"I know my life will end the moment I
have completed everything God
put me on this earth to accomplish"
-Chuck Smith
"Pray that you be accounted worthy to escape these things"
Now British Petrolium has found a way in a colossal case of “Out of Sight – Out of Mind” to get rid of that
People are upset because Fisel Shahzad was read his Meranda rights. John Mc Cain, and Joe Lieberman are troubled by this. But such people are highly ignorant of the nature of the
Once upon a time there was a single mother who had a son with Cerebral Paulsey whom she sought to give a proper Catholic upbringing to attone for her own moral failings. But she was filled with apprehension when one day the son came home from Catholic school and said he would be taking holy communion for the first time the following Sunday. She knew not but it was the Devil that planted this apprehension in her mind, for she reasoned “What if my son accepts the body of Christ and has the faith to be healed from his Cerebral Paulsey?” And she did dial KFI radio station where there was a like minded “Holy Host” who called himself Jesus Christ. And he agreed with her. And he told her “What you need to do is the art of Managed expectations”. And he said to her “Why do you want to fix what God has declaired is not broken? For the reason why your son has Cerebral Paulsey is because God knows you can be trusted.” And so it is that Jesus, who never did believe in any manifestations of the supernatural, had to “kick it up a notch” like Hope Brady- - and come out and say that a disabeling condition like CP was part of God’s perfect plan for her son. And so it is that the whole God damned Catholic Church is “broken” in that there are gay, child molesting priests out there that were attracted to the Faith because they wouldn’t have to face marriage to a woman, and as such many other rationalizations of infallible and prohibitions against priestly procreation and descendancy- - and behold the whole system was broken, but the Pope did declare it all “Not Broken” and things were “Just fine” and anybody who thought other wise was like the anti semites in Nazi Germany or something. So with the Catholic Church and the Nazis the adage is proved true “He who seeks to preserve his life will lose it, and anybody who risks his life will Save it”. As it is also written “If a government cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich”. And lest the emperor be accused of having no clothes, the Pope forarms himself with an edict of personal infallibility. And he extends this gift of infallibility to any talk show host in
It is a common belief in certain Spiritual circles that what I refer to as the hyper-space realm is the realm where anything really Important and Real happens and that earth is just some kind of a holding tank or something for souls doing time waiting to get on with their real lives. A common theme is that in the last days there will be a separation of Good and Evil so that both are clearly identifiable. Rather than a chemical that dispurses the oil further into the eco system what you need is a substance that congeals the oil and allows it to clump together all in one place. If Good and Evil were playing some cosmic chess game and Evil was clearly losing in a fair head to head contest, Evil might decide reality was too intrusive and seek to hid in some lower dimension- - like Earth, where his activities can be more earily cloaked. Another trait of evil is that they invariably take one mistake and compound it into other more serious misdeeds in an attempt to cover up the first briech of protocol. Picture the recent “24” scenario. To refresh you on the story line it was demonstrated that the Russian government was responsible for the attempt selling of nuclear rods to terrorists to sabotage the peace process. Now there is a Double Agent named Dana, she she was ready to sing after being slapped around a little by Jack Bower. People regarded it only as a matter of time before the whole truth came out - - and this sham of a Peace treaty involving a key mideast nation would be torpedoed. President Taylow didn’t want that to happen. She regarded this ready to be signed Peace treaty as the keystone of her Administration. Yet with consultation with her trusted aid, Ethan, they both agreed that a withdrawal speech should be drafter and that President Taylor needed to go before the cameras very soon to announce the Peace Tready was done with and would not happen. But then another aid of hers said “You have another choice. All you need to do is to take Dana (the double agent) out of the loup and “dispose of her” and turn her over to a private agency like Blackwater to be tortured or whatever- and never again see the light of day. And President Taylor made this decision for “expediency” and decided she didn’t mind adding torture and abuse of power to her list of misdeeds. Part of what Satan will tell you when you try and address a problem is “Why do you fix what God has declared isn’t broken. Things are just find the way they are. All you need to do is step up your duplicity and cover-up activities”. We don’t know whether this advisor of President Taylor is “walk in” and that he wasn’t really who she thought he was. In the last days- - souls will invade bodies and personalities will be transformed. It’s not that they were “turned to the dark side” a la Star Wars - - it is that their former souls attained Enlightenment and Bode Safa not withstanding- - -they fell to the final temptation of the Buddah by the Devil to just “take your enlightenment ans Vanish into Nirvana”. As such these souls are liberated. But the dark souls that replace them were only available because the Devil was losing so many pieces in a chess game with Good that these pieces rather than be hostages, sough a portal to a “lower dimension” like Earth where they would have the field all to themselves- - because the spiritual rules of the game there were not enforced. So it will be on September 25th. 2010.
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