In keeping with what I just said I am here to make an apology over the blogisphere. I would like to publicly apologise to Brittany Speers, for making the implication, however vague, that her eight month son, Sean Preston, might somehow be the antichrist. This allusion that I made was totally unfounded and I know that saying it was harmful and sending out the wrong vibes into the universe. The baby looks as normal, spiritually, as any other baby, and once again I want to apologise for having made the statement I did.
The President of the United States has an awsome duty, with his finger on the nuclear button, to keep the Peace in the world. The United States right now is the only super power. We have been given a sacred trust by God to be stewards of the world. The President must excersise great wisdom in all of his actions and we owe it to our President to keep him in intercessory prayer daily. We need to pray that the situation in Iraq will not deteriorate, but that the United States be vindicated in its three years of struggle in the region and that all of our efforts to form a stable government in Iraq not be in vain. Certainly there is time to make everything right. We can even how emerge victorious and vindicated in our actions- - and terrorism can be put on the run and "Peace" will break out in the region of the mideast. Certainly it's a hopeful thought that after Iraq becomes a stable nation, that other nations may look to it as a model for them to pattern their own governments after. This would be a good thing.
Some say enlightenment can only be achieved through prayer and fasting. Others insist that trancendental meditation is the way to go. Others believe tight adherence to a particular religious creed is the only way to achieve a sense of enlightenment and justification. If we all seek to become part of that positive moral tapistry, a picture will begin to emerge. Others will see the emerging image and want to become part of it. I don't know what God ultimately has planned for this world. I personally wish scripture wasn't so vague. Belief in a God of morality is a matter of Faith. It is written "Whatever is not of faith is sin" so the logical thing one can do to keep from sinning is to maintain a life of Faith in the True God. (Selah)
They were talking about why women are attracted to “Bad Boys”. First up on the list was Fonzi. Fonzi is kind of a
There is the case of that sexual predator with a long record that strangled that woman with her own bikini top named Sours or something. They say there is an eighty percent repeat rate in sexual predators. One woman says you can put a GPS tracking device on the guy and it will only cost ten dollars a day. I don’t know anyone who will work for ten dollars a day dedicating his whole day to watching the movements of one suspect. The more men you track the more people it takes to track them. It’s the same principle as drug testing. The more people you test for drugs the greater chance there is of a potential screw-up. That bikini top guy had a long record. But it seems the goal is to not let him “slip through the system” in the first place. Obviously if every predator got twenty years for a first time offence, soon there would be much fewer predators. My guess is after 20 or 25 years in prison a person would have to have mellowed out. Maybe the worst offenders could be put in one of those “
Yesterday they had a funeral for one of those girls in that great blondes mix-up where one girl was presumed dead and the other, who looked a lot like her, was in a coma, and nobody, strangely enough, could tell the difference. Both families should be kept in prayer.
Finally I would like to address the question of astrology and the Bible. According to the KFI host, anyone who believes in astrology will burn in hell. I have never seen that verse in the Bible myself. It says in Genesis, "Let them (celestial bodies) be for signs and for seasons". The definition of "sign" is never given but in Job, two constelations by their classic Greek names are given, Orion and the Pliades. This would seem to me that God is name endoucing here. The Catholic Church at one time endourced astrology.
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