Friday, July 27, 2012

"The Kids want a Savior & Don't Need a Fake"

Well whee halve occasionally wondered weather the Olympics wherr two commercial or knott.  "Huh?" 

"Nosotros todos vamos a ballar para last mandas que yo hago"
I better check that translation with Mike Bloomfield.  Being a novice I'm not schooled in the subtalties of the Chicago dialect.

"In the night the gold coins were a tinkeling, the next day the price was paid"   "I have no thought at all about my own reward" -Maurie Head

"You live with straights who tell you, you was King"

"The one mistake you made was - being Dead"

Take Two:  So are the Olympics getting too commercial?  Back in the "Charriots of Fire" era that Abrams fellow rebuked some detractor at the College saying "You expect a champion to achieve his goals with the effortlessness of the gods", when he hired a professional coach.  I identify with Abrams because I too have become "defensive" at times when I felt I was being deliberately slighted, and in the past have gotten my hackles in an uproar.  Nobody wants to be played for a fool.  But today things are totally different.  We have corporate sponsors up the wazoo and I'm wondering why?  We have four companies, Dow Chemical, the napalm people, and Addidus, British Petroleum, and Mickey D's, who bring you the Olympics and lord help me if I walk out there in my New Balance shoes with the tell-tale "N" insignia on them.  This will not do.  I do not see why there should be ANY corporation support of the Olympics.  The way I see it, the Olympics should be of, by and for Amatures.  That's kind of the point of the thing - to strive for individual excellence.  I question whether some of the way the athlets have bulked and buffed out lately might be due to steroids.  For me if it's adult professional sports.  But anything involving minors, or anything that is by stipulation for "amatures" should be strictly regulated. But now they are saying that the entire seventeen day Olympic extravaganza is just a Corporate Commercial for their varied products.  I do not believe the profit from Olympics parafanalia or tie-ins should enter into the motivation for having the event.  I'm not suggesting that everyone go back to performing in the nude, like the ancient Greeks originally did it, but we might just dial back the glitz factor back just a little.  But I am in full agreement that the host country has every right to feel good about conducting the event on their home soil and certainly British have never backed away from a fight.  That's what made Queen Elizabeth the first one of their (I almost said "Our") greatest monarch of all time of either gender.  Mitt Romney has had so much foot and mouth disease lately if I were he I would find a dark hole in the ground to hide myself away in till I was trotted out like a drassage horse, to accept the nomination of my Party in Florida.

Those lyrics about "the best laid plans of mice and men" came to pass today in Dr. Levy's class.  One may sin at his leisure but often finds it expediant to repent in haste.  Dr. Levy made a big pitch this afternoon when I finally saw him for the first time in 36 days ("you reckon time with the carefulness of a prisoner) since our last meeting.  Afterward Bones saw me and he complemented on my "comportment" during the meeting.  (My word - not his)  I'm in a British frame of mind.  Anyhow Bones said with enthusiasum that I gave one of the best speeches I've given in public in a long time with one knock-out example after another.  He wanted to know "Did the latest blog posting go well?" and I thought HE had given me those quotations in purple letters.  It turns out he didn't.  Those were last minute additions, even though they were posted first.  Today from Dr. Levy I got a two sided papal medal with the current Pope on one side and Pope John Paul II on the other.  I have already told you that Bones has a fondness for Pope John II.  I told Dr. Levy "Maybe I can quite smoking if I pray to the pope and I can do that now".  He didn't know how to respond.  One thing Nicole Sandler and I have in common is that we learned so much we know about being Jewish from watching the Ten Commandments movie.  This movie is one I don't think my Dad ever recorded, though I have a recording of large portions of it from Easter of 1996, an evening I drank way too many Mickey's.

At the risk of self contradiction - - it would seem that at times things done from the seemingly Purest of motives can lead to the worst forms of Evil that would not be possible otherwise.  The Bible itself adminishes us to "Abstain from every form of Evil" and we do well to heed that advice.  For instance certainly a religion whose favorite scripture is "Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried away our iniquities" can't be anything but good, right?  Would not such a religion that held such a doctrine in high regard be one of compassionate and caring people?  Sometimes the reality that develops is not the thing imagined.  It's like art.  Sometimes when I work on a photo- - I determine "where the photo itself Wants to go" and often I have one idea but then see that the photo "wants to go" in a different direction and so I go there and it works out a whole lot better than I imagined it would.  Well, do you think Jesus Christ is the only one who ever suffered?  To hear churchmen talk you'd think Jesus was the only one that was ever "despised and rejected by men".  Well, I have been despised and rejected by man.  According to the Wickipedia entry on Mike Bloomfield he says "I'm into the Blues because I relate to the music.  You see Black people suffer on the outside - - but a Jew suffers on the inside".  As such I relate to the interractional emotions of that Abrams guy in Charriots of Fire even though the situations are different ones from the specific conflicts I have faced.  Samantha Brady DOES have a compassionate bone in her body.  She relates to Elvis Di Mira because she too had felt persecuted and misunderstood and "those people don't really know me" kind of feelings.  So she goes to the mat for someone who on the surface appearence others would advise her to shun.  One like etched into my memory is the line from the Black like Me movie that does "The thing is you can wipe that Blackness off your face and go back to your normal way of life any time you want.  WE can't!  That's a sobering thought for Neil Savedra to think about in his saner moments.  We don't have the luxury of "knowing the script in advance".  If scripture be believed- - he KNOWS more of the presence of God in one minute than any of us will ever know in a lifetime.  And yes there other men who were crucified.  Jesus was not the only once, much as the Church would kid themselves otherwise.  Or as the Monkees put it long ago, "You're not the only choo-choo train that was ever left out in the rain".  But there is this doctrine of Uniqueness attached to Jesus.  No sooner does the Son of God decide to be Man, than Man himself elevates this very being to the status of a Superstar.  It says that "Jesus grew in favor with God and man".  There are vast periods in my life where I have had the favor of neither.  How about you?  They will not admit into their minds the slightest hint that Jesus of Nazareth had anything but a blisful, happy childhood with nurturing parents who spurred his intellectual and spiritual growth.  Chuck Smith once noted a theory I don't entirely buy into myself but it's worth running up the flag pole now.  He said that "Man is in a steady process becoming LIKE the God he worships".  It's this whole idea of specialness and uniqueness.  THEY personally feel "special" so it's only fitting that they would fashion a God who shares these same qualities.  Just as Norman Bates was posessive of his Mother- - and so imagined that after she was gone that his Mother was Just as Posessive of Him. (Selah)  As such, anf here is the "rubber meets the road" of it as Pastor Mark would say.  These tea party people who invented this God say that he and he Alone should give to the poor.  It's too "holy" of an act for mortal man to even attempt.  Such compassion is the domain of Jesus alone.  In like manner Jesus spoke of Peace, but the tea party believes that Peace is something for the Next Life, and should not even be attempted in this one.  Jesus taught tollerance.  But here again all of that "Love your fellow man crap" is for the Next Life and as for this one, we are entitled to be just as prejucided and biggoted as we please."  (Selah) In reality - - and this hit me a few days ago - - Jesus of Nazareth has a lot more in common with King Saul than King David.  Like Saul, Jesus was tall and good looking and had the favor of the people.  Like Saul- - he lacked the balls to go up against a really big national threat like Gollaith.  David on the other hand suffered inferences of being a bastard child and was a "red headed scruffy boy" one might imagine like Opey on the Andy Griffith show, with nothing to distinguish him.  If we believe the Bible- - -  the whole concept of a "King" was discouraged by the prophet Samuel.  If everything is a "type" than the word "King" is a type or shadow of the word "Messiah".  The people in Jesus day were clammoring for a Messiah.  Soul was found by God when he was "Looking for his ass".  Jesus of Nazareth rode in on an ass.  Saul started out humble till job insecurity led to massive Paranoia.  Jesus started out humble- - but when he became the head of the Church (an antitype of Israel) he became paranoid and posessive and prone to fits of violence at former friends.  The people loved David because of his simplicity and humility.  David was loyal to Saul, but Saul often lacked sufficient faith in David.  (Selah)   "Father, you left me, but I never left You" -John Lennon.

What Did You See?  Where have you been? What did you Hear?  Who did you Meet?  Where are you going.  "I saw a white ladder all covered with water".  "'I've stood and wept besides seven dead oceans"  "I saw people with hammers their hands were all bleeding"  "I heard one man screaming - I heard a dozen people laughing" "I saw blood from a black rock that kept dripping" "I met a young woman whose body was burning" (Joan of Arc?)  I met a white man who walked a Black dog.  I heard ten thousand people whispering and nobody listening.  I saw a lane full of diamonds with nobody on it.  (ZAC sail mailings?)  I met a young man who was wounded in Love.  I met another man who was wounded in hatred. I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children.  "I heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world"  I'm going out to the deepest dark forest.  Where the people's hands are all empty.  (no "666" mark of the Beast)  And the executioner's face is always well hidden.  Where black is the color and none is the number. "And I know my song well before I start singing".  And in answer to Dr. Levy's question about plans- - if you speak as mouthpiece for one Greater than yourself you better make damn sure that first that you have His leave to do so, and next you better well know that even if you yourself haven't "thought everything through" that HE HAS THOUGHT EVERYTHING THROUGH BEFORE THE DAWN OF TIME.  (Selah)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Constructive & Destructive Power of Myths

Random Internet Chatter  on the border line- -
Moral Rudderless Network Detected
Long Distance Opperator - - I heard this call is on the House
Policeman – Blow your Whistle - - I see No Way Out
I’d Change my plea to Guilty - - But I don’t think it would stick
Hey Mister Bartender - - I swear I’m not Too Young
Please allow me to introduce myself I’m a man of wealth and taste
The best laid plans of mice and men - - Sin at leisure - - Repent in Haste
The Tea Preacher gets Rich with the money he’d made on your Dreams
I fear my dear that it’s eminently clear that you can’t see the trees for the forrest.  Your father was an extrordenary Man - - but you don’t seem to have inherited any of his Manorisms.
Your little friend here - - You think she came down here to rescue you - - but I’m telling you right now - - She’s not what she Seems
She gathered all her neighbors around - - she wanted to make sure they understood
Legal Suicide is for law systems that have become terminal
Mitt Romney’s soul is filled with crawling worms.  A shot of alcohol will fix that.
Mathematicians, unlike theologians, are NOT looking for Infinite solutions.
“I need to know which one of these many wires to pull right now to diffuse this Bomb.  What does Dr. Schuller say?”  “He gave me this fortune cookie for you.  It reads “The possibilities for you are infinite”.  “What you mean is “Irving’s gun was there but Irving was off hiding”  “That’s pretty much the way I read it”
Are you a Fool - - or is it True?

There is a place for Myths in our society to illustrate a moral or philosophical point.  But myths become dangerous when the point of them is Destructive, as in the case of the Tea Party or Christianity, or where the Substance of the myth rather than its alligorical truths are taken as the thing that you carry away from the story.  For instance we know that the story of Jonah is a myth, but it is a constructive myth to the effect that "God isn't Done with any man or woman till God DAYS that he's done with you".  This is a basic truth which theologically I am in full agreement with.  However if you go on to say that the whole three days and death and ressurection of a life is THEE thing that you carry away from the myth- then something is wrong.  Jesus taught not only that Adam and Eve really lived as a historical fact, but also that they had a Godly "marriage" of the sort celebrated in any Jewish society.  Poll question:  How many agree with the lyrics of "Love and marriage - go together like a horse and carriage".  I'd like to see you point out one time where it says Anywhere in scripture that Adam and Eve loved each other.  It's not there- anywhere.  Look for yourself.  People go on to spawn hard doctrine from myths and a popular one among Fundamentalists these days is the doctrine of the Priesthood of Adam.  God was so legalistic that he instructed Adam on making sure all the T's were crossed and the I's dotted.  If the term "Priesthood of Adam" rings a bell from somewhere- - it is the Mormons that first came up with the concept of the Priesthood of Adam, and the Fundamentalists picked up the fumble and ran with it.  But we have downright Destructive Myths out there or a "story line" that is pure lies.  For instance the Obama "story line" the "story that is told" involves Obama's father being this anti colonialist dangerous socialist whom son Barock was Obssesed with.  And Obama was born in Kenya and faked his birth cirtificate.  He palled around with Socialists during the Viet Nam war and evaded the draft.  And then hung out with Jeremiah Wright- - who of course is really a Moslem terrorist.  And the President wants to hike gasoline prices to five dollars a gallon to get Americans off their beloved petrolium products in favor of risky schemes that will never work involving win and geothermal and solar energy power.  And Al Gore is a bad man and a hypocrite according to Dr. Levy because we all know the scientists who agree with Global Warming are all some kind of Socialist of Communist conspirators, and all these economists who advise in favor or raising taxes on the rich are all part of a giant conspiracy.  And the main stream media is a giant propaganda machine to deny us the real tea party facts is to what is going on.  And we know gas prices are so high now because President Obama closed all the oil wells in the Gulf and won't allow America to drill for oil so energy production in America is only a fraction of what it was when Obama took office, and we know that gasoline prices have doubled from what they were under George Bush.  All of this is accepted as Gospel truth by the tea party and people like Dr. Levy believe it.

I'm going to shorten up this rant from what I had planned out in my mind at breakfast (when I seem to do all my creative thinking)  Here's a good campaign slogan "We'll give you Pawlente of Romney" this November.   Here are the real unvarnished facts as I see them surrounding the crusifiction of Jesus Christ, as told by John the Baptist.  First of all the crusifiction as we view it was on November 24th 29 AD during a partial eclipse of the sun.  There were no feasts going in in Jerusalem them.  It was perhaps on a Sunday that the Egyptian- - named Crestus by the Romans, came into town with his partisans.  Like John the Baptist he believed that the temple system was utterly corrupt and railed against it and overturned the money tables for starters.  "Just as I am" would no longer cut it but your "Gift" you gave to God out of your Own Substance, had to have a kosher tag on it, and these could only be had at a stiff premium.  Crestus said "Tear down this temple made with hands and in three days I will build up a temple NOT made with hands" but nobody understood what this meant.  They did not understand the Isaiah scripture that said "And as for his generation they considered that he was cut off from the land of the living"  But God said "I will prolong his days".  Crestus himself told his detractors, "I am going away and you will look but you will not be able to find me".  Another wrote of him "When your rooster crows at the break of dawn - look out your window and I'll be gone".  One time when Crestus was talking to his detractors in Jerusalem it clouded up and roared out a thunder.  Others said "It thundered against him".   And Crestus said "It thunders not against me but against you.  For I say to you this day: "I heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole nation.  On that day you will look up and when the enemy comes you won't know why, but it's because you rejected me."  He also said to them "God could take these stones you see all around you and make for himself Children of Abraham, if he so desires".  Now Judas Iscariot (whose twin sister is named Gabriel) did meet with the priests and scribes and he was paid a sum of money for betraying Crestus.  And it came about that one evening when they were planning an attack- that Judas told them he was in a moment of weakness, in prayer, and now he could be taken.  And there was a great battle in the valleys east of Jerusalem.  And Crestus was taken and held in Prison back in Jerusalem and beaten and then manicled.  But it came about that Judas had a change of heart and felt guilty for his actions and desired to see the Master so arranged to visit him in his cell.  But in the process of that night during the visitation his two captor guards fell asleep and the key to the manicles was found and used, and behold many of the locks had been jammed so that they didn't lock.  And the Drifter made his escape and joined his troops and headed off to Egypt to live another day.  But Judas himself was caught and thrown in prison as a conspirator.  And he demanded to see a Priests and he did confess and threw down the blood money he had obtained and said "I have sinned against God".  And they did say to him "We don't understand why you're so filled with remourse because you proved to be on target- you backed the right horse".  And it came about that the next morning the crowd who had supported Crestus was angry and gathered in the pavillion and Governor Pilate came out to them and he brought Judas with him and - - he told them.  "In Rome we have a law that says any guards who let a prisoner escape must suffer the fate of the condemned man, even it it is unto death".  Therefore what shall I do with this man?"  And the crowd looked at Judas and shouted with one voice "Crucify him - crucify him".  And while on the cross one of the two condemned guards turned to Judas and said "We are getting the just penalty for our misdeeds - - but you did nothing wrong but were only doing your civic duty".  He said this not knowing the full story.  And Judas said to him "He who discovers the Truth accomplishes a great thing.  And Judas cried out to the Lord for mercy "My God, my God, why has thow forsaken me".  And as the three man hung on the cross a strange darkness enveloped the land that afternoon.  And nobody could explain it.  But the Romans took it as a sign that - - somehow God was displeased by their actions today.  Judas died.  Crestus lived in Egypt and gathered strength and then made his way to Rome where he and his followers prospered, at least untill AD 50 when Claudius threw these "Jews" out Of the City.

Mitt Romney Continues to be a Real Douche

Mitt Romney isn’t content to make an ass of himself in this country.  Now he’s doing it in England.  First of all he goes on this “common Anglo-Saxon heritage” but, when I don’t even think Romney is an English name.  I thought it was German.  There is this scandal with Barkley’s bank of England discussed on the Mc Laughlin group last Saturday.  They are under investigation for the LIBOR scandal, and there is dispute as to how to pronounce that word.  They are involved in manipulating interest rates among other things.  A number of M P’s or members of parliament wrote Barkley’s saying they should not consort with Romney or visa versa.  For Mitt Romney they are birds of a feather.  Mitt Romney then goes on to express doubt as to whether London is really prepared for the Olympics opening tomorrow, in either organization or the people who’ll be attending.  The Mayor of London today spoke before a stadium of 100,000 people today and he fingered Mitt Romney by name saying he should not doubt that the British people are Ready for the Olympics, and led a cheering section.  What an embarrassment for Romney.  Romney went on to talk about his wife’s running in the dressage horse competition and added “I won’t even be watching the event myself, that’s just Anne’s sport”.   Mitt has not really apologized for any of his remarks about anything.

This whole saga of the Anaheim Police Department and the shooting of Manuel Diaz is an issue that isn’t going away.  Frankly I think they should televise the inquest or whatever on local LA stations like they did with the death of Reuben Salazar who was fired on and killed as he sat in a bar by the LAPD in east Los Angeles in late August of 1970.  I watched all this inquest stuff in the following weeks in 1970 since I really wasn’t doing anything else with my life then.  Anaheim is a tale of two cities.  53% of the population is Latino, a fact that Judy most certainly finds distressing.  We know her abiding hatred of the Arab community in Anaheim.  Now there is talk about “anti gang” activities by the cops when what they mean is if you are of Hispanic extraction.  David Cruise was out in the neighborhood broadcasting live on his afternoon radio program.  Here are some statistics.  Only twenty percent of the population has past a ninth grade education, which surprises me.  78% of this community on Anna Drive are long time residents.  43% are foreign born but 73% of those are US citizens.  The apartment complex apparently has plain tan or beige buildings.  Manuel Dias wanted to join the marines but his mother discouraged him from doing that like his older brother did because she was afraid he’d be killed.  In retrospect the marines were probably a safer bet.  In terms of the actual shooting itself you know the facts.  He was shot right there on the front lawn with video cameras running.  He was moving around with a bullet to the back and a bullet out his forehead.  A 21 year old friend approached him wanting to give aid, and the cops prevented others from rendering aid, but neither would they themselves call an ambulance.  The residents of the street did that.  There were hours of delay and Manuel died at seven PM.  Manuel was cuffed while he lay, perhaps a long time, bleeding to death.  Manuel was given the name Stomper because he was a stand-out athlete on the basketball court.  Little children witnessed the police shooting and others are concerned these little children might be traumatized for life because of what they witnessed.  His mother took legal action now and believes the two offending officers need to be arrested right now.  Another spoke of the need for a “Revolution” and reminds people that “Revolution” is not an unlawful word.  As I said before it means some sort of means of “going outside the box” because it’s clear if the status quo is allowed to continue, things will only get worse and worse.  Meanwhile before an investigation is even conducted, the Police Union says that “It is a good shooting”.  The officers are not off the force but merely on temporary paid leave.  The officers came back to the neighborhood today waving their guns around threateningly at the people.  People have got to be stirred and protest this event themselves.

Elvis Di Mira is being set up.  This became quite plain when Samantha Brady was mugged on the way to delivering the flash drive, which was the only thing stolen.  She then arranged for E J’s bail by putting up Countess Wilimena as bond.  But then Roman at the station received an anonamus phone call saying that Elvis was planning to escape to Uriguay even though Elvis was wearing an ankle bracelet.  That would make no sense.  Someone had heisted the plane and gotten tower clearance for take-off.  Meanwhile Elvis was back at his residence not having a clue what kind of shit was about to go down till Will Horton told him.  Here is a case of formal rivals bonding together to face a common enemy.  In this case it’s Samantha and her son working together to give all the help to Elvis they can.  Will was using the computer to de-activate the ankle bracelet, and I guess he was successful.  Samantha is the sort of person who is proactive in that she likes to get out in front of a potential problems while they’re still solvable.  I don’t need to say that I hope Elvis eludes the law in this case, because it is clear now that Elvis did not shoot Stephano.  Meanwhile Victor and Maggie returned to the show- - only to be at each other’s throats.  Maggie was in a feisty mood like I haven’t seen her in some time defending her son Daniel, for his involvement with Nicole.  And meanwhile back in the underground tunnels where gas is coming in, wires are sparking and there has already been one explosion.  Gabriel even now is misleading those who are there to help Melanie as Gabriel is still only trying to save her own skin and doesn’t want captor Andrew from blowing the whistle on her and exposing her sick deception.  Sometimes fictional stories can serve a constructive moral purpose.  Other times they don’t.  I have just developed an alternate version of events surrounding Jesus’ crusifiction.  Why did the crowd mysteriously turn against him between Sunday and Good Friday.  No Biblical scholar has ever been able to answer that question, but I have. 

Today is July 26th and happy birthday, Mick Jagger.  It's the 32nd (1980) anniversary of Jim Cooper moving into the Bosc House.  He has seen the notice on a Cal State Fullerton bulleton board. As I recall he saw the house and moved in right away and that night attended the Bible Study and fit right in with everybody, like it was divine destiny.  I had been working on God's Winepress in ernest about two weeks.  During these two weeks I had also started smoking again, which helped me think better.  Tonight we had barbecue sauce meat balls and I had seconds from Dora, and seconds on the rice, and if she'd had brocolli I'd have had that, because I'm endeavoring to gain weight.  I had pains in my chest just before being served at dinner tonight so I figured if I had a heart attack I wanted to make getting this post out my first priority.  These are troubled times we live in.  Syria is coming apart at the seams as the Civil War is only escalated by sending out the fighter jets straifing the city.  President Obama will not call for new gun legislation prefering to bury his head in the sand- - or up his ass.  Wednesday night Mike Meloy went into graphic detail of the machanics of ice and glature melting and how these warming channels and trenches are formed that only speed further thawing.  In a glint of good news - the new unemployment claims for this past week are down, and pray this trend only Continues.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Si, Se Puede Hacer

People wonder whether it can be done.  Can we get government to respond to "We the People".  If so we've got a better shot at it at a local level than we do on a national level.  Talk show host David Cruise say perhaps it would be wise to dial down the violent response.  There has been a lot of vandalism against property in Anaheim, and retaliation of throwing rocks at law enforcement officers.  We will have more moral credibility if our side is squaky clean.  Manuel's mother made an empassioned plea for order and civility.  However the City is not exactly diffusing the situation - - when they first cancel a City counsel meeting last evening, but then they hold the meeting in chambers in in secret.  But as Dylan advised long ago "Don't stand in the doorway, don't lock up the hall".  Certain details need a lot of "splaining" as Ricky might say.  "Por Dios, Contestame" (well, I tried)  For instance it still hasn't been established that Manuel was the member of any Gang.  His mother said he was not, and I certainly have no knowledge - from anywhere - that he was.  This is beginning to look like just another lie of the police.  People who double down on their lying are asking for trouble.  Obviously we don't even know what issues were discussed in that counsel meeting, or whether they said or did one thing at that meeting that will actually help.  Certainly the people should have been given a bigger "venue" to hold the meeting where all the chickens get a chance to cackle.  David Cruise says one big problem with Anaheim is that they don't have elections by District by City Counsel in Anaheim, but all elected seats are "at large".  This is not good when you have a population with sizable oppressed minorities.

One male caller called Randy Rhodes today who might have been mistaken for me, since the topics he raised were so similar to our last posting.  I said that "It appears hopeless".  Also I said that the President appears to be deliberately not responding or fighting back against his adversaries.  The caller then went on to list all of the things this President has had to rise above.  "You'll never know the hurt I suffered, or the pain I rise above", as Dylan says.  First he starts off three trillion dollars in the hole going out the gate because of the Wall Street bank bail out.  Then he has to face a Senate minus the needed sixty seat majority that Johnson was blessed with in 1965 and well made use of it.  Obama didn't have that.  He had 55 days between the time Al Franken took his seat and Ted Kennedy died.  Then you had that earthquake and nuclear melt-down in Japan, and all of the flooky weather reaping havoc with our Crops.  You have Arab Spring and the termoil in Europe and the nuclear threat of Iran, which has not been diffused.  You had Republicans desperately trying to shut down the government or drag it into default, which would have made Romney's day.  In the face of all this the economy has been on a steady up trend these past three years and unemployment has been on a continued down trend.  Inflation for the most part has been kept low.  The caller wants to know why President Obama reminded the people of all these things?  It was pointed out by Randy Rhodes (I think) that under this President the national debt has risen 45% and personally I don't think it's that high with fair accounting and putting all the Bush dalliances on the Books.  Ronald Reagan in contrast ballooned the deficet 185% and just for you math challenged people - - that means nearly trippeling the deficet.  The National debt increased only 34% under Clinton.  President Bush may well have almost doubled the national debt in his eight years.  It is pointed out that the Affordable Care act will save 100 Billion dollars in the first year.  As to the burden of small businesses - - they only suffer the brunt of these if they maintain over fifty employees.  My guess is there are a LOT of small businesses that do not have fifty, or even 25 employees.  Examples may be a barbershop, or a Quickie Mart, or a Bar, or a pet groomer, or an appliance rebairman, or a carpet cleaner,  or a landscaper, or an independant contracter who does small scale remodeling.  Last week Stewart presented me his theory about his latest thoughts on what actually would happen in November, but I decided to, and am, keeping that to myself.

People kind of view the Orange County Fair as the demarcation point between "early summer" and "late summer".  Early summer is the "Dog days of summer" where nothing happens.  Later on in August things get a lot busier, particularly this year.  We have the Olympics and the Conventions.  We have exhibition NFL season starting up.  We have the "Back to School" push for you school aged families out there.  And we are treated with increasing previews of TV programs to look forward to in the fall.

It was a few days ago that Mike Bloomfield convinced me that I needed to do some "Mental House Cleaning".  In case you are wondering even I, too, can be so captivated with stories and myths I start that I start to come to believe that they really are real and as I report them.  Mike Bloomfield reminded me of what I was doing, mentally.  I asked Mal Evans about it and asked him "Should I get on the internet and post everything I have come to have a "change of heart" on, and do a mia copa all over the place?"  Mal Evans said "I'd advise against that.  It isn't important that THEY know the truth; it's only important that YOU know the truth".  So I say, "OK, I'll try and hold that thought".

I dedicate this blog posting to Osiris, Lord and Judge of the Living and the Dead, and to Raphael of the West, who art The Great Healer,  and to Gabrael, of the South, who endows man with riches including the riches of his law, by which we gain those riches.  And to Uriel of the East, the bringer of Light, and to Michael of the north, who wages War on our Behalf in the hour of Temptation.  Amen.


Chick Filet needs your support.  I hate these political boycotts from either side, actually.  But it's utter insanity when an unknown franchize place now gets National Media Coverage on this pesky gay issue, on which, by the way I am in full agreement with them.  Stewart says he'll show up, so maybe he'll adopt an Avatar and make an appearence.  Let's give Chick Fillet a big Chicago welcome and show Chick Fillet that Chicago really IS our kind of toddeling town!  Stewart Sutcliffe was telling me just now, "You know if you were with Pete Richards visiting Chicago this summer, it would be Pete's insistance on going there for lunch before you had the words out of your mouth.  And knowing him he'd spend a half hour talking with a pretty waitress on "Christian values" and what a blessing it was to see Godly Christian businesses.  Of course you know my theory.  If you can't count on a Southern Church group go make good fried chicken, where can you turn to?  Of course don't expect that either Mark Campbell or Valerie Shoffner going there.  Neither claims to even like chicken.

If you're looking for the Myth we are shattering that's long standing I'll give you a few hints to help you work out this mental SUDOKU puzzle.  One thing that didn't make our posts was the idea that Burt Lombard didn't join a certain Artist's band till the third band.  This album is my favorite all time album by this group.  Like "Blind Faith" and "Beggar's Banquet" this album had a different front cover in America than it did in England because all three covers were judge a little too "edgy" for American audiences, and I happen to think with all three albums the American front covers are more esthetically appealing.  This is certainly true of Beggar's Banquet.  I might say that this album in question - - the first album Burt Lombard played on - - there were new liner notes just for American audiences, and they said something about "This album inogurates a new darker era in the music" or something like that. My favorite track on this album is track four, which strangely has similar vibes for me as "Cry, Baby, Cry".  Also Kurt Cobain is partial to one of the tracks on this album best know to American audiences as being the famous B Side of a 45 Single.  In terms of the MYTH - - it doesn't involve Valerie Shoffner - - - and Burt Lombard was initially into this myth but then later "had no use for it and never involved with propigating this myth per se after a certain point in time (but he hasn't blown the lid, either).  It's just "something he was never into".  Stu Baby was not into this particular MYTH one bit.  It has nothing to do with the Pharaohs of Egypt.  If Mike Bloomfield were in charge of the ZAC Tarrot Card deck - - I'll rephrase that- - if a LOT of people were in charge of this Tarrot Deck - - - the Eagles would be defrocked and some group-  - perhaps the Almon Brothers would be stuck in to take their place.  Being Atlanta Romulan to a degree they have a little Crestorian genetics.  BOC has a dash of Crestorian in them.  But LED ZEPPELIN was deliberately NOT EVEN CONSIDERED for this Card Deck because of their own Crestorian influence in their music.  And also on Robert Plant in particular.  OK that's - - - QUITE enough clues.  If you "GET IT" then satisfy yourself you suddenly know a whole lot more of the "real skinny" about me before you read this.  Just eliminate all the things it Ain't.

Other Places (Going Outside the Box)

OK patients.  Today's psychothrapy group here at Metropolitin general, will deal with the line "conscience doth make cowards of us all".  What does that mean to you, James Holmes, Chuck Smith,  Sheldon Addelson, Dennis Prager, Rush Limbaugh, George Zimmerman, Ted Nugent, Michelle Bachman,Eric Cantor?

As Mike Papentonio said today on his morning show on KPOJ, true politics is dead in America and the National Rifel Association is like a terrorist organization.  Because they don't represent gun owners and users but rather the gun and ammunition manufacturors or the "industry of violence".  Money floods politics and if you don't play ball with the big boys they will destroy you.  The NRA and the tea party and all the rest use their vast wealth as a terrorism weapon to keep people with a conscience in line.  Gone are the days of the "town hall meeting" where people gather together and hash out their problems and work out solutions with the general give and take of debate and horse trading.  Compromise is gone, because people no longer fear the public.  It's easier to order assault weapons over the internet with hundred round clips than to register to vote.  In Pennsylvania they have as much as admitted that their soul reason for enecting these laws is to keep liberal democrats from voting.  They have the situation nailed down with congress with their virtually total corruption from money, and now they have to work on the electoral end- - to eliminate ANY input of the People at all into this political dialog.  There are new revelations coming out about Bain Capital now.  In addition to owning corporations that dispose of aborted fetuses, and corporations that specialize in out sourcing, they also now are involved in some El Salvador terrorist group.  Mitt Romney is almost pure evil incarnate when you think about that "I love firing people" statement.  He opposed the rescue of General Motors and favored letting home owners lose their homes.  He specialized in creating burdensome debt for business they could never pay.  It was proactive and engeneered bankruptsey- - where Mitt Romney and company are guarenteed their golden parachute and walking away with a wad of cash.  One can only wonder whether they want to do the same thing to the nation, just like George Bush did.  Now there are reports of the Real Estate market bottoming out and home prices rising we've been hearing for a couple of month.  They say that foreclosures are dropping.  Ironically I don't think the tea party is happy with this, or ANY good news.  I'm waiting for the first one of them to cry, "Well foreclosures wouldn't be dropping excet President Obama is "interfering" with the Foreclosure process with burdensome regulations on the mortgage companies".  When is the average Joe six-pack American going to realize "Mitt Romney is not your friend".  Now Mitt Romney is telling people in England that "Mitt Romney is saying to them that "You people do not understand the charished history we Rich White People have".  Yeah.  Screw it!

Shermon Hemsley died at age 74 or something.  He played George Jefferson on that sitcom and also later starred in "Amen".  He gave Black people a new status they never enjoyed before.  The George Jefferson show was the first a whole bunch of "Black people make good' shows.  First you had the Jeffersons and then Different Strokes for Different Folks, and then the Bill Cosby Show, and then Fresh Prince of Bel Air and all the rest.  It proved that Black people could strike it rich, too.  Of course back in the Archie Bunker days- - a different actor played George Jefferson for the vast majority of the time "Mr Jefferson" appeared on All in the Family as the next door neighbor.  But Shermon Hemsley brought a new firey millitency that the Mr Jefferson character had lacked before.

Many people are searching for an "out of the box" solution to today's political delema.  We feel stuck in a game of solitaire we can't win where all the cared we really need are unavailable to us.  The political deck is stacked against us, as I have illucidated above.  Hillary Clinton is said to have remarked in 2008 that "You need a good Spare- - - Presidential contender because Barock Obama will probably not survive his first term in office.  My brother Al has speculated that this President may be compromizing so much because he knows his life is in danger and that the Powers that Be have warned him he better keep in line.  It could be this President would honestly rather lose this 2012 election to Mitt Romney, a man he could easily defeat if he tried- - but he's going to throw the game because he'd rather lose the election than lose his life.  Last night Mike Meloy reported some "cockroach" making a death threat against John Mc Cain.  This is because John Mc Cain on the Senate floor stood up and defended the honor of that Hillary Clinton aid, who was accused of being in the Moslem Brotherhood, or in her case the "moslem sisterhood' or some such thing.  We've now come all the way back to sixty years ago when Joe Mc Carthy was accusing members of the Eisenhaur administration of being certified Communists.  Today Michelle Bachman and this other junta of comrads, is accusing President Obama's administration as being riddled with Moslem Brotherhood affiliates.  Romney has accused President Obama as "unnecessarily appologising for US faults as a nation".    The following material was taken from a blog I'm not sure the average person can reach without "going outside the box"

Excerpts from The Ballad of Cletus the Fetus (last March)

I noticed that Randy Rhodes was on.  Today it was kind of a political freak show.  It seems that Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexander (?) did a survey of people in the South to gauge where they were at.  She claims she did not edit the tape in a biased way but there were dozens more just like these people.  You hear the xyzidiko music playing in the background.  They spoke of “having lost the war but we’re going to change that” and you realize they mean the Civil War.  These were people often with no teeth except for a few nubs gumming their tobacco, and still probably skin their own possum for dinner.  She took voter profiles of the people of the states of Mississippi and Alabama.  Only 23% of them believe in the theory of evolution.  Over half of the people in Mississippi and nearly half in Alabama believe that President Obama is a Moslem and only twelve percent in Mississippi believe he’s a Christian and fourteen percent in Alabama.  About thirty percent of the people “weren’t sure”.   The bottom line for Randy was that one sees that the South basically hasn’t changed in fifty years.  It’s a time warp down there.  They people are actively not just mis-informed but Dis-informed by FOX News.

If you haven’t tuned in Dennis Prager lately you will find that the morphing process into a full fledged tea bagger is complete now.  It used not to be so with Dennis.  He called himself a moderate.  He believed in legal abortions up to the twelth week and also believed that city localities should set aside a district for prostitution.  He used to say that “any kind of religion will do as long as it’s Religion”.  Kind of a “Brand X” religion.  Well, OK.  Do you believe religious faiths can differ on their stands tword contraception?  Well, a 57 year old retired woman school teacher called up on how show to weigh in on this whole idea of contraception becoming public policy, and even though she called herself a Born Again Christian she was thinking of voting for President Obama this time around.  But of course Dennis lapsed into a whole rambling, rabbit trail laden almost incoherent rant about all sorts of things.  He asked why she was getting pension at such a young age and said if she lived to age ninety she will have spent half her life getting a pension.  Dennis went on of course to attack labor unions in general.  Then he launches into this “pre employment retirement” rant, and said “The labor unions won’t be happy till we all get this”.  Then he mentioned that guy in El Paso who gunned down a bunch of people and mocked the idea of “pre war post war trauma”.  Then he went on a rant about how President Obama is into “Islamicism” and “leftism”, and mocked the idea that Republicans oppress women, but said “It’s really the democrats that oppress women”.  Then he tied it altogether talking about the war on traditional marriage and religion by this President.  Then he said that a woman’s birth control was not a “health issue” and said “if being on the pill is a health issue, then eating food is a health issue”.  Dennis, we aren't stupid. Then he started talking about “Cletus the Fetus” and said no woman refers to her unborn child as a “fetus” when describing things like movement.  Dennis did not weigh in on this idea of the mandentory “Vaginal probe” passed in certain states.  I didn’t know that ultra sound was a vaginal probe. (?)  But my concern is less for the trauma of seeing the baby that you are about to abort than the whole monetary angle because don’t ultra sound procedures cost over a hundred dollars?  That will be added to the cost of every abortion.   This is on what used to be KIEV in Glendale, and I’d had about enough.
After lunch I looked in the front room and saw it was almost empty except for Arlene, and went out for a smoke and paid James a quarter for a cigarette.  I talked to Glen about having gone past two Dollar Tree stores just this morning and went in one of them.  Again I check Dr. Levy and now it was just Antony in there.  So by now it was a quarter to one and I came back up here and put on a cup of coffee.  I’ve got two filters left.  I sold Bill a half a cup for a quarter because I figured I’d need to drink the rest because I didn’t get any coffee with lunch.  Then (a UFO came down at the end of July and snatched away all of those liberals with any sense away to a safe place leaving Earth to "Satan and his slaves")

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Anaheim in Turmoil over Police Shooting

Manuel Angelo Diaz was gunned down in cold blood by Anaheim Police one innocent Saturday afternoon around four.  Two cops came upon three men who were having a "suspicious conversation" and so the cops gave pursuit and the three of them ran.  Two got away and Manuel Diaz ran to the front of the apartment complex, perhaps to get in range of video cameras.  There is roomered to be video camera footage of the shooting.  Diaz was shot in the back and fell.  Then an officer came and fired a bullet to the head while he was down in cold blood.  He rendered no first aid to the subject, and restrained bystanders from offering first aid.  As you know if they intervened they could be arrested for "obstruction of justice".   Manuel Diaz was 25 and had a lot of friends in the neighborhood.  He was a popular person and it's amazing how quickly so many rallied to his support.  They stormed City Hall with cries of "No justice - No peace".  But there was an incident later on where pepper ball bullets were fired into a crowd of bystanders standing on private property (where they lived) and a police dog was sicked on them.  This smacks more of Birmingham in 1061 than anything in California.  There was a city council meeting today that was so beset with protestors I don't even think they actually held the meeting.  Now other cities are getting involved.  People are saying "the police aren't protecting us anyhow" and there is talk of reduced funding, courtessy Tea Party policies.  People are on edge.  Violent crime was up eleven percent last year, and has skyrocketed this year.  So far there have been six fatal shootings of suspects by police in Anaheim.  Of course the police have been caught in a lie at least twice.  They lied about the other two men being in a car.  And they lied about the guy throwing the bag of heroin on a roof.  Now they say "We fired because he was going for a weapon".

In the state and local news 700 "store front" pot dispensaries in Los Angeles are being slated to be shut down by City Council in 45 days and protesters have filled city hall saying them have termanal diseases and marijuana is the only thing that keeps them going every day.  I feel for them and wish enlightenment would ensue and they legalize the canibus plant.  Apparently they want only a few "select growers" involved is there is to be any canibus dispursion at all.  They claim Los Angeles's current policy will be in violation of State law.  They found 54 million in the State Parks fund the other day but now the State is taking it away from them leaving parks to languish once again.  Jerry Brown had promised Social Services is the State ever "found" any more funds that programs there would be restored first.  They want to tax sugary soda pop and at this point I say to "go for it" because we need the money that badly we have to get it from whereever we can.  I'm sure a lot of little kids will be throwing tantrums over it and a few dentists will lose business.  I don't feel for them.  I figure that Dr. Phil will just be getting more panicked calls from California parents for advice.  Of course you know that the first leg of that high speed rail is constructive of that "all important corridor" between Madera and Fresno in the central valley.  And for those who know California geography that isn't just a bad joke.  In Anaheim they claim they have a hotel "bed tax".  Not charging for sex, but it's funds from rich people that can be used to fund Anaheim's "first responders".  I feel reassured, I suppose. 

The national news is no less gloomy.  NASA cattalite photos show that Greenland has Completely Thawed.  Greenland is known to have a permanent ice sheet over the majority of it's land mass and now it's - - - Gone.  We had the mildest winter and hottest summer on record and the bugs love that.  They are spraying for mosquitos in the south a month earlier than usual.  (?)  The plague of the locusts is under way and there is crop disaster in places like Texas of nearly Biblical proportions.  Meanwhile James Holmes has sparked copy cats.  One guy in Maine was planning to stage his own Armageddon with a cache of weapons.  A guy in a theater who they said was 51 but doesn't look it.  He stood up in a packed theater showing the Batman movie and loudly proclamed that "Anybody who has a gun- - this would be a good time for another Colorado shooting right now" or something to that effect.  This man was immediately arrested and was found to have twelve guns at his home   President Obama is throwing the election anyhow.  He isn't sufficiently fighting back against Mitt Romney's lies, and they are such obvious lies.  Romney's first political ad was that one about "If we talk about the economy we'll lose" quoting John Mc Cain.  Now Romney's knickers are all in a twist over this "You didn't guilt it yourself" remark the President made.  The President was merely echoing sentaments expressed by such people as Thom Hartman saying "Business would not be raking in all that money if our tax laws, and patent laws, and law enforcement, and courts, and infrastructure were not all working on behalf of big business".   Mitt Romney is a fool of the first magnitude, but the President is shy about yanking off his gym shorts and exposing what he really is.  And finally a Catholic Priest was arrested in Philadelphia for overtly covering up evidence of sexual molestation by other priests.  But no matter how long his prison term, the suffering won't add up to the suffering by all his victims.  (Selah)

Nora didn’t make it by till about 10:35 and I finally got a cigarette from Paul, which was the final one just about eleven.  I got two others from Paul right after breakfast.  We had beans and franks for lunch and corned bread and beets and I had seconds on the beans and franks and the beets.  We had apple juice for breakfast so I opted for an orange at lunch.Nora knocked all the mail off the night stand.  Fortunately several months of recent sstuff had been placed in the drawer, which makes it all the more inexplicable.  She had to be a little proactive in knocking off that stack because it wasn’t high and quite stable.  It took me maybe an hour to straighten out the mess.  I still could not find the November receipt from the ATM and I’m almost sure all those months were in sequence.  I’m positive there was a November date in there somewhere.  Last week it was the Peace sign address book.  I did a fleece on just the November receipt on “Whether Mitt Romney would screw up” and enphisized this bit would be a final one with “no ups, no extras”.  Of course November first of last year did fall on a pay day and I haven’t checked my notes.  In the soap opera now they have discovered Gabriel’s prints on that note with her number on it.  She is lying up a storm and now they want Dr. Marlena to hypnotize her   She of course is refusing.  I went out for coffee in the courtyard at two.  My name was called and I went down for Money Draw.  Loretta Hill waltzed in ahead of me just before I was to go in.  (I was surprised at how few people had showed up in this line) Then Paul [not Evans] showed.  How he got ahead of me was ingenious.  When Loretta was coming out I had started to go in and Paul was standing right behind me.  When Loretta said she needed space to exit I complied.  Paul didn’t but continued to hang around the office and so went in next.  I complained to [name] that both of them were later arrivals to the line than I was.  [name] gave me $11.80, which was what remained in the account and about what I expected.  I went and bought two packs of cigarettes and gave one back to Paul a half hour later on the went patio.  Both packs were John Black cherry.  I paid Richard Moore two and I’ve given Bill two so far- - but don’t want to use up that pack tonight.  I paid Keith back the one

Of the Federation Albums - - Mike Bloomfield is responsible for a few and most notibly the lions share of organization of that Doors, Dylan and Stones giant CD compilation we did.  He has also the prime mover behind such other Federation Compilations over the years such as "The Late Great State of Punk" done right after he died.  "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" our rendition cerca October first 1982 and then the single LP album "The Outsiders" late March 1983, a mid 1986 album I don't remember that much about - - "Seven Minutes to Ground Zero" or something - - and "Through a Beledonic Haze" in March of 1991, and "Paint it Black" in mid April of 1991.  These last two were astral projections "post reincarnation".  Perhaps it's no secret by now that Manuel Diaz was Mike Bloomfield reincarnated.  There's a whole lot of other Federation stuff I was going to discuss at this point but I've just dropped the big bomb.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ten Hard Questions with Easy Answers

Riders on the Storm
Into this world we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the Storm

All the world's indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers

Hope without a plan becomes audacity
Hope without not backed up by substance is no more than a sense-dulling opiate

I'd like to take this opportunity tonight to answer a few simple questions you may have been wondering about.  Some answers are like Wheel of Fortune.  Once the answer is shown, it becomes obvious.  So now - - Here We Go.

What about this whole thesis or doctrinal lecture that eighteen year old James Holmes gave on the subject of Time, and "temporal illusions".  Do each of us have more than one "Possible Past" as lyrics on "The Final Cut" by Roger Waters suggested.  In an answer - - NO.  Here's why.  You don't need to have gone beyond preschool for this one.  Take a row of alphabet blocks- - like ten of them and arrange them into some sort of a Word if you want?  Now try and rearrange the blocks to spell out a different anagram, without pulling any of the blocks out of the Line.  Can you do it?  No?  Bingo!  There is your answer.  No human being in known existance, has more than one "possible past".

Does the "God partical" transcend different "Universes" or multiple Universes?  Answer.  Probably.  Here is why.  The whole "graviton particle', which is what this is- - imparts mass to objects.  But it is different when viewed in string theory than any other "string".  To view sub atomic particles as "strings" rather than particles makes it easier to understand that they are "strung" between two points separated by space.  Therefore when the strings "vibrate' they do so at certain frequencies unique to our Universe.  They have our "temporal signature" in other words.  Graviton particles or "The God Particle" was present when the Big Bang occurred, which now scientists say they have duplicated in the laboritory just as they have duplicated life origination in the laboritory.  Thus the province of God has just shrunk by a quantum leap.  This graviton particle is what you might call the "stem cell' of creation meaning it is "Universe-ally undifferentiated".  Since it is circular and not linear transversing space, it does not vibrate therefore has no identifying signiture.  It would seem that this particle by itself while imparting mass to other matter is itself without mass.  It can also be said to be "without space".  Scientists say they see it for only a glimmor of a second when the Big Bang is duplicated in that giant cyclotron apperatus they've got.  However I might add that I am not abandoning (at this time) the notion that Ether is unique to each universe, because trying to unsplice this graviton particle from any other particle may be more difficult than one imagines, given its short lab life.

Are the tea party "objectivist" in your oppinion?  No. People like Ayan Rand are highly subjectivist.  Essencially Mit Romney and the whole gang can't even be said to have any objective moral yard stick at all but at best base every decision they make purely on the pleasure it brings them alone.  These people are devoid of any legitimate concept of the existance of "the other" and as such has no real need to formulate any yardstick of morality by which they can appraise themselves to see if they "measure up".

You define exestentialism differently from most people.  Please elaborate.  There is an exestential difference between for instance, x ammount of 0 and 0 ammount of x.  One is quantifiable while the other is not.  It doesn't matter how much you have of "nothing" because saying you have "nothing" ends the discussion right there.  "You want to say you're giving Love but what you give is nothing".  Paul Mc Cartney.  Also dig this.  Infinity is a finite geometric concept, but Infinity is virtually meaningless as a numeric concept by which to initialize a program variable.  Therefore: To call God "infinite" is for perposes of a computer program is to fail to list any significant property of God at all that can be quantified.

Does the shooter's name have numerological significance?  The word HOLMES adds up to 72.  This is one fifth of a circle, and a key angle in the pentagram, which is also a key angle in aspects of the orbital pattern or "apparent movement" of Venus, which is the planet which probably exerts more pull on earth than any other planet.  There is also the symbolism of 3 days, or 24 plus 24 plus 24 or 6 plus 6 plus 6.  "Five walls cannot hide him; six diggers cannot bury him, and seven deaths will never kill him".

Should supreme court justices be appointed for Life to insure proper "Judicial nutrality"?  No.  I believe the framers of the Constitution just plain Goofed on this one.  They anticipated that Congress would have a hand in Impeaching bad justices.  They by tradition have only done this one one lone occasion in the early nineteenth century.  But this non impeachment tradition is "like a bad egg" as they say.  It's better to break it than keep it or as Shakesphere "It is more honored by the briech rather than the Observance".   The same is true for suing Prosecutors.  Texas Justice is Texas injustice if you saw Sixty Minutes tonight.  There was wilful prosecutorial misconduct by this Texas DA and yet it would seem the law can't touch him as far as his threat of being sued by any civilian.

Has Governor Rick Perry wrongfully executed innocent men in Texas?  Most probably he certainly has. And the tea party bursts out into Thunderous applause at this news.  The idea in Texas seems not to seek justice but to "get the Win" at any price, even the price of your own morality and your soul.

What does the phrase "History is written by the Victors".  What does this mean?  It means often morality or ethics is nearly immiterial in determining what slant history is given of "how you tell the story" and it's survival of the fittest and the Victors live to "tell their story another day".  In the case of Christianity- - here they manufacture or try to, a Past that never existed and pass it off as Gospell.

Is God "Complete" in every way Mankind regards "Completeness"?  The answer is "No".  One of the Hebrew names for God, possibly El Shaddai, translates as "The God who is Enough".  First of all Dr. Levy says that "Just enough" is no way to go through life.  But I would not even give God a Passing grade as far as a "Completeness' or "Comprehensiveness test" goes.  For instance we know that God is unable to perceive Time.  God is lacking in morals.  Hence ANY human moral system is most likely to be superior to any system imputed to God since God has none.  Even a room with kibble in it to a starving person- - is a superior choice if he's starving to death, than a completely Empty room swept clean without even dust balls to eat.  (Selah)  We know that God is a sociopath in that he is incapable by his very nature of relating to Human feelings, and any clue we have as to God's oppinion here (if he even bothers to HAVE an oppinion on this subject) is to say that God denegrate and disdains human feelings and emotions and "What is important to us".

What is your oppionion of that Ernest Hemingway quotation on "Criminal Minds" last Wednesday that goes as follows:  "The most hanous of evil stems at its inception from Pure Innocence".  I rolled this one in my mind and basically it is another of those "Lies from the Pit of Hell" and the reason is obvious.  Like begets Like.  This is a fundamental divine principle.  Good produces Good and Evil produces Evil. Otherwise then you develop a phobia of something good and innocent and label it "corrupt" and justify your own actions by saying "This innocence could well produce Evil".  In like manner people like Neil Savedra often say that "We need evil that Good may arise from it".  Neil Savedra of KFI never learned the fundamental lesson that "Adversity doesn't create Heroism, it just Reveals it".  It cannot PRODUCE good qualities in mankind and womankind where none previously Existed.  Neil would never go for spontanious generation of Life, human or otherwise.  Yet he and so many other misguided Pastors are willing to buy into the Lie that somehow "Good will spontaniously be produced from Adversity".   It Tain't So.  I think it was Mark Twain that said something like "Reverands are good at saying a lot of stuff that Tain't So"