder against others in its own society. But animals seem to know instinctively how best to live.
Not everybody seeks the light. The so called pious Christians have a thing against what they call "Gnosticism". They say gnosticism means "esoteric knowledge". The word esoteric is meaningless in that sentense. The word is knowledge. It's like talking about a percipitus withdrawal. They fixate on the word "percipitus" when the truth is they are against Any withdrawal in Iraq. So it is with knowledge. When did knowledge become a bad thing. We even share our knowledge with animals and they benefit. Teachers of the Word are supposed to be spreading knowledge. Experiance is said to bring knowledge. It used to be people who have had experiance were a thing to be prised. Now they're called whores. Now experiance, and even religious experiances, are seen as a bad thing by people like Chuck Smith. One might ask what are they after. The theripist will never say what you Think about something. They much prefer to ask how we Feel about something. And if we don't give the right answer they will be Glad to Tell us how we really "Feel". It's notible that hypnosis is one thing Walter Martin is NOT against on the left. In a Startrek episode there was this mind-scan device that users could use to plant mental thoughts inside a subject, for Good, but usually for Evil. This is what the evangelist does. He sees the black hole of the human subcontious and sees it as something on which to emplant his own thoughts, or en-grams. It's notible that Evangelists want us to draw our thoughts from the darkness, or this subcontious Black Hole, rather than from the Light of Knowledge. Knowledge is so often counted as a bad thing and they even quote Daniel to canote knowledge being a bad thing. Dr. Dean Edell today says that liberals have more books in their house and more art and classical music. That liberals were happier and more open and curious as a child whereas conservatives as children were fearful, rigid, and inhibited. Some will say that coming to Jesus is coming to the light. In the abstract this is true. But how are fish caught? Does the fish "repent" of being a fish and dream of ways he can become human? Not unless you're the little murmaid. No. The fish is baited. And what are fish for? They are to provide nutriants to those not in the water (or the Church not in the world) The size of the fish stands for the stature of the sinner in the world. The virtue is not in his repentance. The virtue is bagging him in the net and seeing his blank subcontious mind is something that you the pastor can program for your own purposes. We see a teacher as a spreader of knowledge and enlightenment. But their view of the "teacher" is that of a cultish icon to follow and worship. Not even to emulate but only to admire and know that you can never be like him. The success of a "teacher" is not seen in how much knowledge the students have. These people are like liberals. Far left meets far right. Just as the liberal is against objective truth but you are graded on your "Feelings" about a subject, so it is with the endoctrination of the Fundamentalist.
For George Bush to be hostile to Iran at this time is a mistake. He made allusions to Iran in his speech last week, and it might be an alarming sign. If he invades Iran without provacation it will only broaden the whole mideast war unnecessarily and further worsten Bush's own place in the history books. But the song goes "A fool never learns- - and I'm going to do a very foolish thing". There are still a few followers, not of the center, not necessarily of the right, even, but Somewhere, who are still willing to follow President Bush over a cliff. As John Dean said "Once the toothpaste is out of the tube it's impossible to get it back". Or to put it another way, you can't un-fire a shot heard round the world. The best thing to do is take Rush Limbaugh's advice for once. Rush has said "Wars end when one side has an undisputed victory over the other". Let's let shiite and suni fight it out within the confines of the borders of Iraq. Once the war is over- - - peace will follow. A peace where the other side will not be tempted into an uprising.
If this print is still big and hasn't shrunk back to normal size I decree that George Bush will cancle the troop surge and also order a withdraw of fifty thousand troops within the next three weeks. I myself don't know the outcome of this right now.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Bringing It All Back Home
They have a drug for everything now. There was a drug on Sixty Minutes not so long ago I describe as the "Jesus drug". If you go through some horrible trauma or embarrasment or personal hurt and can't "put it behind you" you just take the Jesus drug and it's the same thing as going to a tent revival and "getting saved". Perhaps some bright soul will give this drug to our vetterans, so they won't blab about their experiances. Perhaps Jesus could personally adminester the entire nation of Palestine this drug in 70 AD so they could all forget they were really Jews and they could get saved. You have to wonder whather George Bush is taking a drug like this. After all he's been "embarrassed" so much so that a person with a normal sense of shame wouldn't want to show his face. Jane Fonda said that if they had had Prozac now, her father would have been more “engaged with her” as a child. May I respectfully disagree. I heard- or more specifically I have read that Prozac drowns out all real feelings about human involvement and creates an overall numbing effect so that you just don’t feel anything. Others have said that sera-tonin is the “accomplishment” hormone. Your brain releases it when you do something decisive to give you the feeling you have accomplished something. [name withheld]’s problem is that he hasn’t accomplished anything in his marriage, but is given a drug to make him feel as though he had. I found the things he said at the [farce gathering] a little hard to take. I’m glad that Jane Fonda and her father were able to “act out the drama” on TV in the guise of a movie. I guess I didn’t entirely know how “personal” Golden Pond was.
I would now like to turn my attention to affairs of national importance that we haven’t been talking about, notably George Bush and the media. I have seen some disturbing signs. For one it was noted, and we all witnessed it, that the networks did not engage in their usual post mastication of the President’s remarks. Randy Rhodes thought the entire speech wasn’t live at all, like the President wasn’t even in condition to do the speech live. Of course there were the jokes about it being the first time Bush had even been in the Presidential library. Some say the speech was flat. I for myself was concentrating more on the actual words or “text” than the manner of delivery, but I will note there was a lack of passion or conviction. But I was surprised that the media signed off right away. Apparently it was more important to get back to “Deal or No Deal”. Well, that is a good question for us all. But the upshot of that is that we did not get to hear the democratic response. This is not twenty years ago. Back then Reagan has a real challenge on his hands. But they would never have done a puff movie on the Reagan administration like ABC did on 9 – 11 like they did four months ago. But turning to a key thesis of the President’s speech – mainly “This is not an open-ended commitment”. I would like to hold the President to his word on this one. He gave us his solemn pledge that he had worked out some deal of cooperation with Meliki and that from now on there would be no more siding with the Shiites and that Meliki would rein the wayward forces of his own government freeing up our troops to do their job. It was noted however that the President was never forthcoming with a Plan B. You always need a back-up plan to give the primary plan teeth. Stated another way as Dr. Phil might, “You have control over what you do but you don’t have control on what others do”. So if others let you down you need to take responsibility for your own actions, you need to “Own It” and proceed from there. The President had no Plan B. He never said what he would do if things “Didn’t work out”. Congelisa Rice’s remarks about “The way to insure success is to not think of the risks” just makes no sense. It is particularly important that you have a Plan B, if the odds for success of Plan A are tenuous to begin with. I would like to hear from the President’s lips just under what circumstances he will say the cause is lost. If you’re a Christian, however, thinking “What if God lets me down” is not an option, so perhaps that’s where the President is coming from. It doesn’t even need to be repeated how many times the people of
But the consequences of this war haven’t been brought home. We know that President Bush refuses to attend funerals of soldiers. We also know that the media is under a ban of showing coffins being loaded on to trucks. Recently the President visited a military base and reporters had it made clear to them that they were forbidden to interview any of the troops. The media should perhaps spend more time interviewing veterans in intensive care wards. Barbra Boxer today talked about burn victims. The nurses see soldiers so disfigured that they keep photos of them in uniform around to remind them that they are actually dealing with a human being. One doctor said that in a four month period he performed between one and two genital amputations every single day. You know there is talk about daughters losing their virginity too soon. But in reality the things that really happen “too soon” are bad things and not good. I would say the “appropriate” time to have your genitals removed is perhaps on a mortician’s slab after you’re dead. Then you won’t care. People have this out of sight out of mind feeling about this war because in rich Republican neighborhoods they aren’t seeing the number of “volunteers” as you see in poor, minority neighborhoods. Of course now they have changed the rules for National Guard and Reservists. You’re not just a “weekend warrier” when you sign up now. It used to be you only had to serve at maximum one year and now they’re saying you cam be made to serve up to four. At least in the
The 115th. Strawberry Revival
It’s hot in here. Today is Wednesday April 6, 2005, and the temperature creped up higher than expected. I see the grammar check is highlighted. I know that being in color means you can use them now and in black and white you have to wait. I went to the store after dinner for two cinnamon rolls and around the corner for coffee. I have been feeling drowsy this afternoon. There’s still stuff I might want to check in the last file. I anticipate this one being done at a much slower pace.
Oscar knocked on the door about five to ten and asked if I was going. I hauled myself down there. Valerie was in the front seat and right off it was evident she was more attentive than normal. She was looking at me outside, and then repeatedly turned around to make conversational coments like the same Philipinos that own this place own hers and also own “where Susan lives”. I guess we’re thinking of the same Susan. There was a new girl named Amanda, who lived with Valerie. I later found out she had only lived there two days. Amanda had a better singing voice than Valerie. She alluded to some posture surgery she needed but if they cut the wrong nerve she’d be paralyzed. On the patio I learned she had a boyfriend somewhere. Valerie told me she was the second longest tenant at nearly a year and only her roommate has been longer- at five years. She said two of the girls were hospitalized for depression, including the one who had attempted suicide. We didn’t take off right away because we had to wait for George. Valerie talked to the driver a lot. We made fantastic time there getting there before ten thirty. I was served coffee and a muffin. On the patio Valerie finally noticed I had new tennis shoes on after several weeks. Another time when I was out of smokes Valerie wanted me to come out with her. For a while nothing was going on in-side and attendance appeared to be way down. Larry remarked, “The wheels are coming off the wagon”. Larry had me sorting this big stack of crossword puzzles, most of which were already in order. Finally Larry gave us a puzzle to do. It was so hard that half of my answers, the ones I even guessed at, had to be wrong. I put it aside to pursue some-thing that was less mentally taxing- - a word search puzzle. I did the whole thing and it didn’t take that long. The word I had the most trouble with was “suitcase”. I went out for a smoke and returned and someone had taken my crossword. I asked Larry for an-other as he was about to give the answers, and he gave me the wrong puzzle. We had ham and cheese sandwiches and chips and a banana for lunch. I only won twice in Bingo and given the generosity today, this isn’t even par. There was a lot of dead time after-ward from 1:15 to 2:00 when we left. There was an-other sexy girl there I’d never seen before. An exotic looking one with light brown hair, but she appeared to be hovered over by this taller brunette. As we got in the van, Manfred told me he won five times. This isn’t unusual. Valerie announced that she was going to sit next to me. She was pro-active in engaging me in conversation the whole day, which is out of character for her. We got to talking about radio stations. Even
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Another Side of Marcus Arelius
Arf! – Arf! Arf! – Arf! – Arf! Arf! Arf!
I know you and your ways
Arf! – Arf! - Arf! – Arf! – Arf! Arf!
Better Come To God Today
Arf! – Arf! - Arf! – Arf! – Arf! Arf!
This Will Be Your Final Call
Arf! – Arf! - Arf! – Arf! – Arf!
The Hand Is Writing On the Wall
OK we’re going to “simocast” with the blog for a while here. This morning I was out on the patio and I was just thinking how blessed I was to have a High Definition TV right in this room here and how in congrewous it was. I was wondering whether I really “deserved it” from a divine perspective. God gave me an answer from TV as soon as I got back inside. They were talking about paying off mortgages early to save intrest payments and should people do it. Suffering or going without in this life is rather similar from a spiritual standpoint to “paying down a mortgage early” in this life. The answer is that you should not do it if you’re buying your first house because that money could be put to much better use in the here and now paying off things like credit cards so those payments don’t escalate. And so there is your answer. Don’t think of the bye and bye when you won’t need the money as badly as you need it now. Last night I had another of those Burt Lombard dreams. As you know “Burt Lombard” is sort of a ficticious identity I assumed when I became a born again Christian though there are only a few snail mail letters to the media where I actually sign it Burt Lombard. “Burt Lombard” was born February 20th. 1957 and is from
Another answer I got from the television was one day I was listening to a preacher who made the statement “The night time is for sleeping”. The truth of this statement may not be readily apparent. Jesus in John 7 or somewhere says in response to people who were worried about muggers and robbers, “Are there not twelve hours in a day. If you walk in the light you are protected” or some such thing. “My father works and I too must work. The night is coming when no man can work”. I thought of this saying “The night is coming”. What does it mean? Does it mean that after Jesus gets crucified a horrible persecution will be unleashed so that nothing can be accomplished? Actually what it means that as long as you’re alive it is Day, and when it is Day you work and do the Lord’s service. When the night comes you sleep. In Thesselonians and elsewhere sleep is associated with death. Elsewhere
I want to talk just a little about George’s Bush’s speech last night. If Rush Limbaugh were true to himself he’d say to put a sign on the front of your TV saying “This man is a confirmed liar” or some such thing. I guess what any Born Again Christian needs to know by instinct is “How to have Faith”. In this case – how do you have Faith in somebody who has proved unfaithful in the past? How do you develop anew that trust you may have had five years ago? People say “I know already Bush isn’t doing this build-up right”. If we take him at his word, and I trust the president WANTS us to take him at his word- - he wants us to know that he has talked to Meliki and how Meliki has pledged not to do what he’d done before and allow the Shiites to run rampant, but to work in an even-handed way to end sectarian violence. Once we clear an area can the Iraqi government and their own police force be trusted to maintain order? Can we “work together” to deligate duties so that we are all in concert getting a single job done? I think we can hope for that and pray for that. Bush believes if he just had another 22,000 troops he could properly deploy them so that all the bases were covered and there would be no “pup-ups” of violence like John Mc Cain talks about. How does John Mc Cain feel about this speech? Certainly from his statements Mc Cain wanted several times the number of troops we are going to send. Personally if I were president, and I’ve said this before, I would get on TV and tell the American people “I’m looking to You to help me to decide whether to further pursue this war. If we are going to prosecute this war properly we will have to reinstitute the national Draft. Your young men will be at risk, and there will be no deferments. Rich and Poor alike will share in this burden. Are you up to the task? With a Draft I can send the extra two hundred thousand troops we need to meet the required total number of $350,000 to insure that we get the job done. War should not be a thing where only a few people in the country sacrifice and the rest don’t care. The solution to a War is not to “Go Shopping” but rather for mutual national sacrifice, just like our grandparents did in World War II. Are you up to the task?” I’d ask for cards and letters to the White House telling me what to do. And if it was a thumbs down on the draft then I’d end the war and bring the troops home for some long needed rest and relaxation.
Monday, January 08, 2007
More of the Same Ol' Same Ol'
Congress isn't going to start their hundred hours till tomorrow. The Democrats plan to pass six major bills in one hundred hours and aren't allowing amendments by the Republicans to screw things up. Already they have made lobbying and earmarks reforms, which are good. It seeme tonight's game between Florida and Ohio State would somehow interfear with the hundred hours. I looked up on the internet which said the other Florida, Florida State beat UCLA, though some web cites didn't even think the game has been played yet. I still am not convinced this congress is going to do anything really novel or radical. Now we have the news that the late associate Justice Renquist was hooked in drugs his first ten or eleven years on the high bench. William Renquist was hooked on phylactid (?) darvon, and codeine. The FBI was inlisted to spy on and blackmail witnesses who would testify against Renquist as his confirmation hearings both in the early seventies and in the 1986 hearings for chief justice. Apparently Sen. Strom Thurmond asked Negroponte to do some stuff. They say that Renquist was constantly slurring his speech on the bench. I don't know what to make of all this. Every day we learn something more radical about our politicians than we knew the day before.
There is a lot of interest in the Kabbalah now, and they're advertizing it on the radio. The more research I do on the topic like in the Wickipedia and Q and A websites, the more I realize I don't know. Let me just say that according to the Federation the Kabbalah goes back to the days of Solomon. Reading "The secret passage of the lion" at the time of Abraham about 1800 BC there was Shem, Noah's son, who was the King of Salem, alias Jerusalem. And after him was Solomon. And it was said that the sons of Darda were those with spiritually elete knowledge. It says elsewhere that Zerah, of whom Darda was one of his sons, was the eldest of twin sons of Tammar, who were sired in a quazi incestuous relation with Judah. Tammar, the mother, tied a scarlet string around the finger of Zerah as he came out of the womb, then he retracted it and his brother Perez came out whole first, but Tammar said "Zerah is the oldest". Hence the dezignation of the Federation of the Zerahites and Dardanians as "The Elder Race". When they ended up going down to Egypt the Dardanians left by Sea first while the Perezites were still in Egypt and sailed to Grece and founded Troy. Later on these Dardanians fanned out Westward and became the Sephardic Jews. The Sephardic Jews are the "Medeteranian" or "Spanish Jews" of the middle ages and the ones most into the kabbalah. Zerah means "Golden Dawn" and I guess the study of the Goldn Dawn is a whole other branch of study, as are the Free Masons, but all three claim to have esoteric knowledge. They are all into spiritual spheres of the body much as chakras in Hinduism are, and are into mysterious number combinations. One article today went so far as to say Greek Mathmeticians got their knowledge from the Kabbalah. Others said Kaballah tradition goes all the way back to Adam. Others say it was a segment of the Mosiac law called the "oral tradition" meaning it was meant to be transmitted orally, whereas God espressly told Moses to write down the Torah, or written law. Since I don't know that much about the Kaballah or even which books they consider Sacred, I have little more to say except they believe in the four archangels, Michael (which means "Who is like God?) and also Gabrael, Raphael, and Uriel, which means "light bearer".
This is after dinner. We had fish, rice, and salad and I had seconds. I went out to the bakery for a large coffee and John was there. I hope I left him enough coffee. I guess this is getting to be a “back to normal” day since there will be no football game on tonight and Al Franken is back on the radio. [Actually there was a FOX game with LSU defeating Notre Dame in the Sugar bowl. “According to Jim” made its return to the ABC airwaves last night] Another sign of back to normalcy is that there was a shooting at a High School in
Of course congress presumably gets going tomorrow though I hear it will be partying and festivities. I’m with Ed Schultz. Enough of the balling and partying and let’s get on with the game, the task at hand. This congress can’t get going too soon in my book. Meanwhile Randy Rhodes, who spared us by not talking about her dog again today, lamented the death of Saddam Hussein. That’s been the one bright spot in the news lately, that Saddam was hanged and mocked and taunted by guards and the whole thing was tapes on a cell phone and put on the internet. That’s modern day enlightened news as it happened. For some reason Randy’s brain just isn’t plugged in today. She’s talking and lamenting how nobody knows the history of Saddam’s reign. She says the
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
When the Past Meets the Future
This is a new year where the future collides with the past. As you know in they talked about this massive of Evangalical Christianity in the rest of the world other than “here”, meaning North America and
Today is December 31, 2006 and I was thinking of turning the Jesus Christ show on but I absentl-mindedly turned on the TV and Joel Olstein was on. I think we can learn a few lessons from his programs. Glen showed up with coffee while he was on. He remarked how young he looked. I guessed he was forty and Glen thought he was only thirty. He was saying how when you’re driving you have a great big windshield out in front of you protecting you from the oncoming wind, but there is only a little tiny rear view mirror. You’re supposed to spend most of your time looking out at what’s ahead of you. Joel says don’t look back at your sin. He mentioned how David while his son with Bathsheba was still alive drew a lot of prayers and moaning for deliverance but after the baby was taken by the Lord David put the whole affair behind him and moved on. This is perhaps what I should do with Christians in my past. He spoke of Caleb and how he asked God for a mountain when he was eighty and how it was the same dream he had when he was forty. If God makes a promise “The bill is still collectable”, so to speak. He spoke of how David’s older brothers tried to talk him out of fighting Goliath because he wasn’t qualified. Joel says not to let negative people around you interfere with your dreams, and also said “Even if you have good seed you need good ground to plant it in”. I’ll hold that thought. We had waffles for breakfast. It was those little round things and fortunately Richard gave me another because he didn’t want it.
This paragraph is being typed the next day, January 2nd. just after Ford's moving funeral at the national cathedral. That organ postlude thing had a lot of trippy chord progressions at the end. Of course I guess the congragaqtion are supposed to wait for the body to be escorted out first. I went out for a smoke. Of course there are benefits to actually being IN a wedding party. In the wedding I was in in October 1981 me and the Pastor's Wife were the third and fourth people out of the - - er - uh - - multi purpose room. Some people of course don't want a religious wedding at all prefering not to make a sacramental comitment before God for all eternity. I'm wondering if there is such a thing as a "secular funeral", where you want to celebrate the person's life but you're not really sure they're making it to heaven and don't want to speculate about that. This paragraph howsever is going to be one of those "Inquiring minds want to know" personal paragraphs so if you want to skip over it you can. On December 31st. 1992 on a Thursday afternoon I was coming back from the liquor store with either Colt 45 or the Blue Bull 24 oz. cans. I looked down the street seeing dark smoke and some teenagers saw my expression and said "Your house is on fire". It turned out the apartment complex I was in was on fire. A large swath of the west wall for two stories was blackened. Someone had set a car on fire and smoke was billowing into the air and wafting eastward. Ken had called Joe and Kathy even though they had just recently moved out. The cops were called and they suspected arson. If it was a car fire it must have been a big one. My parents were coming over later to take me to Denny's for my birthday. This tradition had started in 1990 when I turned forty and this was now the third year of doing it in 1992. I had written them a letter in which among other things I disputed my age, ie. my date of birth. I had developed a theory that I was actually born February 25th. and not Newyears Eve. (If I'd been born in England I'd be the next year already) There were some "anomalies" I wanted to talk over with parents. First of all at Christmas dinner my aunt's mother had been told I was due to be born soon and she looked at my mother and said "What are you giving birth to, a mouse?" Apparently she didn't look that pregnent to be due in a week. Then we have "the nine weeks". Nine weeks after I was born the doctor said I had to go to the hospital and quit nursing because something suspected was wrong with my brain. They later did a report saying I had "hypoplasia", which means under-developed brain. They said I'd have a bird head. This proved obviously to be untrue if anyone has seen me try on hats. I'm a real George Lopez contender. Photos of me as a very young baby aren't that comon and there's one labeled "five months" where I look awfully emaciated. When I was four years old there are two notations in my baby book around February 25th. One says "[he] had a good time earing birthday cake" and another one said "He talked about his birthday cake". Why would parents want me to be two months older than I was? I can think of one reason. There was a letter I had sent to parents in December 1992 covering four topics I had intended to write to four different people. I had been in ROP on and off from September 1990 to late February 1992 and gotten three completion cirtificates in Word Perfect, Lotus, and De Base IV. I could have gotten one in BASIC if they'd offered it since I was doing three dimensional arrays and later on graphics. Sometimes the "hopefull flook" can occur where you throw a can of paint against the wall and get a beautiful dezign. Another letter topic was the man from El Paso. Joe and Kathy's name came up. In court they consider the "excited utterance" admissable even though it would normally be considered heresay. Dad had said "You attack Joe and Kathy even though they care a lot for you and are concerned about you". (How would he know that) Admittedly my blog stuff kind of enphasizes the negative. Dad also misquoted a letter passage saying in respect to the Asshole from El Paso "There are places in Hell that are especially hot that are reserved for him" or some such thing. I never wrote that. I've said enough.Tomorrow of course is Ford’s funeral. It will be the third out of four. Actually, Ford will be getting a longer mourning period than President Kennedy got. Of course we will be treated to more spiritual sentimentality and that’s all well and good. It’s nice to reflect on the workings of God even if you don’t believe in him now. It makes us reflect on our past. But things said at moments such as Funerals don’t necessarily reflect about the way they feel about the present, especially if you’re a President. Ford was a “steady hand” on the economy simply because things had “settled down” a bit from when he took office by the time he left. But to celebrate him for the Nixon pardon is kind of like a guy going through a money crisis and praises his personal Priest because he “gave him the personal strength to eat dog food, which he didn’t think he had.” He’s like a priest that gave a father the cajones to look his kids with holes in their shoes straight in the eye and tell them he can’t afford new ones. He’s like a priest who when your wife of fifteen years committed adultery and then sued you for divorce you decided not to contest the divorce because it might be “traumatic to the court system” but tell your four kids you and mommy wouldn’t be living together. People say that sacrifice and “sucking it up” as Caroline Brady says, is the height of religious piety. So if you’re an old lady rather than hand down those priceless family heirlooms to your kids, you give them to Gene Scott’s church. What an act of generosity! You ask “What does this have to do with national politics?” To quote Dylan again, “Money doesn’t talk; it snares”. The Church got rich because Priests had no children to leave their acquired wealth to so leave it to the church. You know that “bartering system” where you trade real wealth for the hope of a better hereafter” Of course you know a huckster on the street can’t be as hard up as he constantly claims to be; he just wants to make a quick sale- just as Gene Scott wasn’t “some poor desperate guy who needed our compassion and prayers”. He was a rich and getting richer guy laughing his ass off all the way to the bank. You know- - it is said that gay marriage won’t even be an issue with the generation following mine. If that’s true it means marriage will cease to be a “religious” act where God or scripture or covenants are involved in any way. Really President Ford’s passing is saying good-bye to an American era. The times they are a changing. There is a real chance that the republicans may go for Rudy-baby even if he is pro gay, anti guns, pro abortion and pro immigration. After all he’s not running for President as we know him but for Dictator. It’s this sort of fascist regime that Juliani wants to install that these right-wingers are looking forward to. You know, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter this country had never, and I repeat never elected a liberal Democrat on foreign policy. The last time we got close in 1968 the decision was made for us with an assassin’s bullet. The same thing might well occur again with Berock Obama. I’m just saying that the odds of a Hillary – Juliani contest are much higher than I might like to see. The republicans will go “left” if you call Musselini “left” and the democrats will swing right with fork-tongued Hillary Clinton. Let’s face it. Edwards is just too sincere to be President. If sincerity was a sinner he would have won four years ago. Like it or not we may still be a conservative nation despite the best Air
Again they are saying in