Greetings to those who logged on to this blog. We ran into a few technical difficulties in giving you the ten commandments but we fixed some of it. I decided to offer no commentary on it in between the cerses as I had planned on. There are two postings after (ie. before) the stuff with the Bible verses in it and there we offer you plenty of comentary.
Bearing false witness is not lying to protect another from capture like with Jews hunting the Nazis in world war II. People who say the Jews should have turned in their friends whom they were hiding don't know their Bible. Bearing false witness has to do with a very specific court testimony where you are making an accusation against your neighbor. You are to obey oaths you sware to God. The solution to falsely swaring to God is not to refuse to sware at all, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, the solution is to Sware Truthfully. If any President of witness before congress refuses to put himself under oath and be sworn in, he is a coward and shouldn't be listened to.
Taking the Lord's name in vain is not uttering an occasional Hell of Damn but rather invoking God's name in a vain pursuit as the Christians do. Taking the Lord's name in vain is uttering a false prophecy and having it fail. Taking the Lord's name in vain is doing or saying anything in God's name that you can't perfonally back up with proof.
Adultry presupposes there is some "thing" to adulterate. Marriage can be adulterated. A single person dating another single person can not be said to be in sin because he is not under any contract not to do the thing he is being accused of. You can't be unfailthful to something which does not exist. "Pre-marital sex" is not a phraise pro or con used in the Bible.
You can covet more than your neighbor's posessions. You can covet your neighbor's God if he is prospering as a Christian and you aren't doing well at the moment as a non Christians. You can covet your neighbor's "peace of mind" which is not yours, any more than his wife or his car is yours to covet. Neither is his relations with his own god "yours" to covet.
Nowhere or in no matter is it implied that the Sabbath is null and void for Christians. Indeed all of God's law is a "perpetual covenent" and the rule is there for a reason.
1 comment:
Вроде совершенно понимаю, а вот принять - грудь отказывается. Два месяца назад мой мир рухнул: супруг подал на развод, я узнала о его новых отношениях, две недели чистый развелись официально. Продолжаем обитать коллективно, мы с сыном в одной комнате, а он в другой. Он живет своей жизнью, ему неустанно звонит и пишет новые смс-ки новая любовь. Я в отчаянии... [url=]мужские характеристики[/url]
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