everyone is looking for “anything or anyone suspicious in a photo”. There is one area where I am inclined to take
the nuts just a little seriously.
Coverage of this Boston Marathon bombing event has been so poor and
propagandistic that it’s inclined to raise suspicion. The goal of the media seems much less to
inform us than to gin up fear in the public.
They seem to be scouring the place for the very worse videos they can
find that reveal the least. Considering
the quality of the videos they have shown, the Abraham Zupruder movie film is a
photographic masterpiece in comparison.
You get these jerk edits and- - even in the coverage they would cut away
from one station to the other in mid sentence or show the video of one station
and the sound on another. But finally
the information is trickling out ever so slowly. We know or believe that it was some kind of a
“pressure cooker” bomb filled with nails and ball barrings to cause maximum shrapnel. But we still don’t know what ignited it and
we still don’t have any clue whatsoever as to what group or individual is
behind it. There aren’t even any real
working theories or the sort of time-line scenarios Police do with their
diagrams. So as Randy Rhodes said when
there is a total vacuum – a person who knows nothing is just as qualified as
the people receiving his message, who likewise know nothing. In this sense it’s kind of like God and
Religion. But you have the nuts out
there like Alex Jones who claims that the government staged this entire event
like Sandy Hook and Aurora, Colorado.
And you have people like Rush Limbaugh who claims that either Al Qaeda
did it or else Bill Ayres. Of course it’s
kind of hard to escape the stream of anniversaries this week. Today is the anniversary I’m told, of the
Virginia Tech shooting on April 16th. Then we have the birth of the Tea Party
movement exactly four years ago on April 18th 2009 on the
anniversary of Lexington and Concord.
Then on April nineteenth you have the Waco take-down of David Koresh and
the Branch Davidians, and also Timothy Mc Vey and Terry Nichols and the
Oklahoma City bombing. And finally to
cap it all off you have April 20th which is the Columbine shooting
anniversary, and just also it’s Hitler’s birthday. (There’s our first Hitler reference) If you
are wondering about my friends from the Federation - - this story was a total
flat-liner there. But the Romulans in
Regelus V did take note of it. But when
you think about it even some traveler from Europe or other parts of the world
where these bombings are commonplace, they are probably wondering what the big,
hairy deal is since they spend no less than seven and a half hours almost
continuous TV coverage on this topic before programming finally got back to
normal last night with “Wheel of Fortune”.
When I post this I will probably past in a few observations made last
night. But as Randy Rhodes says, if I do
a blog my goal is to inform, even if it’s stuff you already know. So it’s been a day and a half almost since
the bombings, and the last blog post I did was about eighteen hours ago, as of
the minute of this typing at 5:08 PM. I’m
going to make a possible prediction right now.
The Long Beach Grand Prix will be canceled and not held this
weekend. You ask why I should suspect
that and I just say “a little bird told me”.
If I’m wrong nobody will be happier than I.
night this computer freaked out as I was getting a Mc Affee security OK
update. I went to click to close it- and
the computer went off and then rebooted and I got a notice that Windows had to
close down to protect my computer and files from damage. Naturally I did a quick scan right there and
nothing came up. But last December I was
getting all these clean bills of health that meant nothing- considering what
sad shape my computer was actually in.
It was Wheel of Fortune and then “Bones”. There was some movie involving people singing
“My Way” playing in the Big Room. I
watched till the next commercial and then I approached Pete and Marsha about
floating me a two dollar loan. Pete was
forthcoming with the money to go out and buy a pack of John Black grape. But I’ve been spending money like water
lately- and things being as they are- - anyone who actually still has
cigarettes in these tough times is under a lot of social pressure to share
them- and give them away. I’m wondering
whether like December- - some neutrino from high Solar activity hit my hard
drive and flipped a few bytes. Leo Le
Port says this sort of stuff happens all the time. After this it was “The Following’ or
something that I watched till almost ten.
I slept well till I woke at 3:25 and went out for a cigarette.
I had the Bill Press show on before six, but not today. I’m wearing this heavy tan shirt. I had Stephanie Miller on before and after
breakfast. For breakfast we had corn
flakes and orange juice ect and finally got eggs and toast and a whole lot of
bacon. They gave me two big slices, and
then I got two more really big meaty slices from Paul. I apologized to Jay for being so testy
yesterday. And I did listen to the first
25 minutes of Rush Limbaugh mainly because I thought “There was no way that
Rush Limbaugh could twist or mess up this story”. I was sadly mistaken. That’s like seeing a Bible verse posted on a
church sign and thinking “There’s no way Pastor Halliday could miss the point
of these verses”, but once again I would be wrong. They cleared out the room across the hall for
a strip down cleaning. But in this case
they moved the furniture completely out of the room since it seems Both
residents of that room have moved out.
Nora came to our room to change the linens about a quarter to ten. I eventually went down for coffee in the
courtyard and stood behind Leeshia. The
four birds were active and climbing the cage walls and chirping. I ended up getting two cups from Dora. I returned to the room and the cart was
already two doors down. Everything in
the room was copasetic.
is Monday April 15, 2013 and Tax Day.
However they have had none of the usual last minute Income Tax
stories. That’s because today is
Patriot’s Day in Boston and they ran the Boston Marathon. But we don’t know who won, or even who came
in second or third. We don’t know the
course of that Marathon either. What we
do know is that there were two explosions near the finish line on Boyelston St
that killed three people so far including an eight year old child and has sent
at least 115 people to the hospital. The
trouble is they have had news coverage on all of this for seven hours running
preempting all else, and it has grown exceedingly tiresome. Randy Rhodes didn’t quite dismiss the story
entirely but at least her show put it in perspective, and everything else
didn’t stop for it. We don’t know what
happened, or the lack of it in North Korea and the testing of that missile. I didn’t even know that the LA Lakers were
still on that mandentory winning streak until minutes ago. We haven’t heard any news on the Mideast or
for that matter anything that may or may not have been discussed in Congress
today. We have heard nothing about the
LA mayor’s race today. We do know that
today is Jackie Robinson day because security will be tight in Dodger
Stadium. In fact the full force of this
thing has been obsessing on security and how afraid everybody is again. And we hear a lot about how “We’re going to
be more vigilant from now on” and how hard security at a marathon is- - and
they regale us with shaky videos edited down to incoherency. Many besides being jerky and obviously highly
edited are also of low picture quality and taken from a quarter mile away. It all gets a little much. We did get rain this morning and there were
puffy clouds in the sky and we got sporadic sunshine. It has gotten much cooler in the past two
hours since dinner. [splice] In
the morning it was Stephanie Miller. We
had oatmeal for breakfast and there was another horrendous waiting period until
the rest of our meal. But there was a
pay-off with generous scrambled eggs and I ended up getting three English
muffins, each of them already with generous grape jelly. That Mexican lady on KTLK picked up the
mantel of complaint about Biance and JZ taking a trip to Cuba, as if anybody
cares. Mario Rubio had the audacity to
say “How can he wear a Che Guivara shirt because you know Che Guivara was a
racist”. Yeah, and Robert Byrd used to
be in the K K K. Conservatives have a
knack for the irrelivent, even if it happens to be true, and with these people
– don’t count on it. I did some math
stuff- and another paragraph from Saturday morning – and my latest theory about
how a Romulan cloaking device might work.
In general it was a mentally stimulating posting. For lunch we had a chicken salad sandwich
with beets. It was warm on toasted
bread, which was a nice touch. We had
lentil soup with rich turkey broth. We
had grapes for desert.
Just a little capper here on Cosmic Origins of dead dog rock groups. There is a group of early seventies cheezy hits that since at least September of 1981 has been referred to as "The Bubble Gum group" - - groups cosmically tied to each other. For of these are Donnie Osmond, "The Rapper" by the Jaggers, "My Belle Me" "Sweet Mary I'm Coming Home" and 'Chick-a boom" by Daddy Dew Drops. But there are some others generally in a similar style. We then have John Lennon's visit today and we learn of a new outfit called the "Renwah" group - - or that French artist. There are five groups of note here, "Badfinger", "Neilson", "Bread", "The Partrage Family" and "Vanity Fair. We have one more one for you I don't know the name of. Remember we said that the Grass Roots did what you're not supposed to do in mid stream- - they "changed horses" as it were from "Midnight Confession" through the rest of their carrier. Gladys Night also jumped ship from the Del Phi group to this outfit to record "Midnight Train to Georgia". Also in this group are the O J"s, The Undisputed Truth, The Occasions (?) Al Wilson, Al Green, Vicki Laurence the "Stories", and once again someone jumping ship from the Del Phi group "The Temptations" starting with Just my Imagination - - - and the Grass Roots - - and some of these other "fake disco" groups. and strangely enough Hellen Reddy. OK I knew I got off too easily. We have one more sub-stratum for you- - -"The Alpine Group" as they are referred to by their brothers - - those Bela Tagis "B" groups that did not "assimilate" into the Dardanian culture or planet but instead moved to the jagged rock country of Aldeberan VIII. These groups are Santana, Robin Trower's solo group, Free, and Bad Company, and Focus and also the one time Stones guitar player Mick Taylor..