The Steelers are going to put an end to the Viking’s six and 0 sinning streak. You have to watch those interceptions. It’s the Viking’s first loss of the season.
Today I want to talk about how real, relivent events are dealt with in the main stream media. I continue to be distressed that shows like “Meet the Press” regard the cut in pay of executive salaries imposed by the Obama administration as “punishment” and worse yet “self defeating”. They are calling it a way to placate the populist sentiment. You know my position. Then there is the matter of these drone flights in Afghanistan that are killing civilians. Apparently in the past the US has criticized Isrial for doing the same thing. Our moral position is losing ground. Joseph Byden is just plain wrong on this issue. But worse yet, if the flights are in Pakistan, with whom we are austensively on friendly relations with this isn’t good. As it was pointed out as of now Iran has zero nuclear bombs, and Pakistan has sixty bombs and if the Talliban is making progress there this is a definite area for concern. There was a guy on the internet last night from the symposium of “Accuracy in the Media” where they said “Even the polling data the media puts out is deceptive. I talked about a 57% popular support for the Public Option. Now that figure is apparently 61%. But they word the question in saying “Do you support the public option if it increases competition?” These conservatives say “The question rather should be – Do you want the Public Option even if it puts your insurance company out of business?” Let’s look at these questions in another way so you can understand it better. Would it be wrong to ask a community “Do you want another supermarket in town if it will increase competition?” Obviously that’s a given. You don’t have to wonder about that. If you were to ask “Do you want a second supermarket in town even if it put the first market out of business?” Some markets make their living gauging ghetto residents for healthy fruits and vegetables thus forcing Black people to just by junk food and Ripple”. (Or do I sound like a do-gooder liberal now) My point is no matter how you phrase the question- - the answer is going to most likely be a pretty accurate portrayal of reality. The American people know what they want in the way of health care, and they know what they don’t want. And they don’t want the status quo.
Then there is the issue of President Obama verses Fox News. Some would say that since the President has “gone out on the attack” against Fox, Fox’s ratings have shot way up, as have Rush Limbaugh’s. Some might even cite me Martin Luther King or Ghandi in “Not responding in kind but by being non violent” metaphorically. Some may even quote that passage from the Ron Hubbard tape I have where he says “If you are headed in a fire engine to put out a fire, it would be absurd to stop and address the dogs who are nipping at your wheels”. Suppose we change that example a little? Suppose instead that it’s putting these spike strips in the roads like police use to stop felons. What do you think about it now? Huh? You know- in “Charriots of Fire” there was a line that Abrams spoke where he said to the Olympic officials, “You want us to do a job well, but you seem to envision it as a task done with the effortlessness of the Gods, and not as the result of a lot of blood, and toil, and sweat”. It’s no disgrace to respond to a problem when there IS a problem that needs to be handled. This is common sense. It makes no sense to let the enemy have a free shot at you without shooting back. If he sees you are shooting back, he might think twice about continuing the conflict. So it is with President Obama and the Fox network. That Tavis Smiley guy on Meet the Press was the only guy with his brain plugged into Reality. And he said that Obama like a lot of people is lazy and does only what he has to and the American People have to be persistent and make the President do the right thing on Health Care, and “I know the President is up to it”.
In a five or six period of listening one can witness Jesus of KFI screwing up multiple times. Today he answered a caller complaining "How come God stoops to petty wagering with Satan over the lives of Job and his children, and sacrifices the lives of Job's children to prove some theological point?" Jesus said "It isn't a matter of God in a petty bet with Satan" but then said nothing to support that statement. Jesus said much as he did about those heroic fire fighters who died in 9 - 11 that "Maybe they were child molesters or something and needed judgement. You don't know". Now Jesus is saying "How do you know Job's children were not evil?" If Jesus would read the book he would find out. Job said to himself, "Perhaps my children have sinned." So Job offered an atoning blood animal sacrifice for them. As to this notion that the story is about winning some "Faith battle" let's just review some of the things Job said in his torment. He cursed the day he was born and said may the date be blotted out from history". May I suggest that is a caller to Jesus' show had said something like this, he'd be criticized for undo gloominess. Furthermore, if a person has gone through some health crisis such as surviving cancer or a heart attack, he is the weaker for the experiance and not stronger. Finally we have this notion introduced where Jesus says "God wanted to show us that this present life - this present world is not important". I urge you Bible readers to come up with any verse that says either "This life is not important" or "this world is not relivant" or "Your life here is not relivent" or any such verse. I suggest if you think you know where such a passage is, you go take another look. In the parable of the sower, Jesus says that what transpires "in the field" so to speak, is very relivent.
It was August when Dr. Levy promised the class that he would have a “Hanza” or “Hantza” for anyone who wanted one. This is sort of a Mideast charm that’s a hand with an eye in the middle to – ward off the Evil Eye and other evil spirits. I said I wanted one of those. Of course on that Simpson’s episode when they were in Morocco, Homer bought one of these monkey’s paw charm things that granted unlimited wishes and which Flanders eventually used to free Springfield of space aliens. I really don’t know if there is any connection, or whether the Simpson’s thing was completely made up.
I want to talk to you today about a subject that I’ve alluded to many times but never explained, and that is the possible nature of the Sixth or Psychic dimension. First of all a “dimension” differs from an “aspect”. An aspect is merely another perspective or angle of the same event. A dimension such as a computer array dimension, is a whole other field or range of knowledge previously unavailable. First of all we perceive everything in three dimensions, just as color blind people perceive everything in black and white. But this is not to preclude that some material we regard as three dimensional may have other dimensions of existence also, that we can have no knowledge of, no matter how much we tinker with our electron microscopes. I would at this time like to clear up a popular confusion between “hyper-space” and negative space. Some say that in order to exceed the speed of Light you’d have to bring in “negative space”. The answer is “No, not the way I think you mean it”. First of all if there is negative space it has to be occupied by negative mass because the nature of mass determines the nature of the space around it. You’ve heard this writer say that many times. My point however is that if there is a “negative universe” out there- - it is bound by the same blanket prohibition of exceeding the speed of light that we are in our universe. All of the math would be the same. Some may have trouble believing that we cant EVER exceed the speed of light “no matter hard we try”. Well, get used to it. Not with our current caporial matter. Do you remember what happens if somehow that should happen? Let me remind you. Mass and time would go negative. Mass and time always work together as a unit and one can’t go negative without the other. One could if one likes, envision a tangent spike wave that shoots up and then reappears way down. Mass and time are linked- - and this is using ordinary Newtonian logic, or “The Smallville principle”. Space of course would also mathematically go negative. This means that an object would double right back on itself and appear where it has been, at the time it was there to begin with. As such any hyper-light activity would be both undetectable and impossible.
But suppose there was a world where “things were different” than they are in this universe. If you were to travel faster than light, it is logical to think you would travel a lot faster, about as close to Infinitely fast as you can get. In such a world, a psychic world, travel over great distances would be instantaneous, faster than the telephone for transporting messages, or people. Indeed travel at the speed of light would be the slowest conceivable thing in this Universe. But you may ask what this means. Well, “travel” as we know it would mean something rather “different” in this world. In that world it would mean that Time comes into existence as a strange kind of novelty. It would mean for the first time an object could NOT BE a certain place. This notion of NOT being- - would be a strange and novel one to these people. It would take TIME to get some place where formerly you were NOT and NOT be where you were. As such approaching the speed of light would be a Localization phenomenon. But some may say “Then everything is a single line of transverse time?” and they might say “It is a frozen instant, then”. Here is what I believe happens. I believes time “flattens out” and becomes Zero dimensional. What this means is that people in the psychic realm have no facility to perceive the passage of time as we think of it because they never have to WAIT for anything. If the notion of “time flattening out” seems peculiar, let’s go back to our green golf course grid model of the gravitational Universe. Just to remind you that horizontal represents actual space and the Surface of the green represents “perceived” space, and the vertical dimension represents both gravity and - - not Time- - but the Speed of Passage trough Time. In a deep hole you move more swiftly through time by an increasing factor. The factor where the surface is the flattest is “One”. But this number may be reduced further I believe. It’s the natural viscosity of the Ether that fills empty space that gives this gravitational factor of one. If you reduce the viscosity you reduce the gravity. One might almost envision a layer of green fog lying over our golf course “One” unit high. In the psychic world certain things naturally ARE and other things naturally AREN’T. It’s just that they Stay that way - - all the - time. This pattern of ARE verses AREN’T is dictated by the vector of the fifth dimensional vector of the explosion from the Big Bang. In a previous posting I speculated that the Soul may be capable of fifth dimensional travel, but that is not our topic today. If there is Change in the Federation, it’s due to Travel because Travel is something we do through space but it’s something They do- - so that they are physically able to perceive the passage of time. Otherwise the psychic realm contains Constants. Everything is a constant and it doesn’t matter whether it’s way in the past or way in the future, it’s all accessable and readable. This is what the Federation may be referring to as “The true psychic realm” where falsehood and temporal errors do not occur. (Selah)