Friday, January 11, 2013

Gonads the Size of Billiard Balls

The movie Zero Dark Thirty hasn’t even opened yet and already it’s generating contraversey.  The issue is its depiction of the torture that went on at Guantanamo Bay.  They also stated that today is the “anniversary of the opening of” Guantanamo Bay.  I don’t mind their depecting of various “enhanced interrogation methods” such as water boarding or sleep deprevation or being subject to extreme heat or cold, on the one privision, that what they depict actually happened.  The movie also states that they got “valuable information leading to the capture of Osama Bin Laden”, which is what the movie is all about.  I only have one stipulation as to whether I endorse the movie or not, and that is -  whether in fact the information they obtained through such torture was in fact instrumental in the eventual capture of Bin Laden.  Kathryn Bigalo is the producer of this movie, and I am inclined to take her at her word because she has an established credibility track record.  I think it would be and IS wrong to orchestrate some “political protest” in urging the Oscar voters to boycott this picture just to make some political statement, based on a belief that’s not even true.  Let’s compare this movie with “The Passion of the Christ”.  In that movie two assertions are made.  That Jesus gave up his life, and that through this action all of mankind was made pure from sin.  The second part is definitely false and I think I can say to a near metaphysical certainty that the first part is false too.  Jesus did not “give his life”.  Do you know how I can be so sure.  Because if he DID, he would be dead, and would have been dead for two thousand years.  And since Jesus the Christ has been reckoned as being God in the Flesh, it would mean that God Himself has ALSO been dead for two thousand years.
Some people say you shouldn't slight God because "we owe God everything, and without him there would be absolute continuous Nothingness and Void".  Well, do you know how much WORK it actually TAKES to produce what you call "nothingness?"  Personally if I were God I'd say it wasn't worth the bother.  People first of all have to have senses and then LOSE them in order to be aware that there is now "Nothingness".  Also the passage of endless Time - - requires that said "endless Time" be CREATED in the first place.  You din't think of that one, did you.  But also the SPACE for this "nothingness' to take place in, also has to be Created.  Because you see, nothingness isn't really Nothing.  Nothingness is chocked full of all sorts of cosmic matter.  In fact for a bathroom scale to register zero, it has to be subject to fifteen pounds per square inch of air pressure.  If you didn't have all that air pressure acting on it - - who know what would happen?  This author as you know has even postulated the idea of a negative light refraction index.  So not even Zero is really Zero, but something desguised as something else.  In fact we have also postulated that we live in what I call "convex" space and matter, but that there also may well exist "concave" space and matter.   But just think how it's silly to say that Job had trouble "finding God" in all of his sufferings.  First God had to create his body- - with all of its skin and nerves and all to feel sensation- - then having created it, he had to then take proactive action to screw it up - - so that it didn't work right and Job broke out in pain- - perhaps shingles, from the crown of his head to the souls of his feet.  By the way - shingles isn't limited to just six hours in the middle of a Friday in spring.
There was a real bombshell dropped at the conclusion of Days of our Lives today.  As Bill Clinton would say, “I really gotta admire the guy’s brass”.  Chad has to have gonads the size of billiard balls to do what he did.  He dropped the tomb on Gabriel and Nick just before they were about to be pronounced man and wife by announcing that he knew that Will Horton and not Nick Fallon was the father of Gabriel’s unborn child.  I think weddings are a natural occasion to disrupt anyhow because none of them ever last anyhow.  Samantha has a lot of experience in this area.  I’m not certain whether Samantha knows the truth that she is indeed about to become a grandmother, which puts a whole new definition of the word “grandmother”.    I can see the next TV movie now.  Two kids are talking with each other and one says to the other, “You know my grandpa is up to his old tricks again.  He’s spraying the school with gang graffiti”.   Some would say to me “Aren’t you contradicting yourself.  Didn’t you say that this paternity secret should never see the light of day?”  I did.  But I don’t fault Chad for knowing the secret or even telling the secret.  This is no secret that Chad Di Mira had any ethical obligation to keep.  In fact I think it’s poetic justice.  Chad has on his own volition kept Gabriel’s other dark secret, that she engineered Melanie’s abduction and imprisonment several months ago.  In other words, Gabriel has been living on borrowed time in an ongoing state of karmic debt.  And “The bill has now become due”.  She has nobody to blame but herself.  At least Will’s skirts get to stay nice and clean, at least for now.  Chad was telling Will’s lover, Sonny, “You know- - I’m going to this wedding because it’s a happy family occasion and I’m just getting into the spirit of the thing”.  Chad got into the spirit of it all right.  Rush Limbaugh used to have an expression, “Don’t poke the bear”.  It would benefit a lot of people out there to learn from this saying.
This afternoon a three after Randy I was just reading my old stuff.  I highly recommend the blog “You Can Lead A Horse to Water - - but You Can’t Make him Drink”, at least the concluding four long paragraphs.  These are very meaty treaties on philophy and religion.  They would be too much for Dr. Levy to take.  It occurred to me at lunch today that I never sent him any of my writings this week the way I told him I would.  And knowing how long it takes Dr. Levy to get to his E mails, he’d never read one I sent now, by tomorrow morning at eight.  You know they interviewed this kid on Eye Witness about how he feels about cold weather.  The kid was so rambling and cerebral- - - believe it or not there are recordings of me from nearly fifty years ago that are just about that bad.  There are times when I “over-think” things.  Of course we have been having cold weather this week with tempetatures not getting out of the mid fifties.  But on the plus side the weather has been blue sky and sunny, and not too windy.  Why back in Chicago this time of year such weather would almost qualify as a heat wave.   Somebody saw me without a jacket the other day and asked me “Were you raised in Alaska or something?”  No.  But I had so many good ideas this one day back in early October- - - I was so prolific that I couldn’t even cover all the topics that came to mind.  I used the hour glass analogy to describe karmic life.  I think I alluded to the fact that if you were “hooking lines together” in some geometric math kind of way - - when the lines crossed each other- - then the direction of the karmic spiral would reverse course.  I stated in the posting “As you approach no mans land near the middle of the hour glass, direction becomes harder to plot as the life force of karmic will weakens”.  But what I didn’t elaborate on is the idea of “anti-life” in the same theoretical vein of “anti matter’ or something.  And it could be inferred that the real of “anti-life” beings would be the realm of the demonic, and just how that would work, I do not know.  I am pretty sure a lot of theologians of a Christian vein believe in this whole “anti realm” of demons and other un-dead creatures.
There is a Miss America candidate that will be appearing this weekend.  Her name is Alexis, and she is Miss Montana, and she has been diagnosed autistic.  But she didn’t garner this diagnosis till age eleven, which is a little late in the game.  But she always felt awkward and spent a lot of time by herself and didn’t believe she really fit in.  But still she took up cross country racing and got into cheer leading.  There are some people who speak for various shall we say “mental health issues” where they want to regulate the words we use to describe mental illness.  They don’t like the usual terms like “mental patient’ or “lunitick”.  Personally I don’t mind these terms one bit, and I even use them myself because everybody knows what we’re referring to.  But this caller on the Randy Rhodes seemed really defensive on the subject.  I mean I’ll be frank.  I never worry about “getting off my meds” because I have seldom seen myself as somehow dependant on some ingested substance to be stable, save perhaps for the short period of time I was actually an alcoholic, and I would not recommend that.  I’ve heard people talk this way.  Randy was told that mental patients often admit to their own illness.  Well, I have never admitted to “my own illness” assuming I even have one.  I’ve never been able to identify with these people who supposedly write poetry or whatever about their own illness- - and somehow manage to make it PC, almost as if they were members of some “lobby group” of disabeled people.  Personally, I just don’t swing that way.  I don’t judge or exhonorate people based on what label is or is NOT put on them.  I judge people by their outward actions.
In the morning I listened to Ed Schultz on “” from a Riverside station.  It’s nice to know a liberal program is in a conservative locality.  And of course I did a blog posting this morning, too.  Trying to raise people’s “Awareness level” is a challenge, though.  People are creatures of habit.  When I read other material I do so with the idea of learning something new.  But I fear a lot of people do things out of mindless habit, and nothing more. For lunch we just had cold cuts and three bean salad.  I had seconds on the rice and meat ball soup.  I saw Leshia on the other side of the room looking in my direction.  It reminded me that I haven’t talked to her for days, and don’t’ know how she’s adjusting around here as a new resident.  We had breaded fish for dinner and tarter sauce and rice, and green beans, with yogurt for desert.  I was called down to the office and given my official Social Security increase notice.  It’s all of twelve dollars, which mathematically is just what I predicted it must be.  But as I said earlier in the week, if Governor Jerry Brown is suddenly awash in all this new revenue such that the deficit is wiped out, why not restore programs for the poor and the infirm, and reinstitute the renters rebate tax credit?  That two hundred-odd dollars was a valuable infusion of cash once a year that a lot of us were counting on.  Of course I got one of these big insurance envelopes in the mail, too, which is a quick candidate for that great trash can in the sky.   When I was heading down, I observed sunlight on the wall up close to the roof, at two minutes to five.  This is documented proof that the days are getting longer.  Stephanie Miller’s big Washington DC bash is one week away, and it’s one of only three opportunities her fans will get to see her this year.  ABC network news is starting up just now.   Now they are saying that the flu epidemic may have peaked out.  California was one of a minority of states that was largely spared the worst of it.  Personally I think I would be a better risk as a medical worker than others who actually had the vaccine, because this vaccine is only 62% effective.  This means that while your odds of getting the flue are just over a third of what they would otherwise be- - that leaves a whopping 38 percent of the population that is vulnerable.   Oh, but now they are saying “Don’t worry, California is going to Get Theirs too”.

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