Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It's A Question of Power

Sandra Bland - - was found hanging in her cell with a plastic bag over her head.  She had been arrested for arguing with an officer over failure to make a safe lane change.  Apparently the police car was tailing her so she nervously changed lanes to let him go past her.  In Texas it's a ploy to "come up from behind you really past" and once they stop you they can do drug searches in the car or anything.  Interesting.   In other words he "set her up".  They referred to her as an “activist”.   This is another case for protest groups to pursue.  Apparently it’s illegal to even have trash bags in a prison.  I didn’t know that. Thom Hartman (this is the next day) claims that likely the dash cam video was cropped both to get rid of the time stamp and also most dash cams have a 120 degree viewing field – way more than a normal movie camera- - and maybe she was being physically mistreated off camera.  Also police have been known to loop videos and you see the same car going through an intersection four times - -  (masters of illusion).   Apparently Bernie Sanders suffers from having only nine percent of the Black vote.  I’m racially conscious but not THAT racially conscious.  I don’t know what the problem is.  If Blacks voted for Sanders they’d see a lot of changes.  Remember Sanders in his twenties used to be a member of the Congress of Racial Equality.   But Black groups are giving Sanders a hard time as though he were the enemy.  Hopefully this will change.  I’ve heard that when Obama started out that most Blacks still considered Hillary Clinton as the safe, reliable choice.

In TISA or Trade In Services Agreement, the banks get the government to agree that scams that DON’T YET EXIST because they haven’t been thought of- - but when they are thought of, they are immune from any government prosecution.  After this TISA agreement is passed, the provisions of this “treaty” are still to be kept secret from the public for five years.  But Wikki leaks at least exposed the deal so we know something about it.   Clearly like the TPP and that other one- - if the public got to attend a hearing on this law or “provision” they would never allow it to come to pass.   And of course if there are any bank failures- - the tax payer is on the hook.  Republicans want Dodd Frank repealed because Dodd Frank set up regulations such as the crash of September 2008 could never occur again.   The Dodd Frank bill is one of the only means to protect consumers.  That’s why the Republicans all hate it.

 John Kasec announced for President today as the sixteenth republican to enter the race.  Thom Hartman stated that Kasec earned the ire of the Koch Brothers lobby by saying that he favored Medic-aid for his state.  When a woman criticized his stance on this he said “I don’t want to be accountable for neglecting the poor on judgement day”.  What a strange twist of fate that by such a Christian act he’d earn the displeasure of the Republican party establishment.  But Kasec did close down rape crisis and abortion crisis centers throughout the state and instead started up some prayer group organization to pray for the fetus after the woman has been raped.  Back in the day I figured if I "prayed for a revival to break out" I figured that ALL politicians would have Christian values such as compassion and caring for the poor.  I didn't know that Thom Hartman prays every morning.  He's a more devout Christian than I am.

We are having one of those retro High pressure systems moving back into California from Texas where it is now.  They said that 1982 - 1983 and 1997 – 1998 were El Nino years.  The powers that be appear increasingly confident that this year will be one of the strongest El Nino years we’ve had, and that we will get a lot of that badly needed snow-pack in the Sierra Nevada.  People will look silly putting in those rock and cactus gardens, or putting in green artificial turf.  You get one big downpour this year and the same guy will come whining that "All that rain left water marks on my astro turf!".

Pope Francis has come out and called Capitalism as “the dung of the Devil” and encouraged young people to have courage and rise up against the System.  That’s about as ballsy as the Pontiff has ever gotten.  Pope Francis has referred to world Capitalism as a system which economically enslaves all of humanity.  Of course those on the right such as Rush Limbaugh don’t need an excuse to hate this Pope because they have already “Obamatized him” in that “he was always suspect” in that it’s his background and he was raised with “liberation theology”.   Another name for liberation theology is Christian theology.  It’s the theology that was taught by Jesus Christ.  Gene Scott has actually come out and said to NOT follow the teachings of Jesus as in “What would Jesus do” but insists that St Paul is “Thee” authority from whence you are to get all of your guidance on questions of theology- not the Gospels.  And we know the abiding loathing and contempt Gene Scott has for anybody who is not filthy Rich like he is.  

The belief is stronger than ever that Donald Trump is merely a stalking horse for Scott Walker.  He criticizes all of the other candidates mercilessly but doesn’t touch Scott Walker.  So the belief now only has broader acceptance now among diverse aspects of the left, but evidence continues to accumulate that the notion is true.   One poll had Trump at 25% which would be way above anybody else.  Now Scott Walker is in second place and Bush has fallen dramatically to third place at 12 percent.   Norman Goldman was discussing what a "good politician" would say.  It's his belief that the blander and more non comittal to ANYTHING the better.  It's the Dr Levy doctrine of bleaching all the personality out of a speech or a written composition so that it's boring to read but doesn't offend anybody.  Norman says "Just tell everybody thaqt whatever our problems are, to tell them you want to make America number one again and restore America to her former glory and whatever the problem, YOU are uniquely qualified to solve it.  In other words, you have to learn to be plastic and not be averse to bullshitting your way through life.

I would have listened to Rush and Shawn Hannity but the static level was prohibitive today so I settled for Bill Carol.  He had a trans-sexual on named Zowie, who got into an argument with an “Orthodox Jew” from the National Review.   California passed a law that makes it easy to get patients seeking (or in) psychotherapy to get arrested- - or at least reported to the authorities, if they talk too explicitly about certain escapades such as looking at kitty porn or entertaining various kinky sexual fantasies like tying people up or other S & M type stuff.   Chad and Abigail seem to be drawing closer to each other on an emotional level- - even as both consciously endeavor to put distance between themselves.  Now Will Horton is counseling Abigail, and he’s actually making sense.

I used to have the saying that if by some means we were all suddenly (mystically) aware that there WAS no reality to any supernatural reality (kind of an oxy-moronism) that I would suffer a lot less from it than the teachers and Christian leaders would.  This is to say that I would gladly jetizen my belief in extra terrestrials and UFO's and talking with dead people like Mal Evans - - but in exchange these people give up their belief in "Gowd" just as Southerners are being compelled to give up their belief in the Confederate flag.  It's a power play of course.  People say that childish beliefs about an old man in the sky with a long beard and who judges right and wrong and a white robe and a staff or something- - - is sentamental hogwash people outgrow and "mature out of" and they are supposed to "mature into - - " some OTHER belief, but they won't tell you what it is.  Often they play the "God IS NOT" game with you.  Whatever it is you think God IS - - you are sadly informed that he isn't.   Sometimes you're even laughed at for "Taking the thing so seriously".  OK - - - Let me simplify and put in a nut shell what religious teachers teach.  They teach that THEY and THEY ALONE make up the rules, and if they themselves should attempt to "play" by the rules you just laid down such that they appear to be "winning" then you will change the rules so that the other person is kept continuously off guard and subserviant to you.  I've told you there have been times where I assumed what the Right would believe in like "personally responsability" and "reaping the consequences of your actions".  But sadly NOT in the case of physician mal practiced suits.  These right wingers don't want the Rich to ever be "personally accountable" - - particularly to any poor person.  Just remember, to these religious teachers, God is their little geenie in a bottle- - and it's THEIR bottle.  (Selah)  It's kind of a game with them that all the good things that happen to you are "God" and since the teacher assumes the role of "God" then you owe THEM personally for any good fortune you may have.  But I said this WAS the situation.  These days nobody even bothers to pretend they are Christians.  They're too busy reading Ayan Rand.  Christianity to the right wing is more of an embarrassment than anything else and should someone inform them that it no longer existed- - most right wingers would shrug their shoulders and say "Ah- - it's just as well - - ".

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