This is Tuesday November 3, 2009 and this morning what happens when I don’t smoke for extended periods becomes evident. I become a little O C D, that is, I obsess and worry about aimless things either possibly missing items or things I have left undone. I shouldn't be bothered about that missing crucifix that Gary gave me the summer before last, after all, I'm not Catholic. This morning it was tough sledding to get cigarettes. Tuesday mornings are the worst time to borrow because everybody is out. After being turned down by numerous people finally John let me have a few puffs on his cigarette that he got from Janet. It was a good brand with a high nicotine content. The TV was working good this morning with KTTV on. I went out again and
In the news people are obsessing over these three elections they are having today. It looks as if the democrats will lose all three of them, and if they do I say it’s irrelevant. There is one in way upstate
For the fourth day in a row we had that lousy brand of oatmeal. Our remedy for having pancakes seldomly, which was our policy before last week, now that situation has been remedied. We no longer have pancakes at all. We had a fried egg and toast with grape jelly already on it, and we did have sausage. It’s always good to get more meat in our diets. Marsha gave me a cigarette to smoke after breakfast.
Hamid Karzai is the defacto winner of the
Arab leaders want all Israeli construction on the
The Orion Federation takes exception to my remarks about the Muhajadeeb last week, or the freedom-fighters of Afghanistan. The fact is that patriots of any country will rise up and defend their homeland be it the USSR or the United States that is invading. The Federation still believes the nation we have to worry about is Iran. The problems we are having with Afghanistan and Pakistan will prove inconsequencial in the long view of things. But with Iran we have a virelent threat that people like Pat Buchannon can't see because his motto is "I never met an anti-semite that I didn't like". Russia may ally itself with Iran in the coming years.
I watched the video of Glen Beck I was going to do a blog on today. Glen does these extended twenty minute comentaries on FOX using the blackboard and other visual aids. Except that Glen is regarded as so nutty that I didn’t want to keep bad company. Glen has the theory that the money supply went up 120% in the past year and back when the money rate was hiked only 13% they had to jack the interest rate to twenty percent to counteract that. So this time they’ll have to jack the interest rates up close to two hundred or triple percent. This would be intolerable. Glen says that the “power” has not yet been applied to the money flow and we’re all just “waiting for that to happen”, which Glen says is certain. My own theory is that the banks and brokerage firms operate as a giant vacuum cleaner more greedy than a black hole, and for this reason we will never have inflation now because as a requisite money has not only to be in circulation, but we pretty much need a full employment economy that can’t take up any slack. 1980 and 1981 were a different case, and things aren’t at all like that now. We don’t have cost, push, or demand, pull, or any other kind of inflation. We don’t have any inflation at all, basically.
Sixty Minutes had a thing on the H1 N1 virus and growing all those chicken eggs to culture the virus, and dress it up in a tux. They say they will kill the virus before use in a vaccine. That Baree syndron people got in 1976 from a Swine Flu vaccine won’t happen again. Basically the H1 N1 vaccine is as safe as any other vaccine you take today. After this was a segment on the Yakasoo or that Japanese mafia organization where people are tattooed all over and have portions of fingers missing as punishments for “making mistakes”. One thing about this evening- - I was very alert the whole evening, if not anxious. My first borrowing of a cigarette was from Joe Drisco about a quarter after six. I did not attempt to have another cigarette the rest of the evening.
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