Tuesday, October 09, 2012
A Look At The Green Party
I guess I have no real problems with most of these beliefs. They are a little short on things like limiting the oppressive scope of "Big Brother" and they aren't as explicit on Civil Liberties as I would like. I realize it isn't "Peace and Freedom" but still more should be said in this particular area, in my oppinion.Also I think there should be an explicit reference to hemp and canibus legalization. There should be explicit prohibitions against genetically engineered produce. They should be banned. It's all a conspiracy of Monsanto and other big chemical companies. There should be more about going after racist cops with an axe to grind thinking as officer they should act as judge, jury, and exicutioner.
The plain fact is that California is a state that is "not in play" this year, and has gone Democratic every year since 1992 it doesn't matter, for all practical purposes, how we vote. We can vote for Santa Clause and our vote won't mean a thing. So the question is whether we "use this new right" this "prospective juror interview" right that we have, to speak our hearts without fear of being censored. Clearly if we pick one party and a bunch of people in this state vote that way, it will send a definite message to President Obama that we at least in California are tired of being jerked around and taken for granted.
Every human being deserves a say in the decisions that affect his or her life and should not be subject to the will of another. Therefore, we will work to increase public participation at every level of government and to ensure that our public representatives are fully accountable to the people who elect them. We will also work to create new types of political organizations which expand the process of participatory democracy by directly including citizens in the decision-making process.
All persons should have the rights and opportunity to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment. We must consciously confront in ourselves, our organizations, and society at large, barriers such as racism and class oppression, sexism and homophobia, ageism and disability, which act to deny fair treatment and equal justice under the law.
Human societies must operate with the understanding that we are part of nature, not separate from nature.
We must maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet. We support a sustainable society which utilizes resources in such a way that future generations will benefit and not suffer from the practices of our generation. To this end we must practice agriculture which replenishes the soil; move to an energy efficient economy; and live in ways that respect the integrity of natural systems.
It is essential that we develop effective alternatives to society's current patterns of violence. We will work to demilitarize, and eliminate weapons of mass destruction, without being naive about the intentions of other governments. We recognize the need for self-defense and the defense of others who are in helpless situations. We promote non-violent methods to oppose practices and policies with which we disagree, and will guide our actions toward lasting personal, community and global peace.
Centralization of wealth and power contributes to social and economic injustice, environmental destruction, and militarization. Therefore, we support a restructuring of social, political and economic institutions away from a system which is controlled by and mostly benefits the powerful few, to a democratic, less bureaucratic system. Decision-making should, as much as possible, remain at the individual and local level, while assuring that civil rights are protected for all citizens.
Redesign our work structures to encourage employee ownership and workplace democracy. Develop new economic activities and institutions that will allow us to use our new technologies in ways that are humane, freeing, ecological and accountable, and responsive to communities. Establish some form of basic economic security, open to all.
[Move beyond the narrow "job ethic" to new definitions of "work," jobs" and "income" that reflect the changing economy. Restructure our patterns of income distribution to reflect the wealth created by those outside the formal monetary economy: those who take responsibility for parenting, housekeeping, home gardens, community volunteer work, etc. ] I question the wisdom of this part.
Restrict the size and concentrated power of corporations without discouraging superior efficiency or technological innovation. I would also add that big corporations should not use the doctrine of "eminent domain" to their behalf. This doctrine is in the Constitution for land comitted only to "public use", not corporate business encroachment.
We have inherited a social system based on male domination of politics and economics. We call for the replacement of the cultural ethics of domination and control with more cooperative ways of interacting that respect differences of opinion and gender. Human values such as equity between the sexes, interpersonal responsibility, and honesty must be developed with moral conscience. We should remember that the process that determines our decisions and actions is just as important as achieving the outcome we want.
We believe it is important to value cultural, ethnic, racial, sexual, religious and spiritual diversity, and to promote the development of respectful relationships across these lines. We believe that the many diverse elements of society should be reflected in our organizations and decision-making bodies, and we support the leadership of people who have been traditionally closed out of leadership roles. We acknowledge and encourage respect for other life forms than our own and the preservation of biodiversity.
We encourage individuals to act to improve their personal well-being and, at the same time, to enhance ecological balance and social harmony. We seek to join with people and organizations around the world to foster peace, economic justice, and the health of the planet.
Our actions and policies should be motivated by long-term goals. We seek to protect valuable natural resources, safely disposing of or "unmaking" all waste we create, while developing a sustainable economics that does not depend on continual expansion for survival. We must counterbalance the drive for short-term profits by assuring that economic development, new technologies, and fiscal policies are responsible to future generations who will inherit the results of our actions. Make the quality of life, rather than open-ended economic growth, the focus of future thinking.
Moderation at times only means "Road Kill"
nineteen hundred scoutmasters have been let go since 1970, and up to 1990 due
to their being suspected of pedophilia or fondeling young boys. This is a disgusting number and as David
Cruise mentions, anyone who has ever had their kid in Scouting has to stop and
second guess himself at this point.
Personally I find the figure almost unbelievable, yet I have to believe
it’s accurate or they wouldn’t be saying it today. That is nineteen hundred, or nearly two
thousand scoutmasters committing crimes that if prosecuted could get each and
every one of them sent up the river for twenty years. So I don’t ever know what happened to the Boy
scout oath or “teaching these young men how to be morally upstanding young men”
and all of that. I was never into
scouting but of course a whole lot of my grammar school friends were. In the other news is Jerry Sandusky being sentenced
to thirty to sixty years for his many crimes, some 45 counts of sodomy and other forms
of molestation of young boys. He will allowed things like eye glasses and television and cable TV even, if he can "afford" it, but never again allowed to visit children. Others said
that he would be getting two hundred years and be in prison easily for the rest
of his life. I had mistakenly heard that didn’t
happen, and he would be out in ten years or perhaps less with good behavior.
heard the saying “Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue”. As we
look back at President Obama’s record and contemplate the prospect of Mitt
Romney getting elected next month, a lot of thoughts have to be going through
our minds. For one it will be a gigantic
relief not to have all of our right wing friends hounding us all the time. They see President Obama as the universal
repository for all of their hate and prejudice.
And they take some of their unfocused and unresolved emotions out on us
and we suffer for it. I said in July of
2011 that if I were President Obama I would have announced I would not run
again and “defuse the Obama Hate Machine” then and there and let a more fit
candidate be the standard bearer of provressivism. One who is better able to fight for our
causes. Obama has failed at this is
about every way imaginable. One has to
ask “What more do we have to lose?” Let’s
go down this impressive and growing list of disappointment after
disappointments, and that list is still growing. The president failed to even propose any gun
regulation legislation despite the epidemic of violence. He was AWOL when it came to speaking up for
the Occupy Wall Street people. He was
AWOL in Wisconsin in the battles they were having to save unions and government
pension. I have little doubt that had
the President spoken up the vote would have gone the other way. Wall Street prosecutions have slowed to a trickle,
below what they were even in the Bush administration. The president has declined to speak up on
civil rights moral issues such as theTrayvon Martin cold blooded killing. The President still favors what he calls “clean
coal” and has suspended some EPA regulation, as places like West Virginia are
turned into a moonscape with the tops of mountains blown off. The President says he favors this “dirty oil”
pipeline from Canada to help Canada sell their environmentally dessterous oil
sands petrol to China. Rush Limbaugh
points out that the President’s address at the Democratic Convention wasn’t as
forceful as it would have been. We have
the disasterous Debate performance last Wednesday. We have the drone killings all around the
world we have talked about. We have the
Patriot Act still on the books and now added to this is additional domestic spying,
as well as a new preventative detention bill, where suddenly we are like Midevil
Europe or something. And we also have
the President breaking his promise to - - Let the Bush tax cuts expire, and
there is not the slightest indication the President will not do the exact same
thing again this time around. Once a
liar, always a liar, you know how that goes.
People like Rush Limbaugh point out that the “God” plank was illegally
crammed down the throats of people at the Democratic Convention. So why did the President do it? Pressure from the Republicans. They say “jump” and the president says “How
high”. The one lucid point that “moderate”
made in that KPFK game was that the President is charting a moderate course “Because
he wants to stay in the game”. And yet
the President is NOT in the game at all.
He has already thrown the contest.
He did that last Wednesday. He
could have just maybe delivered to knock-out punch to Romney but didn’t. Vincent Bugliosi wrote a book about how
Marsha Clark and Chris Darden botched the prosecution of O J Simpson with their
highly limp wristed approach and leaving witnesses off the list including the
police questioning of OJ. Also there was
evidence that wasn’t discussed like that sachel that was shoved into a trash
container at the LA international airport just before OJ took off for his
flight. Republicans point out that
perhaps the president has lived in an insilated bubble surrounded by “yes men”
his entire day, and doesn’t know what the “real world” is like or what “real
people” are thinking, just like the OJ Jury was shielded from that. I’ve gotten mad at the President before and I’ve
always relented. But not this time. He’s just gone too far and “broken my heart”
too many times, just like Fredo did in the Godfather.
what would you say about a man who displayed the following personality
qualities? He fails to “follow through
with his words and disappoints vast segments of his own followers. He is litterly non violent and passive TO A
FAULT. People all over the place
question his true love and devotion to the nation of Israel. He hardly knew his father and may have blown
up his virtues and mythologised him all out of perportion to the reality. He lives in a bubble surrounded by adoring
yes men. He’s used to favorable crowds. He seems to “be a stranger in his own town”
to quote the Elvis song. Who are we
talking about? It could be Barock
Obama. It could be Jesus Christ. There is another thing them have in common in
that for all the talking they do we actually know very little about the pasts
of either. They both seem to have “emerged
full blown out of nowhere” and somehow “assumed what their destiny would be”. We know that Jesus had anger issues with
Jewish authorities. I don’t think even
Jesus, though, threw a pastor “under the bus” the way Barock Hussein Obama did
with the Rev Jeremiah Wright. May I
suggest one trait both lack but neither will admit is real Courage. That’s another of my seven cardinal
virtues. The seven I have isolate as
root virtues are Compassion, Faithfullness or Loyalty, Pursuit of Justice, Bravery, Prudence,
Perseverence, and Honesty or
Integrety. We know the President wanted “God”
inserted into the Convention Platform even though nobody even reads those
things. How could the founding fathers
resist putting God into the US Constitution, and yet it winds up in the
Platform. Thomas Jefferson spoke of “The
Creator” rather than God. Let me ask you
something? Does God lie? Evangelists quote a passage I’ve never read
personally that “The gifts of the Holy Spirit are without revocation”. They can’t be recalled or withdrawn once you
have them. So if I ever had the Holy
Spirit I have it now- - regardless of what others say. Theologically it means the very nature and
essence of God dwells inside of me. If
you venture to say “I had the spirit but I lost it” then you’re calling
SOMEBODY a liar. And I’m not sure that “Somebody”
will take kindly to his followers refer to him as a liar. Mitt Romney is a liar. So does Mitt Romney have the Holy
Spirit? Is Mitt Romney a Christian. Will southern Baptists really “do it” and “take
that leap of faith” and go on and vote for a man who’s in a religion they’ve
been taught since they were knew high to a grasshopper to mistrust if not
outright despise? These are questions
yet to be answered.
seems as if I’m not the only one who has conversations with people who no
longer exist. Nicole was seen today
talking to her dead but unborn fetus saying things “You know I really miss not
being able to talk to you”. Just like I
was hoping John Lennon would put in an appearance either on Sunday for KLOS
Beatles, or else today, his birthday.
But no John. Nicole was also
speaking in the plural using terms like “we” and “us”. You see Dr Jonas still wants to move to Utah
with her and start a new life. He’s even
contemplating tending his resignation from his position at University
Hospital. It must have been bitter-sweet
for Nicole to hear these words. But now
she’s slipping into an old besetting “delusional solution” to her problem. Instead of fessing up to the fact that her
baby died- just like as with E J, she’s choosing to conceil that fact “until the
right time” even though Daniel Jonas is a doctor, a fact she seems to have
suddenly forgotten. Let me tell you plainly about our mentor,
Jesus. Two words. He failed.
Or to use Rush Limbaugh’s words about Michael Dukakis, he is “The Loser”. You can’t spin it from anything - but an
utter and complete “mission failure” into success without some mighty world
class delusional thinking and rationalistic gymnastics. But I see a connection between the two
events. Because the writers of the
Gospels knew enough about human nature not to leave some glimmer of hope so
they added “But Jesus, he may be gone now, but he’s going to Come Back to Earth
in the great bye and bye”. By the time
you “sit around waiting for Jesus to return” and spend time in the church- -
they believe you will by them have become “sufficiently churchified” so that
you just Won’t Care. In like manner- -
Nicole is thinking that “If Dr. Jonas has this hope that the Baby is Coming
Soon” there will be this “air of expenctancy” and so he will remain with her in
anticipation of said event. But after “sufficient
time” has passed (the peramaters of which remain undefined) that at “some point”
he just won’t Care, and stay with her Regardless. I’m sorry but that doesn’t work with me. My mind doesn’t think like that.
Monday, October 08, 2012
Co-Dependancy - A New Xtian Toxic Word
This is Monday morning October
8, 2012 when we celebrate the Rapist in Chief, Christopher Columbus landing on
Haiti or what became it, and the sex slave and genocide incorporated bit and
all that. I had that Chicano guy on for
a half hour at nine o clock this morning.
Then I got on computer and played that link from Tim about that debate
that KPFK had perhaps six weeks ago. It
was Michael Eric Dyson debating Glen Ford of the Black causus, even though he
was white. Dyson said President Obama
was leading the liberals into a new primised land and Ford said that Obama was
a facilitator of Evil. Perhaps a good
campaign slogan now might be “Don’t slow walk the Revolution – Elect Mitt
Romney” because as I heard from Mike Meloy many weeks ago we’ll eventually get
a people’s revolution with either choice but the people will come to realize
their mistake a whole lot quicker with Romney.
President Obama has betrayed the left in ever conceivable way by moving
the fifty yard line in advance, ceding needless ground in advance to
Republicans. You can’t argue with the
logic of it. Then I was looking for
something by Joe Byden and after a few tentative starts with other speeches
settled on the speech given in Waterloo, Iowa this morning, and Byden had a
cold, which I hope he still doesn’t have Thursday night. Then I looked at “Lies Obama told” from
Judy. I got as far as the first so
called “lie”. This one states that the
Republicans sat on the sidelines while medicare and Social Security were being
passed in congress. I thought these were
realities that nobody disputed because most I’ve heard most of my life that the
Republicans fought these things tooth and nail and only a very lopsided
congress prevented the Republicans from stopping both bills. But IF the Republicans in 1935 and 1965 did indeed
vote for these respective programs My first thought was that nobody will be
able to look back at the affordable care act and say that the Republicans
helped to pass THAT. I’d like to mention
one more thing from last night. There is
another words Christians should never, never use, and that is “Co-dependancy”. This means that you blame others for your
problems and “Don’t have the fiber to forget who caused the problem and tackle
whatever problem you are facing now, because of others, all without anyone’s
help. I happened to think of
Christianity that for one says sin came from Adam being tempted by the serpent in
the Garden of Eden and consuming the Fruit of Original Sin, and that we CANNOT
cure ourselves alone but need Jesus’ help.
According to Judy, Jesus has not become obsolete- - and anyone who can’t
handle their own problems is just a whimp.
We had cheeseburgers for
lunch. The rice soup with a few weenies
in it, was really good and that’s what I told Laura when she asked me. I would have had seconds but they ran
out. I did have an extra half cheeseburger,
and there were French fries and catsup.
We had an orange for desert. Basically
I fell asleep during Randi Rhodes. I see
that “Randi” no longer gets red lined like it used to. Anyhow Nicole on the soap opera is on the
verge of slitting her wrists because some on the ball nurse left her all alone
for an extended period of time after being told that her baby was dead. I don’t know if there is any tie in between
that and the computer mal-functions they’ve been having. She saw Dr. Daniel holding Jennifer’s hand
and got the wrong impression. I went
looking for a cigarette because I was now out, and finally managed to get one
from Bill, before heading off to that class, so I don’t know how the “Days”
hour came out.
It was a day of more
trivia and how corporations can rip you off.
The lady that drew the Snap, Crackle, and Pop characters that are on
Rice Krispies to this very day- - got paid nothing for her services. She began working for the corporation but
when she wanted legal rights to her creation she sewed the company. And when she lost the company fired her. The man who wrote Rudolph the Red Nose
Reindeer in 1938 or whenever for Montgomery Wards- - originally wasn’t paid
royalties for the song but later the Company prospered so well and felt guilty
and so gave the guy rights to his own song, and so the guy got rich. But later he got bored and decided to come
back to work for Montgomery Wards. The
lady showed us a chart of the three Beefeaters outside the tower of London and
they are all really the same size but look different sizes. It’s an optical illusion thing. We have a smart group in the room. The Planters Peanuts cartoon with the monocle
and top hat, was drawn by a thirteen year old boy, who basically got paid
nothing. The face on the box of Sun Maid
raisons was a twelve year old girl sitting on her porch when an executive
passed by and wanted to photograph her.
She got paid next to nothing. And
the voice of Tony the Tiger died not too long ago. Of course he did the voices on so many Disney
rides like the Haunted Manson song. He
got rich from saying the word, “Great!”
And then there were the two stories about the runners and if you pass up
the guy in second place, you are now second.
But I screwed up on the other one.
If you pass up the guy in last place what position are you now? That’s a trick question. It logically can’t happen like a lot of
theological stuff can’t logically happen.
Stephen couldn’t have literally “seen” Jesus at the right hand side of
God, because Jesus himself is also God, and Got is omni-present, and so he is
everywhere- and there can’t be to the right or to the left or above or beneath anything. Here’s another logical jaw breaker for
Theologians they can’t answer. “Is
everything that happens on Planet Earth, ultimately in the Will of God?” Be careful how you answer. You can’t answer it. She ended up class with those “Can-struction”
photos of just ordinary cans arranged into gigantic objects. It’s all their native colors. We had coffee from Sarah about ten after
two. Class concluded about ten to three
and then I went to the upstairs patio and borrowed another cigarette from Bill.
Last night Judy called
a little after seven thirty. That call
was oppressive from start to finish. The
Chargers and Saints game was just getting interesting but she kept me on the
line for 25 minutes I’d guess talking about how their hot water heater went out
and the pipes leaked and how the government came in and made her make all these
modifications to her closet. Why do all
these things happened to her and Paul?
That’s what I asked God last night.
I wish God would knock it off and give these two a break. Because Judy was starting to sound like she
is headed for a nervous break down. Her
health is at risk. If California is
really such a horrible state with its Godless educational public schools and
all, maybe they really should move out of the state. Judy is voting No on proposition 38. Again she began attacking me saying how I have
it too good and I don’t work and that’s why I’m a liberal. I got a little testy and informed her I had
my liberal conversion late in the year 2005, and I resent the idea that I’m a
liberal out of sheer greed. Judy went on
to say that a poor person looking at the super-abondance of a Rich Person and
wishing he had just a little of that wealth himself, is guilty of one of the
most damnable sins in the whole Bible, and only homosexual is a sin of equal
evil. Last night I got medication down
stairs from Sarah and even though it was a long line, it moved quickly. Then after EWN it was “On the Red Carpet” and
America’s Funniest Home Videos - - which I watched the first twenty minutes of
switching to football. The Chargers were
ahead but New Orleans got some favorable penalty calls and eventually passed on
by to win the game, I think by a score of 31 to 24. By now I had completely missed the Simpson’s
and nearly half of Bob’s Burgers as it was approaching a quarter to nine. Then it was “Family Guy” till nine thirty,
and then I went to bed. I slept pretty
well, despite that horrible encounter with Judy.
IN CONCLUSION I'd like to relate how a few days ago I got so disgusted I honestly felt that I really DIDN"T CARE who was elected President next month. Again, we'll gain so little with an election of President Obama, if the tea party runs the rest of the federal, state, and local governments, that nobody will know the different. President may go down in History as the most impotent President since Andrew Johnson. One of those two debaters said President Obama was the most Progressive President we've had in a long time. Not so. Jimmy Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Eisenhaur, Truman, and Kennedy were more progressive in just about any measure you could gauge. You know if Romney would make the tea baggers happy - it were like giving a baby a passifyer to shut him up and keep him from whining all the time driving everybody nuts, I'm half tempted to say "Go ahead and have your stupid Executive figure head. As Glen Ford pointed out- - it seems the Left Wing gets freed up to speak their mind under a Republican President but with Obama in office it's as though every progressive out there has lost his faculty for speech, which was the same thing they said about the Roman Emperor, Domecian. The ammount of progressives you see in these Sunday news interview shows had slowed to a trickle. It seems all they want is apologists for the tea party on their news programs now. Is this some throwback thing to Spiro Agnew's November 1969 speech about bias in the media or what? Spiro Agnew is dead now, isn't he? Why do we have to continue to placate him? Among my own piers as I say there have been an amazing number of conversions from Romney to Obama in the last few weeks. Even Dr. Levy is willing to call a civilized truce on the matter. These people on the tea bagger Right conflate all their personal life issues- - with politics and race, and God, and who knows what else. They remind me of that Last Juror in the movie "Twelve Angry Men" who was having some kind of an emotional melt down in the deliberation room. We don't need scenes like that controling our politics. When Politics becomes that obsessive with these people where it litterally drowns out all other conversational topics- - then you have unstable Neurotics running the Country.
at five thirty and had the last fifteen minutes of Bill Press on and then it was
Stephanie Miller. We had oatmeal for
breakfast and without sugar. We had
scrambled eggs and a bagel and cream cheese.
I also got an additional bagel and cream cheese from Mark, who also gave
me what turned out to be four cigarettes- - , which helped a lot. But after breakfast I dozed off during that
hour of Stephanie Miller and every time I looked at my watch I was amazed at
how much time had passed. Nora was just
in and out of here and Bill went outside and I’m going out now and try and snag
another cigarette from him.
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Gasoline Prices soar to $4.65 in California
Gasoline prices here have jumped fifty cents and perhaps more in the past week. We have equaled our own highs from the last peak touching five dollars a gallon in place. The most typical price per gallon is $4.65 and there was a day last week when price per gallon rose eighteen percent overnight. Tell that to Judy who says "Businesses hate to raise prices". If so they are sure addicted to what they hate. Let's face it will gauge us royal at the slightest excuse, but take their time about going back down long after this so called crisis has passed. Jerry Brown said he was going to endeavor to fast track the "winter blend", which believe it or not, is not scheduled to normally be used till the end of the month. I bet you never new October was considered a "summer month". But I hear Brown has to get clearance with the Obama Administration, and they could hold the thing up beaurocraticly for weeks.
We will be entering a period of Political and Governmental Darkness unknown in our lifetime for this Country when Mitt Romney becomes President. The tea party has already running the country anyhow and calling the tune these past several years- and it seems like forever ago. You have State and local governments in their grip as well as the House of Representatives. Even if the President should win a second term it will be meaningless because he is not running the country now and he won't be running the country for the next four years. However this gridlock will amazingly vanish when Romney comes to power and bill after bad bill will be ramrodded through so fast it will make your head spin. Of course in foreign policy we have had a four continuance of George Bush anyhow. Except now we don't torture people- - we just assasenate them. It's much more efficient. Or else we murder innocent civilians with our Drones. In some way it can be argued with Obama gone we will be giving up very little we haven't already lost, because our Civil Liberties are pretty much gone anyway. Of course you know don't you that if one bad night in a farce of a Debate- - is enough to outweigh Mitt Romney's having a bad month - and a bad summer - - with gaff after gaff - - you know there is some other opperative force. Newt Gingrich put it this way. He said there are these small businessmen who say that there IS no recovery. And apparently they will be the ones determining the outcome of the election in November. This President has done nothing to avenge the crimes of the Bush Administration. Some have said he is the most Wall Street friendly president we have ever had. He has never raised taxes on the rich despite promising to do so in the 2008 Campaign. He has been reluctent to prosecute the crimes of Wall Street at all, and those types of prosecutions are as rare as executions for murder in California. And I am not sold on the argument that the President "was just having a bad day" last Wednesday. He's the President. He can't AFFORD to have a "bad day" or to be "caught off guard". Can you imagine the national security implications of that? Of course the debate was out of control and more of an exhibition than an intelligent dialog. But the no nothing undecided people out there don't care. They will believe any lie Mitt Romney tells them. If the Florida poll went from seven percent Obama leading to the President being down two percent to Romney - - or a nine percent point swing in two months- - you know a lot of retired people in Florida believed Mitt Romney when he told them that the President will cut their medicare by 713 Billion. We haven't talked about the Courts and voter purges or the fact that NO action has been taken about these rigged Voting machines.
Let's briefly look at the California Propositions. Proposition 20 is a yes. It raises income taxes only on that small percent making over $250,000. Also it raises sales tax by a quarter of a percent. Proposition 31 is a no. Proposition 32 is a No. This is that deceptive so called "Campaign reform" act sponsored by people like the Koch brothers and Karl Rove. Proposition 33 involved auto insurance rates. I haven't taken a position. Proposition 34 gets rid of the Death penalty, which in this day and age has become a White elephant costing untold of unnecessary millions of dollars. Proposition 35 involves opperating Sex Trade slaves. Yes on that measure. No on 36. This is an attempted reform of the three strikes measure. This means if it's your third offense and you throw a cigarette butt on the ground or steal a bottle of after shave, you can get 25 years to life. This may seem unfair but that's the way we do things here and it's unlikely this will change. The legislature completely screwed up the analysis on Proposition 37 or the geneticly engineered foods one. They completely missed the point of the thing. Personally I'd institute a nation-wide outright ban on genetically engineered foods, if you know the background of the procedure. I'm voting yes but it won't pass. Proposition 38 assures funds for schools and that one is a Yes. Also a Yes on Proposition 39 that involves eliminating tax breaks for people shipping jobs out of state. Judy is probably against that because anything that violates the Gordon Gecko axiom of "Greed is Good" she will oppose. You people think I'm kidding. Judy comes close to imputing the same purity to these people as Adam and Eve before the Fall.
We have a few other things to say from yesterday. We did our check in during Dr. Levy's class on Saturday morning. I painted a glum but succinct picture of the disaster in my life, which has been the past two weeks emphasizing how being out of cigarettes and its psychological symptums is a nightmare. We talked about how everyone has free will. And the argument was raised that we are “sentenced” to exist with Free Will with the not so vague implication that many people can’t accept that but would somehow actually prefer fewer choices. I tried to say that such “existential” thinking comes from the near delusional view that people are basically “free’ all around the world and haven’t had most of their Choices in life made by somebody else more powerful than they are. I know I sure have. Dr. Levy said he’d get me coffee by Saturday. The thing is I’ll probably run out Thursday or late Wednesday, so I’ll have to go to Wall Mart on my own if I don’t want to be out for a couple days. There was a lot of talk about Law School and Dr. Levy believes I’d do well in it. I feel complemented by that. I’ve heard these stories about people taking courses for “self improvement” and transforming their whole lives with good jobs, like Gloria Oliver did thirty years ago. But in the world where I live, that sort of turn around doesn’t happen that way. I offer up my three ROP certificates as exhibit A. .I played almost all of the Jimi Hendrix tribute album and when I was done I put it in the second drawer to bring the number in the front row once again to seventeen. I skipped “Manic Depression” “Fire” and about two thirds of “Third Stone from the Sun”. Then I listened to Melinda Lee. She talked about how they are messing around with the margarine formula on your favorite brands such as Nucoa and Imperial. Now you don’t get a metal crown, but a plastic one. They took the trans-fats out and they mess up recipes for baked goods. The government should stop screwing around with us and someone needs to prune back the power of the Food and Drug administration. Also you need granulated regular sugar for proper functioning in various baked goods, because the other artificial stuff is too “fine’ and won’t do the job. And there was a Bill Handel caller where if you do a guy a favor and NOT turn him into the cops for something, if he’ll just pay you what he already OWES you- - then according to Bill Handel you have committed the CRIME of extortion against him. So you give a guy a break and be a nice guy about it, and get punished by the law.
We will be entering a period of Political and Governmental Darkness unknown in our lifetime for this Country when Mitt Romney becomes President. The tea party has already running the country anyhow and calling the tune these past several years- and it seems like forever ago. You have State and local governments in their grip as well as the House of Representatives. Even if the President should win a second term it will be meaningless because he is not running the country now and he won't be running the country for the next four years. However this gridlock will amazingly vanish when Romney comes to power and bill after bad bill will be ramrodded through so fast it will make your head spin. Of course in foreign policy we have had a four continuance of George Bush anyhow. Except now we don't torture people- - we just assasenate them. It's much more efficient. Or else we murder innocent civilians with our Drones. In some way it can be argued with Obama gone we will be giving up very little we haven't already lost, because our Civil Liberties are pretty much gone anyway. Of course you know don't you that if one bad night in a farce of a Debate- - is enough to outweigh Mitt Romney's having a bad month - and a bad summer - - with gaff after gaff - - you know there is some other opperative force. Newt Gingrich put it this way. He said there are these small businessmen who say that there IS no recovery. And apparently they will be the ones determining the outcome of the election in November. This President has done nothing to avenge the crimes of the Bush Administration. Some have said he is the most Wall Street friendly president we have ever had. He has never raised taxes on the rich despite promising to do so in the 2008 Campaign. He has been reluctent to prosecute the crimes of Wall Street at all, and those types of prosecutions are as rare as executions for murder in California. And I am not sold on the argument that the President "was just having a bad day" last Wednesday. He's the President. He can't AFFORD to have a "bad day" or to be "caught off guard". Can you imagine the national security implications of that? Of course the debate was out of control and more of an exhibition than an intelligent dialog. But the no nothing undecided people out there don't care. They will believe any lie Mitt Romney tells them. If the Florida poll went from seven percent Obama leading to the President being down two percent to Romney - - or a nine percent point swing in two months- - you know a lot of retired people in Florida believed Mitt Romney when he told them that the President will cut their medicare by 713 Billion. We haven't talked about the Courts and voter purges or the fact that NO action has been taken about these rigged Voting machines.
Let's briefly look at the California Propositions. Proposition 20 is a yes. It raises income taxes only on that small percent making over $250,000. Also it raises sales tax by a quarter of a percent. Proposition 31 is a no. Proposition 32 is a No. This is that deceptive so called "Campaign reform" act sponsored by people like the Koch brothers and Karl Rove. Proposition 33 involved auto insurance rates. I haven't taken a position. Proposition 34 gets rid of the Death penalty, which in this day and age has become a White elephant costing untold of unnecessary millions of dollars. Proposition 35 involves opperating Sex Trade slaves. Yes on that measure. No on 36. This is an attempted reform of the three strikes measure. This means if it's your third offense and you throw a cigarette butt on the ground or steal a bottle of after shave, you can get 25 years to life. This may seem unfair but that's the way we do things here and it's unlikely this will change. The legislature completely screwed up the analysis on Proposition 37 or the geneticly engineered foods one. They completely missed the point of the thing. Personally I'd institute a nation-wide outright ban on genetically engineered foods, if you know the background of the procedure. I'm voting yes but it won't pass. Proposition 38 assures funds for schools and that one is a Yes. Also a Yes on Proposition 39 that involves eliminating tax breaks for people shipping jobs out of state. Judy is probably against that because anything that violates the Gordon Gecko axiom of "Greed is Good" she will oppose. You people think I'm kidding. Judy comes close to imputing the same purity to these people as Adam and Eve before the Fall.
We have a few other things to say from yesterday. We did our check in during Dr. Levy's class on Saturday morning. I painted a glum but succinct picture of the disaster in my life, which has been the past two weeks emphasizing how being out of cigarettes and its psychological symptums is a nightmare. We talked about how everyone has free will. And the argument was raised that we are “sentenced” to exist with Free Will with the not so vague implication that many people can’t accept that but would somehow actually prefer fewer choices. I tried to say that such “existential” thinking comes from the near delusional view that people are basically “free’ all around the world and haven’t had most of their Choices in life made by somebody else more powerful than they are. I know I sure have. Dr. Levy said he’d get me coffee by Saturday. The thing is I’ll probably run out Thursday or late Wednesday, so I’ll have to go to Wall Mart on my own if I don’t want to be out for a couple days. There was a lot of talk about Law School and Dr. Levy believes I’d do well in it. I feel complemented by that. I’ve heard these stories about people taking courses for “self improvement” and transforming their whole lives with good jobs, like Gloria Oliver did thirty years ago. But in the world where I live, that sort of turn around doesn’t happen that way. I offer up my three ROP certificates as exhibit A. .I played almost all of the Jimi Hendrix tribute album and when I was done I put it in the second drawer to bring the number in the front row once again to seventeen. I skipped “Manic Depression” “Fire” and about two thirds of “Third Stone from the Sun”. Then I listened to Melinda Lee. She talked about how they are messing around with the margarine formula on your favorite brands such as Nucoa and Imperial. Now you don’t get a metal crown, but a plastic one. They took the trans-fats out and they mess up recipes for baked goods. The government should stop screwing around with us and someone needs to prune back the power of the Food and Drug administration. Also you need granulated regular sugar for proper functioning in various baked goods, because the other artificial stuff is too “fine’ and won’t do the job. And there was a Bill Handel caller where if you do a guy a favor and NOT turn him into the cops for something, if he’ll just pay you what he already OWES you- - then according to Bill Handel you have committed the CRIME of extortion against him. So you give a guy a break and be a nice guy about it, and get punished by the law.
Friday, October 05, 2012
Knowing When to Walk Away
You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold them
Knowing when to Walk Away
And Know when to Run
You never count your cards
While you're sitting at the table
There'll be time enough for counting
When the Dealing's Done
One could well imagine President Obama making a speech at the end of Wednesday night's debate something like, "The world will little note nor long remember what was said here tonight, but it can never forget what a despicable and pathetic man almost was elected President of the United States in 2012. Mitt Romney told 27 lies in 38 minutes. But Romney's tally for lies for the week is in excess of fifty, for just this week alone. Fifty different lies. People are now saying that Romney was such a pathetic excuse for a human being that of course the President refused to engage him after a certain point. In an old adage, "You have to know when to walk away". They say the President had a disgusted look on his face. Of course if you were a tea bagger you couldn't have liked the things that Romney said this night either because it was such a complete break with everything he's said up to now. Mitt Romney even said on Wednesday not only does he care about ALL Americans but he's concerned about the number of people who have slidden out of the middle class into the ranks of the poor and Romney wants to help these people. He says there are more poor people now because of the President's policies. I would have stopped Mittens right there and said "OK just describe step by step just how and what the President has done in the past four years for said policies instigated by him, to cause millions of Americans to slide out of the middle class into the ranks of the poor. I can't help repeat that one line again about how Mitt Romney said that "I have never heard of a tax law that would encourage off shoring by corporations. My accountent never told me about that. Maybe I better get myself a new accountant". And the comeback line is "But Mr. Romney you know that's not true because your finances are doing just fine". We know now that Romney did in fact own that sweat shop garment factory we talked about employing women at 24 cents an hour for sixteen hours sleeping in bedrooms twelve bunks to a bedroom, tripple decker. It was called Global Tech. And Bain Capital owened it for two years- - in China. And no changes were ever made in working conditions during the time Mitt Romney was there. So much for the notion Tea Party people have that "Labor unions are bad because most righteous people will of course treat their workers humanely and pay them a living wage without the imposed necessity of a labor Union". People assume the dumbest things. Like suppose you have a Hotel business that is losing money each week and you don't know how long you'll be able to keep the business going at this rate. You know like that Chef Ramsey program a few weeks ago. The implication is that because of increased income taxes from President Obama, that the taxes you pay have entirely eaten away all of your profits and then some. Well, stop and think about THAT for one second will you? The government doesn't tax money that you never earned to begin with.The idea that the Government is spying on us is old news. But after the Patriot Act there was a whole scale transfer from foreign spying by the CIA to spying on our own citizens. It was called Opperation Steller Wind, and it still may be going on. You know how the government assigns computers to listen to microwave towers logging thousands of our conversations. They do these three D profiles on all of us using powerful computers combing our various "domain layers" of spheres in our lives such as friends, employment, retail, medical history, reading material, movies, and the like. If gets coalessed into a very comprehensive profile on each of us. But they claim it doesn't violate fourth amendment rights because "It only becomes Search - - when it's actually used against us in a crime". That makes no sense. This one NSA guy named Binny- - who got out of the spy game several years ago, helped produce that video on George Washington's blog you should all watch, if you don't believe me. And FBI agents stormed into his house with guns drawn and burst in on him when he was showering and asked how they can pin various crimes on certain people. Of course we have already reviewed how US citizens abroad can be targeted for assasenation - - by the Obama Administration. And also of all the innocent civilians - - mostly Pakistanees- - are killed by our Drones all the time.
In soap land Nicole Walker lost her baby two weeks before she was to deliver. I would imagine that would be the Very Worst time to lose a baby if it had to happen because she's gotten attached emotionally to the baby all these months. And of course for Nicole that makes her 0 and 2 with live births from pregnency. And that has got to be heart wrenching. Of course it's just a story, but there are women out there to whom the real thing has happened to. Sometimes you can be almost to a goal only to have it snatched away from you at the last minute - - almost as if you are being played with. This is why I don't see the election of Barock Obama next month as a foregone conclusion. Not by a long shot. It's like you're in a game of Risk and you think "If I can just survive the next round in battle I'll get round Five in the cards and this time I HAVE to have accumulated three in a row of something", but of course you don't survive the round. The irony is now that Daniel had just come to accord in his own mind about moving out of the State with Nicole and starting a whole new life, which seems a little radical. Nicole placed "great store" in that baby because in a perverse sense it was her "ticket to legimacy" as a human being. She would be known as something other than a porn star and a gold digger. Now she would have the respectable status as "A mother". But now that won't happen.
The whole story about the Apostle Paul and his "letters to Churches" in the Bible, when you think about it forces you to- - - concede a lot of points. First you assume that he single handedly starts and pastors a whole host of churches in Johnny Appleseed fashion, and that he does so outside the normal bounds of the Organized Church. Then you believe he's a "part time' pastor at all these many churches spread out all over the eastern Roman Empire. And that he writes then letters which are treated as a Papal bull or "Fatwah" or something. But have you ever thought about the physical problem of transporting the letters to begin with. I know if someone wants to screw you over, there a million ways and all sorts of opportunies to do it - if you put your mind to it. Half or so of the letters were written from Prison - - - a Roman Prison - - where he was guilty of Crimes against the State or some such thing- - - presumably for practicing Christianity. Yet he has all the guards and such on his side and trusts them to deliver the letters to Roman curriers or whatever- - and get them safely to their destination without either being opened of sensored- - - or just "misplaced' and thrown out. And that Paul was such a charished person- - - these letters were saved in Ephasus for decades and decades till some church father sees them and says "Say, let's base half the new testament on these old, dusty letters I just found". Somehow I "Don't think it happened that way at all".
T R I M S - C A S H
U N - L I V E T O O
Unemployment Rate Falls to 7.8%
Everybody has been saying it all along. If the unemployment rate dropped below eight percent, then President Obama would win. I have said that economic news - good or bad - would Trump any other development in this Presidential campaign. Today, Friday October 5th, the Unemployment rate fell three tenths of a percent to end at 7.8% which is the lowest unemployment rate since President Obama took office. In the process 114,000 new jobs were added. Also the previous two months of job tallies were revised upward so that some 86,000 new jobs were added in this two month period of July and August. The only slight downer on the report is that more of the new jobs added were Part Time employment in nature. But also "interest rate futures" have dropped, and the US dollar has risen against other popular currencies. Clearly what this whole employment picture demonstrates is that the US economy is not "slowing down" like we've been hearing endlessly about in the news. They said that sales of the I Phone V alone would boost the GNP bu a full half of a percentage point. I would assume that if Mitt Romney really feels so deeply for the unemployed that he would be Happy about today's news, but somehow I don't think so. My only wondering is that this news has not been more broadly publicised since an unemployment dip below eight percent has been long seen as a benchmark of the campaign. That Mort guy on the Mc Laughlin Group was exposed as playing the fool first saying the unemployment would be "closser to nine percent" and later saying "the unemployment rate will rise in the next report".
This morning on the Stephanie Miller show, Stephanie has as a guest Union boss James Hoffa Jr. He had a thing or two about California Proposition 32. My guess is if you're reading this in France you don't need to sweat it. But we in California do. Proposition 32 is the latest specific scheme by the Right to subjegate the Labor Unions and liberals in general by muzzeling them. The sponsors of Prop 32 are out of staters, just like Proposition Eight was a few years back. It seems Karl Munger, the Koch Brothers, and Karl Rove got to gether and came out here from Texas or wherever to put this sneaky measure on the ballot. Labor Unions are necessary because the average worker has only a few dollars extra per week to give to anybody. Alone he can't do much, but together in the corporate bond of a Labor Union, he can have a constructive effect. But the Prop 32 forces want to Muzzle the Labor Unions. And once they lack the ability to raise cash, they can come back a year or two from now with Right to Work laws, and really fix us good. It's all part of a calculated scenario of the Tea Party. Fortunately most Newspapers of note, have thank God come out against Prop 32. My only wish is that the commercials against 32 would be even more stridently worded than they have been so far. Some more strongly worded ads are now starting to air. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to privatize social security and Medicare. But like I said, you can't speak Tea Party positions on live televised debates because You'd instantly be exposed for what you are. Any more than as Walter Martin pointed out, you can't sing Brigham Young theology from the Tabernacle Choir. This is not to condemn Mormonism in the least. It's a free country. You can believe what you want. But I just re-watched a thing last night that just flashes captions and pictures on the screen while playing this somewhat eerie music with a vague Mideastern quality- - - summarizing President Obama's whole life and in the end after exposing his murky and criminally suspect carrier- - - says "This Man is still At Large". But you can't put stuff from the "2016" movie in a thirty second commercial or a nationally televised Debate. So they have to say things like "This measure is completely reasonable and is completely unbiased- - with no loopholes what so ever". The Devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. If the Devil is in a cage- - don't accidently leave the door unlocked and say "Well, I was intending to re lock the cage but I just forgot".
Syria has shelled civilians in Turkey, and this incident has obviously preoccupied the President's attention in addition to Netenyahoo's antics, that would have weighed on his mind during the Debate. Obviously the President has to spend most of his time actually BEING president, unlike Mitt Romney who by his own words has been Unemployed for the past six years with absolutely nothing to do except to run for President. One might even liken Romney to Sarah Palin in this regard. Syria has apologised to Turkey for this incident but now Turkey has fired back and attacked Syria. At the same time anti war groups have staged protests in Turkey saying they don't want to get into a war. How well in the US do we know that tune. I think Turkish fighting back against Assad's Syria is a healthy thing. Because Assad is the sort of dude who would take over the whole Mideast if we let him, with his own unique brand of terror, intimidation and religious repression. Personally I wish the President would say and do more about Assad than he to date has.
In the Bible it says "The curse without a cause does not come". We know Israel was a cursed nation at the time of Jesus, and Jesus neither said or did anything to signal any "staying" of the execution of punishment on the nation of Israel. In the book of Hebrews, it is written "If the blood of bulls and goats were sufficient to make atonement for sin, then it would not have been necessary for the Messiah to come". Of course the word Messiah itself is translated is "Deliverer" in The Ten Commandments movie. But I would go on to point out is the blood of Christ and the sign of the cross were sufficient to safeguard from Evil, then all that stuff that occurs in all these Exorcism movies- - would not have occurred, because the minute the first priest flashed the gleaming silver cross- - Satan and all his demonic hosts would flee in terror. Scripture also says that "If you go along with someone who devises an Evil act, then you are partakers in that evil, and will also partake in the Punishment for said act". It is also written that if you see your Sin and confess and achnoledge it openly before men, that God will be gracious and pardon that sin. We know that the real Mitt Romney did not show up at that Wednesday debate. We know that Mitt Romney is an evil man who devises Evil. And people vote for him and support him and therefore are partakers of that Evil. Two weeks ago I allowed a curse to fall upon myself when I went along with Mal Evans' taking on of the Sutterans. Stewart as you will remember had said on the contrary "I can't take that bet". It's like that insurance commercial, "I can't make that deal". Stewart exercised wisdom and discretion in doing this. After the deed was done and USC lost to Stanford on Saturday the fifteenth, I was thinking "Nothing bad has happened to me" in the same way a person who had just spent three hours at the beach without any sun screen says "You know- - I think I have escaped getting a sunburn" knowing full well that sunburn takes longer than that to be made manifest. And so it is that some curses take longer to be made manifest than others. On Bewitched we know that some curses fast long shadows. There was a Joseph Nemyre - - who was told to do three acts - - public acts - - in order to lift the curse from himself that some Witch had cast. Each act was increasingly more bizzare than the last. In some cases the Wages of Sin is death. When a famous person dies "too soon" of some disease, we do not know what private Sin me may or may not be guilty of. Burt Lombard told Mal Evans that I was in need of "their kind of help" because a week ago Burt saw that I was surrounded with Evil forces. But Mal Evans stopped Burt from helping me. This to my thinking is an unprecidented act. I haden't seen anything like it in the Federation before. Today I talked to Johnny Cash, who said that he thought Mal was a little flakey because "He said he wanted my help a month or so and hounded me and finally got me to agree to it, and then suddenly he drops the whole thing and doesn't want to talk about it".
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Profile of a Liar
Thom Hartman pointed out that there is a parrellel between last night's debate and Jimmy Carter's lone debate with Ronald Reagan, in that Reagan could stare right at the camera and tell a bold faced lie in the most sincere voice. It takes a special personality trait to do this. Mitt Romney is obviously good at it because last night Romney told 27 outright lies in just under forty minutes. There was a move afoot called "The Carterization of President Obama". This is an attempt to make your opponent appear "Unreasonable" to the American people. For instance Ronald Reagan in the 1980 debate came out against the minimum wage and he related this touching story about, "Last week I met up with some black teenagers, and they were telling me the reason why they were now unemployed is because the state of California raised the minimum wage". But if labor unions kill jobs how come Clinton said quite a number of years back "If we were at the equivelent earnings power of the minimum wage of 1968 then the minimum wage would be ten fifty an hour". And in 1968 the unemployment rate was below four percent. Today it's been a long time since the federal minimum wage has been raised so we should be going like gangbusters right now. But later they discovered that the whole story with Ronald Reagan and those teenage Blacks - - was made up out of whole cloth. It never happened. Ronald Reagan said "Why we in California, thanks to my instigation, had OSHA before they had it on a nation wide basis". But the fact is the Democrats pushed through OSHA in California and Governor Reagan fought it. Ronald Reagan also said "The department of Energy has not produced so much as one drop of oil or one lump of coal". It's not the Dept of Energy's job to find energy. The only thing they are in charge of is producing Atomic Bombs. So the point was irrelivent. According to Randy Rhodes, despite the republicans' protest against energy taxes, apparently in the mid 1980's in a push to ease the federal deficet that cutting taxes for the rich caused - - Ronald Reagan instituted a gasoline tax, and truckers and others were out protesting against it. We now move to Mitt Romney and last night. Romney lied when he said he didn't propose- - and has never proposed - - a federal tax policy that would cut Federal revenue by five Trillion. He talked about his five "boys" and how they sometimes lie and the President is like this. Romney said not only are his taxes completely revenue neutral, but that Romney will NOT hike taxes on the middle class. Romney said the problem with the Dodd Frank bill is that it prevents by legal means, Banks making business loans to people who need it. Romney also pointed to six apparently non existant "Economic studies" that say his Tax Program will NOT make the deficet worse, when the President had just said 'All of the economic experts say that Romney's tax program would be a disaster". Of course Mitt Romney lied when he said "I never said that General Motors should go bankrupt. In fact I agree with exactly what the President did". Paul Ryan has said some horrible things about Social Security. Ryan and Romney are really close. And yet Mitt Romney says "Neither I nor the President wants to touch social security". Is this a lie? Do you suppose Mitt Romney lied to those business at Bain Capital saying "I promise you if you go into deep debt it will have no adverse consequences on your business"? Huhhhh? Labor unions and employee pensions were not discussed at all last night. Race relations or immigration weren't discussed. Alternative energy was discussed very little. Race relations, law enforcement, and drugs were not discussed at all. And the 47 percent figure was not brought up by the President. Mitt Romney said "I know of no law on the books that gives a tax break for relocating a Business off shore. If there is one, then my accountant is derelict in not telling me". Also Romney tried to allude to those "Death Pannels" and how Obama's plan distates the type of medical care you get. But the President expressly stated that this Board Romney makes reference to is expressly forbidden from recomending which medical care to get. So someone is lying there. There was another interesting revelation that came to light. Mitt Romney seems to think of "the top three percent of Small Businesses in income" when he uses the term "Small Businessman". The President said "Under Romney's plan - Donald Trump would qualify as a Small Businessman" and Mitt Romney did not dispute that statement. It was 27 lies in 38 minutes. That's pretty good.
As you can see we have updated the template of this blog, similar to "Rocca Rolla" I think, except for the title letters. I guess we have talked about the debates enough now. As you can see from the dates it took us almost three months to cycle through all the Blogs this time to get back to where we were. The "rotation time" has grown a bit recently because we aren't at quite the frantic pace of posting that we were a couple of months ago. You know I'm not a very good liar. I think my facial expression usually gives it away. If I tell a lie it's perhaps to throw someone off the scent - - trail - - - so I'll just neatly slip in a little falsehood to help myself. But the thing is I don't pound the table and repeat this lie ten times louder each time, like a politician does. I'm mentioned it before but with Christians- - the bolder the lie- - the more blatant- - - the more insensed and Indignent they become when challenged or doubted on it. Check it out for yourselves sometime. This trait carried far enough can become almost sociopathic. I don't know- - maybe you have to be a bit Sociopathic to be a good Politician.
Isn't it funny the things that "should be so" but aren't. Gasoline prices should be headed down because everyone says the economy is slowing down, and besides the "fall and winter" blends are cheaper to make. But they aren't. In California they are threatening the $4.50 mark, almost up to where they were at that last peak playing footsie with the five dollar mark. That should make Dr. Levy's day. Gold is now in the high seventeen hundreds. This is in the face of what Glen Beck and others refer to as "world wide recession". Obama was supposed to demolish Romney in last night's debate. After all people from the Federation told me so. But it didn't happen. Nobody thought the Rev Chuck Smith would ever be alive enough to turn into a tea bagger, yet he has bought the most extremist views on President Obama. Now there isn't even any decision to make whether to "go back to the Faith" because now there IS no church to go Back to. I have slipped into the gully of despair. I'm not supposed to be losing weight, but I am. Foreign leaders such as with Israel, aren't supposed to get involved with domestic US political campaigns. But Netenyahoo has. President Obama and many people in the abstract would believe that "Any Black who could keep his cool and have a steady hand in the light of all sorts of verbal abuse and some physical threats". But people don't respect Obama. We talked about the "Carterization" of President Obama. This economy has become "Carterized" now with food and energy prices going through the roof, and precious metals making new highs and NOT coming down - - - period. Moving to this place was supposed to "solve" tensions with my family. It did for a while, but not the past four years. Normally an increase in gun violence has the "silver lining" of people alerting to the problem and writing remedial legislation. Not this year. That whole "silver lining" bullshit that Christian pastors are always talking about- - Just Doesn't happen. Sometimes a tragedy is just a tragedy. "You hear that, Neil!!!" There ARE no "etherial lessons to be learned".
Many such as Dr. Levy are in love with the notion of "The hide and seek God". Even in the Bible we have all this stuff about "seeking" and "finding" like it's some kind of game, with winners and losers. Dr. Levy went so far as to say "If I were God - - this is just how I would Play it". It's kind of the "Don't Ask - Don't Tell" doctrine of Religion. So you read things in scripture like Jesus is in a group and none of the people gathered dared ask "Who are you". And if anybody says "You're the son of God" Jesus says "Keep that piece of information to yourself". It is my theory that anyone who propounds such a doctrine of a hide and seek God, seems themselves as the Beneficiary of such a doctrine, or one of those "Special people to whom the Truth has been revealed". Michael Benner says you can't prove psychic phenomon because it's like "Your very participation in the experiment - - distorts the data you obtain from it". That's a mighty convienient doctrine. It's akin to "being on the field of play" during a baseball game- - altering who gets thrown out. "Spectator interference". They say in this age of computer Social networking that people are more Alone than ever. It's another thing that Shouldn't Be. Pastors go so far as to relate stories about their own five year old son being crushed to death in the machinations of a draw bridge- - yet to stop the bridge from raising would cause injury and death to hundreds more. And so we are to believe "God often finds Himself in moral delemas like this". We are told by people like Neil Savedra and Fred Price- - that Acting on something you Know- - won't get you brownie or "Faith" points. The only way to score with The Big Cahona is to act on some half cocked notion you've got and people think you're Crazy. And that's the sort of "Disciple" God can have respect for. Again I just say Screw it all to Hell. It's pointless. If people are Sane because they do things that Sane people do- - - then people who pursue what most people would call Madness or at least Eccentricy- - - will end up as balmy as a man who thinks he's a dog and is chasing his tail in a ten by ten foot padded cell. I would conclude with that little nugget at the end of the War Games movie of 1983 which is, "The only way to Win the Game is - - - Not To Play" (Selah)
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