Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nancy Palosi Rolls Out House Health Bill

Nancy Palosi made a big speech about introduction of a House health bill today that has gotten almost now news play. Talk shows may lead with her speech but in the end we know almost nothing about this House bill except that it’s over one thousand pages long. I’ll look for a summary of it. It contains an unqualified public option and also increases “Medic-aid”. It would cost 900 Billion dollars. But they say it is really revenue positive in that its effect in the long run will be to cut the deficit from what it would otherwise be. I don’t understand that. Hillary’s speech in Pakistan got more air play. We could spend a lot less money if we just help the people rather than bomb them. It’s really hard to bomb an impoverished people into submission. The house health bill was called forward and progressive. Lieberman campaigned on universal health care in the 2006 re-election campaign to bag liberal Democratic votes. But his wife, Hedassa has a membership in all sorts of lobbying groups. Lieberman and Mc Cain seem to be in a heated contests for biggest two-faced phony of all time.

The US economy is out of recession with better than three percent growth in the third quarter, which amazes me, since I had heard that we were narrowly down for that quarter. Instead we are up three percent on an annualized rate. If this rate should continue the recession would be a distant memory by next year 2010, when the congressional elections are held. One would hope the Republicans would sit up and take notice. Formerly they had said that we entered our current recession in December of 2007. This is October 29, 2009 the anniversary of the stock market crash, which would be eighty years ago. Europe has artificial low unemployment because the government fills in the gaps in hours which corporations agree to cut back so that everyone can keep their jobs. Unlike us, who cater to big corporations with massive tax cuts, people on the continent subscribe to the “trickle up” theory. Now Europe is out of their recession even though it was worse there. I don’t think history, and not too distant history, will be kind to this generation the way that we catered to every whim of the richest of corporate interests. They say even now there is an undercurrent to completely revamp all sorts of laws on corporation to make it a whole new ball game. Hartman is sticking to his claim of a double dip recession for the United States. He says that President Obama’s policies still resemble more those of Herbert Hoover rather than Franklin Roosevelt.

People may wonder at this connection between political right wingers and “religion”. Well the old Latin definition of religion is to restrain, to tie back – out of the way, or something you would do with a vine. Of course Jesus spoke of “abiding in the vine”. I say this because those who say religion is liberating are truly speaking in Orwellian terms. It’s just another of so many lies they tell. Some people speak of being bound by a “meme” or unsupported belief. George Bush operated on the “meme” that going to war would give him Political Capital and would save his administration. We still here this meme preached by people like Zell Miller at the 2004 republican convention, who see everything in terms war, and patriotism as being pro war, and infidels as being anti war. I suspect even Democrats such as President Obama have fallen into this meme that “war covereth a multitude of sins”. The “sins” in this case would be his domestic policies. Some say that we wanted war in Afghanistan because some outfit wants to construct an oil pipeline through that country. The only “solution” Joe Byden can come up with for our troop shortfall is to bomb the population of Afghanistan back to the stone age with unmanned drone rockets. Today I learned that the very invasion of Afghanistan by Russia that we all used as a patriotic rallying point in 1979 was in fact an effort by the USSR to restore civil rights in Afghanistan that hat recently been won but ucerped by the Muhajabeeb. (sp) Soon we will have been in Afghanistan longer than the Russians were there. President Obama trapped himself by saying that we were “neglecting” Afghanistan. Again he felt he had to offer the right wing a bone, as something to get their minds off the dreaded Iraq withdrawal. I had heard this notion of “tying up” being linked to the word Religion over 35 years ago but I dismissed the notion till I checked it out for myself today. The words “Religion” and “System of Beliefs” are thus NOT interchangeable expressions. A “belief” can be any meme or notion about anything. Beliefs can be both supportable by science and unsupportable by science. A metaphysical belief is a belief not directly supported by science. Many times the Christian right wing likes to substitute “esoteric” for “metaphysical” to make the practitioners appear more bizarre and “out of the main stream”. But in truth it’s the Christian Right’s own beliefs of “memes” that are out of the main stream. I have been more and more inclined to say that neo-conservatism is one big Religion. It dies together a whole set of discredited beliefs such as living in a constant state of war, and “having a powerful leader” and ANY law that infringes on a corporation is bad, and corruption and graft are OK as long as it’s our side that’s doing it. So they become obstructionist in the extreme and pray nightly for President Obama to fail, and are upset by good economic news, and downright terrified that this recession just might be over in a year or two.

I still sense rumblings of discontent out there about my rather weak follow up to the idea of a psychic dimension. Many will say, “But you didn’t say anything about how the psychic process works, or IF it even works”. Some may say “Why even bother with it. Aren’t there enough exciting things in the world to hold your interest?” Suffice it to say that mankind has always been intrigued by ideas that he can’t prove. It’s our nature. I have an intellectual problem myself with something that links the “other side” (hyperspace) to the here and now. However, ex talk show host Michael Benner says things can be real and exist but still be inherently scientifically unmeasurable. Of course let me say again that - - not to misuse any analogy but to give you some kind of comparison - - hyperbolic space is as different from this space as regular trig is from hyperbolic trigonometry. Of course those who invoke the ether as a medium of “transmission” of psychic impulses and information would be at odds with my metaphysical view of the Universe. Many even in the Christian realm such as Fredrick Price, speak of “being tuned in on the right frequency”. Well, this may sound really trite but we scientists haven’t got the vaguest idea of what Consciousness is, in terms of manifestation in the physical realm. It’s something physicians deduce the existence of. They say “this patient should be coming around soon”. They do mental tests of measure cognition. Psychologists tell us that personalities as they study them are really “sets of ideas” or notions, that as it were, are ruled by the same consciousness. It’s as if the individual ideas hold a vote and determine “who is going to own them”. To explain the physical process better, let us move to an internet analogy. Nothing can get through on the internet unless it gets past the fire wall and the “thought” or information has “permission” to enter through a certain port number. Certain people mentally “get” other people, and others they just “don’t get”. It could be that psychic communication is very much like this, keeping in mind that the computer represents the brains of physical people on earth and within those brains there is software which “connects you to the hyper-light (or hyperbolic as I referred to it) dimension that links physical substance to itself. If the computer is your physical brain, the software of the computer is the device- - that unlike actual computer software is completely stealth and undetectable and I doubt it’s even measurable by magnetism- - the software is the soul- - -that I must emphasize- - is stealth and completely unmeasurable by scientists. Having said all this the only other question is “How do you know an idea you may or may not even agree with is FROM some dead person, rather than your own “meme” or beliefs? Because the idea is tagged like an dog tag and the tag says “John Lennon is my owner” or whatever. This is how I think it just might work. If I come up with a clearer explanation I’ll pass it along.

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