Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Information Trickles In About Boston Bombings

Now everyone is looking for “anything or anyone suspicious in a photo”.  There is one area where I am inclined to take the nuts just a little seriously.  Coverage of this Boston Marathon bombing event has been so poor and propagandistic that it’s inclined to raise suspicion.  The goal of the media seems much less to inform us than to gin up fear in the public.  They seem to be scouring the place for the very worse videos they can find that reveal the least.  Considering the quality of the videos they have shown, the Abraham Zupruder movie film is a photographic masterpiece in comparison.  You get these jerk edits and- - even in the coverage they would cut away from one station to the other in mid sentence or show the video of one station and the sound on another.    But finally the information is trickling out ever so slowly.  We know or believe that it was some kind of a “pressure cooker” bomb filled with nails and ball barrings to cause maximum shrapnel.  But we still don’t know what ignited it and we still don’t have any clue whatsoever as to what group or individual is behind it.  There aren’t even any real working theories or the sort of time-line scenarios Police do with their diagrams.  So as Randy Rhodes said when there is a total vacuum – a person who knows nothing is just as qualified as the people receiving his message, who likewise know nothing.  In this sense it’s kind of like God and Religion.  But you have the nuts out there like Alex Jones who claims that the government staged this entire event like Sandy Hook and Aurora, Colorado.  And you have people like Rush Limbaugh who claims that either Al Qaeda did it or else Bill Ayres.   Of course it’s kind of hard to escape the stream of anniversaries this week.  Today is the anniversary I’m told, of the Virginia Tech shooting on April 16th.  Then we have the birth of the Tea Party movement exactly four years ago on April 18th 2009 on the anniversary of Lexington and Concord.  Then on April nineteenth you have the Waco take-down of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, and also Timothy Mc Vey and Terry Nichols and the Oklahoma City bombing.  And finally to cap it all off you have April 20th which is the Columbine shooting anniversary, and just also it’s Hitler’s birthday.  (There’s our first Hitler reference)   If you are wondering about my friends from the Federation - - this story was a total flat-liner there.  But the Romulans in Regelus V did take note of it.  But when you think about it even some traveler from Europe or other parts of the world where these bombings are commonplace, they are probably wondering what the big, hairy deal is since they spend no less than seven and a half hours almost continuous TV coverage on this topic before programming finally got back to normal last night with “Wheel of Fortune”.  When I post this I will probably past in a few observations made last night.  But as Randy Rhodes says, if I do a blog my goal is to inform, even if it’s stuff you already know.  So it’s been a day and a half almost since the bombings, and the last blog post I did was about eighteen hours ago, as of the minute of this typing at 5:08 PM.   I’m going to make a possible prediction right now.  The Long Beach Grand Prix will be canceled and not held this weekend.  You ask why I should suspect that and I just say “a little bird told me”.  If I’m wrong nobody will be happier than I.

Last night this computer freaked out as I was getting a Mc Affee security OK update.  I went to click to close it- and the computer went off and then rebooted and I got a notice that Windows had to close down to protect my computer and files from damage.  Naturally I did a quick scan right there and nothing came up.  But last December I was getting all these clean bills of health that meant nothing- considering what sad shape my computer was actually in.  It was Wheel of Fortune and then “Bones”.  There was some movie involving people singing “My Way” playing in the Big Room.  I watched till the next commercial and then I approached Pete and Marsha about floating me a two dollar loan.  Pete was forthcoming with the money to go out and buy a pack of John Black grape.  But I’ve been spending money like water lately- and things being as they are- - anyone who actually still has cigarettes in these tough times is under a lot of social pressure to share them- and give them away.  I’m wondering whether like December- - some neutrino from high Solar activity hit my hard drive and flipped a few bytes.  Leo Le Port says this sort of stuff happens all the time.  After this it was “The Following’ or something that I watched till almost ten.  I slept well till I woke at 3:25 and went out for a cigarette.

Yesterday I had the Bill Press show on before six, but not today.  I’m wearing this heavy tan shirt.  I had Stephanie Miller on before and after breakfast.  For breakfast we had corn flakes and orange juice ect and finally got eggs and toast and a whole lot of bacon.  They gave me two big slices, and then I got two more really big meaty slices from Paul.  I apologized to Jay for being so testy yesterday.  And I did listen to the first 25 minutes of Rush Limbaugh mainly because I thought “There was no way that Rush Limbaugh could twist or mess up this story”.  I was sadly mistaken.  That’s like seeing a Bible verse posted on a church sign and thinking “There’s no way Pastor Halliday could miss the point of these verses”, but once again I would be wrong.  They cleared out the room across the hall for a strip down cleaning.  But in this case they moved the furniture completely out of the room since it seems Both residents of that room have moved out.  Nora came to our room to change the linens about a quarter to ten.  I eventually went down for coffee in the courtyard and stood behind Leeshia.  The four birds were active and climbing the cage walls and chirping.  I ended up getting two cups from Dora.  I returned to the room and the cart was already two doors down.  Everything in the room was copasetic.

This is Monday April 15, 2013 and Tax Day.  However they have had none of the usual last minute Income Tax stories.  That’s because today is Patriot’s Day in Boston and they ran the Boston Marathon.  But we don’t know who won, or even who came in second or third.  We don’t know the course of that Marathon either.  What we do know is that there were two explosions near the finish line on Boyelston St that killed three people so far including an eight year old child and has sent at least 115 people to the hospital.  The trouble is they have had news coverage on all of this for seven hours running preempting all else, and it has grown exceedingly tiresome.  Randy Rhodes didn’t quite dismiss the story entirely but at least her show put it in perspective, and everything else didn’t stop for it.  We don’t know what happened, or the lack of it in North Korea and the testing of that missile.  I didn’t even know that the LA Lakers were still on that mandentory winning streak until minutes ago.  We haven’t heard any news on the Mideast or for that matter anything that may or may not have been discussed in Congress today.  We have heard nothing about the LA mayor’s race today.  We do know that today is Jackie Robinson day because security will be tight in Dodger Stadium.  In fact the full force of this thing has been obsessing on security and how afraid everybody is again.  And we hear a lot about how “We’re going to be more vigilant from now on” and how hard security at a marathon is- - and they regale us with shaky videos edited down to incoherency.  Many besides being jerky and obviously highly edited are also of low picture quality and taken from a quarter mile away.  It all gets a little much.  We did get rain this morning and there were puffy clouds in the sky and we got sporadic sunshine.  It has gotten much cooler in the past two hours since dinner. [splice] In the morning it was Stephanie Miller.  We had oatmeal for breakfast and there was another horrendous waiting period until the rest of our meal.  But there was a pay-off with generous scrambled eggs and I ended up getting three English muffins, each of them already with generous grape jelly.  That Mexican lady on KTLK picked up the mantel of complaint about Biance and JZ taking a trip to Cuba, as if anybody cares.  Mario Rubio had the audacity to say “How can he wear a Che Guivara shirt because you know Che Guivara was a racist”.  Yeah, and Robert Byrd used to be in the K K K.   Conservatives have a knack for the irrelivent, even if it happens to be true, and with these people – don’t count on it.  I did some math stuff- and another paragraph from Saturday morning – and my latest theory about how a Romulan cloaking device might work.  In general it was a mentally stimulating posting.  For lunch we had a chicken salad sandwich with beets.  It was warm on toasted bread, which was a nice touch.  We had lentil soup with rich turkey broth.  We had grapes for desert. 

Just a little capper here on Cosmic Origins of dead dog rock groups.  There is a group of early seventies cheezy hits that since at least September of 1981 has been referred to as "The Bubble Gum group" - - groups cosmically tied to each other.  For of these are Donnie Osmond, "The Rapper" by the Jaggers, "My Belle Me" "Sweet Mary I'm Coming Home" and 'Chick-a boom" by Daddy Dew Drops.  But there are some others generally in a similar style.   We then have John Lennon's visit today and we learn of a new outfit called the "Renwah" group - - or that French artist.  There are five groups of note here, "Badfinger", "Neilson", "Bread", "The Partrage Family" and "Vanity Fair.  We have one more one for you I don't know the name of.  Remember we said that the Grass Roots did what you're not supposed to do in mid stream- - they "changed horses" as it were from "Midnight Confession" through the rest of their carrier.  Gladys Night also jumped ship from the Del Phi group to this outfit to record "Midnight Train to Georgia".   Also in this group are the O J"s, The Undisputed Truth, The Occasions (?) Al Wilson, Al Green, Vicki Laurence  the "Stories", and once again someone jumping ship from the Del Phi group "The Temptations" starting with Just my Imagination - - - and the Grass Roots - - and some of these other "fake disco" groups.  and strangely enough Hellen Reddy.  OK I knew I got off too easily.  We have one more sub-stratum for you- - -"The Alpine Group" as they are referred to by their brothers - - those Bela Tagis "B" groups that did not "assimilate" into the Dardanian culture or planet but instead moved to the jagged rock country of Aldeberan VIII.  These groups are Santana, Robin Trower's solo group, Free, and Bad Company, and Focus and also the one time Stones guitar player Mick Taylor..

Monday, April 15, 2013

Triangulation - No Trigonometry Necessary

This is Monday morning, Tax Day, and rain is coming down.  Stephanie Miller has been talking about the aftermath of her "sexy liberal" tour.  Apparently the fad now is that instead of lighting matches at a concert like "Live Peace in Torranto" or using cigarette lighters - because the security people have banned lighters or something- now you just hold you your cell phone with a picture of a lit cigarette lighter.  It has been noted that just because we seek to regulate the Second Amendment, it doesn't mean that agrieved parents of Sandy Hook give up their first amendment rights.  One of the most odious things the right has said lately - - very hurtful stuff- - is that victims like with 9 - 11 or Cindy Shehan or the Sandy Hook parents - - are somehow being "used as props" and worst yet "defense shields" by the "left wing".  This is so demeaning I can not even begin to respond.  Right now we have more stuff from last Saturday.  Right now, perhaps because of the magnetic storms of the Sun or whatever, we have a plethera of material.  It's kind of our own "White Album" moment, where the Beatles had all this material they had recorded and not sure what they wanted to do with it.  George Martin apparently suggested they just put out an old school album with the usual fourteen songs.  OK here's the Paste.  It’s still overcast today.  I got up at six o clock and had the usual KNX stuff on this morning.  In case you didn’t know the Beatles received the Grammy Award for best new rock group of 1964.  Apparently on KRTH you win a prize if they play a song by the Byrds, Eagles, Monkees, or Turtles. They had one of the grieving mothers from Sandy Hook school and I’ve heard her story before about having two sons – Nate and Ben or something.  Anyhow the one almost seven wanted to be a paleontologist because that/s what the nine year old wanted to be and the brothers were really close.  The kid who was shot was a promising student in school and had extra-curricular pursuits.  Of course Rush Limbaugh didn’t like the idea of having a grieving parent on today, because we all know that Rush Limbaugh basically hates children and always has.   Today for breakfast we had Rice Krispies and scrambled eggs and toast, and I got another generous helping of scrambled eggs from Paul.  It may come as no particular surprise to you that Dr. Levy did not show up to hold his class today.  Rain or shine he usually takes at least one week off per month.  He was due.  I was sitting there briefly for a while in the front room.  Most people had already given up.

You people whose favorite reading material is NOT the New York Times Alminac may wish to skip this next paragraph.  We have more material to mention from the "Leonorians".  If I missspelled it as "Lenorians" it's my mistake.  It's "Leonorans" as in "Leon" where you DO pronounce the dipthong.  We have for your dining and dancing enjoyment "Friend and Lover" with "Freak out in the Darkness" as we used to call it, and "One Ton Tomato" by the Sandpipers, as we used to call it.  We have 'Just Call Me Angel" and we have "The Classics Four' and 'Spanky and Our Gang".  John Lennon also talked about "The Dallas Group" which is a sub group of racially corrupted Romulans centered in Dallas, of all unlikely places.  Here we have more songs you turn the station every time one of them comes on.  We have the infamous "Cat Stevens" and also "James Taylor" "Carley Simon" "Carol King" and Seals and Croft, and "Lobo".  There may be others who have the name as "The Dallas Group" so this is not a catch all designation.  OK, I guess we're done here.

This paragraph should be our Opus Magnum, hopefully.  President Obama has been told that he needs to revive the Bill Clinton practice of "Triangulation".  I think the Star Trek designation of "Souring the Milk" is more apt, however.  It means to water down your political message till true liberals spew it out of their mouth as disgusting.  So now the President in his compromise on Medicare and Social Security even lays himself open to criticism from the right wing with charges of "Look at the president in planning to do with your hard earned savings".  Like I say- - it merits a generalization to say that "Any time the President tries to accomodate a position of the Right Wing, he ends up getting burned.  It doesn't accomplish the purpose of "appearing reasonable" and it only makes him look like a flake.  It was Chris Matthews who stated that even this watered down background gun bill has to leap at least five hurdles in order to be passed.  John Boehner won't even submit the Bill to the House unless a majority of - - not House Members - - but of Republicans - - approves of the bill in advance.  The idea of discussing something before you make a decision is an alien concept to the tea party.  It harkens back to the Dr. Phil doctrine of "First we make a decision - - THEN we discuss it with you".  How strange it is that the President saying "The victims of Sandy Hook are asking for a vote on the issue" is probably considered "political opportunism" by the Right wing.  Of course we now move to the generic definition of triangulation.  Jay asked me if it were a problem of trigonometry, and I responded "It's more basic than that".  The concept goes all the way back to finding the geometric center of gravity of any polygon - - even one with acute angles - - by hanging a plum line down and marking it off with a pencil.  Then you move to another spot and hang another plum line and mark it off.  Where the two lines intersect is the "center of gravity" where if you put the thing on a spindle it will spin freely and won't stop at one particular spot.  I guess the theory of political "triangulation" is that you somehow seek out the center of Political Gravity to find the "sweet spot" or something.  Of course most comonly in Police work, you use triangulation to find the source of a cell phone call or whatever.  You turn the antenna broad side and stick in a perpendicular intersection line - - and then move to another location and do the same thing- - and then go to a Map and start drawing lines - - and you have it.

I am capable of thinking for Myself without the aid of Dead People from the Other Side.  We can learn a lot from the Sketch program that Google offers.  Follow my logic here.  If you do not change a dimensional axis- - you do well and you are safe.  If you alter even slightly a dimensional axis you lay yourself open to Peril and not being able to Return to what you were.  A dimensional Axis in space - - has two other dimensions around it - - .  But picture instead a dimension with an Axis of Time - - that spreads out in Three directions or dimensions at once.  Our minds have difficulty grasping this.  Now when you Jump the Void - - you are free to alter the space perameters as you wish.  In most cases your Time frame is safe and unaltered.  (You can read about the Exceptions in previous postings)  You can send solid material through the Void.  You can also employ the Void - - as a Transmission Repeater.  Mind you you cannot Transmit THROUGH the Void as a Medium, but you can USE the Voice in this way as with solid matter- - to Transport the Transmitter of information.  But as you know if you should scramble the spacial code you rise making surfaces "Non co planear".  In other words the surfaces of Objects will just Disappear.  I got to thinking this is a possible solution or method the Romulans can employ in their Cloaking Device.  What you need to do is to employ a Scrambling Algorithm of Space- - so that the electron energy Bonds do not form around matter as they normally do, and as such the matter has no sense of being Solid or Opaque.  It is in this state not Completely Imune to Gravity - - however it is like a Gas - - in that other gasses in the region will tend to attenuate the adverse effects of Gravity.  But the matter uses an Scrambling Algorithm, and I have heard this term used here and there over the past year or so - - and I have mused on the phrase "scrambling altorithm".   There hence are any number of possible scrambling altorithms and only two pieces of Solid Matter using the SAME scrambling algorithm are solid to one another.  But I have heard - - that even in Void jumping - - that you may unknowingly - - Jump to a parrellel Universe that is So Similar that you do not Know that it is not the Same One you left.  It's an interesting, tickelish problem, and one that happens much less frequently than it used to.  But bear this in mind.  A DOT on the Map of the Void- - not only isolates your True Time Line - - but also the exact Portion of that Line where you are.  Hence is you do not alter your fifth time dot reading- - travel for the most part is Safe accross the Void, at least where Time and Universe Space is concerned.  (That wasn't too complicated - was it?)

One upon a time there was a Romulan woman named Bithia. Bithia was grieving for her deceast husband in the House of the Gods.  One day she took her two sons, Phobos and Dimon, and took a vacation leaving her Beloved Homeland and traveled to Greece   There she got in a rock band- - and the Greek Producer informed her that she needed some kind of a Grand Climax to her act.  And he said "What you need to do is to physically rip out your heart and splat it out all over the stage".  Like a lemming she followed obediantly.  The trouble is when you "rip out your heart' as some well intentioned Sacrifice an unintended biproduct of it all is that you now "Have no heart'.  The experiance turned her mean.  Actually in desperation she had married a Greek - - who turned out to be Gay, and the husband physically mistreated Bithia and also molested her two sons.  And there was a kid at school named Billy Halliday - - who forever taunted the two boys saying "Your daddy is gay and me molested you".  But she got even with him.  One time she got a job break and got picked as the manager of a Radio Station and the guy who interviewed her was named Michael Jackson.  He said to Bithia, "You know I think the world of you".  She then got the Idea - - "I'll rename the call letters K-EARTH, after all I AM the world.   There had been a pop group called Mel and the Electric Tormes that week after week came in number one.  But then there was this one week where a group called Slick Willy and the Clod Crunchers were doe to score number one with there hit "I'm Bad To Myself".  It so happened that Slick Willy was the father of that kid who had taunted her two sons.  She reassigned the hit to number 38 on her survay instead of number one - - and took the fledgling no 38 artist and promoted her to number one.  Her name was Margo Elko.  She was an Ethopian slave rescued from her homeland by a kind man named Barry Gordy, who became her pimp.  Margo said "Maybe I'm a hooker now, but at least I get paid well for it".  Margo had a hit called "My Pimp - My Ideal" and suddenly this song appeared as number One on K-EARTH's next week Survay.   But Bithia also went to college- - and also worked in a Prison for a while.  And being in a position of authority she arranged it so that every Prisoner who was in the joint for Child Molestation - - suffered some horrible accident in the Machine Shop and became horribly disfigured- - and they couldn't do anything about it.  After this Bithia became an Orthodox Jew - - and for a while had a radio program.  But her advice was so far right wing she was soon taken off the air so she emmigrated to Palestine.  There she became a Procurator of a Provance.  One day Jesus the Nazarite came before her.  He was not yet accused of anything.  He claimed to be the Messiah and only sought the good of Israel.  She didn't trust him.  She said "Knowing the future as I do - - I know that people will say you were seen in Jerusalem, and Ceceria Philipai, and in Tyre and Syden, and in Shechem, and in Jericho, and in the Pagan Swine regions  - - but they never report your true homland as Mt Carmel.  Jesus - can you think of why this is so?  Jesus said "I don't know what you're talking about".  Bithia said, I think that you are a liar when you say you only have the Good of Israel at stake.  So I'm going to confine you to a small region of Palestine."  She goes to a map and draws a line and says "If you cross this like to seek your Glory - - you will lose all Memory of just What it is you are seeking."   Jesus said "I am a true son of Israel".  Bithia said to him, "I know that you are not.  You have Romulan blood in your veins just as I do.  You must bury all of your love for Rome.  Swear to me this is the case.  The day that you Break that Oath will be the day you Die".

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pushing The Barrier - Planting Seeds

 I dedicate this photo to Nancy Whesley

OK I've written enough crap over the past couple of days that we can string it in to some sort of tollerable blog posting.  So we'll start with the breakfast report and go from there.  We had Raison Bran and mine was the smallest of the three bowls.  Finally after an ever so exasperated wait we got our fried eggs and toast and butter and jelly.  MEET THE PRESS featured Marco Rubio talking about the immigration bill and why he is for that one.  It’s because it would actually be easier for illegal minorities to leave the country and then re-enter and apply for legal citizenship.  This bill makes it a Longer fifteen year process rather than ten, so you “pay for the right to stay here those intervening years”.  In no way does Rubio consider this amnesty.  On the gun thing it’s a different story.  The philosophy here seems to be "Don't make a law prohibiting anything, because the Thieves will only disobey it anyhow. There is now this obsession both with Mario and with Matthews of “Registries’ where the government is “keeping all these secret files on us’ and any day will be able to come and conthiscate our guns, just like Nazi Germany did, or something.  The bobsy twin senators who are advocating for the Obama Bill, Toomie and Mansion, claim there are explicit prohibitions against any sort of "Registry" and that also veterans who Now may be Denied a firearm based on some financial insolvency, can expressly appeal to a Court and gain access to a firearm.  In terms of what I regard as the not so irrational fear of being “primaried” if a Republican actually tries to act reasonable- - it’s what I was telling people around here yesterday.  “The more the people get fed up with Congress and “government’ in general, the less they turn out to the polls to vote.  And this just makes it all the easier for a small group of special interests to dictate what happens at the polls”.  They are mopping the floor now.  Then they had another woman pro and man anti gun legislation.  They then interviewed Jackie Robinson’s widow.  The majority of this material they had already presented in news coverage.  I admire her greatly as one of our senior civil rights spokes-people.  There was no “round table” this week at all.

Yesterday afternoon I had Chris Matthews on computer earlier than usual and it was most informative about the intransigence of the Republicans on the gun legislation issue.  I tire of blogging about that because how long can you beat the same dead horse?  I didn’t post yesterday and might not post today if I don’t come up with something people don’t know.  I listened to the first long fourteen minute segment of Thursday’s show and went out for a cigarette before dinner.  Last night we had chicken pot pie for dinner and seconds began on our side so I got seconds on that.  We had some sort of pina collate ice cream like coconut or something everybody liked.  It was the usual ABC network news at five thirty and of course the Mc Laughlin group at 6:30.  Half of the show was dedicated to trashing the President’s proposed budget.  The way that Mc Laughlin headlined the thing you knew you were in for a biased show.  It was the usual four against Eleanor Clift line up.  You had the conservative brunet- and the die-hard economic doomster Mort Zuckerman, and Pat Buchannon on.  The other half of the show was split between our mistake of going into Iraq, and the manifold number of reasons why, and also the current North Korea situation, where John Mc Laughlin played Devil’s advocate in saying that “Well we’re in their backyard engaging inprovocative acts.  Why shouldn’t they be bellicose- - just like we were in the Cuban Missile Crisis protecting our own back yard”.  Of course the two situations have nothing in common.  There is still talk that Kim Jung Oom will launch a missile on Monday –Tax Day- which is also Kim Il Soon’s birthday.  The whole NC thing is becoming one loud, clanky annoyance.  Mideast troubles aren’t even on the radar screen now. 

This is Sunday April 14, 2013 and the anniversary according to the Federation of Abraham Lincoln’s assignation at Ford’s theater.  They messed with our calendar in 1900 which threw the Federation’s calculations off.  This is something I learned from "Jimbo" but I'd never call him that to his face.  It's one of the few actual dialog conversations we've had.  I have a lot of stuff to sort out and try to get down on paper today.  It’s still all overcast today and yesterday.  John Lennon said “As long as it remains overcast, it’s a good thing”.  We had pizza for lunch today with a green salad and ranch dressing and interesting soup.  We had orange slices for desert and Jay gave me his green salad, his orange slices, and his coffee with sugar and no cream.  Jay also let me have shorts before lunch.  The factoid of the day when Jay quoted me the V = IR formula.  I knew the formula but asked why they used I instead of the more logical A, and Jay said "The I is Inductance", and I said out of sheer joy "Oh to the head of the class".  (I remembered)  However last night first just after dinner he offers me a cigarette if I’ll come out and talk to him.  But two-odd hours later he wants the cigarette back. Even though it’s the final day of NBA basketball season there is no basketball on ABC but they and FOX have some women’s cosmetics stuff.  Go figure.  Anyhow I hadn’t smoked many cigarettes in the morning and grew tired of that and kind of asked Janet “can you see your way to lending me a dollar”.  I needn’t have sounded so plaintive.  She gave me the dollar and I went down and bought a pack of John Black grape, and of course now everybody wants one.  They don’t pay people enough around here and that makes the cigarette situation bad all week long.  [material was deleted here]  Leo talked about this women who wasn’t forthcoming with the true nature of her Word file problem and Leo had to guess.  There was talk about downloading You Tube videos- - and three different software packages you could buy which accomplish this.  Leo spoke of a password "vault" where you could store all your other passwords, but the password for the vault Leo makes it so indecipherable even You have trouble figuring it out. (?)  After all if a burglar seems the safe door cracked open, that's the first place he's going to look.  Once again Leo said how today’s televisions come with lousey speakers because they expect you to go out and invest in some 5.1 surround sound system.  Give me a break!  Nora was in here and wiped table, which was dirty from coffee grains and swabbed the mop around the spilled creamer on the floor.  I’m hoping to listen to Face the Nation.  I still have not run all the minutes off my old phone card but it’s probably too late now, and I need to locate where I wrote the numbers for the new card down.  Bald people are more prone to heart attacks, which figures since people like Grandpa and Dick Chaney are prone to heart problems.

Then we come to the Purity hour.  Two different shows had an identical plug for these berry flavored sub lingual tablets that dissolve and go straight into the blood stream, and are as good as receiving a shot, and less trouble.  Personally if I were running this establishment I’d dose everyone in here at breakfast.  B 12 is something is something everyone our age could use.  But the main substance they were plugging this half hour was Creatine- - which is a substance I thought only the body produced.  I remember from my blood test in early 1998 that my Creatine was high.  It was when I was taking the Formula IV.  And I vouch for the effects they were talking about on the radio today.  It’s the stamina and anti-fatigue drug.   It’s the spare battery that turns the A D P produced as a by-product of energy use of the brain, back to ATPyou’re your neurons have to be fifty percent A T P at the synapse connection points.  There was also a “coffee berry” or coffee bean component to this offer- with its anti oxidant properties.  We had a little drizzle this morning and I don’t mean of crème de-mint on our ice cream.  Wally likes this weather because he doesn’t have to water the plants as much.  Some Indiana lady gave the Republican Response on KNX, and of course it was all about taxes and spending.   You know damn well that she’s a liar when she says “how much this Obama will add to the national deficit”.   My response to her is that I have a government document saying this lady being allowed to remain alive and breathing air will add to the carbon footprint and global warming.   Then there was the ten minutes back in here with Cal-Mag, and the housekeeper was in here and he expressed interest in the curative properties of the product.  Then it was the krill and fish oil combo playing that smash hit “Salmon Enchanted Evening”.   OK, salmon oil has more of the Omega 3 component but the krill has more anti-oxidant action and Aztezanten - - which we learned previously is a relative of Vitamin A.  But you really need the two together.   The number is simple.  It’s 1-800 KRILLOIL, but though the bottle is three there is still the $4.50 shipping charge.  I was closer to ordering the stuff this morning than I’ve ever come.  I had KRTH on a while and then Melinda Lee.  She informed us that highly “reduced” balsamic vinegar can be dangerous to handle because it becomes like mapalm on your skin if it lands on you fresh from the burner.  And if you continue to “reduce” it, it becomes like candy.  Melinda Lee sweetens her corn bread, which is the way I personally prefer it.  She also spoke of the natural graininess of cream of potato soup, and how some people don’t like that. 

On Breakfast with the Beatles they had mellow songs of a cosmic nature involving heavenly bodies such as “Venus and Mars” and “The earth spins on its Axis” from “Driving Rain” and “Here Comes the Moon” and they began with “Run of the Mill” by GH.   Even later they only got into somewhat faster “mellow songs” including that home grown rendition in the studio of ‘Hey, you’ve got to hide your love away”.  They played the “Imagine Sessions” version of “Jealousy” and “Across the Universe” and later on, the un-faded version of “Hey, Bulldog”.   There is no law that states that other people besides me can't receive communacations from the dearly departed.

 Like I say I had various “visatations yesterday from John Lennon planning to do his own speech on gun legislation presumably inspired by that mother’s Saturday address.  John Lennon was at that conclave slash funeral thing the Federation held for several days last week.  He saw Stu there and was corgial to him, but they did not have any extended conversation.  John Lennon says that most Romulans still use these two-sided analog 89 millimeter CD’s.  Also John Lennon stated that people on Sirius A or a lot of places, for that matter, aren't nearly as tech savvy or advanced as we have become over the past thirty years and this idea of just "downloading a video" or "tweeting" your remarks is completely alien to them.  In this realm if you want a record you still have to go to a record store and buy it. John Lennon did an address that was edited down to 7:14 and also on this CD on side one was Aerosmith’s “Come Together” and that version of “Black” we did in mid 1998 (?) where I play bass, and there are three piano’s playing.  Richi Vallenz plays guitar but not lead guitar.  Maurice Capeta, known to CMK people, played the drums.  Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys sang, but Carl has a much better singing voice.  I'm not aware of a running time.  Picking a Pearl Jam song was symbolic because Pearl Jam traces its roots to Aldeberan IX, which was blown up almost 46 years ago.  There was also the opening part of Thursday’s show with the thing of Matthews edited down to 9:11 just to be cute again.  These four are side one of the record with side two consisting of “Run of the Mill” orig. rec. and then “Dogs” from the Pink Floyd.  John Lennon gave a different speech from the one on record live over Sirius A radio where he addressed the people in Sirius A Romulan.  John wanted to do the speech at a symbolic time so picked 11 AM their local time, for all of the 11-11 symbology in Armestus Day.  One thing that struck me about the recording (he played for me) was the sense of detachment about the whole thing like it’s some Joe Blow being asked to speak on behalf of a favorite charity or something.  There to me seemed strangely little passion in this speech.  John said that if there is any truly “immediate response” by an ETI (my term) it was because “They were already in the Neighborhood” meaning on Planet Earth.  But otherwise they use this “time budgeting’ thing where they allot time from the future, like programming a VCR or something.  But in “Real Time” travel - - ironically what “Jumping the Void’ is - - then however long it takes is how much time you will be missing if they have to do a memory wipe on a person.  (I had tap danced around this question but finally posed it)  John Lennon also said something else.  He said that the division among the Centurians was between the old school Edomites- - and the current “Dominionists” and “Doing all of these theo-centric crap nowadays”.   And Lennon said that this has been an issue rift among the Centaurians for years.  He also reaffirmed that it’s their opponents who refer to them as “Betas” the same way you might refer to Hebrews as “Jews”.  The subject of the 'Hey Jude" poster in the window of Apple Studios came up and I asked John if it was true that they deliberately wanted to make Hey Jude just longer than Mc Arthur's Park and he said that was True.  That song is by the Morenians - - a new race intruduced to you.  This race also contains the Union Gap, late Johnny Rivers stuff - and Bobby Goldsboro.  The spelling is actually "Meurenians".  The Romulan word Morre means either "dark" or "warm" though Lennon says it's most common usage, at least on this planet, was talking about strong hot drinks such as coffee and Romulan tea.   He also mentioned another group, the Lenorians, the group with "Every Turtles hit from Happy Together- onward" that also contains other sixties notables such as "Mary Hopkins, Glen Campbell,  [Young Rascles] Jackie De Shannon, Blow Job Thomas, and Joe South."