Sunday, August 31, 2014
The Twelfth Man - Imam - Dimension - Revisited
But first let's talk about the chaotic state we find the world in as Lady and I look out tonight from Desolation Row. The government in Libya has fallen apart. Now Islamists are having a pool party at the US Embassy doing videos of themselves doing swan dives off the building into the swimming pool. Who's invited? There are two factions fighting each other. Meanwhile Egypt and the UAE are sending troops there to invtervene and restore order or something. John Mc Cain is right about ISIS and Ukraine, of course. I think people have come to realize though that to successfully mount a convincing attack on ISIS we need to invoke the Powell doctrine of having consensus support of the world including most importantly those Sunni Moslems who are opposed to ISIS, Several weeks ago we are thinking of bringing Iran into the conflict, but people see now that this would be an unnecessarily complicating factor. It's a good thing that the Iraq army finally got its shit together sufficiently to win a battle with the aid us US air support and free those people who were under siege and were in danger of being captured and tortured and perhaps worse. But the President has to beware of the "Optics" of the situation and every word he says, every speech he or his White House press secretary will be weighed and scrutenized and analyzed to death. The last thing our President wants to appear to be right now is indecisive. And we know the president does "Indecisive" very well - - or is that poorly, or at least all too frequently for comfort. In the Ukraine theater of war- - my first inclination as President would be exactly to do what John Mc Cain was suggesting today on "Face the Nation". As an aside it must be a real boost to John Mc Cain's ego that "Every time the Media wants the definitive statement on a particular foreign conflict, they always turn to Me. We should do "lend lease" and arm the Ukrainians and turn the tide against Putin. Unfortunately there is an important question we must ask first. And that is "Is this war winable". The answer to that question is highly dubious because Putin is an egomaniac. He has Nukes and he states that he's not afraid touse them, and I doubt any sane person wants to call his bluff and press him too far. You know what they say. Rats turn vicious when trapped in a corner. Aside from a revelation from God Himself- - I personally as President, no mater where my heart was, would want some confirmation that this thing wouldn't blow up in my face. So perhaps first, just like ISIS, we need a better propaganda campaign to turn the hearts and minds of Europe against Putin and the Russian forces. Clearly this man is an agressor, and apeasment won't work. Many thought he would stop with anexing Crimea. He didn't. Many thought Putin would just roll over and give up when a few weeks back the Ukrainian forces seemed to have the upper hand in this conflict. Instead Putin increased the stakes and escalated the conflict. It takes little imagination from here to see that escalation will beget escalation, and what would win the war now will be woefully ineffective and useless in a few weeks after Putin escalated the conflict further. So the bottom line for me is I wouldn't know what to do. But I could always turn to John Mc Cain for advice.
The number twelve has always been mystic. It was two years ago we did a dissertation on- - for instance football and now the Twelfth Man in football are the fans. The image here was of God Himself and "Being seen' by another in a perspective that we couldn't possibly partake of ourselves. And then the Islamists speak of the Twelfth Imam. Who is to say who he is or whether the Shiites believe he's on his way. And I don't know if this Islamic "Calaphate" of ISIS also believes in the Twelfth Imam or whether their theology goes off in some other direction. But since those days we have shuffled our Dimensions around and done a little prunkng, and yanked out three dimensions. And so we really don't have a Twelfth Dimension now- - so maybe I should have tagged this posting "The eleventh dimension". Dimension number ten is the dimension of Dynamics - - and again those of you electronicly inclined may think of Decibels. But it's dimension number eleven that I now would like to expound on in a way I haven't before. We told you this eleventh dimension is one of - Arrangement - - Placement of - - - Things or whatever. It's the dimensions of Patterns, of either the presence or lack of them, and sometimes being able to tell the Difference. (Selah) With patterns often we find Intelligence- - and the human brain is hard wired to instinctively recognise Intelligent Design - - and the human brain is way better than any Computer in this ability. But then we have the other concept- - my version of string or fung chue theory - - and these are two things I link. I don't speak of the micro string of the physicist, but rather the macro string- - - great big long strings. And just as strings of musical instruments vibrate and generate musical notes- - or one might say - - Patterns of sound impulses - - so I believe this eleventh dimension generates Ideas. So this is my lame attempt to give that ancient Greek concept of "The Idea" some form of actual physicality. And these ideas are neither spacially nor time limited. And when an idea appears somewhere it is limited neither by Space nor by Time. And here is where we get that word everybody uses but few people understand called Synchronicity. Now since you have the SAME idea in two different places - - since the IDEAS themselves by their "material nature" (to use an almost psudo theological term) are in fact NOT LIMITED in either space or time, but particularly space- - we thus deduce that said Ideas don't have the inherent limitations of Travel that the rest of us have. Then we come to that other mental hurdle I'll endeavor (hopefully not in vain) to leap. Since we too as part of our - - psychic nature (I used the word here to denote the Mind or the Self or the Souil) we also partake in this thing called Intelligence- - them we have what you'd call in math as a "Common denominator' to relate in. Just to review and revive a few brain cells you may have picked up from some collect lecture- - Wave relates to Wave a lot more easily than you can relate Wave with Water. (Selah) In other words it's my belief that we can make use of this "Common denominator", which is Intelligence. Of course science- - those into physics - - may be quite willing to make part of this "Intellectual leap" I'm about to make, with me, but at a certain point they will balk. They may well concede that "Yes there is a lot of this thing called ENERGY out there - - which gives scientific measurability to what I am talking about (to a degree) And they will say "Yes, it's possible psychic transmissions may be able to be done at the speed of light". But what I have always proposed even going back into the eighties is that the speed of light is FAR TOO SLOW for the sort of teleportation I'm talking about. Yes I'll say there is energy. But we don't go to an Art Museum to see lumps of clay- - that is - - the physical substance or "medium" (a term artists use) and so I say that this "Energy" is just a physical (such as it is) "Medium" that Intelligence "uses" or makes use of, but does not partake of it's material nature. So the question or rather, proposition is - - since Intelligence is what we relate to - - or to use a simpler analogy- - it could be said we know not Carbon but the Carbon 'Pattern' of electrons, protons and newtrons, so to speak - - we relate to the pattern and only indirectly the substance. So lets transport the Pattern. Just think about it.
Astronomy Cafe is one of the few places that states that "We are actually nine tenths binding energy rather than our quarks (or more specifically Baryons) So if somehow - - and Star Trek is based on what I'm about to say by way of proposition - - Since- - Energy is Nine Tenths of our Mass - - and quantom physics tells us that is a LOT - - of Energy- - and since energy seems somehow easier to think about - - the Star Trek people believe (perhaps wrongly) that energy is easier to transport than matter- - meaning Baryons - where we (wrongly) believe most of our mass is. But even with Star Trek there is still the Logical (and logistical) problem of "So you've gotten rid of nine tenths of the problem - - but nobody wants to be nine tenths somewhere else and have part of their body "off" somewhere.
Now on a cosmic note of our own - - (by way of light intermission entertainment) I wanted to say that the style of music the Corsellians have is very similar to the style of music the Denelis II people have. It's pretty hard for all but the season conosures of that music to tell them apart. However one can say that Corsellian music generally has more of a "chunky" and I'd use the word "heavy" quality to describe it. And there is one group we want to reassign to the Corsellian group and that is "Paul Revere and the Raiders" (Mark Lindsey is their lead singer) Some groups are so similar rhythmically and stylistically - - you can't keep them straight without a score card. Take Maurie Head singing "One Night in Bancock" and the theme to "Ghost Busters". Very similar type of tracks, in terms of style. However "Bancock" is "Karn Evel" and "Ghostbusters" is the Phil Collins group- - a star in Cassiopia. Karn Evil is a star in Aquilla. It's my hope that this last paragraph not be counted against me in terms of my intellectual credibility.
The Outlook This Labor Day
President Obama has
yanked the football once again - - and why not?
It’s a new season. How many
times to we have to be disappointed at President Obama flaking out on the job? We were promised a “Public Option” on health
care. That’s what he ran on. We were promised a complete repeal of the
Bush tax cuts and we didn’t get that, and when we got some of it, it was two
years later. We know about President
Obama “line in the sand” with Syria. We
know how last week that President Obama approached the plate and then balked,
and refused to order a systematic invasion of the ISIS power. And now it’s another disappointment. President Obama has been saying all summer
that he was going to issue a proclamation on liberalizing immigration policy on
Labor Day, just as last summer- - for weeks and weeks we were told “President
Obama is going to take action on Assad in Syria any day now”. Well now the President is saying that he’s
decided NOT to act on immigration policy.
Even Rush Limbaugh was in agreement that it was politically smart to
speak on immigration because it would spur democrats to the polls and increase
Latino support for the 2016 Presidential election. Now to whom will those disaffected people
give their vote? The President - - was
already exhausting the patience of the Latino constituency as it was, and now
this suddenly balking instead of stepping up to the plate- - is going to
infuriate them further and cause many people who would have come out to the
polls, to now stay home. When one thinks
of President Obama the old adage is true that “Insanity is doing the same thing
over and over again and expecting a different result. President Obama now has 55% disapproval
numbers as opposed to 39% who still approve.
Now the President seems bent on whitteling that number down
further. To paraphrase a song “Should 39
appear to small, be thankful he hasn’t lost it all” when it comes to personal
credibility. The President is nothing
but a gutless coward.
I listened to the republican response on
KNX. It was this Indiana guy bemoaning
the loss of the coal mining industry in - - Indiana. He stated “President Obama has declared war
on the coal industry”, which in fact I heard the President say just the
opposite discussing “clean coal” as an energy alternative. Virtually all of the Republican “jobs” bills
center on fomenting ecological disasters or abandoning safety regulations. There is a roomer that Republicans won’t
change ANY tax laws encouraging businesses to stay in the country or return to
this country- - unless every last aspect of their fanciful tax plans is put
into law. Later on I listened to this
economic program a half hour. Some calls
were pure republican propaganda puppets.
The host tried to set them straight.
Occasionally you’d get the overzealous democrat too. But
there is this persistent perception that the President is a magic genie who can
wave his hand and cure all our economic problems. Where do they get these ideas? I also had Chris Matthews on (first) and he
talked about ISIS and the serious threat they obviously are now. But the president is waffeling on the issue
which won’t play well in Peoria, if you know what I mean. The smartest thing he can do is be Mr Bad Ass
in the White House- - and dare the Republicans to criticize him for THAT. Meanwhile more undecided people will vote for
democrats in the next congress. I really
wish they’d go out to their old site lay-out.
I liked it better.
I’m not happy about
that Texas court ruling on abortion clinics.
Pardon me for actually sounding like a “liberal” person- - if you take
the word “Abortion” out of this. It’s my
belief that the state has an interest in looking after the safety of patient
care in that state, and is completely authorized to legislate on any safety
procedures they care to, and doctors have to abide by them. But is it the legislature’s fault that these
abortion back alley clinics are so slipshod that they don’t past muster. And what’s so funny is the woman said “Well
there are other agencies women can go to to get prenatal care and advice” and
the man says “Yeah, but they don’t do abortions”. I think this issue is going to hurt Wendy
Davis. After all this is Texas we are
talking about. Gun reform won’t fly in
Arizona and liberalized abortion rulings won’t fly in Texas. We’ve seen the same thing with medical
marijuana in California and some outlets have had to close. Can I go up to Sacramento and carry and
protest “I regard Pot as a Constitutional Right”?
Finally we have this
football thing. This Baltimore Raven guy
was only given a two game suspension for spousal abuse. That lieniency won’t fly in these times when
everyone is conscience of the problem with battered women, not the least of
which is this ISIS stuff that’s on all of our minds. But on that other matter- - I am against
Michael Sam - - that defensive guy from the St Louis Rams- - being cut at the
last minute. They say he played one of
his best games, and let’s face it – cutting him is just strategically stupid- -
and a mistake - - if this guy gets picked up by another team and that team
begins winning games. I mean, the way I
see it the Rams need all the help they can get.
I just hope there isn’t any “good ol’ boy” locker room mentality that
went into this player being cut, and that it truly was unsatisfactory
performance. Of course both on the gay
and abortion issue- - the reason why neither is mentioned so little in the
Bible is that they are both such supremely unnatural acts- - particularly a
mother aborting her own child- - it never occurred to the Bible writers that
these things needed to be commented on.
Then it was Breakfast
with the Beatles. They had Billy J
Cramer on as guest, whom they’ve had before.
I didn’t know that “I’ll Keep You Satisfied’ or the still rarer “From a
Window” were both Lennon – Mc Cartney compositions. But I remember “Window” being a multi track
lead vocal. Either I have a bad memory
or there was a different version of the song out in America. Billy J Cramer says that John Lennon would
audition a new song for them, and they’d have it all learned and recorded
several hours later. That’s kind of hard
to believe, even for back them. It seems
to be their bread and brother. Cramer
found George Martin a little polished and intimidating. They even played their own B side version of
“I Call Your Name”, which is a whole lot better than I had been expecting. Of course John Lennon entered this point
where he wanted to divert from the “Beatle formula” and begin making songs- -
chunkier- - with more of a “heavy” quality such as “You Can’t Do That”, “When I
Get Home”, and “Baby’s in Black”. And I
told you that one times in I Tunes I listened to Lennon do “I’m in Love with a
Beautiful Girl” from some bootleg 1963 EMI recording sessions I’ve heard no
more about. In the dining room I heard
“I’ll Keep You Satisfied” and would have been more “Satisfied” if I were
listening on my own sound system in here.
Cramer performed with all of the other usual Liverpool invasion
groups. Today was also “Mono recording”
day. Interestingly as no time in the
whole program – that I was listening – did I ever hear a track off of mono
“Something New”.
I had Leo Le Port on and he was saying he’s a
digital and not an analog man. The stuff
about ohms of electronic components is counter intuitive in that it seems as if - - the weaker the
current or signal - - not the decibel modulated signal but the raw current- -
the weaker that is, the higher the OHMS are.
So you have 300 ohm antenna cable and eight ohm speakers. But it’s a case of the new math because one
eight ohm output won’t drive two fours.
Four and four don’t make eight; eight and eight make four. I found from personal experimentation that
four ohms is higher output than eight and eight ohms is higher output than
sixteen. Of course sometimes like with
that transistor ratio- - it will work with one amplifier but not with
another. Sometimes the grounding is different. Sometimes you get "radio" but it's picked up in the wires - and not the thing you were plugging in. Sometimes something that registers hum on one amplifier will register as radio on another- - probably do to diode rectification circuits. And sometimes to get it to work
you have to clip onto the prongs of the electric plug and the minute you turn
the appliance or whatever on- - it seems to deliver some sort of inductance or
amperage and “suck out all of the hum and interference” and you get a clear
signal. So much of what I “know” in
electronics is from personal experimentation.
But there are other kinds of “new math” out there- such as addition with
casting out of nines, or addition of volosities with quantum physics. And then there is the diminishing remainder
math where for instance, three fifths plus three fifths equals - - - thirteen
fifteenths, or leaving two fifteenths unused.
You can formulate this stuff easily in Excel. You can keep it to simple intiger proper
fractions. The first leg would be nine
fifteenths. You need to use fifteenths
as your common denominator of five and three.
And since 2 is two thirds of 3 you know of the remaining 6 / 15th
you’re going to use four. Also just
after noon was a Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young reunion concert tour in July
of 1974 and I ever so vaguely remember something like that. They played a much longer, developed version
of “Love the one You’re With” as well as “Wooden Ships” and “Helpless,
Helpless”, which Dylan ripped off three years later. Of course- given the pathetic state of pop
songs on the radio in summer 1974, a four year time-warp would be most welcome.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Tried And True Sayings (I'm not Entirely Sure of)
We are searching for something that has already found us.
-Jim Morrison
A boy will chase a girl untill she catches himPeople who live in glass houses shouldn't throw - banana peels
You always hurt the ones you love
The hunter gets captured by the prey
Birds of a feather - flock together. That was the year we saw all the red Christmas trees
Squerels do squerely things. So the tea bagger eventually looses his effectiveness when he spends too much time in hot water.
Nobody persues an investigation of anything that he isn't secretly in love with
If it were true that whatever you judge others for, you were guilty of yourself - - then the question would become "Does being innocent in any way insure you a happy and productive life in this world"?
People tell me "You have no focus" because I'm the kind of guy who wants to keep everything straight.
It's always the darkest before the dawn
When a rock is hurled at a pack of dogs from a speaker's podium, the dog that barks is the one whose been hit.
Never bee the reefer rolling man, when there's nothing left to roll.
Our certainty of the Cosmic Origen of rock groups is inverse to how famous that group ever was in terms of its record sales.
The Heisenberg uncertain principle is far less "etherial" than the story of how the Gospels were written.
"The fool says in his heart that there is no God". So if a scoundral says to you 'I Believe In God" it only shows that he isn't a Fool.
Politicians, like baby's diapers should be changed frequently - for the same reasons.
One investment company had to stop giving away silver bars when their tuna supply ran out. Yeah, they passed off mercury extracted from the tuna as pure silver.
Circular logic and circle jerks - - are two people destined to go nowhere in life.
Busy hands - - gather no moss
-Granny Clampet
Conservatism is penny wise and pound foolish.
They say that car alarms that make a loud noise will only get the car thief mad, so instead of doing a nice, neat job of removing your sound system- - he'll rush the job and tear the whole place up.
Anyone who believe you can stimulate God into action by "Priming the pump" are expecting something from God that is not inherently a part of God's make-up
They say that the tea party will put itself out of business the day oil prices rise too high. Then they will not be able to keep the printing press pumping out all that counterfeit rhetoric.
"Corporations are people, my friend" is a legal fiction. Until the liberals pass a law against fictional rationalizations.
"Better wear a hat, Jethro, a brain like yours oughta be protected"
-Jed Clampet
Shermon didn't need the "Anti Trust Act" not to believe southerners when they said "We've learned our lesson"
"Give me all your money, or the Constitution gets it right between the eyes"
"You can't pull strings - - if your hands are tied"
-John Lennon
For a right winger the adage is "For want of a battle victory - several nails were missing from supplies"
Life happens "in the mean time" waiting for a professed Sage to make up his mind.
Having all the money in the world is useless, if your biggest problem is an acute shortage of remaining time.
Having all the time in the world is useless, if you have nothing to repent of but an overlord is expecting it.
When ISIS strikes, President Obama really gets teed off. That's him on the fifteenth hole right now!
"Nip it in the bud!" Too many Churches have a Morticia Adams view of pruning out unwanted Saints.
Worms make silk and bees make honey.
Governor Christie has his head shoved up where it's not sunny.
When man calls himself among the primates- - that doesn't mean God created him first.
Past government corruption isn't "water under the bridge". That was actually our higher conciousness you saw slipping away.
I would say to John Kovel, "Your teeth are clean, but your mind is capped"
-John Lennon
A true killer is able to sleep - just after he makes his greatest slaughter.
-George Sanders, paraphrased
When the curtain goes up - - is right before the tea party people on the debate platform start going on and on endlessly about how "transparent" each of them are.
Yes, It's Another Governor Christie Scandal!
There was a Newsweek reporter or writer or something sitting in for Norman Goldman. And he validated one of my pet peeves. As you know I have frequently said that when you give your money to an investment manager you are just throwing your money out the window, because most often these people don’t even manage to do as well as the financial averages, such as the Standard and Poor’s 500. Today this guy illustrated that fact. Governor Chris Christy is a guy we haven’t heard from much lately. Well what he does is invests pension funds of people to whom the money is due by law when they retire- - he invests it with these expensive Wall Street managers. And he and other governors who do the same thing, don’t even come up to the median level of state pension funds without high priced management. This came as no surprise to me. However Chris Christy gets a kick-back of course. These same handpicked managers donate to his campaign and in fact worked closely during his 2012 reelection campaign. But it goes beyond that. Now the Republicans have a law to explicitly repeal this 2011 security and exchange commission law expressly forbidding campaign donations by investment managers. They claim they are doing it on the grounds of “Free Speech” first amendment rights. But the thing is, it isn’t even THEIR money. They have a trust, a “fiduciary duty” to invest the funds of the people who entrusted the funds to him as wisely and safely as possible. So it’s not even his decision to make whether he decides or not to exercise said “Free Speech”. Of course now Christie is mad at this Newsweek reporter. Christie is nothing but a two bit self serving bully, who is pretty much tempermentally unfit for ANY government office, in my opinion. This reporter states that “government processes take time”. Well there has already been “Time” and a lot of it. Bridegate occurred last September. It’s been nearly a year. But the situation is complicated by the fact that New Jersey is among only five states where the Attorney General of the state is handpicked by the Governor, and not put up for election by the people. But there is another scam going on, too that you know about from the Post Office pension funds. That is, there are often requirement of very lengthly amounts- - - so you can say “The pension fund is short by X amount” when in the case of the Post Office, they require funding for the next 75 years. Therefore when it comes time to deliver on these pensions to the retiring workers, they will say “Oh our pension fund is short; we can’t pay it”. Often, as in the case of Ronald Reagan stealing from the Social Security trust fund to “bring down the deficit” that politicians have deliberately NOT been putting everything into these funds that the law mandates. But I’m wondering who would vote for a politician who says “I’m a snake in the grass- and I stole your money- but I’ve impressed right wing tea party members how “efficient” I am with government”. I don’t see how the American people can continue to go along with this crap from politicians year after year. But somehow they haven’t added up two and two.
In the case of the recent naked and undesguirsed overt military aggression by Russia - - you might be surprised to learn that when it comes to Vladimir Putin, some people still live in a "parrellel universe". And Thom Hartman is one of those people. He was talking with
someone about Putin and Ukraine- - and the alleged “wrong involvement” the
United States has in this situation, which seems to have undergone a news
black-out. If I knew more about it I’d
blog about it, but I don’t. All I know is that President Obama has been rather limp wristed about both the ISIS thing and now this new Soviet agression. Allow me to use a little Rush Limbaugh mockery right now. Because "Soviet Union' is the politically "correct" term, you know, because in Putin's mind the Soviet Union never went away. And the mindset that the Soviet leaders of old had of the world, Putin STILL has. It's a world he wants to bring back. (Selah) I didn’t see
a recent posting in George Washington’s blog on the “first shooting war in
Europe” since Kosovo. Now Thom Hartman
and friend are saying the Kosovo war was wrong, too, because of course the
Soviets love Serbia. So Thom Hartman is
among the rights of the Putin ass kissers, and justify anything he’d do. To hear these people talk, that Ukraine as a
condition to its very existence, had to covenant that it would never adopt
anything relating to Europe or NATO and this is a bucket of bogus crap, and I’m
amazed it would even be proposed that nations don’t have sovereignty to make
their own decisions.
On “The Big Picture”
Thom Hartman took on a black man and a white woman. They say such bogus things such as “Al Gore’s
policies are taking food out of the poor because all of these poor African
communities are just yearning to develop their resources, but the UN isn’t
allowing them to do it”. It boggles my
mind when they have this fake sympathy for the poor. And these two also say in response to Hartman
informing “Medical costs in this country all around are down the past few years”
and they respond, “Well, that’s what happens when you have medical service
rationing”. These two said they were
for law and order but didn’t like Clinton’s plans to put a hundred thousand
more cops on the beat. And they didn’t
like Hartman’s claim that there are so many unqualified police because they don’t
pay them a decent salary, so people of quality don’t even apply”. And of course they said that the total number
of Blacks shot by cops is 101, which somehow I doubt because we see cases of
that all the time just in the LA area.
Rush Limbaugh said trying to be sarcastic “Well what are these people
expecting in Ferguson- - another Black shooting?” And it turns out that’s just what happened the
following week. Most often the bring up
an entirely different subject- - and don’t allow Hartman to complete one
sentence. Even some of the concessions
they claim willing to make that sound a little liberal- - you know if someone
asked them “Do you really believe that?” they’d say “No”. And they roared with approval when Hartman
said “Ronald Reagan undid all of the energy policies Carter instituted that
would have given us energy independence by the year two thousand”. There were other times during the morning
when Hartman was talking about how the Supreme Court “Blew up all our campaign
spending laws that seemed to be working so well”. Hartman also listed the many bills that has
passed the US Senate, but got filibustered by the Republicans. These days every vote on any issue taxes
sixty votes in the Senate, not the constitutionally mandated majority. Thom said “It used to be only in area of
conscience like abortion or something they would filibuster; but now it’s every
bill”. I went out in the morning for
coffee and had two cups. But basically -
- it seems things are either a recent rerun, or else there is just no fresh
news on anything.
I think even more
disturbing to me personally when it comes to the Ferguson shooting is not the deed
itself, but the way the local establishment has tried to cover it up. But even more to the point, the way the Tea
Party makes Officer Wilson a folk hero the same way they made Cliven Bundy a
folk hero, or that Duck Dynesty guy, or George Zimmerman. Their stance seems to be “Well you can’t
prove he did it, and frankly- - I don’t care that you get obstructed in your
search for the Truth of what really happened.
And besides even if he did it- - I really don’t care because you know
these Blacks- - the guy had it coming”.
To show how bias the media is, they had an “expert guest” on whether
that audio tape of the Ferguson shooting was genuine or not, so they get an LAPD
officer. That’s like electing the
manager of a slaughter house as the next president of PETA. But guess what? He didn’t dismiss the tape out of hand. He said he didn’t know if it was genuine or
not. But to the Media - - a Maybe means “Hell
No’. And naturally they want to hear
this “expert witnesses reasoning” or at least I do. He said “Well, you know it seems suspiciously
like a prank they’d do on the Howard Stern show”. That’s it.
No facts. Just this “I think we’ve
been Punked” and Howard Stern stuff. In
other words- - the fact we know who made the tape and where it was recorded - -
and we can get sound experts in there to validate it as the same acoustics - -
none of this matters. All they can say
is “Well I think it’s suspicious that this recording didn’t surface for over
two weeks.” And the way they spin words
is amazing. Instead of saying for
instance “The FBI is examining the tape right now”, they will instead say “The
FBI has not validated the tape” putting the whole thing in the negative.
Not to put too fine of a point on it, but just now on Eye Witness news this older couple was on vacation and they had their home well secured, just like the Police Dept recommends - against "intruders" but the police department used a battering ram to bash in the front door when they weren't home, and then proceded to trash the place- - as well as smash open other locked doors - - in search of a stolen computer. They turned the security cameras to the ceiling "for the safety of the police" in case they were under remote surveilance by some dangerous gang ready to ambush them. There is anther place where a black man had his house broken into by the police in the dead of night- - and the guy was in his underwear - and he was informed by the police by a gay couple that had just moved in next door that there was a "prowler" at the next house, meaning the color of his skin was wrong. Then we have President Obama talking about the case of the police "acting stupidly" by arresting a Black man who had been locked out of his own house. The only thing I'd have said differently- - is I'd be a whole lot diplomatic than saying "acted stupidly". I'm sure the word Pigs would have made my way into my description somewhere. Then there is this marine corporal who was Black, of course, who was stopped driving home one mile from his house. When asked why he was stopped the cops just said something like "Because we feel like doing it" and the guy was roughed up. But in the case of the right wing- - there is no point as which they will say "We agree with you in this case; you are right". No matter how blatant or corrupt a police action the right will as with one voice say "The police are never wrong". Instead they criticise the President for "injecting himself into a local situation". And I DO NOT believe the statistic quoted by that "mixed" couple Hartman had on that Four Times as many Whites are gunned down unjustly as Blacks. But let's suppose that the killing of a Black man is an excedingly Rare event by the police. All the more important that people say "This Is An Exception". There is no point on ANY political issue where the Right Wing says "Enough!" or "Now you're going too far" or "This crosses the line". Remember for Rush there IS no "line" of what is fanatical and what is not. So really to continue with the Road metaphor- - there IS no point at which it's even theoretically possible for the car to carreen off the right side of a mountain cliff, for instance. (Selah)
Not to put too fine of a point on it, but just now on Eye Witness news this older couple was on vacation and they had their home well secured, just like the Police Dept recommends - against "intruders" but the police department used a battering ram to bash in the front door when they weren't home, and then proceded to trash the place- - as well as smash open other locked doors - - in search of a stolen computer. They turned the security cameras to the ceiling "for the safety of the police" in case they were under remote surveilance by some dangerous gang ready to ambush them. There is anther place where a black man had his house broken into by the police in the dead of night- - and the guy was in his underwear - and he was informed by the police by a gay couple that had just moved in next door that there was a "prowler" at the next house, meaning the color of his skin was wrong. Then we have President Obama talking about the case of the police "acting stupidly" by arresting a Black man who had been locked out of his own house. The only thing I'd have said differently- - is I'd be a whole lot diplomatic than saying "acted stupidly". I'm sure the word Pigs would have made my way into my description somewhere. Then there is this marine corporal who was Black, of course, who was stopped driving home one mile from his house. When asked why he was stopped the cops just said something like "Because we feel like doing it" and the guy was roughed up. But in the case of the right wing- - there is no point as which they will say "We agree with you in this case; you are right". No matter how blatant or corrupt a police action the right will as with one voice say "The police are never wrong". Instead they criticise the President for "injecting himself into a local situation". And I DO NOT believe the statistic quoted by that "mixed" couple Hartman had on that Four Times as many Whites are gunned down unjustly as Blacks. But let's suppose that the killing of a Black man is an excedingly Rare event by the police. All the more important that people say "This Is An Exception". There is no point on ANY political issue where the Right Wing says "Enough!" or "Now you're going too far" or "This crosses the line". Remember for Rush there IS no "line" of what is fanatical and what is not. So really to continue with the Road metaphor- - there IS no point at which it's even theoretically possible for the car to carreen off the right side of a mountain cliff, for instance. (Selah)
I ought to at least mention the high waves of two days ago, which made the national news. A big wave drenched a bunch of people who
thought they were safe on the sand. The
waves were up to twenty feet. One guy
said they were the highest he’d seen since 1997, and another said they only get
waves like that every twenty years. Of
course it was high tide, too- - and structures close to the water were
impacted. Twice Bill has turned down a
peach cigarette tail end. Our AC is
still working well. I haven’t heard any
more about that Ferguson shooting audio recording. Perhaps I can Google it. They keep saying Thursday is football
night. Let’s check. There is no football. Now a USC football team member has been
suspended for lying. I guess next time
it will be shooting spitballs or chewing gum during practice. He lied about his sprained ankle, and I
don’t know why and I don’t care. It’s
nothing worth starting WW III over. It
seems as if there will be a lot tougher penalties for football players guilty
of domestic violence. Several weeks ago
I heard roomers of a whole new raft of player safety rules.
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