Friday, April 12, 2013

Dealing with Influential People

You know there are ways a politician can disassociate from someone.  Let’s just go back to the Beatles for a case of how in my opinion it SHOULD be done.  Neil Asphenal was having sex with Mona Best, Pete Best’s mother and fathered a child by her.  But when the Beatles got a signed contract with George Martin- - Neil wanted to leave the Beatles out of loyalty to Pete for being sacked by the Beatles.  But Pete convinced Neil to stay on with the Beatles as a group that was “going places”.  So Neil broke off the relation with Mona Best.  There was no public blow up or anything and they didn’t call a press conference of the London Times to announce that Neil was no longer having sex with Mona Best.  And if I were running for President in 2016, on an anti gay marriage platform- - as someone who wanted to preserve what was left of heterosexual only marriage- - I’d have an image to live up to.  And if I found out that one of my contributers was Gay- - I could come to him confidentially and say “You need to know that your money has no influence on me what so ever.  But I would just say to ask yourself one question.  Would you find it more likely that I would reverse my position on gay marriage- or that my republican, Michelle Bachman would reverse her opinion on gay marriage?  I have often made the reference to that story of L Ron Hubbard and the Fire Truck and the dogs.  And I only wish Jesus had paid heed to that little tale before shooting his mouth off on a lot of subjects.  Sometimes the worst thing you can do when you “disassociate” yourself you don’t feel comfortable with- - is to hold a major press conference and Dis them publically.  All that says about you is that you’re a major league Flake.  First you’re for them- then you’re against them.  But Democrats are in love with “eating their own” and forming a circular firing squad - - or whatever other metaphor you pick.  Take a look at what President Obama did with Rev Jeremiah Wright.  Can you sit there and tell me that the Right has been any KINDER to President Obama, or withheld one verbal invective because President Obama did his own “Apology Tour” by “Apologising’ for being a part of Jeremiah Wright’s congregation for twenty years?  The President gains nothing by kissing up to the right wing.  Now in addition to everything else negative they believe about him - - they also think that he’s a major whoos, and a flake.  (Selah)

We sent John Kerry to North Korea because this guy was a pain in the ass,  Kim Jung Oom - - who needed to be publicly repermanded and “put in his place’ once more.  As Winston Churchill has been oft quoted lately “a verbal war is better than a shooting war- - any day”.    Now we come to Moe Kelly.  The thing to remember about Moe Kelly is that he’s also got a show on KFI across the aisle- and Lord knows what he’s saying on that show.   It would be interesting to see what he says on KFI as opposed to what he says on KTLK.  Anyhow today was a case of pointing the finger at something that only He saw before- - but now he wants to draw attention to it.  Moe Kelly is all upset because President Obama gets support from people like LL Cool J and JZ and Biancee.  Apparently their music is “missagenistic” and JZ wants to flood the whole LA ghetto with cheap Dope.  Oh you mean like Oliver North and the CIA did in 1986 with Crack Cocaine?  No wait a minute- - that Actually Happened.  It wasn’t just a line in a rap song.  Perhaps Moe didn’t know Republicans weren’t perfect.  I’ve heard this wild unsubstianted roomer they actually ran a Mormon for President in 2012 and that the leader of the House, Paul Ryan’s favorite reading material is Ayan Rand.  Perhaps it’s just a roomer started by Mike Meloty and Ryan should sue.   - - - Do you see where I’m going with this?  I’m illustrating absurdity by being absurd.  But you know I thought, “After ten o clock I’m switching to Rush Limbaugh to hear what he says on all this”.  The thing is- - a lot of the things Moe Kelly gets hot and bothered about isn’t even news.  He’s just venting to fill up the hour.  I noted that he did not dare open up the phone lines for so much as one caller.  I thought the job specification was “call in radio”.  Anyhow Rush Limbaugh was much more informative.  Rush was raising funds for all sorts of blood cancer.  This includes lymphatic cancer- - both Hodgekins and the non Hodgekins varieties- - and Lukemia proper- and also plasma cancer.  Rush points out that plasma cancer has the worst prognosis of any of these.  Rush listed all the figures for survival prognosis past and present.  While progress is being made- - we haven’t advanced nearly far enough.  Rush did get in a few little barbs about gun control.  I see we are on page six now, which surprises me.  Rush is against ANY form of gun legislation.  “They say they want one thing- - but you know these democrats aren’t going to quit until they have abolished the second amendment”.  I’ll hand it to Rush- - he’s a man at least who comes right out and says what he’s thinking.  (Unlike Moe)

Here’s a news flash.  Women who give up their bras end up with “perkier” breasts, because certain breast muscles atrophy when they wear a bra.  OK.  Let’s talk about Randi Rhodes, who looks good with or without a bra.  She talked about literal “killer amendments” to the gun bill that was just introduced.  For instance they want states with non existant concealed gun carry laws- - to apply to a destination state if you happen to be traveling there.  That way a potential assassin can have a whole day to scope out and execute his plan and take out his target, and I don’t mean – to dinner.   It’s clear from statements John Boehner and others have made that this already gutted and loophole ridden Democratic gun proposal- - won’t get through the House.   Randy Rhodes quoted Ronald Reagan in the gun legislation area with a clip:  “Guns are fine for hunters or for home protection, but you don’t need an Ad 47 to do that”.  On the subject of immigration Ronald Reagan expressly said that amnesty was needed “Because these people are in the country now and have roots here and are here through no fault of their own”.  And he also said “We need to make these aliens full citizens so that they can’t be exploited by shady employers who pay them only a pittance of what they deserve- but the employees are afraid to report it”.  A whole lot of people, including me, have made this same argument.  There was a lot of quoting (audio) of various “apologists” for gay bashing claiming that they are the ones who are “persecuted” because they are being denied the civil liberty of calling them fags, or whatever.  And they spoke of homosexuality as injurious as a substance abuse problem, where an “intervention” is truly the “Christian thing” to do.  And there was a debate in the Montana Legislature where they finally managed to eliminate their sodomy laws.  Sex was likened to a “ball point pen” where the writing the pen does is the Primary function, but the fact that the pen retracts so you can put it back in your pocket and not leave a stain- - this is a secondary purpose.  For a while I thought they were going to introduce a law saying all ball point pens had to be circumcised.    No, but they want all pit bulls sterilized.  The idea seemed to be that “non primary” or some might say “non essential sex” is somehow “sex you can do without”.  I’m not certain what their chain of reasoning was.   Since when did “pleasure” become an offense?

   Now they are preparing the country of North Korea for the 103st birthday of founder Kim Il Sun.   Well, apparently his birthday is on Tax Day.   There is bad blood between the San Diego Padres and the LA Dodgers as far as wild pitches are concerned and certain pitchers and batter victims that “have a history”.  There seem to be a lot of rivelries where deliberate “beaning” of batters is par for the course.  Apparently it’s “worth it” to the offending pitcher.   This is after dinner, and all three meals today have been unsatisfactorally skimpy.  We had spaghetti for dinner and a green salad and garlic bread and apple sauce for desert.  But they quickly ran out of seconds on the other side.  Jay is puzzled as am I about their strange food distribution system a lot of times.   Just to provide an illustration of this - - it’s as though someone told you to put that box of books on the floor on that book shelf over there.  But what you do is take each book out of the box, and put it in an empty box on another shelf, until the new box is filled up with books done one by one.   I hear all these stories about government waste and food surpluses just sitting in a warehouse and I’m thinking “give me some of that food; I take it”.  So much of what goes on in government is sheer illogic and only done that way to kiss someone’s political ass.  It people did what they genuinely “thought was for the best” there would be so many changes in the way things are gone, everyone would be astounded.

"For a broader understanding -  I may want to don the point of view of the other person, but don't ask me to take on their ill-conceived mental abberations or certain odd proclivities they may have"

This is Friday April 12, 2013 at three and the movie “42” about Jackie Robinson comes out today.  I was thinking of other numbers such as “1260” snd “2520” as the number of days of the Great Tribulation referenced in the Bible using of course the Babylonian calendar, because they wanted to be sure they were up to date.  If you go back seven years you come to the period when I first started my carrier on Blogger in late April of 2006.  Back then things were so much different from now.  I had money in the bank and still didn’t have a clue that I would soon have major money problems.  Mike was still living here and was my roommate.  Dad was still alive, which really wasn’t saying much because he had pretty much “dropped out” emotionally, at least with me, and it had been that way for some time.  The idea that I could somehow “reach out” to him, wasn’t realistic.  I lay awake last night thinking about this.  I was wondering what personal shortcoming caused me not to be as apparently as respected a human being among his piers as my Dad was.  If I’m not mistaken that trip to the J Paul Ghetty museum was in early May, and I could still afford to pay for that with my own money, including lunch.  I was a lot heavier, but I was also a lot happier.  Some could argue using the seven year guideline that my “time of great tribulation” has about run its course.  Though I’m no fool and realize life doesn’t work that way.  In the evening it was the Mayoral Debate between Garsetti and Gruel.  I liked Garsetti better than Wendy Gruel,  He just seemed more at home “as an LA major’ as someone I could actually picture holding that office.  Me was much more relaxed than was Wendy and his words flowed much more naturally sharing what was on his heart as a vision for Los Angeles.  I had the feeling that Wendy was working from a teleprompter- - one that was going by just a little too fast.  After this it was the Vampire Diaries and then “Beauty and the Beast” I watched till just past 9:30.

The trouble is I woke in the night and didn’t even check the time- maybe it was around two.  And I had this bad diaria - - twice.  That worried me, particularly if a blood test were scheduled the next morning (which thankfully there wasn’t).  I went out and smoked a cigarette and got back to sleep and woke at about six o clock on the dot, oddly tired.  I turned on Stephanie Miller.  Janet wasn’t even offering any rolls this morning and if she would have, I would have turned her down and told her why.  As it turned out- it was a normal breakfast.  We got our oatmeal from [name withheld] and drinks from Denise and the attentive med guy.  We had a fried egg and hashed browns with catsup.  Glen wanted me to break a ten dollar bill to go and buy him cigarettes and I declined.  Since I have a pittance of extra cash I’m going to save it for whatever rainy day is just around the corner.  As I said at the outset of this file- - I still have a lot of free floating anxieties.  I did receive a visit from “Bones” this morning, who is apparently back from that conclave or whatever the Federation was having.  He said that he “understands where Neil Asphenol is coming from now better”.  This let me know that Neil was in attendance, a fact I didn’t know.  (I wonder what inter-stellar jet fair is these days)  He also said that Mal Evans isn’t being “Beatleish” enough- - and is not plugging the group hard enough.  And worse that Apple and I Tunes is selling Beatle records and making money off that - - and Mal hasn’t said anything disparaging about the trade mark violation - - and what piggy-backers on someone elses’s image and reputation that Steve Jobs was.    The funny thing as Stu was saying this to me I was apparently more in agreement with Neil than Stu himself seemed to be.  Stu made vague allusions as to how incomparable Mal Evans is- and his wisdom and perspective.  It’s like all those times Becky would complain to me about an argument she and Bo had- - where I would take Becky’s side just to get on her good side, when in most cases I agreed with Bo’s viewpoint.

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