Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Supreme Court End-of-year Rulings

President Trump said last week that he doesn’t believe these new refugees from Central America are entitled to due process of law in our courts but should be deported immediately.  He is of course wrong.  Thom Hartman points out that crossing the border is a misdemeanor and that if anything you should just pay a fine and go your way.  Or course you should be released on your own recognizance (OR) should you be imprisoned.  Aren’t they just supposed to give you a court date or something.  Stephanie Miller today was playing all of these clips of politicians and radio talk show hosts trashing President Obama calling him a socialist and such.  Apparently there are still 2300 children that haven’t been reunited with their parents.  They separated the boys and the girls and we don’t know where the girls are.  Today is primary day in many states including Utah where Mitt Romney is running to win a US Senate seat from Utah.  People like to take the pulse of the nation from these primaries to see what political direction the nation may be headed in.  Hopefully there is no “Death of the blue wave” paranoia we had one month ago.  

This is Tuesday June 26, 2018 and the gardeners are working outside.  In keeping with my moral philosophy I think it was wrong for the Red Hen restaurant or whatever to kick out Trump’s WH Press Secretary.  I don’t believe it’s proper to deny service to someone because of their political beliefs in keeping with that letter to Tim I wrote last week.  But they were doing it to make a point.  I think ABC should rehire Rosanne Barr and reinstitute her hit show.  I was swayed by that interview with Rosanne that Rabi released last week but I already was of the belief that ABC went a little far in disgracing Rosanne to the extent they did.  She has apologized a million times over for the slip-up when she was on Ambien or whatever.  I don’t think the show will be damaged because the lead actress has some “off color” racial humor.  As you know I hardly ever watched the show then or recently.  But this is the summer rerun season and if they were to have new episodes now- - I would be more inclined to watch.  

 In other news the Supreme Court today has upheld the travel ban on Moslems instituted last year.  Just off hand I guess I agree with the court.  It’s kind of border-line what Trump’s racial motivations were.   Certainly Trump from the political stump has made remarks about “shutting the Moslems down”.  But there is another Supreme Court ruling that says in California you don’t have to be forced to give out PRO abortion material at a crisis pregnancy center.  I think you should live your conscience.  If you are anti abortion you should make that fact known.  But I guess the biggest and most embarrassing news for the president is that Harley Davidson is closing down plants in this country and setting up production in Europe so they don’t have to raise the price of their motorcycles.  Trump was so flattering to Harley Davidson and now it’s blown up in his face.  And I bet the biker vote will affect the election outcome in November. 

I wanted to again talk about that article that says that atomic or subatomic particles “communicate” with each other at many times faster than the speed of light.  This means they don’t use “ether” as a mode of transmission as the usual radio waves and all the other radiation such as X Rays and light and microwave.   I used to believe in hyperspace.  Whether this is some hyperspace realm where geography (and geometry as we know it) have no bearing, I don’t know.  It could be just a much more etherial realm where a signal travels much faster.  

It occurred to me that maybe the beliefs of Christianity developed much sooner than I have been saying the past dozen years or so.  (If not longer)  It could be that even in the time of Jesus that there was already arising a belief of some “ultimate sacrifice” that would “Put an end to sin” as it says in the book of Daniel.  Because it was an animal sacrifice, being an “animal” as Rush Limbaugh reminds us- - “animals” have no rights not even if that animal turns out to be the Son of God.  (What a juxtaposition in terms)  Therefore one should never question the justice of the crucifixion of Jesus on political or moral grounds, as would be one’s first impulse.  Jesus wasn’t dying as a fellow “innocent” human being entitled to certain rights, but rather as an article of pure sin or whatever they call a burnt offering.  People may have indeed looking for some innocent (ritually clean) human being who would offer himself as a sacrifice in this manner.  This is contrary to what I have believed but I have to face the fact that it’s possible.  

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