We learned there is a theory Jewish people I have that I didn't realize. It would seem that many Jews believe in religious pluralism or "Many paths to God" This is a theory that I have always subscribed to. There are many ways up the mountain of Truth and Enlightenment. You know I have said (in a real early posting) that "I would rather trust a dog that was raised around moral people, than a human being - who wasn't. It says in the Bible that "The desciples stood out and when people saw them they knew they had been with the Messiah. And so it is when you explore real "Evidence that demands a verdict" that if you can see the positive change in an animal, you most certainly see it with human beings who have had a real "Experiance" with God. But instead the church people are described by Bob Dylan as follows, "Do you take me for such a fool to think that I would make contact with someone who tries to hide what they don't know to begin with". People say "Oh heaven is such a wonderful place I can't talk about it" but then how come the scent of brimstone circles around your very words radiating out through the ether waves? Dr. Levy announced that Judaism was an open religion that did not preclude also being in other Faith’s like Hinduism or something. OK. Dr. Levy also expressed sympathy when I told him that my church (neither one, actually) was not supportive, and he said “That is wrong”. The one o clock break was longer than usual and we broke up about twenty to two. I caught the last quarter hour of the soap opera after that cigarette from Richard Moore, who said he might let me have one tomorrow morning also. I was sure to hit afternoon coffee. I sat next to Elizabeth but didn’t exchange words. (I was in a contemplative mood) She got up and then Nancy sat down and she was more talkative. (parts of this Word file have been embellished here)
They have a saying on the stock exchange "The tape doesn't lie". What this means is that people like Jesus Christ should make a religion of status quo when progress is clearly taking place. (Selah) I caught the end of Randy Rhodes and then it was that autistic kid report on Bonnie Hunt and she was exploring this 1 in 150 epidemic of Autism. There were a long list of “He’ll never- - “ such as “He’ll never say I love you” or “He’ll never play on a sports team.” Of course now the kid was becoming verbal and making great strides. You know, that kid on the Jesus Christ show could have had that dopamine deficiency thing in his brain that the man on TV had- - who had had to live with a diagnosis of Cerebral Paulsey all his life. Untill one day he took a new pill and he found out that he was cured. Then I switched to Judge Piero for the remainder of the hour and then Eye Witness. The weather is about perfect.
Herald Brown will be stepping down as Prime Minister, as the labor party searches for another leader. The field seems wide open. David Cameron seems the logical candidate for Prime Minister now if the Queen OK’s that. We had peanut butter sandwiches for snacks. I’m temped to take that cigarette from Bill now.
That seven foot cross that honors the dead of World War I out in the Mojave desert for decades, has been stolen. I think we can be pretty sure who did it. It was one of these assholes that wants to purge every last vestage of religion from society. The cross had been covered over by mandate of our dictatorial court system. The cross is a southern California cultural icon and represents a lot of history to its adherents.
There is a wise saying, "After my death I would rather have the people asking why there wasn't a monument to me - - than visa versa - - and the people asking why there Was". I would like to talk a little about this “Superman” word people are using. When someone isn’t doing their job and they and everybody else knows it, they come back with the retort of “I’m not superman”. This goes for God Himself, by the way. I am getting so tired of people apologizing for Obama’s shortcomings in office, being elected as a liberal Democrat to the left of Hillary. I have said countless times that not voting for Hillary was the biggest mistake I made in the election. We know darned well that Roosevelt, Truman, and Johnson got a hell of a lot more done with congress because all of these men had a mission and they accomplished it. A list of Obama’s political falling down on the job would provide a list as long as my arm. People like Randy Rhodes say “Obama must have a rough time of it”. Why doesn’t Randy just cue up “How do you sleep at night” while she’s at it? He can’t do health care. He has to disown a pastor he knew and loved for twenty years. He has two wars to fight. “Boo – hoo!” He can get out of Iraq right now if he wants and this escalation in Afghanistan is an affair of his own choice. Nobody is blaiming him for the oil platform explosion. But he needs to make his position clear. He needs to say “Yes we are going to continue to drill for oil but we have to make it safe and drastically tighten up regulations so that they conform to other countries such as Norway”. I am not for “cap and trade” but if I were I would find Obama’s inaction on the issue very frustrating. We know what happened to the Health Care bill. And now we know what may be happening to financial reform. Nobody held a gun to the President’s head and made him hire Timothy Geitner and Larry Summers as part of his cabinet. We know he refused to prosecute the Bush administration but at the same time he wants to trash the fourth and fifth amendments in this country- - pandering to the right on this phony issue of terrorism. We keep hearing about “immigration reform”. We all know “something” needs to get done, but we also know that Nothing is Getting Done. Personally I’m wondering what happened to that second stimulus check we were promised late last year. “And where is that pony?”
David Cameron has been installed as Britain’s next Prime Minister. Congratulations. The government will now again be run by the conservative party and were I the President I would take heart from this knowing Britain will continue to be US friendly in foreign policy. I hope the people are satisfied with what they voted for.
This is Tuesday May 11, 2010 after dinner. We had Chinese stir fry with rice or some variation of that, and mixed vegetables. Dora has seconds only on rice so I took that. I went out for coffee in the pot that looked hot, but wasn’t hot when I got it home.
I like the Hartman-esque term of “dog whistle speech”. Again, when people use such phrases as “I’m not Superman” or they inject the word “Magic” or “Magical” into a sentence they are stonewalling. Christians have a similar word, “Esoteric” to defend their notion they try to hide, that they really don’t believe in any supernatural or any other kind of manifestations of God in this life. If they say “Esoteric experience” it makes them sound pious or something. It’s like when conservatives talk about “risky tax schemes” to mean paying a few extra bucks out of the millions they earn. Randy Rhodes was talking about how “You can’t expect things to Magically take place just because we elected a liberal democrat as President”. If you take out the word “Magically” the statement sounds silly and they know it. Of COURSE we expected things to change when we did an electoral 180. People aren’t stupid! We expected the democrats to go after Bush, Chaney, and Rumsfeld. It’s like if I win a big poker round at the gambling table I bet heavily on- - do I “Magically” expect to get paid if I cash in my chips?” “The computer says- - Yes!” Some of the decisions in life aren’t complicated; they just require a spine.
Speaking of Superman, you know Clark Kent as portrayed in “Smallville” has to be one of the most threatened, sexually-repressed, and un-free people on the planet, perpetually dogged, it seems, by these supernatural Titans he is powerless to control. Know this, if I were married to Samantha I’d be handing her divorce papers within six months. “Do you mean the one on Bewitched or the Soap Opera”. Either one!
And now we come to one of those stories that’s a real moral conundrum (to use one of those fancy Rush Limbaugh words) This story about a girl in Jr. High reading class giving a class mate a blow job right on the floor of the classroom with the teacher in the room. I do not know how such a thing could happen. What kind of s school is it? But can you blame several students for wanting to videotape such a rare event? It would be like photographing the mating ritual of a rare species of butterfly! To me it sounds like nothing short of comical that each and every student would be forced to have their cell phones inspected for recording an “on campus” event. Could these students be arrested for being purveyors of pornography, or worse yet guilty of a sex crime against a victim under eighteen and forever having to wear “sexual predator bracelets”?
Sydney J. Adler used the expression “I’m not Superman” when I asked the good doctor about the Ritilan I had been prescribed in the fall of 1965. He called them “smart pills” but my Algebra grades were clearly dropping and I wasn’t learning the material presented in class. And as you know I screwed up my music audition I took to get into Concert Band the following winter. I had Keith Moon’s syndrome- - I screwed up a piece with six-eight time. Someone even asked me “Just what are your grades in math?” I may be deciding to post more of “The Arimid Years” if the Spirit moves. (This is “Di Mira” backwards- - and was the title of a three-part computer file I did fourteen years ago that covers the period from mid summer of 1966 through about mid March of 1968) The last time I saw Sydney J Adler was December 24th 1966 and in that sixteen months I had managed to build up a trust and rapport with him. The next appointment was scheduled in early February. I was supposed to be chronicling the action of this new drug, Triville, that I had been taking since mid summer “to see if it was making me act normal”. Adler called Triaville “confidence pills”. What they were was mind altering sedatives- - and I was doing things like participating in Chemistry lab experiments in class while being under the influence of the drug, which could have been dangerous. But that February appointment was canceled without reason. There was a whole “C Change” occurring between the relation between me and my Dad during the previous few months- - we’ll say since mid November of 1966, that was measurable. The evidence that my Dad was for whatever reason “tuning out on me” and emotionally withdrawing- - was unmistakable and this manifested itself in the actions of several other family members. I don’t have time to go into details here but in retrospect, where I to bring up this period to a therapist, with the reflection on this period now- - you can bet I would be making a lot of key points that really haven’t been made- - publicly, that is. The death of my Dad is shall we say, “An impediment” to ever finding out the whole truth about this period.