Monday, April 27, 2009

Clean Coal - Right Here, Right Now

The big issue of the day, and the one they led Sixty Minutes off with, is one I’ve been avoiding in my writings because I’ve had no position on the subject, and that is the pet issues of both Obama and Mc Cain in the presidential campaign, Clean Coal. Both candidates were heartily for Clean Coal. Some would say it’s an oxy-moronism, and I’d have thought so too but apparently they’ve had the technology since the 1980’s to “sequester” the carbon from the coal and return it to the ground in liquid form. Don’t ask me how. Others have said that this is an excellent way to increase oil yields on oil rigs. That’s another reason for doing it. What is clear to me now that clean up coal may be our only salvation because it appears an impossibility for the United States to get off coal as a fuel for electric power plants. It’s abundant and there is no good substitute in the massive qualities we’ll be needing for energy in the future. Keep in mind that India and China have really stepped up their construction of new coal fired plants. So we will have to share this technology with those nations as soon as we get it into wide-spread production. Some have said that the 2050 guidepost is way too optimistic, and that if we haven’t cleaned up our coal in twenty years we are pretty much toast, as far as global warming is concerned. New evidence is manifesting every day that global warming is accelerating. And keep in mind that sometimes global warming can result in dramatic cooling and if the gulf stream conveyer belt is shut down by Greenland’s melting ice then this could through Europe into a near ice age, impacting the lives of hundreds of millions of people. I think President Obama does well to speak out on this clean coal issue. It’s kind of like condoms in the schools. You might call that an “oxy-moronism” too, but you would be whistling in the dark. You have an ongoing problem. And the sooner a person can come up with a solution to it, the better. Saying “the problem shouldn’t exist” or saying that “we shouldn’t have any coal-fired plants at all” is rather pointless, because India and China are building them regardless. Especially if we’re going to be driving more hybrid cars we’ll be needing more and not less electric power. Some say that modifying these plants- - all that infrastructure- - will be expensive. My response is at least we know what we’ll be doing. With “cold fusion” we are dabbling in ignorance and nobody has a clue when of if there will ever be a workable model. Some have talked about getting ethanol from switch grass, because it grows naturally and unlike a farm product can be harvested with a minimum of energy expenditure for ethanol 85. This is one area where former President Bush was actually making sense and I wish he would have said more about it. But too many people were mocking him. Some figures peg production of hydrogen for fuel at an energy cost of anywhere from 65% to 115% of total output. In other words, output could be LESS than input. This won’t work. We need to go with a solution that is doable and doable right now. Our first priority is to get off of our addiction to foreign oil. If we don’t do that first we’re nowhere. All these other forms of energy may have potential but if we can’t get production rolling NOW then what’s the point? Now is when we need the energy and the “green” stuff can follow later.

Obama’s first hundred days have now come to pass. People refer it to chapter one of an eventful Presidency. The US is trying to take a more flexible stance with certain nations. Thom Hartman said the reason why the Taliban is not popular in Indonesia is that that area has no US presence to taint public opinion against us, so that the secular parties are gaining there. Secular parties appear to be gaining also in Pakistan as that government appears to be becoming more cooperative in eradicating the Taliban at long last. I think this is what Richard and Phyllis were discussing is the fact that we are giving Pakistan money. Women don’t want to go behind the veil or lose their rights. In terms of this idea that Obama has criticized the US for being a presumptuous nation or something last night Joe Biden defended the remark. I guess in the world of diplomacy it isn’t sheik to apologize for just anything without their being a compelling reason. And there is the handshake seen round the world between President Obama and Hugh Chavez. Biden defended that, too. As long as I took a copy of Chavez’ book, I guess I would read it, unless it really is in Spanish. Of course the whole thing with Piracy isn’t going away.

Bill Handel says there will be a hundred outbreaks of the Swine flu by this time tomorrow and hiss figure for the US was forty. I had heard much less. People say that this viral composit of swine and bird and human DNA flu may have “mutated down” so that it doesn’t kill everybody it comes in contact with. If you want to impute intelligence to the evolution process perhaps the virus knows that its best chance of survival is to produce less lethal symptoms. Some have speculated how a sudden pandemic might impact the “economic recovery process” that we are now in.

Last night it was ABC network news and “At the Movies” and then Sixty Minutes, where Joe Biden got his own segment. We need to be reminded of the depth and compassion of the man and his forthright remarks. It’s the sort of thing a wishy-washy man like the President needs to hear on frequent occasions. I continue to think it’s a good thing Obama chose Biden over all the other possible candidates.

OK this is extra credit material. Chapter 14 of the I Ching opens “The sun shines in the heavens and all things around become manifest”. So it is with the aspirations of the Orion Federation. The dark line in fifth place stands for the fifth dimension. The things that lie herein are not made manifest. It is believed that “The Solar Federation” reference in “2112” refers to the moment of triumph. Victor Kiriacus today said that the Greaks, such as the Spartans, were victorious because they “never stopped fighting”. This was the key to the North Vietnamese’ success in 1975. I want to talk a little about the seven dimensions. The Pyramid as a geometric form has some interesting qualities. Your average cube has eight points and six sides. The Pyramid reverses that having six points and eight sides. Each point represents a dimension. The eight sides may well stands for the eight triagram elements in the I Ching. Heaven is contrasted with Earth, Thunder is contrasted with wood, the Mountain is contrasted with the Lake, and fire is contrasted with water. Each side of a pyramid is a triangle consisting of three corners representing the three elements of the triagram. The vertical height angle is something I figured out in Excel in 2005 and it’s 54.735 degrees vertical ascent. The edges of which would each have double this number of degrees. A circle would fit around all six points of a pyramid. The people of the Federation profess to live in the Telestial realm. This word means distance, but more to the point means distant-up-close, such as in telescope, television, or telephone. People are what they are largely because of engrams. Like bacteria, you really cant survive without them and only a few of them are bad. We thus depart company with Scientology on this issue. Pre-borns derive their engrams from previous lives. Concurrent lives, or lives that overlap into current time are considered completely within the realm of possibility. Life is seen as an endless chess game or football game, where there are more than two players and the interactions are bound only by geometric laws and the illusion of free will. To say that free will is but an illusion is not to negate the other over-riding axiom “never stop fighting”. Psychic aware is by no means an appeal to some occult supernatural source. To be “occulted” by a supernatural power is to be in it’s shadow, the light of which is your goal. The shape of the shadow determines the shape of the challenges you need to overcome. The sixth dimension is rather a natural process. Clairvoyance, precognition and telepathy are natural processes and are merely awareness of the things that are. Most likely a person so enlightened would not “stumble through life”. Were one to stumble now it would be his own volitional affair. Engram errors are to be overcome naturally. Volitional transgressions must be forgiven by the one who is transgressed against, or they shall remain unforgiven. To be aware is to be alive. To not be aware is not to be fully alive. Religion forces death upon those who would not choose it, were it up to their own volition. (Selah)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

We Interrupt This Program - - - "

Sometimes the direct approach works the best. On this soap opera I'm watching now Victor Kiriacus just had the experiance of seeing his son shot right through the heart. How he didn't die is one of those soap opera meracles. Now Philip is clinging to life. The evil Di Mira family that had him gunned down accused him of killing another member of the Di Mira family, but in that case it was an accident, pure and simple - - with perhaps - - a few extenuating circumstances. Victor Kiriacus wants blood, and I don't see any reason why he shouldn't get it. Sometimes you need to take the direct approach when nothing else works. Back here in real life Friday I was listening to Sean Hannity going on a rant about how President Obama is showing weakness in wanting to open Cuba up to travel and being cozy with Venezuela and how he wants to turn the nation into a socialist country and how he wants to tarnish the image of our boys in uniform by prosecuting members of the Bush Adminestration for war crimes. I found myself wishing "If it were only true that Obama is really shaking things up". Pat Buchannon says that George Bush and the rest of them like Chaney and Gonsolez and Rumsfeld could be prosecuted. But soon I had had enough of Hannity. I just couldn't listen to him any more. His audience has the emotional maturity of an emotionally immature twelve year old. In fact Hannity's audience is similar in makeup to the sort of minds Louis Monteith, Bible teacher, used to appeal to with his little groupies singing their simplistic little songs like "Smile sweet sister till you send Satan sadly away". Can anybody tell me what the hell that's supposed to mean?

You know back in this period of 1970 I was wrestling with labels people were placing on me. Six or seven weeks earlier I found out that I had been labeled Scitzophrenic by an agency of the State, and I did not take kindly to the treacherous way in which it was done. On tape in my own commentary I spoke of "When I go for my pre induction physical on April 23rd. I'll be able to have it out with the Army psychiatrists and make them tell me that I'm not insane". But when that fateful Thursday finally arrived- - the day came and went and nothing was resolved. I remember that Saturday our dad packed off two cats that were hanging around our house to the pound. I remember looking forward to group therapy that Monday. I had a lot I wanted to tell those people. But then I learned at the last minute the meeting was cancled. I didn't take too kindly to that. I can't say that my mental state improved any in the next few days. Finally things came to a head when- - - (someone turned off my microphone- - wait I'm not done yet)
- - - - - - - - -

We now interrupt this filler material to get back to tonight’s feature presentation, which was delayed due to getting the projector up and running. - - - The subject lay on a cot in a small room. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and appeared not to know where he was. He heard voices outside. (outside camera view) The hall was filled with medical looking personell and some of them had clip boards and were gesturing and pointing at the subjects room. Meanwhile the subject was trying to peace his reality together. He went for the door to open it but it was locked. He thought of attracting attention and getting help but then a highly disturbing thought entered his mind. What if he were a prisoner of war being detained by the government. He didn’t find the fact that the people were speaking English at all confortable. He had read all the articles about government torture. What if this were another Abo-grave? Perhaps he should savor this moment of solitude. Perhaps when they do come in it might be to water-board him or apply some other unpleasantness. After a short while the door opened. “You’re ready for the final phase of your processing before you start work”. “Work?” he thought, even more confused. He asks them, “Why was that door locked? I got a little freaked. “That is for your protection. You don’t have your supernatural protection shield yet and on this past night you were particularly vulnerable. The subject asks, “Just what or who am I to be working for?” The medical personnel looked at each other and muttered something about “the usual amnesia that often happens at this time”. One speaks. “Well, to put it in terms you might understand, you are what you might call an angel”. “Angel? Am I in heaven??” “Of course not. You’re in Washington DC”. The subject kind of takes in a deep breath, smelling that antiseptic smell and looks all around. “Oh- - that’s interesting”. He was thinking to himself, “If I had doubts about my mental sanity before- -well now I know. I’m suffering from delusions of grandure in a dream that I can’t wish my way out of”. Then he was told, “You’re to help prevent the next assasenation attempt of the President of the United States? He says, “Next? Just how many assasenation attempts have their been?” “This one is the fourth” “Well- - - (fishing for an appropriate line) - - sounds like you’ve got yourself a real loser. Just what is this unlucky suckers name?” “You wouldn’t know him. His name is Berock Obama. “But I do know who he is. But he just came to power in my world. I don’t know what he may do in the future to- - “ “Do you know what date this is?” “Uh- - (for some reason he felt momentarily unable to tackle the question but then composes himself) - - I think it should be something like late April of 2009.” “It’s April 27th 2009” “April 27th, huh. I once knew a guy who had a birthday that day”. “Perhaps you can send him a card” Another of the personnel speaks. “All levity aside, we do need to find out how much you remember about your life. Do you remember how you died?” “Well, that’s going to be pretty hard considering that my last memory is of when I was still living”. “You died on June first of 2001”. “That date? I remember” “You had a lethal amount of alcohol in your system and there were four half pint bottles of Cisco cooler on the table as if you had just drunk then, along with quite a bit of Serax in your blood”. “No, that can’t be right. I remember making the decision to deliberately not drink that evening because I’d already had two bottles earlier in the afternoon. And I never touched the Serax. Besides, I think they were pleceboes. There didn’t seem to be any point”. “They were definitely real. You proved that when you were brought to West Anaheim hospital. “I’m surprised I was found so quickly. I would often go days without a visitor”. “Your land lady knocked on your door because she needed to have the rent right away but the door fell open and you were sprawled on the floor, perhaps reaching for the door”. “Hey (changing the subject rapidly) How about those democrats. Even in your world they found a way to defeat George Bush”. One of the attendants spoke, “Yeah, thanks to the Supreme Court.” “Wait a minute (his head was spinning) – run that by me again - - the supreme court - -elected a democrat? - In 2004 or something”. “No, in 2000”. The subject became bolder speaking up. “OK - -now I HAVE you. Because George Bush was elected in 2001 and I know because I was alive and I remember it. In fact, I was really happy about it at the time”. “You probably remember what you want to remember. Just like your denial of the excessive state of your drinking”. “Oh boy- - I think I need a - - - I think I need a cigarette right now. Somebody give me one.” “You can’t smoke here. In fact you’ll never smoke again”. “That- - cant Be. I’ll never get through the day, especially here. I have trouble getting out of bed without a cigarette”. “Welcome to the after-life” one of them said glibly. “Did you say we were in - - Washington DC - - here - - on earth. In this Universe???” “Yes”. Can I at least have coffee- - in fact a whole breakfast wouldn’t be bad either”. “Sure. You can have some coffee right now. Why don’t you come and meet some of the people you’ll be working with”.

They walked on down the hall. Something was eminating “fermiliar vibes” but he couldn’t pin anything down in his mind. Maybe he was having a memory of something that had just happened in the last day or two, but he didn’t know. He needed answers. Then he noticed that a lot of the faces seemed to be fermiliar. Where had he seen them before? Then it came to him. “Hey” he says finally, excitedly. This is the set of “24” isn’t. She’s on the show, and she is- - and he is - - and he is. Then he came face to face with Jack Bower at the elevator. “Jack, or whatever you name is in real life- - I forget- - how are things going”. One of the attendants speaks, “This is P F Jones”. “Yeah, I go by the initials P F” “As in Flyers?” A look of recognition falls across Jack’s face. Oh, you’re a funny man! No, my real name is Phinias”. “Phinias- - isn’t that an Egyptian name?” “Hey, this guy is smart. That kind of knowledge will be useful to us. Not that many people know I have Egyptian ancestry. They step into the elevator and re-emerge on another floor. “You can get coffee and breakfast here. We can talk while you are eating”. The subject speaks. I’m just a little- - - confused- - about when everything- - Changed- - - “ “Changed?” “Yeah- - you know made the transference into the Twilight Zone. Where does my reality diverge from yours.” The air hung in a pregnant pause when one of the attendants spoke up. Perhaps a review of history would be appropriate at this time.” The subject interrupted. “Well you know if you’re all angels here- - or did I just imagine hearing THAT- - what’s your gig?” “Well, for history to unfold in the proper manner it’s important that we intervene, unseen to the Living obviously, when the president will be in danger in Baltimore in a couple of days. “ “That’s where it’s going to happen?” “Yes” “Well, why not just not have the President travel to Baltimore”. “We can’t do that. We can’t intervene so directly in the president’s life. But there are other things we can and must do”. “Allright” “The President has come under attack from the right wing Republicans lately because so many Christian Born Again types think that President Obama is the Antichrist. After the election of 2008 - - they all came unglued. “Is this Obama’s second term” “No, it’s his first, of course”. “You mean that he’s been President just a hundred days or so and people have already tried to shoot him four times?” “Three”. “Oh yeah, the fourth hasn’t happened yet”. The subject continued speaking. “OK, well I guess the 2004 election was, what, a breeze for Al Gore?” “Not exactly. Gore had gone into the Mideast to topple the repressive Sadam Hussein regeme and the Republicans kept saying it would never work and something would go wrong”. Subject: “This IS the Twilight Zone- - but continue”. “Well the Republicans release memos from the Clinton administration about rendition or taking of people to foreign countries to be tortured by them. And because of these charges, Gore figured he better have a more liberal Vice President than Lieberman, so John Kerry was the standard bearer for Vice President in 2004” The subject responds, “Well what do you know, John Kerry was finally goof for something. But who did the Republicans get to run in 2004?” “John Mc Cain ran on the Elect a republican- - the party of Peace – platform. As for the Vice President it was some obscure liberal governor of a small state they got” “Was it Sarah Palin?” “No, no- - gosh I forget who did they get? Oh yeah that guy who was goverfnor of Vermont- - Jeffers” “Fantastic!” Just them someone came in with the trays- “Here’s your breakfast.” It LOOKS appetizing- - - Wow. Pastry with my meal. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had pastry?”

An attendant spoke, “Just where it is that you think you’ve been for eight years, anyhow”. The subject says, “Never mind. What I’d like to know is where do YOU PEOPLE say I was.” “You’ve been at our various training facilities around the country. Our organization has been in existence since July of 2001 when it was organized because those in the know - - knew that the Democrats would be in this state of peril from the Right Wing eventually, when President Al Gore began passing his liberal agenda such as universal health care- - cap & trade, and passing the Constitutional Amendment guarenteing the right to gay marriage”. The subject’s mouth drops open. “I – guess I shouldn’t be surprised at that one”. Another said, “Since you died prior to July 2001 you have a preferred status as far as priority of being picked for a mission.” Subject (sarcastically) “Wow, aren’t I the lucky one” Another spoke, who had previously been quiet. “Our mental imaging device from readings we’ve done on your brain show a divergence from reality commencing in the late summer of two thousand. I think your mental breakdown all began in a meeting with your therapist at the Fullerton Mental Health center in mid September of 2000. I believe it was your eighteenth meeting. It seems the topic of your marriage had been under discussion and when you began talking about your Divorce from Laura you kind of lost it and flew into a ranting rage. You were scheduled for a nineteenth meeting in a few days but you never showed. You made excuse after excuse not to go to any more meetings. Does any of this ring a bell?” The subject responded, “Only that the last meeting was number sixteen. And I scrupulously avoided the topic of any event that took place in the mid or late eighties. But there was no emotional scene. I just- - felt I’d had enough therapy and quit coming.” “It’s that false memory thing of yours kicking in again, remembering what you want to remember”. The subject was starting to get a little rattled now. “OK you smarties. So I’m some kind of a raving nut. You know something. They say I was an alcoholic but I never, but never was seen drunk at a public gathering, and why don’t you research your records on that if you’re so smart.” They responded, “There you go again. He goes to the computer. “Perhaps you’d believe it if it was in your own words. Here is a list of all the files you did in the latter part of 2000 and 2001 up to the day of your death”. Continuing to speak- - - “Do these files look fermiliar to you. Will you acknowledge that you wrote them?” The subject looks at them - - “Sure I wrote these from what I see”. Perhaps Thanksgiving of 2000 would be illuminating. Would you like to read what you wrote about the family gathering them. You were at your brothers and you needed a drink when you arrived, and when you got there you drank like a fish and became pretty wasted to the embarrassment of everyone at that gathering”. Subject: “No. That’s not right. My brother didn’t serve alcohol that day. I was expecting it but I didn’t get it. I remember I had the jitters that gathering”. Another spoke. “OK, enough of this reminiscing. You need to hurry and finish your breakfast and so we can get on with your final meta-physical transformation- - and get on to the specifics of your mission to keep President Berock Obama from being Assonated and altering history.

At this point- a caption flashes “End Of Part One- - now here are Previews”.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Problem of Evil

I could have picked any number of titles for this blog. I could have picked "The Secret to it All" or I could have picked "A Psychologist looks at My Federation Writings". Or I could have picked a paraphrase of a John Lennon song, "There Are No Problems for which there isn't a Solution". This is going to be one of those blogs that makes you think, so if you aren't up to that, this is fair warming. I have before me all the pieces to a jigsaw puzzle and right now we're going to try and assemble them in a manner that makes sense to you people.

Yesterday I was attempting to look up the phone number of an old friend. I came accross his old number in a drawer and was curious whether it was still accurate after nine years. Google used to have a way of getting phone numbers just by entering names. You can do that with businesses of course but apparently now you can no longer do that with individuals. It appears to be a feature Google has dropped because I didn't see it on Web Search features. I won't give his name here but apparently someone by the same name, is a book author. One of his books is "The theory behind the impossibility of Meracles is Debunked". The other title was "The Problem of Evil". I started reading this one. A whole theory of why God doesn't seem to care about Evil is that Evil doesn't exist. Evil is the absence of good. Evil is the corruption of good. As such, since Evil doesn't really exist God, who only deals with things that "exist" has no possible control over it. Right now I'm going to give you a mental image so that such thoughts will never enter your mind again. You may remember an experiment that was done' perhaps in the middle ages, where a guy took a piece of food and sealed it in a tube and he waited. He wanted to see how long it would be before the food began to decay and that flies would gather. This never happened. Thus the theory of "spontanious generation" was debunked. For this reason the whole of idea of evil "catching God by surprise" is debunked. Because for flies or corruption to occur- - there has to be some physical sourse of "seed" of the corruption.

As you may know some people talk about a Unified Field theory of the Universe. I like to look at it as a distilation of the expression "Anything that Can happen Will happen", and its coralary expression "Anything that can't happen, won't happen". As such mericales as some definable objective reality are defined out of existance. God simply won't allow them. You have heard me say that under Calvinism, meracles are impossible just as sin is impossible. This is because what I have done in practical terms as a Deist, is made "God" out of the four dimensions that scientists say came into existance at the Big Bang. But some might say "Isn't there a place called Heaven where perfection reigns?" My answer is "Probably". What scientists also tell us is that the Universe started off with eleven dimensions and collapsed down to four. The Federation view is a bit simpler. Think of five dimensions. Now picture a dot with lines or rays coming out of it in all directions. Only one of those rays represents The Big Bang as we experiance it here in our four dimensional construct universe. The theory goes that dimensions don't exist till they are created in a Big Bang. But the Unified Field Theory says "Anything that can happen will happen". So what happened to all those other dimensions, or as we and the Federation say "The fifth dimension" sometimes known as the dark dimension. Well- - that one is represented by the direction all of the other lines go raying out from a central point. Certain dimensions and properties of matter are created and fixed. We ourselves cannot experiance these other dimensions. In one of those other dimensions or concurrent Big Bangs, everything may be like our world, only that everything is perfect. Christians should like that.

I would like to focus on the word "My" as in "My writings on the Federation". Because of you-know-who I'm deciding to "own" my actions. St. Paul spoke of "My Gospell". I don't know if Paul Mc Cartney ever referred to the Beatles as "My Group" or that Rodger Waters ever did that with Pink Floyd. But St. Paul says something. He says "Though we or an angel out of heaven preach some other Gospell other than the one that you have received from us, Let Him Be Accursed". It would appear that St. Paul is cursing angels. If heaven is a perfect place, to keep our axiom going "Anything that Can't happen- - - Won't happen". As such evil in heaven we as we clerics define it- - is impossible. Some may ask "Well perhaps it gets boring being perfect all the time". It doesn't matter. If being imperfect is impossible, then it won't happen. That's the beginning and end of that discussion.

Even in Scientology where they speak of evil as "error" and as "an abberation" they in their so called secret writings- - speak of some alien planet where some ET civilization "seeded our planet with engrams, long ago". So scientology believes that Evil came from somewhere. Only in Christianity do they cling to the spontaniously regenerating flies theory. You know Nietche used the concept of Evolution to talk about a Super Race. I would at this time like to use Creationism to propose a rather racist view of the Universe that David Duke should find to his liking. One thing a psychologist would see in reviewing our Federation writings is that races mix based on some mathematical formula. These ratios appear to need to be exact, and they are never deviated from. Also such racial mixing appears to have been done only on specialized occasions and even people in a blended fifty fifty group, still continue to marry and breed just within this artificially created group. Another thing a psychologist would notice is that all the civilizations think they are perfect. If there are Alcyonne, or the Crestorians, or the Federation, or Andromeda, everybody thinks they are perfect and that their way is the only way. Here indeed is the true source of evil. A minute ago I defined our four dimensional universe as "God" because the way of "God" in our Universe can never be deviated from. Hence our Universe is perfect and everyone in it is without sin, whether you like it or not. But in the realms we discuss in our Federation writings- - everybody thinks they are God. It's Federation teaching, very akin to the propiganda the USSR put out, that the Federation would eventually reign supreme over everything. That such a result is just a matter of time. But all the other civilizations feel the same way about themselves. People like that Book Author think they're real cleaver defining away Evil the way they do. I'm an objectivist but to a limited degree. When my objectivism starts to break down the bounds of comon sense, then I turn exestentialist and view life from the perspective of a human being. When it gets dark, I say so, When it gets cold, I say so. I don't speak of darkness or cold as the mere "absences" of heat and light. That's nonsensical. We humans have to deal with the reality of life as it is, and not reality as someone else imagines it.

I'd like to talk just a little bit now about chance and coincidence. Sometimes things are not as chancy as one would imagine. We know that the median electric current in a sine wave is half of the square root of two. I used to throw around this figure at Golden West and got ignored, because the Median figure isn't relavant, only the mean is relavent. The median figure only applies to human beings. If you ask what the average worker in an auto plant produces, if you're talking to a production efficiency expert, you'll give him the mean figure, if you talking to a socialogist you'l give him the median figure. But you may also be aware in trigonomitry of two readings. The tangent of sixty degrees and the Sine (?) of sixty degrees have a definite relation to each other. The first is the square root of three and the other is half the square root of three. The thing with math and relations like this is that they usually aren't accidental. The reason why these two readings have an exact ratio like this is that the ratio of the two remaning lines of course is "point five hundred" or the inverse of two. When you see relations between things that appears more than chance, look for the connecting element. For instance you've heard of that Jewish guy Bar Kopplah, or Kopha, or something- - which means "Son of a Star". How many people do you know with that name? How many Bible figures do you know with that name? How many old testiment scriptures can you think of that state that the Messiah's birth will be herolded by a bright star? I can't think of any off hand. Yet suddenly in the NT, the messiah is connected with a bright star. How about the figure "Twelve leigions of angels". This is how many legions of Roman troops it took to defeat Bar Kopplah. (?) Also when the Jews were in power briefly during the revolt, they minted coins. Why would Jesus take the trouble to enphasize that Ceasar's image was on the coins? I thought Jews wern't supposed to have graven images, and Ceasar is held as a God, isn't he? When you see "stuff" like this in the Gospells, you can bet it didn't just get there by chance. Some have said that Christians started off as a Jewish Gnostic group. Ontologically, their gnosticism would necessarily preceed their Jewishness. Right? They are first gnostics and then a subset of that- - Jewish ones. So in other words they are Jews who adopted gnosticisum. Remember that the gnostics are the ones who first came up with the idea of devolution or "original sin" but in their case, it was God's devolution and degredation into increasingly corrupt materialism. Like 'Hugh" the Borg in Star Trek, they shook up the place with their concept of "The One". This is where the whole thing came from. People needed to put some sort of flesh and blood reality to "The One". (Selah)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When You Throw Sand, You Lose Ground

Standing one's ground is one of the cardinal "traits", if you will of "being a man". People forget this at their peril. In the "class" I am attending now there is a lot of talk about how adhering to one's virtues and strengths brings true happiness and a sense of purpose and identity. In the light of this I find the current uproar over Obama's actions releasing the CIA memo, as highly disturbing. What I find most troubling is the President's defenciveness over the whole matter, as if he had done something wrong. His Press Secretary today was waffeling all over the place. I used the metaphore of "sand" rather than mud because a year ago when Libby and Karl Rove were being investigated by prosecuter Fitzgerald, the metaphore of "throwing sand in the umpire's face" was used to justify why Liddy and Rove would be guilty of certain acts of obstruction of justice. You don't have to watch the show "Cops" very long before you realize if you interfer with a policeman's work, you will be arrested as an obstructionist. President Obama "opened the door today" of possible prosecutions of higher ups in this whole condoning and legitimazation of torture by officials of the Bush adminestration. But like Bill Clinton in the Waco case, Obama says "The buck stops with my attorney general. He's in charge". The President wont even "man up" and "own" his own actions. No wonder the conservatives are sniping at him from so many corners. Abraham Lincoln was not hesitant about declaring that our country was in a Civil War. He could have waffled and mumbled something about "historic president" as he polished up President Buchannon's bronze statue. He might have apologized for even "entertaining thoughts" of a Civil War. We must prosecute all those involved in putting a legal veneer on torture policies of the CIA and others. Some have said "If they know we won't torture then then they won't be afraid of us". But history has shown that we do not get reliable information for tortured subjects, but they'll say anything just to make us happy. But another thing that history shows is that we've been down this road before. This is not "uncharted territory" as Nancy Skinner would have you believe. But rather a precedent was set when Jerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. Bill Clinton continued this precedent when he decided to drop all further investigation of Iran-Contra, which has been simmering for years. What we as Americans will be judged by on the Last Day is not whether we were able to win an off year election but rather whether we stood our moral ground and had America live up to it's moral asperations. In refusing to torture we define who we are, just as George Washington in the Revolution defined who America was by treating prisoners of war kindly. We should not permit behavior in ourselves that we would scream bloody murder were it done to us by a foreign power. Nancy Skinner said some positively assanine things today. One of the things she did was read a letter that was well constructed and made perfect sense- - but goes on to say it was a stupid letter anyhow- - - basically because she says so. She kept throwing mud and she kept losing her ground. Then there is the argument how we as a nation "Can't walk and chew gum at the same time" or some derivitive of that. To which I'll say were I President, the Constitution would be my first priority. Being faithful to that. If we didn't accomplish anything else in my adminestration at least we would do that. But Nancy's second big lapse in logic is this belief that somehow if we abondon our primcples as a nation that magically all of these other things she talks about like hydrogen cars or health care or student loans or what have you- - will now suddenly fall into place. The economy will somehow recover now because we made this decision to abandon our principles. Just as Rush Limbaugh tells his side not to compromize because it only shows weakness, I tell us liberals on our side not to compromize, because it's weakness.

Guns are a pressing issue these days what with Comumbine in the news again. There is a panic about not being able to buy ammunition in Michigan or any other state. And people who hang out in gun shops blame Obama for the shortage and tell roomers of all sorts of horrible bills that are in the works. People want there to be some psychological profile of people why buy guns to make sure they're not deranged. Personally I'm not even sure I'd qualify to buy a gun with my past encounters with "the system". People want to put cereal numbers on bullets so they can be traced in case of comission of a crime. And people want guns registered, the same say you register your automobile. I don't see anything unreasonable about any of these rules. As to the area of banning assault rifels, in my mind this is an area where we can compromize. You give me all that other stuff- - and I will let you have your assault rifels.

People are all upset about their IRA's and 401K's being only half their previous value. My advice to them if hold on and in another year or so they should be back to their previous value, and then you can retire. But as someone who has dabbled in the investment field I can tell you that as a rule - Mutual Funds suck. They always have. Gordon Gecko is but one of many voice who states flatly that mutual funds don't even keep up with the major averages but in my experiance with people I know, always do worse. And were I all these investors on Sixty Minutes I would read contracts I sign. The only time I don't read contracts now is downloading software because there I've seen so many disclaimers and they all start to look alike, and I understand that I'm gambling and one of these days I just might lose. But in the case of investment contracts you aren't dealing with a minor probability but a virtual certainty of getting ripped off. But still this is not the time to fall apart. You know what they say about keeping your head when all those about you are losing theirs. This bear market won't last forever. Personally I'd recoment an astrological reading for best timing of buys and sells, but that's your decision to make.

I was going to talk about Earth Day and the period around it, in my life in 1970 and in 1971 because both of these years were turning points in their own way. But I just don't have time for it in this blog, and in case you haven't noticed, it's really been hot around here the past four days. There is a new Walt Disney movie ealled "Earth" out this Wednesday April 22nd. A nice under-water shot would be refreshing right about now. In 1989 they announced something called "Cold Fusion". Now regular or "Hot" fusion, you all know about. That's the hydrogen bomb. Fusion doesn't have the radioactive waste and decay that fizzion reactors have. If they could somehow put fusion in a bottle, whoever did it would be rich. We know about E = MC squared and all that. Some glorious day in the future in the Star Trek era, energy will cease to be any obsticle to mankind. But this is not that day. Cold fusion hit the newspaper headlines in 1989 but it proved to be more of a pipe drean than anything else, and has all the trappings or some sort of con artist's trick. You take sea water with duterium or heavy water in it, and mix it with paladium, which is related to platinum, and you run an electric current through the whole thing and there is heat generated that is somehow not accounted for in ordenary physics. But they have proved unable to replicate this experiment with any consistency, or even at all. Right now ninety percent of scientists do not believe in Cold Fusion. It certainly doesn't live up to the claims made for it, and the ammound of energy produced appears to be infinetessible. Personally I don't even know how they expect to produce hydrogen for the hydrogen car. That to me looks like another pipe dream that won't pan out. But history has shown that we Americans will eventually solve all these energy puzzles that perplex us now.

Friday, April 17, 2009

We Did Not Vote For This

This blog was considered Spam yesterday. I am happy to see it has been unlocked and taken off of the Span list in an expeditious manner. Here is the Blog I intended to put out for yesterday.

This economy may well be in even more trouble than we think. I heard that 41% of last years gross national product was not from production or producing anything but rather due to gain of a very few financial and investment corporations and banks. This is not good news. Obama in his speech the other day said that it made no sense to give funds to ordinary workers or consumers because their dollars wouldn’t work as hard as with banks, where one dollar put into the system equals seven or eight dollars in circulation. This is no doubt due to the leverage rate where you are required to have very little in hard monitory reserve. But the thing is that honest economics demands that when people borrow money it reflect their future ability to actually earn that much. And if an economy as a whole earns enough in the future to justify a government infusion of capital then all is well. But if capitol is not reflected in production, that’s when you have endemic inflation. Just because inflation is the furthest thing from our minds now doesn’t mean it couldn’t rear its head in the future, and in a big way. Also, we think stocks are a good deal now because they have come down so far. But if you look at the PE ratios of stocks this may tell a different story. Compared to 1982, stock prices might still be considered quite high. People voted for Obama because they believed he would restore a balanced federal budget. They believed the President would “go line by line” through the budget pruning out waste. President Obama has spoken many times of this, as if “such waste” would counter-balance the lion’s share of the deficits, which of course goes to a select few banks. The president is still embracing the Neo Con Bush myth of “free trade”. As long as our industries aren’t protected, we remain in trouble. I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but it’s hard to over-state certain basic economic truths.

That report on right wing groups yesterday has upset a lot of right wingers in this country including Rush Limbaugh. Now they know how it feels. Rush of course attacked the media for accurately reporting the activities of yesterday. If they showed pro gun people and other fringe groups, it’s because these are the people who are primarily drawn to such events. The whole “tea party” thing was sponsored by a bunch of rich bankers and financiers to begin with. Average people are conned into complaining about taxes which are lower now, but these people, like Joe the plumber, fantasize about qualities they don’t have like being either rich or famous. There was a similar left wing report on January 29th of this year that the media did not pick up on. According to Rush Limbaugh the report on right-wing groups had had extensive revisions in the past month from the Obama people. The thing to be aware of is that hysteria about both ends of the spectrum is probably high and Roger Hedgecock and Tom agreed to compromise saying perhaps Homeland Security likes to overstate things. Thom Hartman still doesn’t like the designation of “Homeland” because it smacks too much of Nazi Germany.

President Obama still allows for the basic provisions of Habeas Corpus to be ignored in cases outside of Guantanamo Bay. Of course the Magna Carta in 1215 guarentees the rights of someone to face their accuser and to know the charges leveled against them, with said charges being based on sworn testimony in court. Also, President Obama has not stopped “renditions” or kidnapping people and handing them over to a foreign nation to be tortured. Hartman is also not happy with Larry Summers and Timothy Geitner having such a strong influence in the Obama administration. There are three possible ways of dealing with this banking problem. One is to do what the Reagan administration did and that is to dissolve the Savings & Loans. This is what Hartman says they did. Another is to nationalize the banks temporarily till they are put on a sound fiscal footing then returned to the private sector. The third way, and the way both Obama and Bush have chosen, is to just throw endless money at the banks. This is what the governments of Russia and Japan have done. With Japan it produced “the lost decade” of continued economic troubles. The officials in Russia’s government are corrupt. In short there are many ways in which Obama has been a disappointment as President. Also, Thom Hartman doesn’t like the idea of liberal groups being pressured by the Obama administration not to express their views. If you will remember, Hartman and others had formerly been “promising” that let wing organizations would be an influence on “keeping the Obama administration honest” so to speak and making sure that Obama lives up to his promises to the left, from which he derives his strongest support, and who supported him the most in his Presidential campaign. Such is the situation today.

The Obama administration will not be charging any CIA agents for misconduct or abuses while interrogating subjects. I can’t say this is all for the best because it’s part of an over-all pattern we’ve been seeing. Also today Spain, according to Thom Hartman, says it won’t be prosecuting anybody in the United States government for abuses of civil rights. Hartman had formerly said that Spain was considering this. Others have stated that ex members of Bush’s administration would be in legal peril in many countries they might try to visit throughout the world. So they can all relax now.

Now that mother of octuplets wants to rake in money from marketing, putting her name to a product, and wants to open up a line of “Octo-mama” baby seats and diapers and any other baby product she can think of, because the media has coined the term “Octo-mama” for her. It seems to me that if the media coined the term, then they should get some of the royalties. Sometimes I wonder whether or not it’s just a little too easy to copyright an advertising term in this country. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A New Major Speech by Obama

Today President Obama outlined anew his plan for economic renovation. He had five main points. He wants new regulations instituted for Wall Street investors, which he says, should reflect the realities of the 21st. Century. People like Thom Hartman wonder whether the President is still the slave to the bankers since they have so much representation in his cabinet. His second plank is education because we have to have an educated work force for the jobs of tomorrow. I've been hearing this line since I was a kid. But it doesn't prevent people with college degrees from being thrown out of work. And of course we need to tackle our energy situation with new "green energy" jobs. Obama stressed how one of our problems contributes to all the others and so that all of them need to be tackled simotaniously. He talked about Health Care. My position of course is that it's silly to talk about reforming health care without abolishing the current HMO system most people have now. Finally President Obama cants to tackle the deficet. People all over the place are saying that the tide is turned, the corner is rounded. The stock market is up 25% and so his policies are already working. Roads are being built and Santa Monica is getting it's new hybred busses. But there are those on the left and on the right that claim that the stock market is going to have one major relapse and plunge downward into new and yet unchartered terrotory for this decade. A lot of these experts are saying "If something is too good to be true, then it probably isn't true, and that goes for this economic recovery".

Mel Gibson is getting a divorce of his longstanding wife. They have seven children together only the youngest of which is still a minor. There were no prenuptual agreements, so it should cost Mel a boatload of money. He and his wife have been separated for the last two years since Gibson's drunk driving arrest in Malibu where he was abusive to a Jewish cop. The incident did little to further Mel's credibility as a Born Again Christian. I would say the same thing of Mell as I have said of Thom Cruise. And that is that your are a poor example for your Religion, and that if you were more loyal to your Faith, that you would be a better example of it.

Today is the day when Bo, the Portugese water dog, is scheduled to arrive at the White House. This dog was pure-bred in Texas and is a "litter-mate" of dogs that Ted Kennedy owns. This story sure has been milked for everything it's worth. What are they going to try next- - "channeling the dog" to give some some sort of exclusive interview?

Phil Specter has been found guilty of second degree murder. The jury had a rather emotional fore-lady, and she says they found reaching that verdict difficult. I'm just glad that the buggar is finally in jail. Five women came forward to testify that Phil routinely threatens women he dates with guns, when he's had a few too many. Specter has a decades long resume of acts against women. He got off in the first trial with a hung jury because Lana Clarkson's character was trashed by the opposing attorney, saying that she was in a suicidal state. If Phil gets eighteen years that will mean he will be past 85 by the time he's ellagable for release. But look at how many times people like Leslie Van Houten have come up for parole hearings and been turned down. Specter will be facing the first one of these when he's about eighty-seven.

People in math speak of "dimensions" usually as having co-equal qualities. Certainly this is true with a computer programming Array. And yet in the real world we speak of "time" as a dimension, yet it is one we don't experiance spacially all at once like we do the others. I have in the past said that people in yet another dimension, a psychic dimension, do experiance the past the present and the future all at once. Chuck Smith has spoken of "a dimension of the spirit" in touting the superiority of Born Again Christians. Yet he offers no "spacial logic" to bolster such a major claim. It's easy to speak of a "psychic dimension" flippantly, without contemplating what the scientific definition of a "dimension" is. Mathmetically you have to define it as sides of a cube. In a three dimensional world, there are six faces to a cube. In a four dimensional world, that same cube with 90 degree perpendicular sides and faces- - would now consist of eighteen faces. And in a five dimensional universe there would be forty faces on that same square, ninety degree all over, cube. This according to a formula I came up with and discussed previously. To actually live in a state where cubes had 40 sides, or even 18 sides, would indeed take getting used to. It's hard for the average person to fathom the "gravitas" of such dimensions.


Well, we’re in one of those periods where we are hearing the same news cycled over and over again. I think at times like this it’s best to go on a vacation for a few days if you can take the time off, or else put on an old VHS movie instead of watching the news because other than an earthquake or volcano or two, there really isn’t much in the news. We’re coming up on the three year mark since I have been a blogger. Sometimes I wonder how all my blogs will stack up with the passage of time. In general I have high confidence about a lot of topics. Some of the specific political minutia may change from year to year, and watching events unfold is sometimes like sitting and watching grass grow, but I think overall I’ve been on the right side of history. In terms of some of the stuff I’ve said about my personal life, I have high confidence in that. My opinions aren’t likely to change there, and if they should I’ll let you know. In terms of the history of the Christian Church, again my confidence in the accuracy of the material is pretty high. In terms of all that Orion Federation stuff I talk about which you all probably call fictional, and that’s allright, well- - so much of that material is in excess of twenty years old. I came up with so much of that stuff in the ‘eighties, even if I had help. I don’t believe you’ll find contradictions. One area where my confidence is somewhat lower is on the subject of the cosmology of the Universe, like the shape of it and black holes and “event horizons” and all of that. Even in this area- - just because I may not believe something now I wrote three years ago exactly as I wrote it- - does not mean that what I believe now is better or more informed. The whole thing with the universe and other dimensions and afterlives and all of that is we live in a gigantic realm of “I don’t know”. There is a dearth of information. Finally I have written stuff on numerology, where you divide every number into a one through nine, and I state that the whole numbers system is based on adding digits up and putting them in a class between one and nine, and there are whole elaborate rules on how numbers react when you multiply and divide them. Basically I’m worried about whether people find my blogs and I know I have this habit of switching off between the eleven of them, like a football team. I don’t know if it would make any difference whether I just stuck to one blog and was able to attract followers. Perhaps I should have left the “followers” panel on my “Opera” blog just to see how many “loyal followers” I have. So many people have stated to blogger that their blogs don’t update their “hits” number, but that the number frequently “gets stuck” or else when people comment on their blogs they never hear about it. Perhaps I’m expecting too much. Perhaps I’m blogging too much. I usually blog when there seems something relevant to comment on. Now is not that time.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Burriel Brings About Resurrectrion

Joel Olsteen says, "Don't look upon death as a burrial, look upon it as a planting of a seed, which needs burial in order to regenerate new growth". People try and bury their problems but it doesn't work and they only sprout wings and come back to haunt you. Take the case of Catholic Priests who molest young boys. Now the man perhaps as a teenager knew that he didn't relate to women normally. Rather than see it as a condition that needed to be "fixed" he instead hailed this malody and looked upon it as a gift of God and figured that God must be calling him into the minestry. That was his big mistake. Because though he thought his "problem" was dead and burried the seeds of it were still alive and well and sprouted anew. It is written "God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows so shall he also reap". Sometimes the very oppression itself that you so dread can actually be a means of deliverance. Christians love to relate how that the basket that baby Moses was laid in that could have served as his coffin, instead became a means of his deliverance into the house of the daughter of pharoah. Schuller has a madalian that used to say something like "If you can't go around your mountain in life, then turn that mountain into a gold mine". In like manner you've heard "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Joe Olsteen told the story about this farmer who had a mule. And one day the mule fell into the well. It was a useless dry well, and it was an old and broken down mule anyhow so the farmer thought to himself "Lest we have any more mishaps on my property, I'm just going to fill in this well with dirt so that nobody else will fall in". But as that old mule felt the dirt being shoveled on him he found a new will to live there at the bottom of the well. So he would just shake off the dirt. Hence a saying was coined by Joel Olsteen "When life piles dirt on you, just shake it off and step up. Shake it off and step up. Eventually you will be standing on enough dirt that you will be able to step out of the well". Of course the most dramatic incident of a resurrection in the Old Testiment is probably Ezekiel 37. This is the saga of the valley of the dried up bones. One wonders whether Ezekiel somehow in a spiritual, psychic dimension saw into the future of the bones of the Jewish people from the Nazi death camps of Daucau and Vookenvold, and somehow from this saw the germanation and rebirth of the nation of Isrial. Many people, including my late grandmother, view this event as a meracle of God. There is another saying "What goes around, comes around". The idea of "having your eyes fixed on the prize" is an old one in Christianity. We are to view Jesus as our light house, by which we steer our ship through treacherous waters.

A lot of people use the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" axiom of life. Yesterday I was watching the movie "Judgement at Nuremburg" about Nazi war attrocities. In those days, unlike now, the sins of a nation were laid out for the world to see. Some people may use as a defence, "I never knew- - -about the death camps". But indeed it was pointed out that the whole world was aware of what Adolph Hitler was up to when he came by power, and his book was translated into a host of languages the world over. Back in those days many people used another rationalisation for Nazism, and that was "It's just a temporary measure in these troubled times". That won't wash. The Jews also have a saying, "If not now, when?" If there are inequities and injustices going on NOW, the question arises "When will NOW ever end? Won't it always be NOW?" This is unlike the George W Bush adminestration because many of the measures that are "temporary" like tax cuts for the rich, the Bush adminestration wanted to make permanent, along with many provisions of the Patriot Act. We today have even less of an excuse to use the "I didn't know" excuse than the Nazis. We have the media of the 21st. Century to find out about war attrocities and abuses of peoples' civil rights. Many things the Christian Church has done it has done in the name of "temporary measures" in the name of "expediancy". Jesus taught Peace, but in the mean time, let's make war. The Church in Acts was founded upon communist asperations of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need", and yet, like a successful gambling casino, the Church always manages to take in more than it gives out. The Catholic Church as we know it would hardly qualify as a non profit corporation. There were things even the Nazis didn't do. I don't think they had people drawn and quartered, or burned alive as the stake, as the church did. You know, forty years ago when I was first looking into Christian writings- they says "We have found scriptures as far back as the second century". Certainly it was "only a matter of time" before they found texts going back to 80 AD when "they" say all these Gospels were first penned. But somehow "some day" never arrived. Some may say "Well the reason why those texts didn't survive was the paper they were written on". I guess I'm thinking "If you can find texts in the 2nd. Century, what's another seventy or eighty years?" Others in the Church have even said, "We know when God comes back he shall reveal all knowledge, but in the mean time- - lets burn books- - of heritics we don't like". So today we don't have the testimony of the Gnostic logitions speaking up in their own defence. And again we hear the cries of "Well- - the paper was good enough for nineteen centuries- - but stretching it to twenty proved just too much". They say there was no "Conspiracy" to burn all those heretical writings, but that the writings simply "wore out" because they wern't copied. Well you know, at least papyrus lasts longer than modern DVD's, which apparently rust out after only a few years. But I have faith in the Truth coming to light eventually in the vast sands of history. I believe history is on the side of those seeking the Truth. Somewhere out there burried, just as the city of Pompeii was burried which ironically preserving it in a way it never could be preserved before- - somewhere is burried the Truth about the relation between the Church and the Gnostics and Marcionism and all of that.

You know there are sometimes hopeful gambels. The marines killed those three pirates yesterday and rescued the ship's captain who had offered himself as a ransom. I took a "hopeful gambel" Saturday in altering the registry on my computer, because it was my belief that it had been damaged by over-sealous anti-spyware, in this case Windows Defender. I knew the risks but did it anyway and was successful. There is that young boy who had that horrible nerve condition on Dateline where his leg was all contorted and soon it would affect his entire body so he'd be wheel chair bound, not to mention in great pain all of the time. But they took a gamble on risky brain surgery which, if things had gone wrong might have left the boy a vegetable, however one no longer in pain. The boy himself was willing to endure any risks that would get rid of the horrible wrenching pain. And the doctors were successful. But if you go to a gambling casino, even a new one just opened, like on Sixty Minutes- - - don't count on the odds being any better. Even the best gamblers in the end, end up losing net money, sooner or later. I guess I'm one of the few people who has a net gain with Nevada casinos. Of course the guy who made all the money loves pretty things like rare art and rare diamonds. But now his vision is fading. Some may wonder about Gordon Gecko's art he prides himself on. Would loss of his vision to admire the beauty he obtained as so tainted a cost be just recompence? My answer is "No". I don't believe in vengence for vengence's sake. I believe in atonement, retrobution, and redemption. I believe this applies to both Gordon Gecko and to George W Bush. I don't know what God has in store for those who refuse to repent. I don't intend on finding out. But even those people who had those Courts in South Africa believe in full disclosure and that "Honist confession is good for the soul". I believe that people who continue to harbor evil intent tword others- - will in the end be found out and unmasked. Your fruits will find you out. (Selah)

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

How An Objectivist Sees the World Today

President Obama made a major mistake today in declaring that he's going to eliminate production of the F 22 Fighter Plane. They say the whole project only costs 1.2 Billion dollars and in today's multi-trillion dollar economy, this is peanuts. But losing the project will cost a lot of jobs. If this is what President Obama is referring to in saying he'll "find the money to make up the deficet somewhere" he's really blowing smoke. The elimination of this defense project may be penny-wise but pound foolish. Some people have talked about how "We should pay ten dollars a gallon for gasoline or pay a whole lot more for coal in order to reflect the true costs of these things to society in terms of wars fought and health costs." This is a variation of the saying "If I just had some bread I could make myself a ham sandwich, if I had some ham". Shelling out more in energy sirtaxes isn't going to cut any of thse other mythical costs that Thom Hartman is afraid of. Some would point to Europe as a place of a higher standard of living. About twenty years ago I watched a VHS tape of a movie called "The Tennant". This was a movie about an American living in France, and the thing that stuck out to me was in his apartment there was no bathroom. All the apartments on that floor shared a comon bathroom and it would be comon for guests invited over to his place to take a whiz in the sink when they needed to relieve themselves. This is not how Americans in the 21st. Century should live. It's certainly nothing to strive floor not to mention all the other hidious noises the plumbing made. When our family moved to a house in Anaheim many long years ago one thing that struck me is that it was a smaller back yard than I was used to. The houses around us were so close they appeared to be learing at us. You could look right accross and see the other people in their kitchen. Finally we agreed with our back neighbors to put up another tier of the fence, which solved the problem. But now you see luxury places way way out in south Orange County and they have back yards much smaller. In some cases you get little more than an alley way for a back yard, and you're lucky to get a barbecue in there. It is just not realistic to think that America is going to turn into another Europe. We aren't wired that way. One caller said "If European standards are so high how come people there fear to have children because having them is so expensive?" That's a good question. Thom Hartman says "Well, we shouldn't be having so many children anyhow". Some people say "We will never have ecological coal". Is that like dehydrated water or something? "Here's some phosephates and mineral salts and iron oxides- - and lets not forget the key ingrediant- - a jigger of chlorox". We Americans have never been defeatests. We'll figure out this problem just like we've figured out every other energy problem like the shortage of of whale blubber in the 18580s that people use for oil lamps, ect. It's government's job to encourage change and innovation, not to mandate it. There is something still to be said about the marvelous appropriation properties of market forces. In many ways President Obama is just like any other chief executive we've had. He "reviews the troops in battle" in Iraq just as any other preceding President would. People in Europe just don't like Americans and it has little to do with who is in power. People in that part of the world don't bathe regularly but I don't think we're going to emulate that. People in China used to be known for riding bicycles to work but no more. They have some new weird car on the Today show everyone wants us to start buying for its "economy", but we don't. Some people want to mandate home gardens in your front yard. Johnny Wendel once decried "grass" as a status of the priveledged money genery. I say "Praise the Lord, we're all rich!" He thinks we all should return to being farmers But a lot of city councils don't look too kindly on that. You can't even paint your house the color you want let alone start growing crops, assuming you even have any land to work with because the powers that be are already trying to cram us all closser and closser together. When I was a kid I took literally the expression 'New Frontiers" meaning that our next Manifest Destiny was to colonize space.

Thom Hartman had a guest or two on his show today who was really full of it. Most people believe, if you're a real red blooded American, that we are in fact becoming not only a wealthier people in the overall scheme of things and that growth is inevitable, but also that we are gradually becomming a more moral and just people. After all, we elected a Black President, didn't we? Some others see such things as technological and ethical growth as inevitably a cyclical thing. I would suppose such people believe in Astrology. The Hindus see the world in terms of 26,000 year cycles where the Universe breathes out and expands and then inevitably will contract and we will finally go back to one little nub and then The Big Bang will start all over again. This 26,000 figure is the same figure as the complete cycle of the precession of the equinoxes. Babylonians used to worship the bull god Maricoch, because Taurus the Bull was the constelation the sun used to be in on the first day of spring. In the book "Visions", which I've referred to before they map out all of the break-throughs we'll be making in the next century. To people who say "The 20th. Century was a bloody century" then I say, "We aren't in the Twentieth Century any more, so get with the program". One thing I would loathe if I were a classic conservative, and that would be newspapers. Ghandi put the acts of British troops in India on trial, and the world became enlightened. Newspapers helped fuel the civil rights struggle in this country. And that teenage girl who was lashed in Pakistan now has those acts shown over the world's media putting the Talliban to shame. That there are no protests in the Islamic world that aren't orchestrated by the government- - this is a good thing.

According to a book on Cults that I own, there are four basic types of people. There are Thinkers, and Doers, and Feelers, and Believers. I consider myself a thinker but I believe that right actions naturally proceed from right thought. Thom Hartman is a feeler. He will appeal to people's emotions when he lays down his ideal vision of "The Way Things Ought To Be". I call myself an Objectivist rather than a Realist, because that polarity exists between a "Realist" and an "Idealist". Both terms have become tainted- - particularly realism. When carried to it's logical extream realism jetizens all moral precepts in the name of pragmetism. Such a person might sell out his own grandmother. Edger G. Robinson might be considered a "Realists" in his role in "The Ten Commandments". He knows freedom is a lost cause so "makes the best of it". The other extreme however, I also shun. Those people who are "Believers" believe what they do in the face of any and all rational argument, and pride themselves on their intransigence in the light of superior reasoning minds. These people, and Born Again Christians are among them, have the addage, "If it isn't Perfect it isn't God's will because God only does things which are Perfect. If there are any flaws, I don't want it". These people, in other words, make the Good the enemy of the perfect. This is a position you won't hear me espousing. I believe we should always fight for the Good. The people of Jesus's day who lived in Palistine were by and large - Good People - but Jesus didn't fight for them. Just as I believe today the vast majority of Americns are Good - -and were I president I would fight in their interests. Some may say to me "But don't you believe Liberal Christianity is better than Conservative Christianity?" Don't be shocked by my response but the answer is a resounding NO ! I've seen the sort of mealy- mouth fuzzy-minded things liberals write. Conservatives as a lot are far more lucid and rational. The reason why I was a Christian was I read "Evidence that demands a verdict" and at the time I believed in it. I believed Christianity was REAL. I believed in its Reality above it's "Mysticism", that is so touted by Thom Hartman. I never even read the authors he talks about. I'm a real Archie Bunker on the subject. I believe if I've never heard of it then there must be something wrong with you rather than me. (OK I'm being cheeky now) But you get the point. The thing that bothers me about Jesus of KFI is less his fundamentalist moralit beliefs- - his proclivity to strain out gnats and swallow cammels. But my biggest offence taken at Jesus is his notion that you just have to Believe because in the end there really is nothing else. Jesus Christ and Thom Hartman are a lot closser, I suspect, in this sense than either would like to admit. I have never been big on "Tripping out" on Religion. Chuck Smith says he's never met a man who read the Bible and was fit to morally judge it. OK. Well that mechanic with the device that boosts your gas milage from fifty to a hundred percent- - he apparently never had a dissatisfied customer. If you're a Believer it's almost a psychological impossability for object evidence to ever be presented that you are wrong, but instead you have to turn and go into attack mode and throw invectives at them.

I wrote another paragraph on the theory of relativity but I'm going to spare you that one because it dawned on me that before I reach any of the conclusions reached in that paragraph I first have to answer four questions, that I am unable to answer. How about you? The first is "If two rocket ships are approaching each other and one is going 2/3 the speed of light relative to the other's measurements. Now here's a question. Where is "zero movement"? Where is the absolute stationary point? The question becomes relavent A. because - -if the speed of light is Absolute- - the question is "Absolute as measured from what stationary point? The next question to ask is "Assuming both are traveling the same speed tword some stationary point- - and therefore Time is being slowed down equally in both ships- - -if this is so can they see each other as BOTH "going slower". In other words "Comparrison" gets chucked out the window because BOTH are slowed down? If neither sees the other as slower and each sees the other as streeking 2/3 the speed of light tword them, how can this be? Now consider another point. According to Einsteins writings elsewhere, there IS no point in the Universe that can truely be called "Stationary". So either ship should be able to claim that IT is stationary. And whether the other one has dialated time and distance is dependant on a fact Einstein himself called "Irrelivent". OK another question. We said the Hindus saw the Universe as expanding and that at some point it would contract again. It used to be that scientists said there was "Just enough momentum to keep the expansion going on forever". Today they are saying differently. "Not only is there never ending expansion but the RATE of Expansion is Accelerating! In fact they say portions of the Universe are Already expanding FASTER than the Speed of Light. They say this is possible because Space ITSELF is Expanding. This to me suggest space is not empty but filled with some substance- - dare we say Ether? Back to the Past! Finally I have one more question. According to the Wickipedia the ratio between normal time-space and distorted time-space is the ratio of (12/13) divided by 4/3. In other words there is just over a one-third "Time-warp factor" for you StarTrek fans. You're about in Time-warp 1.35 or so. Here is my point. (Yeah, I'm "setting you up for the kill) If the ammount Mercury's light bent by the son a 1.3 warp factor, or less. That is- - is light from Mercury warped more - - or less- - than a 1.35 factor. If you say "Less, much less" this raises a pet issue of mine I've talked about before. And that if (quoting Einstein again) "gravity and speed acceleration have identical effects". If it is accelerat-ING matter that causes "warp" effects, then what of material in a total state of inertia just drifting in space? Mightn't such an object have no "Time-warp effects" at all? To put in simpler terms- - is it Moving Things that cause time-space warp or is it Accelerating Things? These are Just QUESTIONS. I'm not proposing any answers. I'm just saying in order to go one step further with any of this stuff you FIRST have to answer these axiomatic questions.