Let’s just jump right in here with my notes. Two pairs of white socks. Oopse. That’s the wrong side. Here we go. Fisel Shahad was arrested today for the attempted Times Square bombing of last Saturday night in New York. As you know for a while people didn’t know who the suspect was – only that an S U V pulled up and parked and it looked sort of suspicious and someone reported it. And they found a rather crudely made bomb consisting of firecrackers and canisters of propane gas. They say if the bomb had actually gone off the Right would have had their “Rallying point” with an incident on President Obama’s watch. The blast would have extended out several hundred yards and the height and narrow confines of the building would have amplified the blast effects, not to mention the high speed debris that would be flying around, injuring and killing still more people. They had been looking for a forty year old white guy who had shown up on a video and they say he changed his shirt. That could have been because it was a hot, muggy night. Fissel Shabad is a Pakistani national who was naturalized as a citizen into this country. He was arrested at the airport just before boarding a United Arab Emerits flight to Dubai - - and from thence go on to Pakistan. I suppose they will want to water board him to get the truth out of him. Now they are saying that he is cooperating and is providing valuable information. He says that he was trained by the Talliban. His residence here was in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Some people like me and Randy Rhodes chalk up this whole thing to “just another day in the Big City.” She remarks that things are exploding in New York all the time like a man hole that exploded the other day and according to her sent flames several stories high. I would like to have seen that. Perhaps there is a video. People like me just don’t have the “worry gene” - - like that officer in Appcralipse Now - - which many people said “You know he’s the sort that will come through this war without a scratch” and his solution to your worries was “Go surfing”. I guess I’m just confident enough in our government that they’ll protect us and keep anything really bad from befalling the population. If there is a God out there you might want to sent up a prayer of thanks. These people keep saying “We have all sorts of horrible things planned for the United States”. But my philosophy is that Al Qaeda is one of those organizations that will “wither on the vine” eventually, and as the years pass will be forgotten, except for a footnote in some history book. We’ll see.
Well, George Washington’s Blog featured a chart of all the currents in the Gulf of Mexico and demonstrated how this massive oil slick off Louisiana could eventually make its way around the Florida keys and into the Gulf Stream. How ironic that it’s the red states whom disaster seems to be befalling. They say the shrimp and fishing industry will be wiped out. Where is Forrest Gump when you need him? Nashville is under water. Some river along the Tennessee Valley flood plain is flooding out everything and the water in most places is eight to ten feet high, including the Grand Old Oprey building. Some on the right would like to blame things on Obama. There are your usual tornadoes and I saw the video of that one in Mississippi looking out the window. The wind wasn’t blowing THAT hard- - and I kept looking for funnel clouds to form. They say that particular series of tornadoes cut a swath over a hundred miles long, which is a little long. All I can say is spring is a season I want to be in - - with other parts of the country because you know spring has arrived when the weather starts getting more violent. In terms of that oil rig, the rig was owned by Trans Ocean Oil, but it was British Petroleum that operated the platform. Haliburten was in charge of the cement. They say that the oil was exceptionally deep, like eighteen hundred feet, where they could not possible send people un SCUBA suits. They have been saying that the rig will continue to leak oil for three months unless they dynamite the whole thing, assuming that would work. It seems their liability is limited to $75,000,000 or something, which won’t be nearly enough to cover the billions of dollars of damages. But some “reform” laws were passed in the Bush 41 administration in the early ‘nineties to protect corporations. Now the state of Hawaii has passed a resolution of their legislature to do what Tom Hartman says is imperative- - and that is to say Corporations do not have the right of human beings, and are not protected by the first, fourth, fifth, and fourteenth amendments. Hawaii admonishes the Federal Congress to get about the business of drafting a Constitutional amendment that would accomplish the goals of striping personhood from corporations. Of course they could invoke the corporate death penalty, unless Charles Manson has already gotten to the justices on that issue. In the nineteenth century, invocation of the corporate Death penalty used to be common place as corporations were found guilty of violating their charters and “No longer being in the public interest”. We can always hope. Like I say we need some sort of Green Party candidate. I think Ralph Nader is a good start, if he has the perniciousness to run again. Once we rally all of our forces, perhaps in the process, a better candidate will emerge. Thom Hartman is such a gifted individual at putting words together and the amount of research he has done is amazing. But we’ll need his voice on the radio to cheer on whoever the Green Party runs.
We’re now on page seven. Today is May 4, 2010, and we are reminded that it is the fortieth anniversary of Kent State shooting day where four unarmed students were gunned down by the National Guard. As the Beach Boys song says, “They say the students scared the guards, though the troops were battle dressed”. Now they are saying that a specific order was given at a point in time to fire on the unarmed students. For just thirteen seconds, 67 bullets rained down on the demonstrators, killing four. 27 guardsmen admit to firing their weapons. Being on the Left forty years ago was no walk in the park. You were putting your life on the line. Unfortunately people our age pushing sixty- - have long memories and we remember these things- - and as such our own generation is reluctant to demonstrate politically now. We would hope that the younger generation would take up the mantel. But the media is no longer on our side. Even Gandhi, if he hadn’t had good press, would not have been as successful as he was. If you want to know what I really am afraid of it’s the evolution and transmutation of our government into a repressive, fascist state, where citizens willingly surrender their rights and think they are being patriotic in the process. We are not yet at that “tipping point” but someone with their political finger to the wind is probably gauging the outlook of the American people, and when the time is right they’ll move to lock our society down.
And now we move on to what was going to be a Katie Curic type interview of myself where I say things about myself you never knew, such as my middle name. Well let's play the Wheel of Fortune game. Is there an S? - Yes. Is there an N? Yes. Is there an L? Yes. "Pat, I'd like to buy a vowel, an I" "You can do that". Is there a T? "No. You lose the floor, on to the next contestant". This would be easier with a visual. As people like Tony Edwards will tell you, my middle name is a comon brand name for various sports equipment. Also my middle name is English, although my last name is not English. I hope that helps. You know I guess I'm a little like Paul Mc Cartney. They say he had such a super abondance of creative ideas he didn't know which ones to hit first- - so he did Mc Cartney, which outraged the critics with its seemingly half-assed quality. My blogs are the same way. In the early days like in April of 2006 I immediately went off in a lot of different directions. I did E mailings to people and all sorts of stuff. You know in my prophecy book- - I ran my ideas past a "doctrinal filter" - so if the book seems a litter dryer than you'd normally expect from me, that's why. I got rid of most of Mark Campbell's ideas that I was going to use, and those ideas of Marks which do appear in the book are the parts of the book I am most proud of. Some of these pertain to ratting out your friends. Mark and I were watching this Prison movie in July of 1980 where you had to know who your friends were and who would sell you out for a carton of cigarettes. Also there are sentaments about rural life being better than city life- - people gathered together in small bands, as opposed ti a big City behind brick walls with battlements you constantly have to defend. As you know I wrote 29 or 30 original piano compositions as a child. The last one was when I was twelve - - - song number thirty was written in January of 1963 and I sometimes don't count it because it kind of lifted that tune of "Got four wheels and a running board- - I'm a Ford, a Ford, a Ford". But there is a Beatle connection with two of the songs, number 19 "Going up and down hills" in the key of A major written in the fall of 1959. The link here is to the harpsichord part in "Piggies" except that with them the left hand was sped up and the right hand slowed down. The other song is comonly just known as "Number 26" written in September of 1961 in the key of F sharp, and the link here is to the "Ballod of John and Yoco". My piano teacher commented on this composition saying "- - too many notes". But you know people said that Paul appeared to need a companion to bounce and play musical ideas off of. I noticed this quality on John's "Lennon" album, but the first album of Paul's I thought "could have been done better" was "Flaming Pie". I had a lot of ideas about how to improve this album. The other album where I thought compositions needed improving was "Chaos & Creation in the Back Yard". You know- - certain lead guitar parts added and a few key chords added to the progressions. Someone said that "Ram" was Mc Cartney's best post break-up album. Back in the 'seventies I myself regarded "Venus and Mars" as Paul's best album, because at the time I regarded it as the most Beatleish. I guess you have noticed the structural similarity of "Rock Show" to "Wheels of Confusion", by Black Sabbath.
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