I'm not sure what's going to happen with this posting. The last post I did on this blog seemed to encounter technical difficulties and never got posted correctly. Also the introductory paragraph about mysel I added was not listed. At any rate I'm going to be blogging less in the future because I'm not entirely sure that my efforts are bearing any worthwhile fruit.
Moses was said to be more humble than any man. He was first of all the reluctant prophet. Many prophets of God tend to be a little reluctant, but God has to use gentle perswasion. As you know Moses in his early years killed an Egyptian task master and burried his body in the sand, and then fled Egypt. When he first met Jehovah God he did not know his name. Formerly the Hebrews had known God under the name of "El", which the Caanenites used. But God's new name, Jehovah, means "The becomming one". Whatever you need, God will supply it. Moses was humble because God was always trying to get him to assert his rights to authority over the people. It is always said, "With freedom comes responsability". That's why the Ten Commandments were given. The first time Moses ascended Mt. Sinai it was Pentacost. Moses stayed up there for forty days and he came down on the Seventeenth of Tammuz, which also happens to be a Babylonian holiday. The people had made a golden calf and said that it led them out of Egypt. Leter Jereboam fashioned two golden calfs where the people could do sacrifice, one in Dan and the other in Beth El. People are always saying that if you don't know the law you aren't guilty of breaking it, but I've never heard of any police department that worked on this principle. The law exists, with or without your knowledge, and with or without your obediance. It is said that Jesus died for our sins. Oddly, it doesn't say that Jesus died for our transgressions. Moses smashed the golden tablets in a rage because the Law stood already "broken". Later, on the first of the month of Elul, Moses ascended the mountain again. Once more he stayed up there forty days and came down on the holiday Yom Kippur. This time the tablets were unbroken and placed in the Ark of the Covenent, along with a jar of manna from heaven, on which the people lived during their forty year trek through the wilderness, and also the rod of Aaron, which budded. It is said that this seccond set of tablets represent Christ. Obviously when Jehovah had the chance to do a rewrite he didn't change any of the laws. They are the Ten Commandments and not the ten suggestions. The Arc of the Covenent is believed to have had some electrical charge around it so that if anybody touched it, they would die. There were four colored curtains surrounding the Arc of the Covenent that many commentators say stand for the four Gospells. Jehovah said that if you kept all the statutes of the law, you would live a blessed life. Presumably this means that since Jesus Christ kept the law perfectly, we by partaking of his flesh and drinking his blood and being baptized in his name, assume His perfection. Jehovah said "The curse without a cause does not come". He also said of his people that "No weapon formed against you will prosper". I like that.
Leo Le Port says that congress was debating an "equal bits on the internet" law. The phone company to charge other I S P's for use of their phone lines and raise costs. There are all of these roomers of a two tiered internet system where if you have D S L it costs more. They tried to get Congress pass a law enfourcing internet equality, but it didn't pass.
I would like to talk briefly about Anne Coulter. Many like World Net Daily are defending her even though a lot of her remarks are crude and tasteless. Many would say "It takes one to know one" and all that. As Christians we are called to a higher standard. Even if certain people on the left have stepped over the line as to what is an accurate or appropiate remark, and called various government officials names, we on the right should not imotate their behavior. One time parents came to Dr. Phill complaining about the "pissing bandit". Their two year old ran around stark naked and would piss over all of the furnature and such, and people around thought it all was very amusing. There are many ways you could deal with this aberent behavior but one of the alternatives would not be to, for instance, pee on the little kid yourself making comments like "There- - how do you feel about that?" The kid would get precisely the wrong idea from such behavior thinking it was a contest. In like manner, Christians are held to a higher, adult standard, and it's our job to contrast our ways from the ways of the infantile and the childish. Our job is to proclaim the gospell. It's also the Christians job to show love for all mankind. Nobody can say that Anne Coulter shows love for all mankind. At the very best, her "Christian witness" is flawed, if it exists at all. Of course we are supposed to respect the dead and the feelings of widdows. There is a price to defending your country. We shouldn't con ourselves into thinking that the ultamate sacrifice isn't being paid. As Christians we are not to be as the Moslems, but are always to be praying that true peace be established. (Selah)
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