Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Other Places (Going Outside the Box)

OK patients.  Today's psychothrapy group here at Metropolitin general, will deal with the line "conscience doth make cowards of us all".  What does that mean to you, James Holmes, Chuck Smith,  Sheldon Addelson, Dennis Prager, Rush Limbaugh, George Zimmerman, Ted Nugent, Michelle Bachman,Eric Cantor?

As Mike Papentonio said today on his morning show on KPOJ, true politics is dead in America and the National Rifel Association is like a terrorist organization.  Because they don't represent gun owners and users but rather the gun and ammunition manufacturors or the "industry of violence".  Money floods politics and if you don't play ball with the big boys they will destroy you.  The NRA and the tea party and all the rest use their vast wealth as a terrorism weapon to keep people with a conscience in line.  Gone are the days of the "town hall meeting" where people gather together and hash out their problems and work out solutions with the general give and take of debate and horse trading.  Compromise is gone, because people no longer fear the public.  It's easier to order assault weapons over the internet with hundred round clips than to register to vote.  In Pennsylvania they have as much as admitted that their soul reason for enecting these laws is to keep liberal democrats from voting.  They have the situation nailed down with congress with their virtually total corruption from money, and now they have to work on the electoral end- - to eliminate ANY input of the People at all into this political dialog.  There are new revelations coming out about Bain Capital now.  In addition to owning corporations that dispose of aborted fetuses, and corporations that specialize in out sourcing, they also now are involved in some El Salvador terrorist group.  Mitt Romney is almost pure evil incarnate when you think about that "I love firing people" statement.  He opposed the rescue of General Motors and favored letting home owners lose their homes.  He specialized in creating burdensome debt for business they could never pay.  It was proactive and engeneered bankruptsey- - where Mitt Romney and company are guarenteed their golden parachute and walking away with a wad of cash.  One can only wonder whether they want to do the same thing to the nation, just like George Bush did.  Now there are reports of the Real Estate market bottoming out and home prices rising we've been hearing for a couple of month.  They say that foreclosures are dropping.  Ironically I don't think the tea party is happy with this, or ANY good news.  I'm waiting for the first one of them to cry, "Well foreclosures wouldn't be dropping excet President Obama is "interfering" with the Foreclosure process with burdensome regulations on the mortgage companies".  When is the average Joe six-pack American going to realize "Mitt Romney is not your friend".  Now Mitt Romney is telling people in England that "Mitt Romney is saying to them that "You people do not understand the charished history we Rich White People have".  Yeah.  Screw it!

Shermon Hemsley died at age 74 or something.  He played George Jefferson on that sitcom and also later starred in "Amen".  He gave Black people a new status they never enjoyed before.  The George Jefferson show was the first a whole bunch of "Black people make good' shows.  First you had the Jeffersons and then Different Strokes for Different Folks, and then the Bill Cosby Show, and then Fresh Prince of Bel Air and all the rest.  It proved that Black people could strike it rich, too.  Of course back in the Archie Bunker days- - a different actor played George Jefferson for the vast majority of the time "Mr Jefferson" appeared on All in the Family as the next door neighbor.  But Shermon Hemsley brought a new firey millitency that the Mr Jefferson character had lacked before.

Many people are searching for an "out of the box" solution to today's political delema.  We feel stuck in a game of solitaire we can't win where all the cared we really need are unavailable to us.  The political deck is stacked against us, as I have illucidated above.  Hillary Clinton is said to have remarked in 2008 that "You need a good Spare- - - Presidential contender because Barock Obama will probably not survive his first term in office.  My brother Al has speculated that this President may be compromizing so much because he knows his life is in danger and that the Powers that Be have warned him he better keep in line.  It could be this President would honestly rather lose this 2012 election to Mitt Romney, a man he could easily defeat if he tried- - but he's going to throw the game because he'd rather lose the election than lose his life.  Last night Mike Meloy reported some "cockroach" making a death threat against John Mc Cain.  This is because John Mc Cain on the Senate floor stood up and defended the honor of that Hillary Clinton aid, who was accused of being in the Moslem Brotherhood, or in her case the "moslem sisterhood' or some such thing.  We've now come all the way back to sixty years ago when Joe Mc Carthy was accusing members of the Eisenhaur administration of being certified Communists.  Today Michelle Bachman and this other junta of comrads, is accusing President Obama's administration as being riddled with Moslem Brotherhood affiliates.  Romney has accused President Obama as "unnecessarily appologising for US faults as a nation".    The following material was taken from a blog I'm not sure the average person can reach without "going outside the box"

Excerpts from The Ballad of Cletus the Fetus (last March)

I noticed that Randy Rhodes was on.  Today it was kind of a political freak show.  It seems that Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexander (?) did a survey of people in the South to gauge where they were at.  She claims she did not edit the tape in a biased way but there were dozens more just like these people.  You hear the xyzidiko music playing in the background.  They spoke of “having lost the war but we’re going to change that” and you realize they mean the Civil War.  These were people often with no teeth except for a few nubs gumming their tobacco, and still probably skin their own possum for dinner.  She took voter profiles of the people of the states of Mississippi and Alabama.  Only 23% of them believe in the theory of evolution.  Over half of the people in Mississippi and nearly half in Alabama believe that President Obama is a Moslem and only twelve percent in Mississippi believe he’s a Christian and fourteen percent in Alabama.  About thirty percent of the people “weren’t sure”.   The bottom line for Randy was that one sees that the South basically hasn’t changed in fifty years.  It’s a time warp down there.  They people are actively not just mis-informed but Dis-informed by FOX News.

If you haven’t tuned in Dennis Prager lately you will find that the morphing process into a full fledged tea bagger is complete now.  It used not to be so with Dennis.  He called himself a moderate.  He believed in legal abortions up to the twelth week and also believed that city localities should set aside a district for prostitution.  He used to say that “any kind of religion will do as long as it’s Religion”.  Kind of a “Brand X” religion.  Well, OK.  Do you believe religious faiths can differ on their stands tword contraception?  Well, a 57 year old retired woman school teacher called up on how show to weigh in on this whole idea of contraception becoming public policy, and even though she called herself a Born Again Christian she was thinking of voting for President Obama this time around.  But of course Dennis lapsed into a whole rambling, rabbit trail laden almost incoherent rant about all sorts of things.  He asked why she was getting pension at such a young age and said if she lived to age ninety she will have spent half her life getting a pension.  Dennis went on of course to attack labor unions in general.  Then he launches into this “pre employment retirement” rant, and said “The labor unions won’t be happy till we all get this”.  Then he mentioned that guy in El Paso who gunned down a bunch of people and mocked the idea of “pre war post war trauma”.  Then he went on a rant about how President Obama is into “Islamicism” and “leftism”, and mocked the idea that Republicans oppress women, but said “It’s really the democrats that oppress women”.  Then he tied it altogether talking about the war on traditional marriage and religion by this President.  Then he said that a woman’s birth control was not a “health issue” and said “if being on the pill is a health issue, then eating food is a health issue”.  Dennis, we aren't stupid. Then he started talking about “Cletus the Fetus” and said no woman refers to her unborn child as a “fetus” when describing things like movement.  Dennis did not weigh in on this idea of the mandentory “Vaginal probe” passed in certain states.  I didn’t know that ultra sound was a vaginal probe. (?)  But my concern is less for the trauma of seeing the baby that you are about to abort than the whole monetary angle because don’t ultra sound procedures cost over a hundred dollars?  That will be added to the cost of every abortion.   This is on what used to be KIEV in Glendale, and I’d had about enough.
After lunch I looked in the front room and saw it was almost empty except for Arlene, and went out for a smoke and paid James a quarter for a cigarette.  I talked to Glen about having gone past two Dollar Tree stores just this morning and went in one of them.  Again I check Dr. Levy and now it was just Antony in there.  So by now it was a quarter to one and I came back up here and put on a cup of coffee.  I’ve got two filters left.  I sold Bill a half a cup for a quarter because I figured I’d need to drink the rest because I didn’t get any coffee with lunch.  Then (a UFO came down at the end of July and snatched away all of those liberals with any sense away to a safe place leaving Earth to "Satan and his slaves")

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