Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Moderation at times only means "Road Kill"

Some nineteen hundred scoutmasters have been let go since 1970, and up to 1990 due to their being suspected of pedophilia or fondeling young boys.  This is a disgusting number and as David Cruise mentions, anyone who has ever had their kid in Scouting has to stop and second guess himself at this point.  Personally I find the figure almost unbelievable, yet I have to believe it’s accurate or they wouldn’t be saying it today.  That is nineteen hundred, or nearly two thousand scoutmasters committing crimes that if prosecuted could get each and every one of them sent up the river for twenty years.  So I don’t ever know what happened to the Boy scout oath or “teaching these young men how to be morally upstanding young men” and all of that.  I was never into scouting but of course a whole lot of my grammar school friends were.  In the other news is Jerry Sandusky being sentenced to thirty to sixty years for his many crimes, some 45 counts of sodomy and other forms of molestation of young boys.  He will allowed things like eye glasses and television and cable TV even, if he can "afford" it, but never again allowed to visit children.  Others said that he would be getting two hundred years and be in prison easily for the rest of his life.  I had mistakenly heard that didn’t happen, and he would be out in ten years or perhaps less with good behavior.

You’ve heard the saying “Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue”.   As we look back at President Obama’s record and contemplate the prospect of Mitt Romney getting elected next month, a lot of thoughts have to be going through our minds.  For one it will be a gigantic relief not to have all of our right wing friends hounding us all the time.  They see President Obama as the universal repository for all of their hate and prejudice.  And they take some of their unfocused and unresolved emotions out on us and we suffer for it.  I said in July of 2011 that if I were President Obama I would have announced I would not run again and “defuse the Obama Hate Machine” then and there and let a more fit candidate be the standard bearer of provressivism.  One who is better able to fight for our causes.  Obama has failed at this is about every way imaginable.  One has to ask “What more do we have to lose?”  Let’s go down this impressive and growing list of disappointment after disappointments, and that list is still growing.  The president failed to even propose any gun regulation legislation despite the epidemic of violence.  He was AWOL when it came to speaking up for the Occupy Wall Street people.  He was AWOL in Wisconsin in the battles they were having to save unions and government pension.  I have little doubt that had the President spoken up the vote would have gone the other way.  Wall Street prosecutions have slowed to a trickle, below what they were even in the Bush administration.  The president has declined to speak up on civil rights moral issues such as theTrayvon Martin cold blooded killing.  The President still favors what he calls “clean coal” and has suspended some EPA regulation, as places like West Virginia are turned into a moonscape with the tops of mountains blown off.  The President says he favors this “dirty oil” pipeline from Canada to help Canada sell their environmentally dessterous oil sands petrol to China.  Rush Limbaugh points out that the President’s address at the Democratic Convention wasn’t as forceful as it would have been.  We have the disasterous Debate performance last Wednesday.  We have the drone killings all around the world we have talked about.  We have the Patriot Act still on the books and now added to this is additional domestic spying, as well as a new preventative detention bill, where suddenly we are like Midevil Europe or something.  And we also have the President breaking his promise to - - Let the Bush tax cuts expire, and there is not the slightest indication the President will not do the exact same thing again this time around.  Once a liar, always a liar, you know how that goes.  People like Rush Limbaugh point out that the “God” plank was illegally crammed down the throats of people at the Democratic Convention.  So why did the President do it?  Pressure from the Republicans.  They say “jump” and the president says “How high”.  The one lucid point that “moderate” made in that KPFK game was that the President is charting a moderate course “Because he wants to stay in the game”.  And yet the President is NOT in the game at all.  He has already thrown the contest.  He did that last Wednesday.  He could have just maybe delivered to knock-out punch to Romney but didn’t.  Vincent Bugliosi wrote a book about how Marsha Clark and Chris Darden botched the prosecution of O J Simpson with their highly limp wristed approach and leaving witnesses off the list including the police questioning of OJ.  Also there was evidence that wasn’t discussed like that sachel that was shoved into a trash container at the LA international airport just before OJ took off for his flight.  Republicans point out that perhaps the president has lived in an insilated bubble surrounded by “yes men” his entire day, and doesn’t know what the “real world” is like or what “real people” are thinking, just like the OJ Jury was shielded from that.  I’ve gotten mad at the President before and I’ve always relented.  But not this time.  He’s just gone too far and “broken my heart” too many times, just like Fredo did in the Godfather.

So what would you say about a man who displayed the following personality qualities?  He fails to “follow through with his words and disappoints vast segments of his own followers.  He is litterly non violent and passive TO A FAULT.  People all over the place question his true love and devotion to the nation of Israel.  He hardly knew his father and may have blown up his virtues and mythologised him all out of perportion to the reality.  He lives in a bubble surrounded by adoring yes men.  He’s used to favorable crowds.  He seems to “be a stranger in his own town” to quote the Elvis song.  Who are we talking about?  It could be Barock Obama.  It could be Jesus Christ.  There is another thing them have in common in that for all the talking they do we actually know very little about the pasts of either.  They both seem to have “emerged full blown out of nowhere” and somehow “assumed what their destiny would be”.  We know that Jesus had anger issues with Jewish authorities.  I don’t think even Jesus, though, threw a pastor “under the bus” the way Barock Hussein Obama did with the Rev Jeremiah Wright.  May I suggest one trait both lack but neither will admit is real Courage.  That’s another of my seven cardinal virtues.  The seven I have isolate as root virtues are Compassion, Faithfullness or Loyalty,  Pursuit of Justice, Bravery, Prudence, Perseverence, and  Honesty or Integrety.  We know the President wanted “God” inserted into the Convention Platform even though nobody even reads those things.  How could the founding fathers resist putting God into the US Constitution, and yet it winds up in the Platform.  Thomas Jefferson spoke of “The Creator” rather than God.  Let me ask you something?  Does God lie?  Evangelists quote a passage I’ve never read personally that “The gifts of the Holy Spirit are without revocation”.  They can’t be recalled or withdrawn once you have them.  So if I ever had the Holy Spirit I have it now- - regardless of what others say.  Theologically it means the very nature and essence of God dwells inside of me.  If you venture to say “I had the spirit but I lost it” then you’re calling SOMEBODY a liar.  And I’m not sure that “Somebody” will take kindly to his followers refer to him as a liar.  Mitt Romney is a liar.  So does Mitt Romney have the Holy Spirit?  Is Mitt Romney a Christian.  Will southern Baptists really “do it” and “take that leap of faith” and go on and vote for a man who’s in a religion they’ve been taught since they were knew high to a grasshopper to mistrust if not outright despise?  These are questions yet to be answered.

It seems as if I’m not the only one who has conversations with people who no longer exist.  Nicole was seen today talking to her dead but unborn fetus saying things “You know I really miss not being able to talk to you”.  Just like I was hoping John Lennon would put in an appearance either on Sunday for KLOS Beatles, or else today, his birthday.  But no John.  Nicole was also speaking in the plural using terms like “we” and “us”.  You see Dr Jonas still wants to move to Utah with her and start a new life.  He’s even contemplating tending his resignation from his position at University Hospital.  It must have been bitter-sweet for Nicole to hear these words.  But now she’s slipping into an old besetting “delusional solution” to her problem.  Instead of fessing up to the fact that her baby died- just like as with E J, she’s choosing to conceil that fact “until the right time” even though Daniel Jonas is a doctor, a fact she seems to have suddenly forgotten.   Let me tell you plainly about our mentor, Jesus.  Two words.  He failed.  Or to use Rush Limbaugh’s words about Michael Dukakis, he is “The Loser”.  You can’t spin it from anything - but an utter and complete “mission failure” into success without some mighty world class delusional thinking and rationalistic gymnastics.  But I see a connection between the two events.  Because the writers of the Gospels knew enough about human nature not to leave some glimmer of hope so they added “But Jesus, he may be gone now, but he’s going to Come Back to Earth in the great bye and bye”.  By the time you “sit around waiting for Jesus to return” and spend time in the church- - they believe you will by them have become “sufficiently churchified” so that you just Won’t Care.  In like manner- - Nicole is thinking that “If Dr. Jonas has this hope that the Baby is Coming Soon” there will be this “air of expenctancy” and so he will remain with her in anticipation of said event.  But after “sufficient time” has passed (the peramaters of which remain undefined) that at “some point” he just won’t Care, and stay with her Regardless.  I’m sorry but that doesn’t work with me.  My mind doesn’t think like that.

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