Monday, May 01, 2006


It occurred to me that if you don't have truth, everything else you say will lose credibility. Yesterday on "Breakfast with the Beatles" the DJ was insensed at hoe bogus a certain seance to reach John Lennon was. For you new people my position on the dead is this. I believe that the "soul" or self as we know it is mortal and "passes" with the both out of existance. However I, like the Greeks believe that ideas have a reality of their own. And that includes the ideas of people, their values and what they stand for. As such I believe that the dead can be contacted in a matter of fashion. In the seance John asked about Sean but not Julian. For those who know John this is one major "blind spot" or flaw in his personality. He likes to pretend his son with Cynthia doesn't exist. He never really acknoledged him when he was alive and now that he's dead nothing in changed. "John" in the seance did say one thing I definitely take issue with. He said that the afterlife is "anything you want it to be". Not if it includes Yoco it doesn't. Yoco isn't there. In a lot of the "Messages" I get from the dead, couples, or for that matter, mothers and sons, ect. are not together. I only say this because there is one big truth, "What you are is what you are". I say this because people picture themselves "getting saved" and "something positive transforms their very nature" so that their after life is now vastly improved from what it would otherwise be. Think about this and how little sense it makes. They say you are in "heaven" or are in "hell" for an eternity all because you said "Deal" or "No Deal" to the offer of Jesus of eternal salvation, as if Jesus personally came up and offered it to you. If you think about it a block of wood- - - a wood carving as as much "credential" to be "alive" in the afterlife as a human being does. How long is eternity. In the twelve billion years of the Universe and all the time to come till the universe is destroyed- - - not one second will have ticked off the clock of eternity. After all for life to take place something has to be going on. Cells are dividing and growing and nutrition is being matabalized. This all takes place in time, and with eternity, there is no time. As such it is positively absurd to say "as of March 24th. 1976 I knew I was going to heaven". The date "March 24th. means nothing in eternity. The mormons say that when you die the life you had before birth and your memory of it will be restored to you. This makes more sense than what the fundamentalists say. Eternity has no end and no beginning and doesn't even ralate to time. So you can't say something like "In early March of 1986 John Smith sealed his fate for all eternity and is now going to hell". Eternity doesn't know "1986" or any other date or year. As such "worrying about eternity" is even sillier than worrying about using your outdoor grill causing global warming. Think about it.

There is a book I've been reading the past few days called "Destined for Salvation" and it is subtitled "God's plan to save everyone". Scripture says Jesus' blood is sufficient to save the whole world. It is also stated "God's will is that everyone come to knowledge of Him". You know there used to be a song, "What ever Lola wants, Lola gets". Is not God greater than some woman trying to seduce a man younger than herself in a baseball stadium locker? Two words really not in God's vocabularly are "want" and "wait". For God words are things. If he says it, it happens. And yet we are told- - "Christ died only for the sins of the elect". How do you get "elect". Saint Paul tells you that nobody can come to God unless the Holy Spirit draws him. There is also another doctrine called "total depravity". This translates as follows: Human kind is unable to make a moral decision on anything- and that includes a decision to "save himself". Jesus Christ on KFI has stated, "It is an insult to say that Christ didn't do it all on the cross". If this be so, that Christ "did it all" on the cross than Praise the Lord, it's done! God came to save the world- - and God is sovreign so vualah- - the world must ipso facto be saved. The book Destined for Salvation also speaks of 'Irrestable Grace". This doctrine is not original with this book. John Calvin taught that "those who are meant to be saved, will be saved". (Selah)

The book went on to talk about Justinian. This guy wasn't a nice fellow. He is said to be the "last Roman Emperor". He became emperor in 425 or something and reigned for forty years to become an old man and died in 465 or something. It is said he unified the Roman law codes in a way they never had been done before. But he was also tyranical. I've heard that the library in Alexandria in Egypt was burned down under his reign. He snuffed out any native worship of the classical Greek Gods. He also made Christians fight in the army for the first time. Gone was the Christian belief in pacifism. He set a lot of bad precidents. There were still a lot of people in the Catholic church that believed in Universal salvation for all prior to Justinian. But Judtinian rooted them out and eliminated them. Origen and many other theologians in earlier centuries believed in universal salvation. There was a web site I logged into that quoted mountains of scripture in the old testament where "going to Hell" was not listed as a punishment.

Mark Twain was said to have rejected God because God created Hell and also caused innocent children to suffer. I had always thought Mark Twane was a Christian. The book states that many are driven away from God because they cannot reconsile God being all powerful and all good and at the same time allowing Evil to win such a massive victory. (Selah)


Dear Larry Elder,
I am inspired to write you today by a remark I heard you nake on your show about a week ago. You were criticizing some caller because they said that they were battling the Devil, and you said, "I believe God is in control of things". I don't, and I don't believe such an attitude is even Biblical. As you will remember Jesus was tempted by Satan and offered the world if he would just bow down and worship Satan. Here's the opperative line: These things are Mine and I may give them to whoever I choose". Jesus did not contest this statement. I know where the attitude stems from. That "Jesus" fellow over on the other station espouses the view that there no longer is a Satan. These people often go on to talk about how the future is in God's hands because God knows the future because he's predestined all things down to the smallest detail- - down to the last hickup- - from the foundation of the Earth. There was one group of Christians that in the 1996 election prayed "Thy will be done", even though it led to Clinton being elected. You may not believe this but I was strongly for Bob Dole that year for a multitude of reasons. These same Christians have the attitude that "Our side has won and nothing can go wrong now, and don't even dare to imply otherwise because you'll ruin our perfect day". The attitude of a real Winner is the realization that he could lose if he doesn't give it his all, and that it all isn't somehow "scripted out in advance by some divine hand" in advance. There are people that believe we make our own future.
I say all this because frankly if I were President Bush now I would not be a happy camper. Not one bit. You have civil threatened in Iraq between the Sunis and the Shiites. You have formerly conservative people like Bill Crystal and William Buckley breaking rank and saying what Howard Dean was criticized for saying "The war in Iraq is lost". You have Bush down to 34% approval in the polls and you've got Hillary beating the Secretary of State in a two woman race. In fact the only republican who can beat Hillary now is John Mc Cain. It used to be almost any republican would beat her a few months back but things have slipped since then. The funny thing is if "Our side" (meaning the liberals) wins, we'll all be happy for the most part. If "Your side" loses, all you will be able to do is be like those Born Again (so called) Christians and say "Thy will be done". You'll have to come up with a reason why the democrats now control congress and suffered such stunning losses in 2006. In fact if you don't "accept the loss" some of the "Thy will be done" ilk will say that you "Just don't understand the purpose of God". The Democrats don't have that problem. To them a win is a win. (Selah)
Believe it or not I am still a registered Republican and am one of those who plans to vote for Mc Cain. Actually I am afraid, as you should be too, of a political split in the Republicans right down the middle. There's also a survay that says conservative talk shows are declining in popularity. Believe it or not I had hopes for President Bush. I hoped Roe vs Wade would be overturned. I hoped Social Security would be privitized. This is a crisis that's headed headlong for disaster, and soon. It's not a question of "either- or" but rather "both- - - and". Anything that CAN be done SHOULD be done to save social securety from ruin and that includes raising taxes AND setting up private accounts. I would like to see more alternative energy research. I would like to see both security at our borders AND our ports tightened. So many people are Bush "Kool Aid drinkers" who say Bush can do no wrong. It was my hope that the United States would be more respected around the world than it was under Clinton. I'd like to see no fault divorce laws repealed, and respect for the sanctitude of marriage increased. I am not much more confortable than you at all the left-wing movies up for accademy awards this year. I think we should revive that "NAZI" method of extractring gasoline from coal in Montana, if it's really cleaner. To be honist- if I were President I don't think the Katrina people would be any happier with me than with President Bush. Bush has done about all he can do and basically you and I agree it's the fault of the state and local planners who should have known better. Actually, I haven't made up my mind whom I'll vote for President in 2008 yet.


Dearl Larry Elder, Since my last letter was the first letter I wrote you I didn't even get around to touching upon the many, many concerns I have about your beliefs and your radio program. It's a strange world when any speaker gets up and criticizes a congressman who lived in the 1830's as "Too Liberal" for your tastes. Davie Crockett being lectured by a farmer for voting for relief from a local fire is a scenario I wouldn't believe as a Twilight Zone episode. Of course who would have guessed? Last year's villain was Valerie Plame (?) who was "outed" as part of a political vendetta against her husband, because he wasn't "giving the report the Bush Administration wanted to hear" about Iraq. I've been reading Bob Woodword's book and I find it tedius and depressing because Bush only wants to hear one thing from his subordenates and friends and that's unqualified support of whatever he does. The paranoia sounded by people like you and Rush Limbaugh just isn't Mc Carthyism, it's Joe Mc Carthy on steroids! You people "explain" that you can't trust the CIA because THAT has been taken over by liberals. You can't trust the State Department because it has been taken over by liberals. You can't trust congress because it, the "representatives of the people" has been taken over by liberals. I don't know who does the call screening on shows like youre but that's the first thing I'd change if I were program producer. This whole idea of "Being at War" is a term that could backfire on you. Let me get this straight. About the only time we WERN'T at war was during the terms of Bush 41 and BILL CLINTON. I know you bristle when someone says "George Bush is the first president who has cut taxes during war time". By the way we could talk about Ronald Reagan. He "got lucky" with the Russians. He played Russian roulette- - and won. If it was my child thinking of "Going thou and doing likewise" I would have a very stern lecture with my son.
I guess I'd like to know what the 'Ideal World" of Larry Elder is. Is it the John Kovelt vision of the world where the rich huddle behind multi-locked doors and securety systems cowering from all those blacks out to get 'em. And of course "They" are out to raise their property taxes. Of course Police don't seem to value the Property of Blacks the way they do of Whites. There was that case of the unarmed van and over one hundred shots being fired at an unarmed driver turning the local neighborhood into the OK Caral. You have Tiesha Miller who was gunned down in a hail of bullets. As John Kovel explains it "Once the adrenelin gets pumping, those cops can't control themselves? We know you hate ghetto people. I wonder how much you've done constructive about it. Ghettos are plagued with drugs. How much time have you actually SPENT talking about drug dealers on your program? Prostitution is a problem but I'll tell you this: If more Black women listened to Gloria Alred instead of you they'd have more respect for their own bodies and not allow themselves to be used and debased, or used as someone's punching bag. The ghetto has it's scammers and con artists. There are certain "forms of Capitalisum" that are just immoral and un-Christian, no matter how you slice it. Of course we have already talked about the minimum wage. If it were at the level YOU WANT IT to be nobody would be able to earn any kind of a living but even more people would be forced to get on the Welfare tread-mill.
You have people who aren't what they seem. Blacks who aren't really Blacks, Gays who aren't really Gays, and Jews who aren't really Jews. I've heard now that only two percent of Blacks currently support George Bush. Wouldn't it be nice to hear from the other 98% on talk radio? The only gays you hear on the radio are people like Al Rantell and Tammy Bruce. By the way- wasn't it gays, according to Oliver Stone, who wanted to kill President Kennedy? I just thought I'd mention that. You yourself call yourself a Christian and also write for some Jewish publication. Dennis Prager calls himself a Jew but he spends so much time kissing fundamentalist Christianity's ass it's hard to tell. You know there is something called the Samson Option that Christians talk about. If Isrial finds itself attacked, either literally or in their minds, these people advise Nuking the whole region and sending people to the Promised Land. You know who has the expression "It's Going to all Burn" don't you? Chuck Smith. A lot of Christians today are nehilists. They- in opposition to Classic Conservatisum- - have a very low view of Human Nature. I've said enough. I've heard that "Jesus Christ" fellow on the other station so don't get me started on him. I only mention this stuff because some will say "It's not the Governments job to be charitable and compassionate; that's the church's". Well, you know the people who say this have the "same hearts" and the same low view of humanity whether in the Church Pew, or in the Voting Booth.


Your address didn't turn dark so maybe that means that this publication won't send.
Dear Larry Elder. I have been a listener of your show on KABC since you first came on the air as a counter-point to Gloria Alred. Frankly I liked you a lot better when you were with her than now that you're by yourself. KFI and KABC have gotten so right wing it's hard to imagine that you both aren't losing all your listeners, particularly KABC. I think it's pretty safe to say you are anything but Libertarian. Ultra conservative is more like it.
Some of the "right wing horrors" of your show consist of your solution to the illegal alien problem, which is to wipe out the "safty net" here and eliminate all government education and welfare. Further you don't seem to mind that illegal aliens are depressing the wage base and tightening the employment market, more in bad times than now. You also seem to have a cure for teenage deliquency by saying "Those people should work for three dollars an hour so you can learn the value of a dollar". You are beyond right wing. Around you time and space seem distorted. You have indicated that you think insider trading in stocks should be allowed. Like Samuel Allito you seem to always favor the big corporation and stick it to the little guy. You say you are in favor of "free markets" and yet you are against US citizens being allowed to purchase drugs in Canada because this would cut into drug company profits. You and I might actually agree on something. We both agree that that Bush bill on senior drug discount Sucks. It's just another way to feed corporate profits.
On race relations your position is worse. There doesn't seem to be a cop beating that you don't like. I don't know if you have yet weighed in on that cop shooting of a guy who was lying down and ordered to get up and then shot. You say (at least I think you do) you want Blacks to get ahead and yet you can't resist saying how many Black men are in prison or how many unwed mothers there are. If you are ever in the position of saying something Good about your race like how things are better than they used to be, it's done with clinched teeth and resentment. You are against affirmitive action. You are against racial quotas, and I'm not big on racial quotas, either, per se. But I'll tell you this: If I were a Supreme Court justice and a case like the University of Michigan came before me where whites had to have a higher score I would try the case on its legal basis and not with my emotion. My soul consideration would be whether the law allowing quotas was legal and if it was I'd respect the oppinion of the legeslators. You'd be hard pressed to somehow justify overturning a law promoting racial equality on the basis of the 14th. Amendment. To say that you are an Uncle Tom is an insult to the original 1852 Novel character.
In case you are wonder I am on the under stratum of society. I live in a Board and Care home. If you must know I am the first person in this building to get on the internet. In case you are also interested I may be "too well off" because I just learned of some technicality where my S S I may be in jeopardy.
Before your show this afternoon, February 1st. 2006 I didn't think George Bush's speech had much good in it. You pointed out there WERE a fleeting few good sentaments in the speech, and that's about all they are. I disagree with your statement that "We are at War" and therefore all civel liberties are suspended. You'd think a libertarian would be in favor of civel liberties, wouldn't you? Apparently not.

I always believe in respecting readers of my postings. Thank you for your time.

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