Monday, September 01, 2014

This Is Thom Hartman's World

Scitzophrenics are twice as likely as the general population to be sexually assaulted.  I wonder if that applies to men as well as women. Do scitzophrenics make minor math errors and not admit them?  We screwed up in a Math problem yesterday, and you know how I hate anything but being infallible.  See below.

It's a sarcastic title but fitting.  Because it's people like Thom Hartman and Randy Rhodes who make a never ending train of excuses for President Obama's letting down of the progressives who put him in power.  It's as if all of us progressives are walking around with blinders on.  We think 'President Obama is doing the best he can".  Thom Hartman says "You can't blame Obama for anything.  It's those darned Republicans' fault.  But his guest pointed out that had President Obama been the leader he claimed to be (and frankly that many on the right feared they were getting) it's very likely we wouldn't be in the political mess we're in today.  Chuck Smith once spoke of preaching Christianity not as "casting some sort of spell on a person to make them believe" but just prays "Lord take their blinders off and let them see things the way they really are".  I wish progressives would do this.  These past six years have been nothing short of awful and we have lost ground in almost every respect, and are slated to lose even more.  Our options now are much fewer than they were six years ago.  It's like coming and watching a bad chess player make a few early mistakes and the observer thinks "Well those are fixable if he gets right on it".  But then twenty minutes later the same guy comes back and looks at the board and sees the inferior chess player Screwed everywhere he looks.  We're screwed in the Courts, we're screwed in the Media, and we're screwed by Jerrymandering.  We're also screwed by our own attitude.  It's a case of "Whenever the going gets tough- - I'll just QUIT and withdraw from politics and That'll show them!"   Such a head in the sand approach is pathetic, but the case today.

So what do we see when we take those blinders off.  First a few facts.  We heard come the start of Debate season in September 2001, now three years ago that "The President Obama and the Federal reserve are going to crash the economy by flooding it with money causing massive inflation and instability.  Well, Bush was the one who put the current Federal Reserve chairman in place.  Yet you won't hear this fact slipping out from the Tea Party.  We were told "the deficet is balloning more every year".  Soon it will exceed the anual gross national product.  False and false.  The deficet is less than HALF back what it was then when all of them were so hysterical about it, and it's down to 550 Billion now- and dropping.  Also we need to make it clear that the Republicans have had pretty much their with tax policy these past six years.  If they doubt you, ask them to name which taxes have "gone up and up".   Ask them to name which business regulations 'have gone up and up".  They can't.  They just say it hoping you'll be awed by their words.  We see that Obama can't be "made to do something through social pressure" the way Thom Hartman says.  So to use the wayward child analogy - -President is NOT someone who can be prodded to do the right thing with sufficient pressure.  I doubt ANY ammount of "pressure" would ever suffice for this man to act otherwise. He would portray the way - - frankly the way a lot of people see God - - or that Mother we talked about perceives her wayward child who is basically a good kid- - but needs a little insistent prodding now and then to do the things that he knows he should.  President Obama is not like this.  Oh he can be "pushed' all right.  He can be pushed all over the field of play by the right wing- - and you can get THEY know that.  They can get him to do about anything THEY want him to do- - and no matter what the President chooses (which will be the wrong thing) they'll criticize him for whatever he does.  In fact the right wing would not be NEARLY so vibrant without President Obama to kick around.  Nixon used to say to the press "You won't have Nixon to kick around any more".  Obama is amazingly like Nixon in this respect in that he IS someone TO "kick around" and vent all of our frustrations about everything on- - and translate that into votes for whoever FOX news is endoursing this election.   So what are the things everybody gets wrong about our "Situation".  First of all we have a President who can be pushed around by the tea party, but unfortunately the same cannot be said for causes on the Left.  The President disses us at every turn.  Some things like Occupy Wall Street were just a BAD IDEA seeing as how the media played it.  And that just energised the Right Wing further- - way more than it "Got our message out there", which was the whole idea to begin with.  It didn't do that.  Occupy Wall Street failed miserably in that goal.  First of all as Hartman stated this morning or whenever- - Roosevelt let the banks fail because FDR was governor of New York before he ever became President and as governor of New York he did nothing but presde silently over the Wall Street crash and did nothing.  Nobody was expecting him to do much, according to Hartman's version of events.  But then FDR stepped into the Void once he took office.  Banks were now failing.  If President Obama had followed FDR's example he too would have said "So far as it is within my power- - these Rich People who brag so much about being Self Made men with no help from anybody - - they made their bed; they can just lie in it.  FDR used opportunity when it came to make a name for himself.  The President didn't.  We need to tell our Republican friends if they say that "The stimulus plan was a one hundred percent failure" well HALF of that same stimulus plan was Cutting Taxes- - JUST as the republicans had been wanting.  So they have to admit that cutting taxes was ALSO a :"one hundred percent failure".  Dodd Frank was an emasculated bill to begin with.  And the Courts have about eliminated it all together now.  The President promised "Next time- - there will BE no bail outs of the big banks" but unfortunately this just ANOTHER promise the President is destined NOT to keep.  The rich know the democrats will be there to help them out.  The average person on Main Street has no such assurance.  (Selah)

There is one tactical mistake the democratic party has been making for decades.  It will not allow anyone with a hint of social conservatism within the party.  That means nobody who believes in traditional marriage between a man and a woman, and also nobody who even wants to restrict the apalling number of abortions in this country each year, let alone outlaw them.  The republicans, and rightly I might add, have raised this fact to claim that it is they who are the "big tent' of social issues.  In the Republican party you can be either gay or straight.  In the republican party you can either be pro abortion- - or someone who wants to restrict or abolish it.  The democrats need to also reclaim the right as far as their stance on "Judicial Activism" is concerned.  If the democratic party came out firmly against judicial activism- - they could scoop up a lot of independants who believe likewise.  Tell them we are the party out to oppose crony justice - - or Justices with a political agenda.  They won't be able to counter these claims especially when you point out the backgrounds of men such as Allito and Roberts and worst of all - - Clarence Thomas.   Tell them when it comes to civil rights- - you'll go with Robert Byrd rather than Clarence Thomas - and if Larry Elder doesn't like that he can go fuck himself!

There was a guy on a show today who argued that "Right to work laws" now adopted in 24 states of the Union now- - including Michigan of all places - - are Just and Right- - and only Fair.  He portrays a world where it would be wrong for a "Union" to get in-between the relation between me and my Employer.  These are the same people who refused to abolish child labor because it "Interfered with the right to Contract" with an employer.  They see work as this gentlemanly place where everyone is saying "After you.  No - - after You".   These rights we have today like the forty hour week and getting paid time and a half for overtime (hopefully) didn't just drop out of the sky.  This guest seemed surprised when the first questioner stated that an employer can fire you for NO REASON at all, on zero notice.  There IS no negotiating with an employer aside from the Union.  And he and others would portray a Union as this outside Thing- - some kind of an Intruder- - into the business world, and somehow that it does not belong there.  And most damning of all these people imply that somehow- - Worker's real issues, YOUR real issues are not being represented by the Union at all.  This of course is nonesense.  In fact Unions ARE the ONLY WAY you WILL get any negotiating traction with your employer.  Of course these people use the same logic on the Affordable Care Act saying "Obama Care gets in between the relation with you and your doctor working out the best care for your particular needs".   Once again- - you don't just walk into your insurance office one day and say "I think it would be wonderful if you people paid for X, Y, and Z and since we're all friends here I'm sure you'll agree with me.  They would portray "Health Rationing" as some wholly New concept that Never Existed before.  But indeed that's all we've been getting particularly from an HMO like Keiser is- - "Health Rationing" and if you don't think Insurance policies that aren't what they claim to be are their own "Death Panels", well, think again.  Of course Michigan is a case where the people of that state and particularly in Detroit have been messed over nine ways to Sunday, and haven't had the right to represent Themselves.

Finally on the Ferguson issue- - we need to get straight a few things.  Officer Wilson did NOT know that Michael Brown was wanted for "strong armed robbery" - - meaning shop lifting.   Most people consider Robbery as something done under duress.  But today we learn that the call to the Station about the robbery of that liquor store- - occurred one minute AFTER- - the report of the shooting of Michael Brown.  In fact I'm not entirely sure that IS Brown in that video.  It's a little fuzzy.  So - - what happened to the cigars.  How come in any version of what happened - - the dialog - - you know, the supposed "Arrest for shop lifting" nobody is saying anything about cigars.  So did the cigars go wherever the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disappear to?   And they say that a fleeing shoplifter is going to do things like walk in the street and attract attention to himself by being expecially bulligerant to the police.  Thieves don't think like that.  Their job is to get away and say as little as possible.  They aren't looking to start a fight.  They would have us to believe he pulled the police car away from Brown and Johnson still walking in the street after shouting at them - - and a split second later heard the APB or whatever and slams the car in reverse and goes back.  That would have to be an awfully fast split decision.  Don't cops think about traffic safety before slamming a car in reverse- if that's what happened.  Sean has also lied when he said "There were no shots fired from the back".   Brown was HIT once from behind- - there were MORE shots fired than that.  It's not police policy to shoot fleeing shoplifters.  It's so funny that every time this death is brought up Sean and company spit back "Chicago" just like the tea part house spits back "Bengazi".   And usually Gun control gets thrown into the mix, too with them saying "See- - Chicago has gun laws and there is Violence".  And they also love to trash Chicago as a city per see because the President was from there.

We had BBQ hot dogs wrapped in bacon with lots of catsup and onions.  There was potato salad and tomato soup, and a cantaloupe slice.  They played an album all classic sixties soup- split between Motown and the Memphis “Stax” record sound.  There was some singing – most of it bad- but no speech making.  Connie sang gospel style, which took bravery, since she was doing it without benefit of music.  My soap opera wasn’t on.  I listened to quite a bit of KLOS rock today.   In my “cosmic journal” remind me to make an entry that the Black Crows are from the “Doobie” group.  In terms of sheer percentages, more -a higher percentage of "Doobie" group output (Gemini) are played on KLOS than any other group - even Arkturian.  Also added to the ranks of Taccomans are “April Stevens and Nino Temple” and “Dick and Deedee”.   Nora was just in and out of here ever so briefly.  Since golf preempted the Soap Opera time has been hanging heavy on me today.

MATH SCREW UP  The answer we gave to that math problem was the answer to 2/3 of 2/5 and not 3/5 of 2/5 because - If you have three fifths and take three fifths of the remainder the answer will be 6 /25 ths of course, additional ammount.  That is-  you used up 15 / 25 and then you have 10/25 left and you take 3 / 5 of that or 6/ 25 leaving a 4 / 25 remainder so your grand total would be 21 / 25.  I just needed a sugar boost to get my brain working right.  I went out to the store for cigarettes and got a bear claw.  It's the third snack in four days, and that will bust my budget if I keep up at that pace.  And don't worry - in Excel I cross checked answers and the mistake I made in the last file would not be allowed to stand.

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