I could have picked any number of titles for this blog. I could have picked "The Secret to it All" or I could have picked "A Psychologist looks at My Federation Writings". Or I could have picked a paraphrase of a John Lennon song, "There Are No Problems for which there isn't a Solution". This is going to be one of those blogs that makes you think, so if you aren't up to that, this is fair warming. I have before me all the pieces to a jigsaw puzzle and right now we're going to try and assemble them in a manner that makes sense to you people.
Yesterday I was attempting to look up the phone number of an old friend. I came accross his old number in a drawer and was curious whether it was still accurate after nine years. Google used to have a way of getting phone numbers just by entering names. You can do that with businesses of course but apparently now you can no longer do that with individuals. It appears to be a feature Google has dropped because I didn't see it on Web Search features. I won't give his name here but apparently someone by the same name, is a book author. One of his books is "The theory behind the impossibility of Meracles is Debunked". The other title was "The Problem of Evil". I started reading this one. A whole theory of why God doesn't seem to care about Evil is that Evil doesn't exist. Evil is the absence of good. Evil is the corruption of good. As such, since Evil doesn't really exist God, who only deals with things that "exist" has no possible control over it. Right now I'm going to give you a mental image so that such thoughts will never enter your mind again. You may remember an experiment that was done' perhaps in the middle ages, where a guy took a piece of food and sealed it in a tube and he waited. He wanted to see how long it would be before the food began to decay and that flies would gather. This never happened. Thus the theory of "spontanious generation" was debunked. For this reason the whole of idea of evil "catching God by surprise" is debunked. Because for flies or corruption to occur- - there has to be some physical sourse of "seed" of the corruption.
As you may know some people talk about a Unified Field theory of the Universe. I like to look at it as a distilation of the expression "Anything that Can happen Will happen", and its coralary expression "Anything that can't happen, won't happen". As such mericales as some definable objective reality are defined out of existance. God simply won't allow them. You have heard me say that under Calvinism, meracles are impossible just as sin is impossible. This is because what I have done in practical terms as a Deist, is made "God" out of the four dimensions that scientists say came into existance at the Big Bang. But some might say "Isn't there a place called Heaven where perfection reigns?" My answer is "Probably". What scientists also tell us is that the Universe started off with eleven dimensions and collapsed down to four. The Federation view is a bit simpler. Think of five dimensions. Now picture a dot with lines or rays coming out of it in all directions. Only one of those rays represents The Big Bang as we experiance it here in our four dimensional construct universe. The theory goes that dimensions don't exist till they are created in a Big Bang. But the Unified Field Theory says "Anything that can happen will happen". So what happened to all those other dimensions, or as we and the Federation say "The fifth dimension" sometimes known as the dark dimension. Well- - that one is represented by the direction all of the other lines go raying out from a central point. Certain dimensions and properties of matter are created and fixed. We ourselves cannot experiance these other dimensions. In one of those other dimensions or concurrent Big Bangs, everything may be like our world, only that everything is perfect. Christians should like that.
I would like to focus on the word "My" as in "My writings on the Federation". Because of you-know-who I'm deciding to "own" my actions. St. Paul spoke of "My Gospell". I don't know if Paul Mc Cartney ever referred to the Beatles as "My Group" or that Rodger Waters ever did that with Pink Floyd. But St. Paul says something. He says "Though we or an angel out of heaven preach some other Gospell other than the one that you have received from us, Let Him Be Accursed". It would appear that St. Paul is cursing angels. If heaven is a perfect place, to keep our axiom going "Anything that Can't happen- - - Won't happen". As such evil in heaven we as we clerics define it- - is impossible. Some may ask "Well perhaps it gets boring being perfect all the time". It doesn't matter. If being imperfect is impossible, then it won't happen. That's the beginning and end of that discussion.
Even in Scientology where they speak of evil as "error" and as "an abberation" they in their so called secret writings- - speak of some alien planet where some ET civilization "seeded our planet with engrams, long ago". So scientology believes that Evil came from somewhere. Only in Christianity do they cling to the spontaniously regenerating flies theory. You know Nietche used the concept of Evolution to talk about a Super Race. I would at this time like to use Creationism to propose a rather racist view of the Universe that David Duke should find to his liking. One thing a psychologist would see in reviewing our Federation writings is that races mix based on some mathematical formula. These ratios appear to need to be exact, and they are never deviated from. Also such racial mixing appears to have been done only on specialized occasions and even people in a blended fifty fifty group, still continue to marry and breed just within this artificially created group. Another thing a psychologist would notice is that all the civilizations think they are perfect. If there are Alcyonne, or the Crestorians, or the Federation, or Andromeda, everybody thinks they are perfect and that their way is the only way. Here indeed is the true source of evil. A minute ago I defined our four dimensional universe as "God" because the way of "God" in our Universe can never be deviated from. Hence our Universe is perfect and everyone in it is without sin, whether you like it or not. But in the realms we discuss in our Federation writings- - everybody thinks they are God. It's Federation teaching, very akin to the propiganda the USSR put out, that the Federation would eventually reign supreme over everything. That such a result is just a matter of time. But all the other civilizations feel the same way about themselves. People like that Book Author think they're real cleaver defining away Evil the way they do. I'm an objectivist but to a limited degree. When my objectivism starts to break down the bounds of comon sense, then I turn exestentialist and view life from the perspective of a human being. When it gets dark, I say so, When it gets cold, I say so. I don't speak of darkness or cold as the mere "absences" of heat and light. That's nonsensical. We humans have to deal with the reality of life as it is, and not reality as someone else imagines it.
I'd like to talk just a little bit now about chance and coincidence. Sometimes things are not as chancy as one would imagine. We know that the median electric current in a sine wave is half of the square root of two. I used to throw around this figure at Golden West and got ignored, because the Median figure isn't relavant, only the mean is relavent. The median figure only applies to human beings. If you ask what the average worker in an auto plant produces, if you're talking to a production efficiency expert, you'll give him the mean figure, if you talking to a socialogist you'l give him the median figure. But you may also be aware in trigonomitry of two readings. The tangent of sixty degrees and the Sine (?) of sixty degrees have a definite relation to each other. The first is the square root of three and the other is half the square root of three. The thing with math and relations like this is that they usually aren't accidental. The reason why these two readings have an exact ratio like this is that the ratio of the two remaning lines of course is "point five hundred" or the inverse of two. When you see relations between things that appears more than chance, look for the connecting element. For instance you've heard of that Jewish guy Bar Kopplah, or Kopha, or something- - which means "Son of a Star". How many people do you know with that name? How many Bible figures do you know with that name? How many old testiment scriptures can you think of that state that the Messiah's birth will be herolded by a bright star? I can't think of any off hand. Yet suddenly in the NT, the messiah is connected with a bright star. How about the figure "Twelve leigions of angels". This is how many legions of Roman troops it took to defeat Bar Kopplah. (?) Also when the Jews were in power briefly during the revolt, they minted coins. Why would Jesus take the trouble to enphasize that Ceasar's image was on the coins? I thought Jews wern't supposed to have graven images, and Ceasar is held as a God, isn't he? When you see "stuff" like this in the Gospells, you can bet it didn't just get there by chance. Some have said that Christians started off as a Jewish Gnostic group. Ontologically, their gnosticism would necessarily preceed their Jewishness. Right? They are first gnostics and then a subset of that- - Jewish ones. So in other words they are Jews who adopted gnosticisum. Remember that the gnostics are the ones who first came up with the idea of devolution or "original sin" but in their case, it was God's devolution and degredation into increasingly corrupt materialism. Like 'Hugh" the Borg in Star Trek, they shook up the place with their concept of "The One". This is where the whole thing came from. People needed to put some sort of flesh and blood reality to "The One". (Selah)
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