Resnic told this story about a family in October of 2011 that went to a garden
supply shop to buy everything they’d need to grow tomatoes. Six months later on April 20th of
2012 a SWAT team raided their house knocking down the front door and ransacking
the home for two hours looking for marijuana.
They found none. As it turns out
two things were in play here. First some
government agency took down every license plate that did business with this
gardening shop. Then there was the fact
that green tea, which the lady of the house liked to drink, tested positive for
THC because it’s apparently legal for the police to raid your trash without a warrant. I’ve heard otherwise. But then the kicker is that the family took
the police to court and the case was summarily dismissed. It turns out that the police aren’t
responsible for maintaining proper equipment.
Everything from chocolate chip cookies to oregano- - can test positive
for THC and this is common knowledge. It’s
also common knowledge that police like to use equipment that registers false
positives. You and I know that fact
because it’s common knowledge. Yet this
court judge says the police are NOT responsible for knowing that they have
defective equipment. It’s another case
of setting the bar really high for proof.
If a cop is charged with first degree murder for instance, how can you
enter into the officers mind and deduce that he had formulated in his mind
ahead of time that he was going to kill a certain individual. There was a story on the mews yesterday that
the father of that Chicago mentally ill nineteen year old guy- - who had been
gunned down by the cops- - was still alive and moving around in the hall. But the police were doing to provide medical
assistance. We saw the same thing in
Ferguson. This to me is a case of
provable intent not just to “be safe rather than sorry” and discharge your
weapon at somebody; it’s an overt attempt to cause death at the hands of
is at “27 Top Stories of the Year”. He
couldn’t narrow it down any further than that. When Goldman runs down the list it's impressive for sure. "Black Lives Matter" as an organization" formed this past year. The Iran nuclear deal got passed. We have the parrellel rises of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. I feel it necessary to retract one thing I said when I stated that there weren't as many shootings of Blacks this year but when you run down the list it seems every bit as bad as previous years. You have the Confederate flag coming down in South Carolina. Bill Cosby can't escape all of the statutes of limitations. Not in Pennsylvania anyhow. Bill Cosby has been indicted in at least one sex crime case today, so it’s
about time that Bill Cosby saw what the inside of a jail cell looked like. Basically Cosby is so old now 78, he's just a "dirty old man" and probably the reason why there have been fewer incidents in the past ten years as there were, is that it probably takes Cosby a lot longer to get it up now than it used to.
This doctor named Spitzer
was the guy in the seventies who took homosexuality off the books as far as a
mental illness is concerned. Stuttering
John claims he has a trans-sexual son.
So he really has a daughter.
Monique Marvez is co-hosting again.
She says that every other mental illness had a trauma or point of origen
point but homosexuality is “freestanding” to to speak. In the morning I was reading the lead blogs
in “Skeletons from the Closet”. This morning
I got up at five after five and took a shower and went outside to smoke. But I also spent some time lying down on the
bed. I woke hyper. I got my medication from Tom. We had
Raison Bran for breakfast followed by a double portion of the main breakfast
because I got Paul’s entire plate- except for the extra butter and jelly. I got stuck with a regular coffee. Augustine told Glenda she could have seconds
or thirds of coffee for breakfast as long as she drank it there and didn’t take
the cup out of the dining room. So I’ll
just say “Glenda says it’s OK to get another cup”. Today is Tuesday December 29th 2015.
There is a lot in the news about the vanishing middle class. Here are nine vital signs, so to speak, to test for to see whether we have a viable middle class in this country or not.
Meaningful healthcare insurance ($5,000 deductible healthcare plans don’t
qualify; they are simulacrum/phantom coverage).
Significant equity (25%+) in a home or other real estate.
Income/expenses that enable the household to save at least 6% of its income.
Significant retirement funds: 401Ks, IRAs, etc.
The ability to service all expenses over the medium-term if one of the primary
household wage-earners lose their job.
Reliable vehicles for each wage-earner.
The household does not depend on government assistance to maintain the family
A percentage of hard assets beyond the family home that can be transferred to
the next generation.
Surplus income to invest in children (extracurricular activities, lessons,
Most people would assume that if you were applying for a job at a police department that the employer would pick the most tallented applicant for the job. However
they reported that it’s common practice in police department applications to
screen out any applicants with an IQ over 120 because they’re afraid they’ll
just leave the force after being trained for a better job. This shows an astounding low self image of
their own police departments. Just as it's argued we need the best and brightest when it comes to school teachers, certainly Law Enforcement could use our best and brightest in that field, too. ON TV dramas you always see these masterminds and near genious ladies on computer digging out the most obscure data they wish to match with something they've conjectured. It takes brains to solve a difficult crime. You have these cases with an intelligent criminal taking pride that he has outsmarted the police in the comission of a particular crime, often serial murder. I don't know how many criminals leave these Batman type clues, but it would seem to me that to be a good police detective you should have an IQ well over a hundred to get a real jump on the case. The biggest news of this day is something which came later in the day There
is no indictment of the officers involved in the shooting of Tamir Rice, the
case of the twelve year old boy with the toy gun. There was a two second lag between getting
getting out of the car and firing the fatal shot. According to Norman Goldman the officers
have “qualified immunity” in shootings, setting the bar so high it’s almost
impossible to get a conviction, or may I add - - even an indictment.
This is the story on the US War with Russia and Syria - - of an
ordinary article by two well-known American ‘journalists’ who market the
aristocracy’s lies as ‘news,’ so that the public believes dangerous myths,
which might unfortunately get out of control and end in nuclear war.
Josh Rogin and Eli Lake, two
“Columnists” functioning in the role of reporters for BloombergView, issued on
the night of December 17th, their piece of U.S. government propaganda parading
as if it were a ‘news’ report; and, in the process, they mistakenly included
some real and interesting news that contradicts the very same fake storyline
they’re pumping on behalf of the U.S. government, and of their billionaire
employer: Wall Street’s Michael Bloomberg.
They started it with the false
assumption — routine in the American ‘press’ — that the U.S. government is
right and the Russian government is wrong in their respective war-involvements
inside Syria. This false assumption is presented in their opening
Headlining “New Russian Air Defenses in Syria Keep
U.S. Grounded,” they opened: “There is a new crisis for the international
effort to destroy the Islamic State, created by the Kremlin. The U.S. has
stopped flying manned air-support missions for rebels in a key part of northern
Syria due to Russia’s expansion of air defense systems there, and the
Barack Obama administration is scrambling to figure out what to do about it.”
Their phrase “the international
effort” presumes that the U.S. is fighting on “the international” side, and
that Russia’s forces (and those of the Syrian government that invited-in
Russia’s forces) must therefore be the violators of international law. This
falsehood is accentuated by the allegation that “the Kremlin” “created” this
Key factual background in order
to understand and evaluate the truthfulness, and even the honesty, of this
opening paragraph is this: The U.S. invaded Syria;
it was not invited in by the universally-recognized-as-legitimate
government of that country. It’s instead trying to overthrow that
very government. In fact: it’s an invader. The U.S. government has supplied weapons
and some air-support to the ‘rebels’ of Al Qaeda and other jihadist groups
(including even ISIS) that are pouring into Syria to overthrow that country’s
leader, Bashar al-Assad, who has been shown even in Western-sponsored polls in Syria
to be overwhelmingly preferred over anyone else to lead that country — and the U.S. has now also been bombing that legitimate government’s basic
infrastructure in order to weaken it further. Syria had invited in Russian air
power to bomb those ‘rebels,’ the vast majority of whom are foreign invaders,
just like the U.S. itself is. So: the U.S. and its allies caused this “crisis,”
whatever it is or might be. In fact, the U.S. started planning it from the moment Barack Obama first became
U.S. President, if not before. And, even the sarin gas attack that Obama
blamed on the Assad government and used as his reason for invading Syria was a
put-up job from the Obama Administration with the cooperation of the Sauds,
Qataris, and Turks.