Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Trump Beats Biden in Head to Head Debate

First let's talk about the death  of Justice Ginsburg last week.  This is a major crisis for liberalism and it looks as though it's one they can't win.  The democrats cant filibustter like they could in the old days before Mc Connell changed the rules.   We are going to have to learn to live with a six judge majority of conservatives.  I know I should have written last week but I'm lazy.  The only remedy lies if the US senate goes democratic and they decided to expand the number of justices to thirteen.  There's a fat chance of that.  In the old days in the nineteenth century they would manipulate the number of supreme court justices all the time for political reasons.  You can't get away with that today.  But lucky for the democrats there is one thing you still can't get away with and that's saying flat out you want to overturn Roe verses Wade.  That won't fly in any election and for Trump to be tied with that line would spell his political doom.  You have to learn to speak in code now just like they do with race.  George Wallace would have trouble winning an election today.  But maybe I should take that back.  President Trump refuses to condemn racist groups even today so indeed overt racism has come back in fashion.  But there is a really strong women's lobby out there and they will band together and fight any outright overturning of Roe verses Wade.  I think Biden should have stressed this more last night.

Joe Biden was a disappointment in last night’s debate.  I feel Trump one the debate because he was a slick, practiced liar and he performed well and appeared at ease with all of the lies he told.  Biden appeared reluctant to really take on trump and went out of his way to appear relaxed to the point of apathy.   He wasn’t at all like he was with Paul Ryan back in 2012.  Any Joe Blow watching the debate would say Trump won the debate easily because he made all of these so called “factual points” that weren’t fact at all.  Chris Wallace of FOX moderated the debate and he was pretty good at getting things back on topic once they strayed.  Trump interrupted more than Biden.  This got criticism from the media.  The thing was divided into six topics of the day including crime in the city and how Trump feels about right wing hate groups.  I don’t think Biden was strident enough in saying what a disaster it would be for women ia six conservatives were on the bench.  The Corona virus was discussed.  Biden said more jobs will be shipped to Mexico because of the latest Nafta reform bill.  But at ten to seven I left to get my medication.  I had a conversation with Bernadette about whether Ambien is the best sleeping medication to take.  I really don’t think it is and I seem to do just about as well without it, which isn’t that good.  I no sooner returned here than I got a case of the runs.  My diaria returned after three days of my thinking I was home free, and as you know I can’t get it.  The debate ran from six o clock to twenty to eight.  There was the usual commentary afterward.  I learned almost nothing new from this debate.  I thought there would be fireworks where Biden put Trump on the defensive all of the time.  That didn’t happen.  Trump wasn’t defensive at all.  There was the usual commentary after the debate.  I watched on channel two. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Trump's Fresh Smoking Gun


This is Friday September 11, 2020 and we have a new presidential blunder to talk about.  President Trump deliberately misled the American people as to the COVID 19 virus just as President Bush failed to warn us that 9 – 11 was coming.  Bob Woodward has a new book out that’s the smoking gun of this campaign.  It will insure that people who may have had a shred of anticipation to vote for Trump will not now because of what happened in January.  As you know President Trump received repeated warnings about the Corona virus.  He ignored them all.  But privately he was telling people that it was a really dangerous virus and we should do something.  But publicly he was almost calling it a hoax or some Democratic plot to steal the election.  This is worse than mere duplicity and hypocracy;  it is putting 190 thousand lives in danger needless.  These deaths are on the president’s hands.  He had the power in January to take the bull by the horns and deal with  this virus like they did in China but he chose to do nothing.  Worse yet he diswaded people who wanted to take needed action and blocked and discouraged them at every turn.  He discouraged the wearing of masks.  He talked about churches being packed out at Easter time.  In his own rallies he put his own people at risk by the failure to practice social distancing or the wearing of masks.  Joe Biden is really going to pillary Trump on the first debate.  I haven’t heard when any of the debates are.  Trump may want to cancel.  How can he face Vice President Biden now?

.  Ever since Trump’s impeachment hearings there have been fresh instances of evidence coming in that by themselves would constitute grounds for impeachment.  This failure to warn about COVID 19 is an instance where millions of lives were put needlessly at risk because the president used the power and presteige of his office to block needed action.  Of course congress will be leaving on their campaign tour before that many more weeks so they won't be able to do anything.  I guess you could say Justice Ginspurgh made it through the crisis period without dying.  If she dies now the democrats are safe because they will be off campaigning for their jobs.  Obviously bringing fresh impeachment charges now is out of the question but "It's the thought that counts".  Won't it be nice when Trump is defeated this November third and Biden is finally President?  We won't have to hear these endless tweets of President Trump.  We thought that time would arrive four years ago but it didn't.  But it's going to arrive now.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

So When Is the Political Campaign Going to Start?

OK here we go after a month.  We've obviously set a record for length of time not having done a blogger entry since 2006.  So the question remains, "Has the political campaign begun yet?"   We had the democratic and then the Republican convention weeks.  They were definitely different, particularly the Democratic one.  I found myself dozing off but this could have been because they were experimenting with my medication and things still aren't resolved in that department.  I don't know how many face to face debates Trump and Biden will have.  Usually they do three, don't they?  And they do one with the vice presidential candidates.  This should prove to be the most interesting of all because Pence and Harris are so dramatically different in every way imaginable.   We shall see.  I would just like things to get back to normal a little.  I've always looked forward to political campaign years.  They cut the thing off in March this year and I still haven't entirely gotten over that one.  First there were ten candidates and before you know it there is just one everyone is expected to rally around.  Actually Biden has done a pretty good job as standard bearer.  He has been strident and forceful in the few times we have seen him on the media, which has been precious little.   The Corona virus doesn't dominate the media as much as it did in the spring.  Other things like a hundred days of protests in Portland and all of these California fires are back, along with a hundred and ten plus degree heat wave in this metropolitan area.  But even at that I think Biden is uinder-represented in the media and I would definitely like to hear and see more of him.

We are still under quarantine around here even after five and a half months.  I laughed when someone said it would be the first of November that we would be free to leave.  I've actually slipped out twice illegally and I don't believe I was caught or observed either time.  But I don't think it's wise to press my luck.  But the supply of cigarettes is rather dubious with the person in charge of selling cigarettes.  I've also had two dentist appointments and two trips to the bank.  One was just last week.  The other was in April.  I need to see an eye doctor.  My cateract, if I have  one, isn't getting any better.