Monday, March 31, 2008
Hail to the World's Crusaders
Now we have these grandiose and yet vague plans to vastly expand the powers of the Federal Reserve and to eliminate the securety & exchange comission and combine it with other groups and somehow exert new governmental powers over the financial system. I can't say these expanded powers are entirely unexpected in light of some of my prior predictions. I have predicted that the government would perceive an "economic crisis" and apparently they are more worried about the course of this economy than they are letting on. Having said this I am not confident they are willing to "fix" our economic woes by their planned machinations. We have a system already that would never occur in "nature". You know in nature they say that anything that tastes sweet is not poisonous. If this is so what do they do about etheline glycol, which they put in Mouth Wash in China? The Feds have allowed a system to exist now where we have negative interest rates, even if not for the ordenary person. What this means is that some banks are charged LESS in interest rates to borrow money than the pervailing inflation rates and so they can "sit" on money they borrow and take out of circulation, and they will become richer just for holding on to this money lent to them by the Feds. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to see how this could easily lead to speculative and irresponsible borrowing.
Apparently, according to Sixty Minutes, the Red Sox baseball team has hired a "numbers wonk". I first heard the word "wonk" on a Ron Hubbard recording. The new position that opened up was apparently is for some baseball number statistics freak, who comes up with new ways for the Red Sox to win games based on statistics, such as how batters who get a lot of base on balls should be rewarded because they wear out the pitcher. Perhaps the two World Series victories by the Red Sox in recent years are because of this new Manager, who has had this number statistics hobby for some thirty years. But according to the Federation, the Red Sox were able to shake their 86 year "Curse of the Bambino", Babe Ruth, because Nicholas is the reincarnation of Babe Ruth and "The Bambino" is one of the nick names for Nicholas among the Federation. There characterization of him is like an outtake from a Simpsons cartoon, where this little kid bambino (son of Sideshow Bob) goes around with a knife crying "Vendetta- - Vendetta" The rap in 2004 was that Nicholas' father was originally from Boston and that he convinced Nicholas to lift the curse on the Red Sox. Of course it's an Alcyonne or Plides curse. This is where the concept of the circle comes in. Normally curses and bad karma just goes off into space and is dissapated. But when cosmic space becomes curved it forms a circle. Therefore the transgression just comes around and comes around again in a recursive circle. It's running off a computer program with a recursion loop in it. The Pliades also controle other things such as the Mafia (notibly in Chicago) as well as many psychic revelations and theology such as Gene Dixon and Ruth Montgomary, and also regulates much Demonic activity, and also is the guardian force behind Scientology. So now you know. I can't help but think we need some sort of a numbers "wonk" in Christianity. Someone should look at the statistics of sermons and prayers and repentance and all and come up with some "system" to make Christianity work better.
Al Gore is a celebrity, there is no doubt about that. He's won the Nobel Peace Prize, and he won an Oscar for his movie "An inconvenient truth" based on his book "Earth in the Balance". Now Gore has to defend against charges his home that he bought wasn't "ecological" but they explained that he was retrofitting the house with insilation and solar pannels and stuff. Now we have a whole other gigantic section of "the western ice sheet" falling into the sea on the continent of Antarctica. At least President Mc Cain will be on board with all of this Save the Planet stuff. Gore let it slip that he still has unresolved feelings about those Five Justices on the Supreme Court who stole the election from in 2000. Gores lips are sealed on his presidential pick.
You've heard how the mafia has talked about "Making people Disappear". Of course Drive radio had 1975 on the show today and Jimmy Hoffa's name came up. Sixty Minutes last night had one of the most disturbing episodes I've ever seen. It's about this German guy who about ten years ago decided to take a Turkish wife, whose religion was Islam, and so that he did not feel completely isolated decided he better learn to pray and do other Islanic things properly. And she said the best way to learn these things was to go in a pilgramage to Pakistan. Unfortunately this was right after 9 - 11 and if the German guy had it to do over again he might have chosen differently. A bunch of Islamic pilgrims were on a train or whatever and they were stopped at a government inspection post. The guys were paid thugs by the US government who hired them to finger terrorist suspects. The man was singled out because of his light skin. He was flown to Afghanistan to be tortured with a form of water-boarding where his head is stuck under water while being punched in the stomach so he has to inhale water. He was also strung up from an airplane hanger roof for periods of six hours in freezing weather. Occasionally a doctor would examine him to see if his body could stand the strain, then they'd hoist him back up. Then he was moved to Guantanamo prison. Here he was subject to isolation cells for a month and extremes of heat and cold, where they had powerful air conditioning systems used. Finally in 2004 or something he was allowed to see an attorney and present his case publicly to the populace. There were reports by the FBI and the CIA saying they believed he was innocent, but here was a man who fell into the cracks into the netherworld of the US prison system. Of course Rush Limbaugh probably hates the fact that he got an attorney, or else he'd still be in prison today. The man was freed as part of a deal a German leader made with George Bush, but the man is still considered an dangerous enemy combatent and cannot travel to the United States, not that he would want to. No wonder Michelle Obama says she is ashamed of America. This man isn't the only one, but his story is part of a vast pattern about how the United States government deals with people they don't like and want them "Disappeared" never to be seen again. Rush Limbaugh should know how his government operates.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Second TV Season

The second TV season is now under day. These days they try and bring back shows that have been buried or gone off the air mysteriously. Some good shows go off the air forever like “Alley Mc Beale”, where people were commenting that they were right in the middle of a major plot and the show just was dropped with no reruns or anything. There are shows like ‘Jesse” with Christina Applegate, or that comedy with Brook Shields in it, that didn’t last long. Now they say there will be new episodes of “Bones”, and “Hell’s Kitchen” is coming back. What we need now is some new spring time fad like streaking was. Something to take our mind off of the elections for the next five months. May I suggest some new shows they haven’t thought of. Leo Le Port should go back on prime time TV doing a computer show. Television would greately help out a computer show because you could actually view the screen. What they need is a teaching show to teach people tricks and tips on the most popular software. Most importantly they should tell you how to operate things when they DON’T go wrong. You shouldn’t assume every case is a one in a million thing where nothing works. Personally I could go for iconoclastic shows, shows that attack cherished beliefs and institutions and provide that all important “Political Balance”. They could do a show on gay people called “What they’re really like” where the two leading characters are nerdy geeks with bad hygene and do all the stereotypical things you associate with gays. They constantly engage in crude suggestive conversation about everybody. They are constantly propositioning people, and when people call them names you’re rooting for their taunters. And they have flashbacks on how they became by and how they blew perfect opportunities to go out with the prettiest girl on campus all because of their gayness, and how they constantly day dream pedophiliac fantasies. You could have a show called “Salem PD”, which is a take off on how the Salem PD on the soap opera never seems to catch the bad guy. Every sting is foiled by an inside mole in the department, and the criminals are constantly getting the better of them and even so Abe always says “You need to go by the book” even if “the book” is an ass. You could have a new version of “Prison Break” where the bad guys don’t get caught or fight among themselves. You could make it political like have a cause like de-criminalize all drugs and you could have the first escapees organizing break-outs in prisons all around the country. You could always have another “President” series. What ever happened to that show with a woman president? How about a Jehovah’s Witness president, who refused to salute the flag? That would be a fascinating campaign to show. How about a show about a person like myself who winds up in a board and care facility? The question is what to name it. There are euphamisums such as “Happy Haven” or “Golden Twilight” or something really pretentious such as “Gothen Manner”. Or perhaps a Spanish theme such as “New Barcelona” or “Casa Del Sol” or something generic like “
I would like once again to attack this Dennis Prager belief that genetics don’t mean a thing. More and more children who were conceived in a test tube or what not want to know their origins to know if they have any diseases they or their children need to be concerned about inheriting. I really think we need to work on offspring’s rights laws and how jacking off into a test tube doesn’t give you infallibility or anonymity. Of course you could have two people who want to get married who are really half sister and brother or something. This plea for “privacy” is a bogus one. If you put a trash baggie out on the street and someone looks in it and sees a computer or other substance you aren’t supposed to be throwing out, you are accountable. And yet these people see their own egg and sperm as trash receptacles where they don’t have to face consequences.
George Will says that he doesn’t like his children using the term “fairness”. I’ll tell you who loves that ruling; the one of his kids who is a natural bully. He loves it that he gets a “pass”. Meanwhile the other kids learn that raw power is everything and that laws and justice don’t mean squat. Oh well, they’re his kids. The "bottom line" on this whole "fairness" rap of George Will is that he wants Hillary to be the Democratic nominee, and for her to lose in November.
There is talk about raising the driving age to eighteen, since none of the high schools apparently offer Drivers Education any more. There is this trend to delay the maturation of our teenagers. It starts when kids are taught “self esteem” rather than academic performance. These echo boomers Demand a good paying job and not to have to work for it. Apparently you don’t dare slight or criticize them or else dire things will happen like you’ll be sued or something for violating their self esteem. There are those who say you shouldn’t marry till ate 25 and shouldn’t have sex till you’re married. The parents buy their kids cell phones that are expensive to use, and them keep their kids on a really short tether. And when I was a kid I don’t think we were as obsessed with these kiddy shows like sponge Bob square pants or whoever. I can’t think of any age I was at the past where I would have been comfortable watching a show like “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood”. I know Dennis Prager is one of these people who wants to delay the maturation of kids for as long as possible. In the job market I’m sure they regard people over fifty as Yesterday’s News and they are the “beautiful people” of the future. Often they use religion as an updated version of Disney for a hope of fulfillment of all their fantasies. Pretty soon it’s going to be rough for teenagers when we take their internet out of their lives, and deny them the junk food they crave, and tell them sex is for marriage. Tomorrow’s teenagers will long to be able to commit the sins of their parents.