Sunday, August 04, 2019

Twin Mass Shootings Hit U S

It's as of America were in the climactic throes of some horrible disease of violence and hatred.  Last Sunday it was a mass shooting at the Garlic festival in Gilroy.  Yesterday at 10:39 there was a call of an active shooter at a Wall Mart in El Paso in the Mexican district only a few blocks away from the border.  This shooter just turned 21 and he put a manifesto on line a few minutes before the shooting and they wanted to make sure it was genuine.  It is, and the guy admitted that his mission is to shoot as many Mexicans as he could.  He gave up without a fight and no shots were exchanged with the police.  He was taken alive.  He killed twenty people and put 26 in the hospital meaning that 46 people were hit from his AK 47.   Patrick Crusius is from Allan, Texas near Dallas and it’s 600 miles away.  He had to plan for this shooting.  Yesterday afternoon they had Governor Abbot and the major and the chief of police in a major press conference where they were still non-committal.  Nobody wants to hear what the president has to say.  He’s the one who created a climate in which this violence can occur.   Then this morning there were reports in the morning news of a second shooting.  This one was in the entertainment district of Dayton, Ohio.  There are a lot of theaters, bars and restaurants and nine people were killed in this mass shooting.  27 people were injured.  The cops only took a minute to respond to this shooting and the guy was shot dead.  That’s the expeditious way to solve a problem.  This guy was wearing body armor and had extra magazines of amo with him.  This guy was ready for a protracted fight and if the cops hadn’t taken him out when they did, he would have killed a whole lot more people.  Strangely the news has tended to focus on the El Paso shooting, but the press conference they just had on Leo Laporte was on the Dayton shooting.  The funny thing is that early last evening I prayed a prayer to God “and if anybody else is preparing to do a mass shooting like around here or something I pray that they decide not to do it”.  Should I now thank God for keeping me safe?  Two things pop out at me.  The one line of course is, “Well it’s too soon to start being political and talking about gun bills.  Wait till things settle down a few weeks”.  The problem here is this was the 250th mass shooting we’ve had this year and there is just no time for things to “settle down”.   The other, and I expect Paul and Judy to use this line, is the line about “Well you can’t blame trump or anything; this is just another sign that we are in the ”End Times” and as such is to be expected.   That free pass card God has been using for forty years has long expired.  You can’t use that “end times” crap as an excuse any more.  We have all grown old waiting for the “end times” to be resolved.  I’ve heard this line since I was in my twenties and I’m an old man now.  Hopefully Joe Biden will be elected president next year.  We need a man of calm disposition to tranqualize the American public with soothing words. 

Theologically we are to assume as students that everything a theology teacher says we can believe with an unshakable certainty.  Therefore when said teacher says that Jesus died for our sins volentarily and said teacher says that Christ was always omnicient then we can believe that.  Since Jesus was God he was always superior to us and knows more than we do at any given time.  Then how come some preachers say that Jesus had to "trust God for the promise of a resurrection" as though it weren't a certainty.  It's like Stephan signing all his property to his wife right after they get married "trusting in her" that said arrangement is only "temporary" and done for a legal manuver.   I bring this up because in Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus has his hour of doubt before going to the cross not being sure that it's the will of God.  This is a theological impossability.   We also know from theology school that if God never created a thing- - not the universe or stars or us- - then his worth would not diminish one but.  God is also omni-value, if you will, in addition to all of the other omnis God has.  Therefore why would God "sacrifice" his son to die for the sins of people who if they never existed, God's glory would not be subtracted one bit?   I have one more for you.  This odious "agregate worth" doctrine.  This is like the U S economy.  The agribate worth of the economy is constantly rising because of all of the rich people in the world throwing off the economic indicators with their near infinite worth.  Meanwhile us peons out here remain poor.  It's like this Simpson's episode where there was this baseball team full of duds.  But also Daryl Strawberry was on the team.  Every time he gets up to bat he hits a home run.  If you were to acquire that team you would be doing it to get Daryl Strawberry.  The others would quickly discard.  So it is when scripture says that God so lover the world that he sent his only son into the world that whoever believes in him should not die but have everlasting life.  Chuck Smith puts it this way.  Sure God loved the world in the agragate but it loved it because of the treasure in it.  Jesus died for the treasure in the world, which may not include you and me but only those "elect" fundamentalists, who are sure of who they are.  They think they are perfect it.  If these people were ever to ask for forgiveness from you your response should be to tell them "Well I would forgive you, but it's awfully hard to forgive someone who thinks they are already perfect".  (Selah)  It is said that there are no moral requirements to becoming a Born Again Christian.  But if we don't have the required "Faith" we are "Baad!" and therefor for this reason to be condemned as not worthy- - - because we "rejected" God.  Christians love to talk a lot about rejection they have suffered.  And yet as Trump conservatives they are busily REJECTING the majority of Americans who "in the agrigate" are not necessarly white or married or over 35 or Bible Thumping Gun Toting red blooded Americans from the heartland.  Pardon me if I said the same thing in the previous posting.  Did it ever occur to these people that "building up your faith muscles" so you can "believe God for more" is not in the Bible?   Being counted WORTHY not for your deeds but rather what you have been GIVEN is not my idea of true morality or virtue.  As soon as you can get the stench of Trump off of religion, I might we willing to take a second look at it sometime.  

Friday, August 02, 2019

How to Best Get Rid of Trump

Well, there are people that no natter what Trump does as president will stick steadfastly to him and my brother is one of these.  No matter how he alligns himself with white nationalists and racists or how many offensive tweets or how many eastern cities he bashes, they will say that to criticize Trump in any way is to disrespect the president of the United States.  I'm still a little stunned when I hear these words from someone but it's how vast millions of people in America's heartland apparently feel.  We are told that the forty percent of the people who are white and married and over 35 and Protestant Bible thumping gun toting Americans will vote for him because Donald Trump willl somehow find a way due to election manipulation to stretch that 40% into a majority just like he did last time.  Don't these people find it strange that there is not one word Trump has uttered that indicates that he does NOT want Russia's help in the next election and in fact is counting on it.  Then we have Moscow Mitch, who killed the voting reform measure in the senate last week.  This whole bill is just some "conspiracy by democrats" to somehow ruin things for next year. 

I didn't see Tuesday's debate because they gave it poor publicity.  I know of two other left leaning people that somehow couldn't find it either.  My internet was out for Monday and Tuesday myself so I didn't have a chance of seeing it.  But we learned from it that Sanders and Warren did well.  We come to Wednesday''s debate and that one lasted two and a half hours, which is too long.  What stick out in the first debate was the four moderate democrats there.  What stuck out in the second night was that the thing was quite left leaning.  But no matter how far left the party leans anything is better than reelecting Trump for another four years.  Most of us can agree on that.   People want to eliminate all fossel fuel sources in ten years and also have free health care for illegal aliens just over here from the border.  They want to de-criminalize crossing the border.  Apparently we want to re-institute nation-wide bussing and one congresswoman wants us to kissy up to Assad of Syria.  I guess what I want to know is what happened to the political center or even a little left of center.  Joe Biden is looking better and better as a candidate with each passing day as the one most sure to win.  A lot of Democrats can beat Trump in the polls now but election day will be another matter, as we have all lived through in 2016.  You need at LEAST a ten point lead in the polls now to have a chance at an electoral victory on election day next year.   Joe Biden is the strongest candidate in the rust belt, the Great Lakes region where we apparently need the electoral votes the most.  Of course it will be a Gerentocracy no matter who wins with both candidates well into their seventies on election day.  Here is some other stuff I guess I'll paste over from earlier this week.

But to my delight the internet was working normally and I didn’t even have to reboot the modem.  I watched “Democracy Now”.  Also to my liking they covered the debate last night.  Bernie Sanders seems to have gotten his second wind and won the debate.  They said there were four conservatives on last night.  There was Hickenluper of Colorado and the Montana governor and Delany and one other person.  Budajudge made some intelligent comments.  They were talking about immigration a lot.  I wasn’t that impressed with Elizabeth Warren.  Then it was Stephanie Miller.  She also talked about the debate.  I had her on till she went off the air at nine.  I got my medication at the window just before breakfast, and I got my patch.  We had Raison Bran and I had sugar to put on it.   Also before breakfast at six or so I talked to Millie who wanted me to go and get coffee for her and offered to buy me a cup.  I was happy to get a cup.  I bought mine and her cup at the bakery and paid out of that twenty she gave me and fixed hers the way she likes it. 

.   I watched all of the opening statements, of course.  Joe Biden spoke in more simple terms than many of the others to relate to the average America.  Harris spoke in rather complex terms all evening.  I think her description of her health care plan was near incomprehensible.   Joe Biden just wanted to extend and fix Obama Care and add a public option.  The field was rather left wing.  Joe Biden was attacked because he supported the crime bill of 1994.  He can’t help it if Black people commit crimes.   He drew the same criticism with Camille Harris and her stint as California Attorney General.  Biden was attacked because of his stand on bussing and also his voting for the Iraq War in 2003.  We all wanted Saddam Hussein out of leadership.  We accomplished that quickly.  There were people who said it was too late to do anything about climate change and we should all just move to higher ground.  Joe Biden’s plan was aggressive but fell short of the pipe dreams of those who want to end all fossle fuel usage in ten years.  Mayo continued to be around outside and she waited for Phyllis to show up after eight and then she waited longer for Phyllis to leave and return with cat food.  There was basically nothing on TV.   I watched some of Chef Ramsey and various cakes that people were presenting that varied widely in quality.

.  I forgot that the Talosian episode on Star Trek featured the desire of Captain Pike to return to his body as a young man.  If God let us return to the bodies of our younger selves I could pick a random date like August 1st of 1972.  Tim and Paul were both still living at home and all three grandparents were still alive.  Better still Becky Daniels was still around.   The Sheffields had not moved yet, which I guess meant that Willis was still around.   I’ve thought about it and any favor of God that didn’t involve my being drastically younger than I am now- - would be a favor in vain.   Right now I think I’m clinically depressed.  I’ve lost the ability to enjoy life.   “God” would be a better source of pleasure than some Talosian because his knowledge of our desires is infinite. 

I guess that's enough for right now.  I hope to pick up the blogging pace.