Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The White Judgement Hall

You know I believe we will be accountable to Somebody for the deeds done in this life. I can't say just where or when. Obviously my depictions of the other side are far from the point of varifiable scientific certitude. Allow me a little latitude there. But you gotta wonder about these ultra right wing Republicans and their campaign positions. Tell me how massive, and I mean Massive slashes in the governmental budget will solve this unemployment crisis we are in? And now certain candidates want to strip from the Federal Reserve its charter to help alliviate Unemployment stresses during bad times. What kind of "compassionate conservatism" is that? But Thom Hartman reminds us that before we do anything rash, such is hauling off and voting for the Green party in November, that the key thing to remember is that the next President will be appointing several new justices to the Supreme Court. But what's puzzling to me is just how appointing another right wing "Judicial Activist" will somehow limit the power of the Supreme Court? Of course you know Justices of the court should have compassion, as well as a sense of achieving Justice for the poor. And these woman judges on these TV show in small case Court, for them Empathy is an essential ingrediant. Empathy need not always mean seeing the good. I think you can have empathy Against certain people, such as Pastor Halliday, should you by some supernatural means get some glimpse into just how rotten and corrupt their minds really are. Of course I have Empathy for the lyrics of those final three Beatle tracks on side one of the White Album because those writers had empathy for me and my particular situation that I faced in the early 1990's. But you know - - some detractors have a point. That's why I'm almost dropping entirely a topic that I was going to raise in this "Story" we've been doing that we are going to Conclude in this posting. If a certain topic is no longer relivent in my life after about September of 1981 then I guess it won't be relivant to my readers. (for you Mark Campbell fans that date would extend on up to March 24th of 1983) But there may be a few of you who insist on "reading between the lines" and for you a certain Star Trek episode is offered up as a hint. It's the one where this black nerd with vision problems and this other individual were made invisible due to being Romulan cloacked and they couldn't get out of it, and nobody aboard ship could see them. And it just wasn't - - - uh - - "Fashionable" - - to come up with an alternate scenario where such a contingency would even happen. So they had to rely on Hints. Yeah, we know that Jordi had this visor and every time he got around Born Again Christians they would all become disoriented and forget who they were- - something like that. My memory isn't what it used to be. And the only people who could see them were Romulans- - who wern't helpful anyhow. And the other person Jordi was with was a- - - wait for it - - Oh I got it now- - it has something to do with the remodeling of the Anaheim Mall in the fall of 1993 and they encountered various - - problems along the way. They were also redoing the Freeway overpass at the same time for better traffic flow and all. I don't need to doctor history to make it conform to current realities, that's what church people do. I don't do that. And how about those Nebraska Corn Huskers, huh? Jim Cooper used to rout for them when I knew him. I guess the Corn Huskers got husked pretty good last Saturday. Well, I guess it is the Harvest season. Too bad nobody had any "Early Warning" on that one. OK we'll be back with the Conclusion of our Story that we were doing on the last posting, right after these two brief commercial time-outs.
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Attention Homeowners: Are you tired of living in that same run down tract house three blocks from the border of Walter Barry's Nut Farm? Is your job getting you down? Wearing you out and making you old before your time? Well, what you need is Green Harbor Life Insurance. With our generous anuity program we will bring you into a Green Harbor of financial security - -you'll be financially set for life. And all you need to do to qualify is to quit your job and sit all day long in a big room with nothing to do with all these other people you don't know who are also bored out of their skulls, and all that is left to do is to Gossip.
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"I love you- cause you tell me things I want to Know"
Anybody - Ask Me Why - I quoted this song lyric. This track was a B side as you know. Can anybody remember what the A side of the record was? It wasn't "Valerie", was it? I think this track was also used as a track on the classic Psychedelic Album released in late 1967, "Fifth Stone from Allan Klein", that featured the hit single, "Are You Psychedelicized?"
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"If it keeps on raining the Levy is going to////Filler-er-up with the Regular. Attendant: Not unless I see a Ben first. Customer: Ah shucks, I just burned my Federal Reserve membership card last week. That was right before I went into the bombing Federal Building's business. Oh well, so much for the election of a Republican last year solving the energy crisis. Attendant: Is that a bottle of Heinz 57 Sauce I see in your grocery bag? Customer: Yes it is. Attendant: I'll trade you that bottle for gasoline. Now all they sell is Heinz 56 Sauce, since the Obama administration made them take the salt out". (I was going to use that joke elsewhere in the story but I'm using it here instead)

(We rejoin the program already in progress) God: (to the Walrus) Well, at any rate I still think I'm going to go down to your place of employment and kind of snoop around and satisfy my idle curiosity. The Walrus: You're God. You know everything already, what would be the point?" God: "Good point. Anyhow I wasn't intending to disturb your relations in the work place environment anyhow. That wasn't my plan". The Walrus: Just what plans DO you have for me, anyhow??" God: "You know, they were all, right. You ARE paranoid!" Just then the buzzer sounds. God: "Yes? - - - - - - - - - Thank you." (he continues) The other people have arrived. It's time to get on with the Trial. (continuing) "I want you all to line up with to get your ceremonial lamps and light them with the oil". As the line progressed the Walrus brought up the rear. And he'd hear those in front saying "Save some for the Walrus - - - Save some for the Walrus". And when the Walrus got to his turn he was told, "I'm sorry, we are out of oil". They all walked into the white marble judgement hall. (It's not so much like the MS Word background, but rather more like in Sketch, where I have bleached the thing out a little) God: (to the Walrus) Why are you here without oil in your lamp? The Walrus: "They can out". God: Dick could you come over here and give the Walrus a little oil so that nobody is embarrased here?" Dick Llyle comes over to light his lamp. But then the Walrus says, "Hey! My flame is yellow - - and all your flames are burning Blue - - like the Gas Company. (there was some general gee whiz murmering) The Walrus: "Are you going to be testifying for me". Dick: That's why I'm here. The Walrus: "Well go out there and knock' em dead". Dick: "I shall endeavor to do my Best". God: OK we are all here at a serious moment where the life of the Prisoner is at stake. I would now like to relate a little story that Harry Green told just before he left the church. It's about two Greek boys who were the best of friends. One was named Victor and the other was named Alexander. Both had all of the virtues, except the ones that really counted, and they had None of the Vices, except those that would damn them to Hell. Now Alexander was a really cut little boy with thick red hair. And one day he spray painted some graffiti on the wall, and passers by would stop and coment on that". The Walrus: I think I was in church that Sunday but I don't remember the sermon quite that way". God: I have a photograph of the grafitti right here. As you see the letters are in Greek. It translates to "Tweedle dee and tweedle dumb are a couple of assholes". Some in the crowd asked who they were and God just says "Oh they were just a couple of Johns". People in the group mused "Johns?" I have their names right here. John Mc Cain and John Huntsman. (general laughter in the crowd) God: OK let's get started now if the court clerk will bring in the official hour glass to time out the trial. The Walrus: "But the hour glass is empty!" God: Dag nabbit. Rick Perry stole the sand right out of the hour glass. Members of the crowd said "And look, he also scratched out all the S's in hour Shell oil buttons you gave us". God: How about that? What a rascaly guy. " Just then the receptionist came in. "Chips and oyster dip anyone?" The crowd all gathered around making yumming sounds as they tasted the oyster dip. Then it was the Walrus's turn to try it. "Ooooh! You tricked Me! There is no Oyster in this dip. This stuff tastes like Lard. It's terrible! Dick: "Mine is delicious yum, yum. God: OK before any of you are sworn in my remind you if you lie, you will get the same fate as the Walrus gets, whatever I decide. - - - At this point the crowds began to leave one by one, beginning with the ones who had known the Walrus the longest. In the end there was nobody there but the Walrus and God. And God says, "Where are they? All your defenders are gone." The Walrus. "They sure are". God: Well, neither will I exhonorate you either. Come and await the fate that awaits you, if the Sergent of Arms will open the steel door. - - The heat from the other side was eminating into the room like an oven door - - as you saw the reddish glow of the rocks within. God: So go now, and experiance God's grace no more. The sign over the door said "Abandon all Hope Ye who enter here". After hesitating a moment at the threshhold, the Walrus stepped resolutely through the Door". //// OK that's the movie, class. Mrs Krabopple has free crab apples for you all on your way out of the room. END

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