A lot of important primaries will be taking place this Tuesday in several states, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Arizona. Mc Cain is fighting for his job in Arizona being challenged by a republican candidate to the right sponsored by tea baggers. Mc Cain has moved way to the right to accomodate this people on such issues as tightening up the border to prevent illegal immigration. Now he wants that "dang fence" built quickly. Bllanch Lincoln is defending her democratic senate seat in Arkansas. She as you know was one of the trouble makers when the democrats were trying to get health care passed. If she loses to her democratic rival it will be fine with me. Then we move on to Kentucky where Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul is the tea party candidate of choice, but Kentucky's other senator, Mitch Mc Conell, is supporting the other guy who is not as whacked out conservative. Finally we come to Pennsylvania where Arlen Spector is defending his seat against a democratic challenger who some say is a "real democrat". In this case I think Spector should win because he has built up a lot of seniority. As Spector has pointed out, "It could be that I will be losing my job because I voted to save YOUR job" referring to the stimulus plan of last year. Some say Spector is an opportunist for switching parties. I am not one of these. I believe his conversion to the democratic party was genuine, and am a little surprised that he is now polling ten points behind and shows every indication of losing tomorrow. My hope is that in the news tomorrow they devote at least as much time to the results of these elections as they have to the build-up and hype. It's strange but sometimes a really important news story will run for thirty seconds, while they make space for five minutes of fluff.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Four Key Primary Contests Coming Up
A lot of important primaries will be taking place this Tuesday in several states, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Arizona. Mc Cain is fighting for his job in Arizona being challenged by a republican candidate to the right sponsored by tea baggers. Mc Cain has moved way to the right to accomodate this people on such issues as tightening up the border to prevent illegal immigration. Now he wants that "dang fence" built quickly. Bllanch Lincoln is defending her democratic senate seat in Arkansas. She as you know was one of the trouble makers when the democrats were trying to get health care passed. If she loses to her democratic rival it will be fine with me. Then we move on to Kentucky where Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul is the tea party candidate of choice, but Kentucky's other senator, Mitch Mc Conell, is supporting the other guy who is not as whacked out conservative. Finally we come to Pennsylvania where Arlen Spector is defending his seat against a democratic challenger who some say is a "real democrat". In this case I think Spector should win because he has built up a lot of seniority. As Spector has pointed out, "It could be that I will be losing my job because I voted to save YOUR job" referring to the stimulus plan of last year. Some say Spector is an opportunist for switching parties. I am not one of these. I believe his conversion to the democratic party was genuine, and am a little surprised that he is now polling ten points behind and shows every indication of losing tomorrow. My hope is that in the news tomorrow they devote at least as much time to the results of these elections as they have to the build-up and hype. It's strange but sometimes a really important news story will run for thirty seconds, while they make space for five minutes of fluff.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Where Do Economies Go To Die?
Sometimes I don’t think I listen attentively enough to the “other side”. I’m not referring to the dead, but that could be the case too. But I meant the other end of the spectrum, politically. There was some call in show on line where people were being asked about what they thought about government spending. Many, if not a majority believe that cutting the deficit should be the underlying, driving force behind any future government budget proposals. And if a goal is important enough than it will be worth committing your resources to it, to the exclusion of other considerations. Many sincere people believe if we don’t get a handle on this deficit problem then our economy has no future. If Obama wanted to cut the deficit and the debt he could. First of all just install a minimum tax all corporations pay to insure the richest ones don’t get off with paying nothing. Then re-institute a saying of Ronald Reagan that “We are only going to help the truly needy”. By this I mean poor people and not rich corporations. We’re going to remove corporate loopholes. We are going to stop paying farmers not to plant. We are going to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan right now and declare the “peace dividend” Clinton talked so much about- - will be devoted entirely to deficit reduction. Couldn’t the President sign an order saying “All pork barrel projects will be canceled till further notice”. And also I could institute a “cafeteria rule” where for instance if you’re a kid going through a buffet line, if you take the item you have to eat that item in its entirety whether you like it or not. Just think of all the waste the military does by designing a project and then scrapping it. Look how much waste there was in Nixon scrapping the Apollo project. Now Obama wants to scrap the space shuttles. And I guess he wants to cancel the Aries rocket. How about “You put it on your plate and now you have to eat it”. This single policy alone could effect amazing savings in the military. Look at the savings in just interest payments alone! Really- - - look at it.
You don’t have to go far to see the effects of continued economic cutbacks. Governor Swatzenegger has announced the termination of a “Welfare to Work” program that had been successful and millions depended on it. Now due to a deficit of 19 billion and a continued tax revenue fall off- - many more cuts in health and welfare must be made. Now there is some anti gang “Home Boy” outfit that has been around for twenty years is now closing their doors due to a fall off in donation. Now people are writing letters to Oprah Winfrey to keep the thing going. No doubt if more rich people opened up their wallets a lot of things would be different. That whale off the coast of
OK we’ll just pick up where we left off. Some of us like me had a ham sandwich for lunch, whereas others announced they got turkey. There was Fritos and Will gave me his also. We had watermelon. Nicole Sandler was in for Randy so the “boobies” song was not played. Later on after two they talked about the Val Dez oil spill in Prince William Sound in
Last night I checked out a calculus site- - and it divided all calculus into three divisions, Intrigal, Differential, and Multiple Variable calculus. And each heading had a long list of items of “using the so & so method”. And there were all these different “methods” you could use, kind of like my BASIC programs tailored to specific mathematical problems. Also yesterday I was reading in the “Karmic Suicide” blog. There is a lot of good stuff in there, where I make my feelings about President Obama’s shortcomings pretty clear. Pretty much it’s time to abandon all hope in him. In one posting I said “President Obama is going to make a massive move to the right” and he has pretty much done that becoming pro war and pro “security at any price” and appease the right at any price. But of course there is that utterly worthless health bill that was passed. Remember a few days ago I said that some recessions “have a tail wind” meaning circumstances accelerate the pull out from a deep recession, like the Reagan tax cuts of 1982 and 1983. But other recessions, like this one, have government “headwinds” that buffet the economy and hold it back. And this health care package is a monstrosity that can only serves as a jobs killer for reasons I’ve explained previously. We are now approaching a year into this “recovery” but people on main street that you talk to say “the recovery is bogus; business is not hiring. The economy is still contracting. People and governments are still in the process of cutting back”. So I don’t know what to do with this President except wait for all those liberals on KTLK radio to turn against him the way I have – and see the President for the pretender he is. I don’t want to hear any more stuff about “He’s playing chess while the rest of us are playing checkers”. That line gets really - - really Old after a while. I can only repeat that if everybody spent as little money as I have and made the cuts in spending I have over the past four years- - this economy would be tanking a whole lot worse than it is now. If these Republicans in congress on C-Span would perhaps explain themselves a little more clearly, perhaps I would listen to them. I guess I don’t have a real clear picture of just what these republicans want. And if you talk to people from KTLK all they will say is “the republicans want more special privileges for business so they can continue to pillage and loot this country”. I wouldn’t have been for health care at all except these people were on the hysterical band wagon about how we can’t survive one more year of these Health Insurance abuses. But we won’t even find out whether this whole thing works for another four years. If six months is an eternity in politics, what is four years? I look at everybody and they appear rich to me. They can go eat a nice meal out any time they want or go to a movie or buy a new car and- - someone from another country would be hard pressed to explain these cell phones everybody carries with them, knowing how astronomical cell phone charges are. For a foreigner if you were to say “recession” they would regard it as an absurd joke.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Thumbs Down on Elena Kagan
Which brings us to Jack Bower and the last couple of "24" episodes. It would seem that Jack is willing to risk it all- - perhaps even his mental soundness- - for a principle that if you are President you don't sign a contraversial Peace treaty under fraud and at the point of a gun. But he's gone on a killing rampage. There was his cold blooded execution of Dana Walsh, whose life admittedly wasn't of much use at that point. Clearly Jack could cop some "mental stress" plea for all he's been through lately including being betrayed multiple times and fired on by the decedant. But then Jack gets another blonde bimbo into his scheme. A female reporter found herself in the middle of al all out gun fight that Jack knew about but she didn't. Jack's bacon was saved when a trusted friend of his pulled a gun on his primary assailent. This was of course after Bower had wasted the rest of his hit squad. Then that guy is taken hostage along with that reporter, who feels pretty much like a hostage herself. Then the fun begins. Jack Bower devises every manner of torture including knives and even a blow torch used on the victims body, but he still wasn't forthcoming on the information Jack wanted. Meanwhile there is division in the ranks of Jack Bower's foes. The archetect of the whole scheme to save the Peace Treaty wants public recognition for what a great guy he is, but the acting head of CTU thinks he is nuts. At this point I can hardly see how Jack can emerge as anything but a scape goat for everything that went wrong. And like Ronnie baby, I don't think President Taylor is really that aware what her underlings are doing. But as John Lennon says, we know that in the last reel that the Hero always comes out on top, so I imagine there are yet unforeseen twists and turns in the plot.
Nicole Walker is back do doing what she does best, and that is to hatch insane schemes with zero odds of success, but somehow she puts it all together and makes it work- - at least for a while. Perhaps she can get that aid of President Taylor to help her plant evidence against Adriana. She was going to have Adriana mugged by Dr. Baker but she had a moment of relative sanity and decided something less obvious may be more advantageous. Her words do have a grain of truth. There is trouble in paradise between Adriana Hernandez and Brady Black. This isn't quite the marriage made in heaven we all thought. For his part he still can't get Nicole out of his system no matter how hard he tries. For Adriana's part she is letting the Green Eyed Monster get the best of her and her excessive suspicions are self defeating at this point. It will be interesting to see how this all plays itself out, and what ingenious evidence Nicole intends to plant against her.
We all remember that scene in the Patton movie in 1945 when the "de-Nazification" process was taking place in Germany. But Patton thought some Nazis could be put to use on our side. When confronted by this move Patton responded "But a man's got to have a little pride, and this employment will develop that", to which Omar Bradley (?) responded, "But they're Nazis, they're the enemy. We don't want them to have any pride. But the roomer persists that Nazis were originally recruited for the OSS later to become the CIA. I find this highly troubling. The explanation why is that "Germans have proven to have excellent techniques at gathering intelligence". I hope it's better than Jack Bower. You know back in the closing days of the Bush administration I thought Bush was trying to politicize the CIA and take away their independent intelligence gathering capabilities, and instead forcing them to subscribe to views they couldn't endorse or verify. But now it seems my rosy views of the CIA were a tad misplaced because they are just as secretive as ever. Perhaps it's as it should be. But in the 'seventies, Congress wanted a little oversight over intelligence gathering. And Bush, and now, Obama- - seem to want to blur the line of Civil liberties violations. If i were President I would order a total review of the CIA and inquire whether or not it's doing the job it's supposed to do and not venturing into "ultra virus" or areas that it's not supposed to be in.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
(If you really are Superman) - - Just Do It!
We learned there is a theory Jewish people I have that I didn't realize. It would seem that many Jews believe in religious pluralism or "Many paths to God" This is a theory that I have always subscribed to. There are many ways up the mountain of Truth and Enlightenment. You know I have said (in a real early posting) that "I would rather trust a dog that was raised around moral people, than a human being - who wasn't. It says in the Bible that "The desciples stood out and when people saw them they knew they had been with the Messiah. And so it is when you explore real "Evidence that demands a verdict" that if you can see the positive change in an animal, you most certainly see it with human beings who have had a real "Experiance" with God. But instead the church people are described by Bob Dylan as follows, "Do you take me for such a fool to think that I would make contact with someone who tries to hide what they don't know to begin with". People say "Oh heaven is such a wonderful place I can't talk about it" but then how come the scent of brimstone circles around your very words radiating out through the ether waves? Dr. Levy announced that Judaism was an open religion that did not preclude also being in other Faith’s like Hinduism or something. OK. Dr. Levy also expressed sympathy when I told him that my church (neither one, actually) was not supportive, and he said “That is wrong”. The one o clock break was longer than usual and we broke up about twenty to two. I caught the last quarter hour of the soap opera after that cigarette from Richard Moore, who said he might let me have one tomorrow morning also. I was sure to hit afternoon coffee. I sat next to
They have a saying on the stock exchange "The tape doesn't lie". What this means is that people like Jesus Christ should make a religion of status quo when progress is clearly taking place. (Selah) I caught the end of Randy Rhodes and then it was that autistic kid report on Bonnie Hunt and she was exploring this 1 in 150 epidemic of Autism. There were a long list of “He’ll never- - “ such as “He’ll never say I love you” or “He’ll never play on a sports team.” Of course now the kid was becoming verbal and making great strides. You know, that kid on the Jesus Christ show could have had that dopamine deficiency thing in his brain that the man on TV had- - who had had to live with a diagnosis of Cerebral Paulsey all his life. Untill one day he took a new pill and he found out that he was cured. Then I switched to Judge Piero for the remainder of the hour and then Eye Witness. The weather is about perfect.
Herald Brown will be stepping down as Prime Minister, as the labor party searches for another leader. The field seems wide open. David Cameron seems the logical candidate for Prime Minister now if the Queen OK’s that. We had peanut butter sandwiches for snacks. I’m temped to take that cigarette from Bill now.
That seven foot cross that honors the dead of World War I out in the
There is a wise saying, "After my death I would rather have the people asking why there wasn't a monument to me - - than visa versa - - and the people asking why there Was". I would like to talk a little about this “Superman” word people are using. When someone isn’t doing their job and they and everybody else knows it, they come back with the retort of “I’m not superman”. This goes for God Himself, by the way. I am getting so tired of people apologizing for Obama’s shortcomings in office, being elected as a liberal Democrat to the left of Hillary. I have said countless times that not voting for Hillary was the biggest mistake I made in the election. We know darned well that Roosevelt, Truman, and Johnson got a hell of a lot more done with congress because all of these men had a mission and they accomplished it. A list of Obama’s political falling down on the job would provide a list as long as my arm. People like Randy Rhodes say “Obama must have a rough time of it”. Why doesn’t Randy just cue up “How do you sleep at night” while she’s at it? He can’t do health care. He has to disown a pastor he knew and loved for twenty years. He has two wars to fight. “Boo – hoo!” He can get out of
David Cameron has been installed as
This is Tuesday May 11, 2010 after dinner. We had Chinese stir fry with rice or some variation of that, and mixed vegetables. Dora has seconds only on rice so I took that. I went out for coffee in the pot that looked hot, but wasn’t hot when I got it home.
I like the Hartman-esque term of “dog whistle speech”. Again, when people use such phrases as “I’m not Superman” or they inject the word “Magic” or “Magical” into a sentence they are stonewalling. Christians have a similar word, “Esoteric” to defend their notion they try to hide, that they really don’t believe in any supernatural or any other kind of manifestations of God in this life. If they say “Esoteric experience” it makes them sound pious or something. It’s like when conservatives talk about “risky tax schemes” to mean paying a few extra bucks out of the millions they earn. Randy Rhodes was talking about how “You can’t expect things to Magically take place just because we elected a liberal democrat as President”. If you take out the word “Magically” the statement sounds silly and they know it. Of COURSE we expected things to change when we did an electoral 180. People aren’t stupid! We expected the democrats to go after Bush, Chaney, and Rumsfeld. It’s like if I win a big poker round at the gambling table I bet heavily on- - do I “Magically” expect to get paid if I cash in my chips?” “The computer says- - Yes!” Some of the decisions in life aren’t complicated; they just require a spine.
Speaking of Superman, you know Clark Kent as portrayed in “Smallville” has to be one of the most threatened, sexually-repressed, and un-free people on the planet, perpetually dogged, it seems, by these supernatural Titans he is powerless to control. Know this, if I were married to Samantha I’d be handing her divorce papers within six months. “Do you mean the one on Bewitched or the Soap Opera”. Either one!
And now we come to one of those stories that’s a real moral conundrum (to use one of those fancy Rush Limbaugh words) This story about a girl in Jr. High reading class giving a class mate a blow job right on the floor of the classroom with the teacher in the room. I do not know how such a thing could happen. What kind of s school is it? But can you blame several students for wanting to videotape such a rare event? It would be like photographing the mating ritual of a rare species of butterfly! To me it sounds like nothing short of comical that each and every student would be forced to have their cell phones inspected for recording an “on campus” event. Could these students be arrested for being purveyors of pornography, or worse yet guilty of a sex crime against a victim under eighteen and forever having to wear “sexual predator bracelets”?
Sydney J. Adler used the expression “I’m not Superman” when I asked the good doctor about the Ritilan I had been prescribed in the fall of 1965. He called them “smart pills” but my Algebra grades were clearly dropping and I wasn’t learning the material presented in class. And as you know I screwed up my music audition I took to get into Concert Band the following winter. I had Keith Moon’s syndrome- - I screwed up a piece with six-eight time. Someone even asked me “Just what are your grades in math?” I may be deciding to post more of “The Arimid Years” if the Spirit moves. (This is “Di Mira” backwards- - and was the title of a three-part computer file I did fourteen years ago that covers the period from mid summer of 1966 through about mid March of 1968) The last time I saw Sydney J Adler was December 24th 1966 and in that sixteen months I had managed to build up a trust and rapport with him. The next appointment was scheduled in early February. I was supposed to be chronicling the action of this new drug, Triville, that I had been taking since mid summer “to see if it was making me act normal”. Adler called Triaville “confidence pills”. What they were was mind altering sedatives- - and I was doing things like participating in Chemistry lab experiments in class while being under the influence of the drug, which could have been dangerous. But that February appointment was canceled without reason. There was a whole “C Change” occurring between the relation between me and my Dad during the previous few months- - we’ll say since mid November of 1966, that was measurable. The evidence that my Dad was for whatever reason “tuning out on me” and emotionally withdrawing- - was unmistakable and this manifested itself in the actions of several other family members. I don’t have time to go into details here but in retrospect, where I to bring up this period to a therapist, with the reflection on this period now- - you can bet I would be making a lot of key points that really haven’t been made- - publicly, that is. The death of my Dad is shall we say, “An impediment” to ever finding out the whole truth about this period.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Elena Kagan Picked for High Court Justice
Elena Kagan has been nominated by President Obama this morning just after seven our time, for Justice of the Supreme Court to fill Stevens’ seat. The President praised Stevens and said his judicial experience would be hard to replace. It's the first time the Supreme Court would have three women on it. It took time but we'll finally have three lady Supremes. It is hoped that Kagan will be able to "reach out and sway Justice Kennedy" and bring him back to the liberal side. Elena Kagan is solicitor general and has always been on President Obama’s “short list” and we mentioned her at the time a month ago. I personally have wondered why it took the President a whole month to come up with her name since he obviously had been giving the matter a lot of preliminary thought. Kagan is rightward leaning in her positions on executive power and unlawful detention and torture. However it can be argued that she took these positions on government power because that was her job at the time. However Glen Beck points out that she wrote a paper on college defending socialists in New York in the early 1930’s and argued that they should spend less time attacking her fellow radicals but in unity should be taking down the establish. Kagan is Jewish, so that now the Supreme Court has no Protestants left on the bench. She is just fifty years old and at this time will be the youngest justice on the bench. Kagen is also very sympathetic on women’s and gay issues and wants to eliminate “Don’t ask –don’t tell” and some say that she herself is a lesbian because she introduced her brothers rather than her husband and family. But one and all agree that it would be disasterous for her to “come out” at this time – even if she is gay. It is hoped by many on the left that she will “mature” and “evolve” as she develops her own judicial philosophy, since she doesn’t have a paper record, and as such that she will move leftward much as Stevens and Sutor did.
It would seem that this is not your father’s justice. The fourth and fifth amendments of the constitution are in the process of being shredded. As you know from watching “Cops” the fifth amendment is a joke because if you lie to a cop they will just make it harder on you piling on more charges. It would seem that operationally that the right against self incrimination is non existent. Even though I personally would not lie to a cop I don’t see how it’s my job to help they get a conviction. Why should I make their job easier for them. Of course the fourth amendment is gone. They may say “can I search your car” but you know they’re going to search whether you agree or not. There is also the doctrine of “exigent circumstances” elucidated by Mark Fermin in the OJ case where for instance if a cop gets a phone call saying someone’s wife is being beaten, the cops have to be allowed enterence into the house on that roomer. And if you lock the door against them, they’re just going to bash down the door and come in. And the whole “public safety” exception to the Miranda rights had originally to do was if you came upon a shooter shooting down at people in a public square and you ask him “how many other shooters are there out there”. But Eric Holder got eight hours to grill Shazad before reading him his Meranda rights, and now Holder wants more time. I said on the last post that Miranda rights were something we always have. But functionally it appears that this is not the case now. You have no rights. The cops can bring out the rubber hoses and start pummeling you and they can read you your Miranda rights when they get good and ready and not a moment before. This appears to be today’s reality. The fourth and fifth amendments of the constitution are pretty much shredded. The right against self incrimination apparently is not in inherent right. You only have that right if a cop wants to extend it to you. That’s the brave new world in which we live today.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as your President I feel it important to come before the American people at this time to announce my four finalist candidates for Supreme Court Justice. So without further delay, from left to right I would like to announce Levi Laviator, Dick John, Latrell Spreewell, and Levi Johnson. I feel confident that whichever candidate I pick will get a healthy stream of judicial opinion going within the Court and will take dead aim at the problem and hit their target every time.
I watched some video on the Philippine election and also a rather lengthly expose on the
Then I watched three Al Yankivick videos, “Ring-tone”, and “Don’t Download this Song” and “White and Nerdy”, the best of the three. A man was found guilty of killing a stranger with a cross bow. I’d like to be in the news for a crime like that. It’s not that I’m too White and nerdy, I’m too Old and nerdy. I think like my generation and use different dialog. Besides I’m not all that nerdy anyhow, although I do exhibit thought processes that resemble a nerd sometimes. We had Ravioli for dinner. Can we sink lower than canned ravioli, a small green salad, phony garlic bread and fruit cocktail for desert? Yes we can. They switched to a cheaper brand of ravioli that isn’t nearly as good. If there was any question about whether to go out for coffee to wash it down, that answered it. I got a large coffee at the bakery.
Leo Le Port said he dealt with some web sites with the philosophy “Trust – but verify”. I suppose I would fall into that category. I haven’t talked about the economic crisis in
Bob Bennet blamed a “toxic” political environment for his fall from grace and coming in third in a state caucus in
In “the battle for Canadian oil” it was another confrontation between newsmen, environmentalists, and oil company executives who say the region of the “oil sands” in
Friday, May 07, 2010
Just What Is A Religion?
I think I’ll blog this next paragraph rather than send it as a letter to Dr. Levy as I had first contemplated doing. In class today I happened to say that Exestential thought and feelings was the luxury of the idle rich and that ordinary Joes didn’t have the time for such things because they were too busy getting about the business of making a living. Dr. Levy responded “I’m not rich and I think about these things”. Then he talked about all the rich people who are chasing dollars and being King of the Hill in their own chosen realm. To which I responded that many celebrities who are very rich are bothered by the disparity between rich and poor and as such are motivated to think about such things as “Why am I here” and the meaning of life. And they may take up Taoism, or in the case of Madonna, Kabala, or some esoteric Zen religion. But somewhere along the way I said that these “manifestations of religion” really aren’t key to the Exestential Problem in that these people may take up a certain religion for a while as sort of a psychological opiate but then later on discard it as “no longer useful to them”. Dr. Levy said, “I can assure you I don’t feel that way about Judaism”. Someone mentioned Tom Cruise and his taking up of Scientology, to which Dr. Levy chimed in “Yeah, and Tom Cruise has said some really stupid things in interviews on TV”. Let’s establish a point right now. I am not condemning any of these celebrities of being false or duplicitus. Certainly not Tom Cruise. In fact I will go further. I believe Tom cruise is completely captive to his chosen religion. But Scientology can also be classed as a Cult. It happens to be a Cult that I agree with much of in terms of its metaphysics. You’ll remember I said earlier in the session “People seek religion for metaphysical awareness” and went on to say that “Many religions offer metaphysics as a come-on to get you into the movement, but then after you have joined, these same people couldn’t care less about it”. Scientology is one religion that is true to itself in that they actually teach what they believe and believe what they teach. But the difference between a Cult and a Religion, is that with a religion you can take it up for a while and then put it aside with no ill effects. This is not so with a Cult. A cult is like a virus that gets onto your computer hard drive burrowing itself in and depositing who knows how many files, and getting it out of your system is a real bear. It could be said that he who converts you to a Cult is perpetually Greater than you are because they changed and shaped your way of thinking. It could likewise be said that there is no Ego or entity behind a Religion but there IS some controlling, governing entity behind a Cult. May I at this time say that I am personally biased in favor of scientology because as a religion (as well as a cult) it answers questions nobody else wants to tackle. So as such I am a devotee but not so out of any durress but of my free will and not as a prisoner. I would further tell Dr. Levy that I do not make it my business to judge the actions and motives of others except in specific cases. Like if they are doing something to harm me personally, or if they are harming society like selling drugs from their house late at night and my kids might pick up a hypodermic needle in their yard one day, or for instance if they were cruel to animals- - such things would get me in their face. But as to personal issues like who they sleep with or what religion they choose to adopt or not adopt, this is none of my business. Chuck Smith is fond of saying that “It’s not just the action but the motive behind the action that is all important”. I do not make it my business to judge the motives of others. I have enough trouble with judging my own motives. Actions of others are between them and their Maker. They need to resolve moral questions in their own minds. I don’t care. In terms of the Exestential problem itself- - - I am not like Dr. Levy. Because the first question you have to ask yourself is “Do I have any personal control over God or how God interacts with me?” If the answer to that is no- -then asking further questions is irrelivent. I am inclined to tell people dealing with the Exestential Problem things like “Deal with it” and as Don Hendley would say “Just get over it!” I have by way of support of my position none other than Jesus Christ himself because he said “You must become as children- - “ and children don’t trouble themselves pondering such things as “the meaning of life”. Dr. Levy is looking for a God or religion or something to tell him what to think. I told Dr. Levy “It would really take a God to answer that question” meaning- - - that the question is not really mine to ask. God is an A-moral being and if He has reasons for what He does- - He surely keeps them to Himself. As it is written “God’s ways are not our ways”. One remark I didn’t get around to making was that our personal morality might go back to “how we are wired”. I don’t look to some ethereal entity out there to tell me what is valuable and what is nor or what is worth fighting for and what is not- - - I look within myself, because if I can’t live with myself I’ve got problems. As Shakesphere says “To thine own self be true”. Clearly my problems in life don’t stem from somehow not thinking long or hard enough about “The meaning of life” or if I only has the answer to that, all my problems would be solved.
I wanted to address one more issue with Dr. Levy that I don’t think he can accept right now. . I have problems with the Jews in several areas. Like Dennis Prager, Dr. Levy reviews religion the way a teenager would view his souped up car, comparing his vehicle with the souped up car of a friend or rival. They may not agree on specifics but they both are in the “fellowship” of liking souped up cars. Just as Dennis Prager sees himself and Christians as members of a common “Religion Club”. So it is with the Jew and religion. I have another issue with the Jews on the issue of blood atonement and Abraham’s sacrifice of his son Isac. I fail to lay my finger on the passage that says God gave up the doctrine of Blood Atonement for sin. In the millennial reign, the nations will be compelled to offer up blood sacrifices. If you can’t deal with this “Bloody God” my suggestion is to find another religion. How do the Jews deal with this? The next is that the Jew is like some old friend whom you haven’t seen in ten or fifteen years, and although you used to know your friend so well, you find that in the intervening years you have grown far apart - - and certain aspects of the way your friend is now is highly alien to you. So it is with the Jew who, if you want to find out what an Old Testament Jew was, don’t ask a Jew, ask a Christian. Ask a Mormon or a Jehovah’s Witness, but don’t ask a Jew. Dr. Levy says “God is so magnificent he can’t be reduced to an image” Does Dr. Levy even know how God got his name? And I assure you it isn’t “G – d”. I fail to find the scripture where God says “Don’t call me by name”. God’s name is Jehovah Rapha or Jehovah Jira or El Shaddai or any other of a number of names, since God means “The Becoming one”. As such for Jehovah the ultimate manifestation of his nature is to become an incarnate Human Being in the person of Jesus Christ. I don’t see why Dr. Levy has a problem with this. God can just as easily become your Redeemer as he can to become your Provider or your Healer or any of those other things. My final beef with the Jews is I don’t understand why each and every one of them doesn’t despize Christianity because I would. Being a Jew is like you’re invited as an honored guest by William Randolph Hurst to San Simian castle. But then a bunch of your henchmen break out of a Trojan horse you presented as a housewarming gift and armed troops bound and gagged Mr. Hurst and you took over and installed yourself as head of the house, and then you sought about to contact all of William Randolph Hursts’ sworn enemies to come over and rule the place with you, and throw Mr. Hurst out into the gutter.
Yesterday it seems a computer glitch on a Proctor and Gamble order may have been the cause of the sudden fifteen minute dip. The stock exchanges are now saying they are going to cancel the trades made during this period. Someone should tell Thom Hartman. It seems someone typed a B for Billion instead of an M for million on the order. The incident does point up the fragility of our system. It was like an economic seismic event that "puts the fear of God into you". It points up how easy it would be for an alien power to throw our entire society into chaos.
Unemployment is up, and that is the bottom line. Such news, as well as the growing economic and civil crisis in Greece - -has been pushing the stock market down. Unemployment has risen to 9.9% because despite the fact there are more jobs out there now, there are even more people now out looking for jobs. As such here is a case where a symptum of a problem getting better - is that it is actually getting worse. Discretion is the key to seeing such paradoxes in life.
The British had their parleamentry election yesterday, “with no TV advertizine”. How do they do that? The conservative party got forty percent of the vote but it seems Herald Brown will survive to form another coalition government with the left. The liberal wanted to cut a deal with whoever won to give them perportional representation for how they did in nation wide polls, rather than to go by, as we do, each election district results. In this way they would stand to gain. However I don't think he will be able to pull this off. Nobody likes to be held hostage. As much as people say that Europe has turned against the United States, clearly vast numbers of people must have an inward respect for what the United States stands for.
A co-founder of “Forus on the Family” was busted for hiring a male prostitute and taking him on a ten day tour to “minister” to him, and the gay prostitute says he did have sex with the co-founder. I'm not surprised that Focus on the Family has amased vast amounts of money to throw around as they will. This prostitute is on page two of a gay porn site. This is just one more thorn in Dobson’s side. And they say Dobson paid him fantastic amounts of money to keep gay couples from being able to adopt kids in
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Out of Sight - Out of Mind
"I know my life will end the moment I
have completed everything God
put me on this earth to accomplish"
-Chuck Smith
"Pray that you be accounted worthy to escape these things"
Now British Petrolium has found a way in a colossal case of “Out of Sight – Out of Mind” to get rid of that
People are upset because Fisel Shahzad was read his Meranda rights. John Mc Cain, and Joe Lieberman are troubled by this. But such people are highly ignorant of the nature of the
Once upon a time there was a single mother who had a son with Cerebral Paulsey whom she sought to give a proper Catholic upbringing to attone for her own moral failings. But she was filled with apprehension when one day the son came home from Catholic school and said he would be taking holy communion for the first time the following Sunday. She knew not but it was the Devil that planted this apprehension in her mind, for she reasoned “What if my son accepts the body of Christ and has the faith to be healed from his Cerebral Paulsey?” And she did dial KFI radio station where there was a like minded “Holy Host” who called himself Jesus Christ. And he agreed with her. And he told her “What you need to do is the art of Managed expectations”. And he said to her “Why do you want to fix what God has declaired is not broken? For the reason why your son has Cerebral Paulsey is because God knows you can be trusted.” And so it is that Jesus, who never did believe in any manifestations of the supernatural, had to “kick it up a notch” like Hope Brady- - and come out and say that a disabeling condition like CP was part of God’s perfect plan for her son. And so it is that the whole God damned Catholic Church is “broken” in that there are gay, child molesting priests out there that were attracted to the Faith because they wouldn’t have to face marriage to a woman, and as such many other rationalizations of infallible and prohibitions against priestly procreation and descendancy- - and behold the whole system was broken, but the Pope did declare it all “Not Broken” and things were “Just fine” and anybody who thought other wise was like the anti semites in Nazi Germany or something. So with the Catholic Church and the Nazis the adage is proved true “He who seeks to preserve his life will lose it, and anybody who risks his life will Save it”. As it is also written “If a government cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich”. And lest the emperor be accused of having no clothes, the Pope forarms himself with an edict of personal infallibility. And he extends this gift of infallibility to any talk show host in
It is a common belief in certain Spiritual circles that what I refer to as the hyper-space realm is the realm where anything really Important and Real happens and that earth is just some kind of a holding tank or something for souls doing time waiting to get on with their real lives. A common theme is that in the last days there will be a separation of Good and Evil so that both are clearly identifiable. Rather than a chemical that dispurses the oil further into the eco system what you need is a substance that congeals the oil and allows it to clump together all in one place. If Good and Evil were playing some cosmic chess game and Evil was clearly losing in a fair head to head contest, Evil might decide reality was too intrusive and seek to hid in some lower dimension- - like Earth, where his activities can be more earily cloaked. Another trait of evil is that they invariably take one mistake and compound it into other more serious misdeeds in an attempt to cover up the first briech of protocol. Picture the recent “24” scenario. To refresh you on the story line it was demonstrated that the Russian government was responsible for the attempt selling of nuclear rods to terrorists to sabotage the peace process. Now there is a Double Agent named Dana, she she was ready to sing after being slapped around a little by Jack Bower. People regarded it only as a matter of time before the whole truth came out - - and this sham of a Peace treaty involving a key mideast nation would be torpedoed. President Taylow didn’t want that to happen. She regarded this ready to be signed Peace treaty as the keystone of her Administration. Yet with consultation with her trusted aid, Ethan, they both agreed that a withdrawal speech should be drafter and that President Taylor needed to go before the cameras very soon to announce the Peace Tready was done with and would not happen. But then another aid of hers said “You have another choice. All you need to do is to take Dana (the double agent) out of the loup and “dispose of her” and turn her over to a private agency like Blackwater to be tortured or whatever- and never again see the light of day. And President Taylor made this decision for “expediency” and decided she didn’t mind adding torture and abuse of power to her list of misdeeds. Part of what Satan will tell you when you try and address a problem is “Why do you fix what God has declared isn’t broken. Things are just find the way they are. All you need to do is step up your duplicity and cover-up activities”. We don’t know whether this advisor of President Taylor is “walk in” and that he wasn’t really who she thought he was. In the last days- - souls will invade bodies and personalities will be transformed. It’s not that they were “turned to the dark side” a la Star Wars - - it is that their former souls attained Enlightenment and Bode Safa not withstanding- - -they fell to the final temptation of the Buddah by the Devil to just “take your enlightenment ans Vanish into Nirvana”. As such these souls are liberated. But the dark souls that replace them were only available because the Devil was losing so many pieces in a chess game with Good that these pieces rather than be hostages, sough a portal to a “lower dimension” like Earth where they would have the field all to themselves- - because the spiritual rules of the game there were not enforced. So it will be on September 25th. 2010.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Pakistani National Arrested in Car Bomb Case
Let’s just jump right in here with my notes. Two pairs of white socks. Oopse. That’s the wrong side. Here we go. Fisel Shahad was arrested today for the attempted Times Square bombing of last Saturday night in
Well, George Washington’s Blog featured a chart of all the currents in the Gulf of Mexico and demonstrated how this massive oil slick off
We’re now on page seven. Today is May 4, 2010, and we are reminded that it is the fortieth anniversary of
And now we move on to what was going to be a Katie Curic type interview of myself where I say things about myself you never knew, such as my middle name. Well let's play the Wheel of Fortune game. Is there an S? - Yes. Is there an N? Yes. Is there an L? Yes. "Pat, I'd like to buy a vowel, an I" "You can do that". Is there a T? "No. You lose the floor, on to the next contestant". This would be easier with a visual. As people like Tony Edwards will tell you, my middle name is a comon brand name for various sports equipment. Also my middle name is English, although my last name is not English. I hope that helps. You know I guess I'm a little like Paul Mc Cartney. They say he had such a super abondance of creative ideas he didn't know which ones to hit first- - so he did Mc Cartney, which outraged the critics with its seemingly half-assed quality. My blogs are the same way. In the early days like in April of 2006 I immediately went off in a lot of different directions. I did E mailings to people and all sorts of stuff. You know in my prophecy book- - I ran my ideas past a "doctrinal filter" - so if the book seems a litter dryer than you'd normally expect from me, that's why. I got rid of most of Mark Campbell's ideas that I was going to use, and those ideas of Marks which do appear in the book are the parts of the book I am most proud of. Some of these pertain to ratting out your friends. Mark and I were watching this Prison movie in July of 1980 where you had to know who your friends were and who would sell you out for a carton of cigarettes. Also there are sentaments about rural life being better than city life- - people gathered together in small bands, as opposed ti a big City behind brick walls with battlements you constantly have to defend. As you know I wrote 29 or 30 original piano compositions as a child. The last one was when I was twelve - - - song number thirty was written in January of 1963 and I sometimes don't count it because it kind of lifted that tune of "Got four wheels and a running board- - I'm a Ford, a Ford, a Ford". But there is a Beatle connection with two of the songs, number 19 "Going up and down hills" in the key of A major written in the fall of 1959. The link here is to the harpsichord part in "Piggies" except that with them the left hand was sped up and the right hand slowed down. The other song is comonly just known as "Number 26" written in September of 1961 in the key of F sharp, and the link here is to the "Ballod of John and Yoco". My piano teacher commented on this composition saying "- - too many notes". But you know people said that Paul appeared to need a companion to bounce and play musical ideas off of. I noticed this quality on John's "Lennon" album, but the first album of Paul's I thought "could have been done better" was "Flaming Pie". I had a lot of ideas about how to improve this album. The other album where I thought compositions needed improving was "Chaos & Creation in the Back Yard". You know- - certain lead guitar parts added and a few key chords added to the progressions. Someone said that "Ram" was Mc Cartney's best post break-up album. Back in the 'seventies I myself regarded "Venus and Mars" as Paul's best album, because at the time I regarded it as the most Beatleish. I guess you have noticed the structural similarity of "Rock Show" to "Wheels of Confusion", by Black Sabbath.