Thursday, July 16, 2015

Scott Walker is Politically Dangerous

Scott Walker had all investigations of political corruption charges dropped today thanks to four illegal justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  Two featured illegal funding from the Koch brothers, so they passed a law against that in 2009.  But then Scott Walker in 2011 when he came to power just annulled the law by executive action, as if you could do that.  So by the same corrupt and illegal process two more justices were put on the Supreme Court.  With a court now packed- - they now serve as a rubber stamp for anything the Governor wans done.  It will be just another thing Governor Walker can brag about at next month’s FOX debates.   Hartman says that Scott Walker has the “heart of Richard Nixon”.   Actually he’s decidedly worse than Nixon.  Nixon was never as blatant as Walker is.   Hartman admitted for the first time he actually fears this guy getting in the White House “and we’ll be stuck with eight years of him”.  But Hartman added strangely, “But the good news there will be an economic crash during his term in office and there will be a revolution in this country and we’ll get another FDR.  That’s a real pipe dream.  But it was pointed out that massive numbers of people protesting in one place like the Wisconsin capitol building were unable to stop Governor Walker’s election and legislative successes.  It’s better to “spend that many man hours involved in protesting” getting on the phones and being active politically”.   Democrats are kind of “old school” whereas the tea party plays the whole thing much smarter.

Could Planned Parenthood go the way of the ill fated “Acorn”?  Now there is a video going around on FOX news and the internet showing people from planned parenthood actually selling baby parts.  They are selling organs from aborted fetuses.  Is that sick or what?   And the thing is they admit these organ donations are planned so they tell the doctor “Don’t crush this part of the baby because we want those organs”.  And they get paid a lot of money for these organs, which of course is illegal.  Shawn Hannity has been talking about this disturbing incident for the past two days.  You just have to know that sting operations are just going on all the time these days.   I don’t know how Planned Parenthood could ever live down an exposee like this.

A home grown “domestic terrorist”  (so designated by the FBI) - - shot and killed four marines in Chatanuga, Tenn.  He shot one officer, but ended shot dead himself.  There were two different shooting locations which were recruiting centers.  They highlight that these were “gun free zones” implying that if the had guns then this shooter would have been halted in his tracks before he killed four people.  He’s a Muslim named Mohamed of all things.  They say there is a possible connection with it being the final day of Romadon.  It just underscores that there’s an epidemic of gun violence in this country.    Needless to say that the right wing will chalk this shooting up as “more evidence that we haven’t secured our borders” or something like that.   A jury in the Aurora, Colorado mass theater shooting case reached a verdict three hours ago but they still aren’t telling us what it is.  I would logically presume that it’s “Guilty on all counts”.   In a strange news item, former President Clinton has admitted that the long prison sentences bills he signed into law during his term- - were misguided and wrong.  President Clinton now gives Hillary to go “soft on crime” and ease up on non violent drug offenders.

The small business climate in America is getting progressively less healthy.  Only about the top quarter or 25% derive a living income for the proprietor.   I’m arbitrarily calling a “living wage” as over forty thousand per year.   In other words, three quarters of American small business are losing ventures in terms of you being able to live on the profits.  I would presume that since most businesses earn so little, they don’t have to pay much in the way of Federal income taxes.  And I’m also talking we are talking about personal businesses and not corporations.    The share of firms dissolving has been steadily rising over the past thirty years, whereas the share of viable small businesses less than a year old is steady shrinking.  These are not good signs.

People have drawn up a list of comparrisons as to whether it's the United States or Iran that is more war like.  We appear to have eight times the per capita military spending on armlements as Iran, but of course it's a lot more than that in actual dollars.  Iran abides by the nuclear non polliferation treaty.  The US and Israel don't.  I have a problem with the idea that we are even a position to judge.  The US had attacked a lot more nations over the past century than has Iran.  Iran's only infraction appears to be the Iran - Iraq war in the 1980's where they had chemical weapons used ON them by Iraq.  The US in contrast used agent orange in Viet Nam for purposes of defoliation.  Now Shawn Hannity is putting forth the notion that if Israel were to send out its bombers to take out Iranian Nuclear facilities, that somehow President Obama is so leftist that he would attack these Israeli jets.  I'm pretty certain neither Obama nor any other President of the United States would do that.  If I were President I wouldn't attack them either but allow them to bomb.  But that's now to say I wouldn't warn the Iranian government they were coming, if they didn't already know.  And if any of these Israeli pilots were shot down in this bombing mission, President Marcus would not lift a finger to help them.  But Shawn Hannity is convinced that the "nuclear poliferation  crisis" had been made a whole lot worse by this treaty - - - in a line of logic I don't really follow.  Yet there is a part of me that thinks Israel is so trigger happy they'd do it just to "start something' the same way they sank one of our ships during the six day war of June 1967 "just to start something".   Christians have this teaching about "Not tempting fate" or "forcing God to do something - - by pushing him to do it".   I'm not sure why the word "Peace" is suddenly a dirty word in Christian circles.

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