Thursday, April 11, 2013

Now It's Out In The Open

I’m wondering whether Moe Kelly is being “Turned”.  You’ve seen it happen with others such as Dennis Prager and Tammy Bruce and Laura Schleshenger.  They start off what most people would call liberal and evolve into hard right tea baggers.  Now Moe Kelly is demonstrating some of the same tell tale symptums.  He says that Black people and culture is not entitled to any “reparations” for the sin of Slavery for so long.  I guess it’s along the Mitt Romney line of logic of “how long are the Democrats going to blame George Bush for this recession?”, kind of thing.  He says “I care more about these ghetto school kids today”.  He went on to dis NBA and NFL team players who are recruited and sign these million dollar contracts and are broke in a few years.  He seems to be implying ever so delicately that there is something about their being Black that caused them to lose their money.   And then he says “you know we can throw money at a ghetto problem, but the truth is that some things are mental attitude problems rather than money problems”.  Then he talks about how if you have a batchelors degree that won’t guarantee anything now in terms of a good job but you need something higher to assure a good job.  He speaks of the idea of having a 2.0 average to graduate high school as almost “too low a standard” and points out that prior to now, students could get passing grades with D’s on their report cards.  My understanding has always been that “D” is a passing grade.  Apparently not in his mind.  Of course last week he went on that rant I tried to “understand’ at the time how anti slavery crusaders didn’t necessarily care a thing about what happened to the Negro once he was freed and segregation may be just fine.  In like manner he pointed out that the Martin Luther King crusaders for civil rights- - were all men.  And that they had in mind a male being the head of the household.  I agree this is the ideal.  It’s just that he seems to in all of his examples now, bending over backwards to embrace the past.  And even attacking rapper artists for sick lyrics as though it were news now- - I find a little opportunistic.  Because he makes it clear it’s the whole Black ghetto culture that he’s coming down on, and not just one isolated song lyric.  It’s his “Sister Soldier” moment.  So he’s a guy whom I am going to watch to see just what other “revelations” he plans on having that conservatives are wonderful people after all.  What if someone could have button holed a relatively young Ronald Reagan in 1950 and sat him down and had a little talk about a few new beliefs he was "trying on for size now"?  Of course he’s a Christian, but everybody says they are a Christian.  Even someone who can’t stand what Christianity has become now will SAY he’s a Christian sheerly out of cultural pressure. 

I had Randy Rhodes on from noon till one and what she said was a bit enlightening.  William Reinquist was around in the High Court as far back as 1954 and he filed a brief with the Court saying that Plecy verses Ferguson should continue to be the law of the land and that “separate but equal will serve us just fine”.  Randy Rhodes cataloged a whole chain of events since the sixties – since Nixon, that have driven Blacks out of the Republican Party.  It’s a chain of events that’s difficult to defend.  But now Rand Paul is at Howard University in Washington DC, which was founded by Blacks to give them a fighting chance at higher education.  I guess they let Whites go there too now.  Anyhow Rand Paul believes he can appeal to Black voters by saying that he’s against the 1064 Civil Rights law because a private businessman should have the right to decide who he’ll sell food to or whose hair he’ll cut, or even whom he will lend money to.  As long as Republicans are so tone deaf on race relations, you can guess the results.   But what I personally am more worried about are all of these tea party governors in major Midwest states still enacting powerful, repressive, legislation.  Of course that Republican gang of five including Rand Paul and Marco Rubio and Ted Cruise, promised to block even letting the new gun bill (that didn’t exist till yesterday) come up for debate.  It seems that he has come up for debate and is being debated right now.  That’s good.

In soap land it’s all out in the open, the “Fit has hit the Shan” as the expression goes.  Daniel knows how vicious Clowie is about keeping Daniel from his son, and even exploiting the idea that Daniel is not listed as the father on the new birth certificate.  What Clowie said tauntingly to Jennifer a few days ago, she’s now openly telling Daniel to his face.  Obviously she has burnt the last bridge as to ever having any hope of a romantic relation with Daniel.  When Nancy finds out about how she handled herself, she’s going to think Clowie has lost her mind.  They keep alluding to some “secret” or “ulterior motive” that Stephano Di Mira has that we, the audience don’t know about.  I guess it will all be revealed little by little- in their own time.  It would sure be nice if you knew when or if- - someone professing to be your best friend or a common believer with you in a political cause- - will suddenly turn against you, first secretly, almost being ashamed to let you know, and then coming out and flaunting it openly.  

I had Dr. Oz on at two and healthy living was the key word.  This one celebrity has a son who needs a gluten free diet- - and I guess they specially make a lot of gluten free products.  She says that magnesium is a great aid for relaxation and sleep, but if you take too much it will give you the runs.  I guess that’s informative to know.  They always use these exotic vegetables and Japanese radishes and the like.  There are more and more Vegan stories in the news, about perhaps how you might want to become a vegan gradually like skip a meat meal or two, and then have a normal dinner.  Or they suggest “or you can drop all the butter and mayonnaise from your diets” and adopt one of their weirdo comdiments instead.  It’s like eliminating all salt from the diet and they say “your taste buds will adapt to it”.  Yeah, just like my wallet has adapted so beautifully into living here.  Try again.  There is an odd bifurcation of culture going on out here on the west coast.  In the rest of the country a white can shoot down a Black man in cold blood and they call it self defense,  you don’t need a permit to carry a conceiled firearm virtually anywhere, even to church, you can deny the Black man his right to vote, once again, you can raid union and pension funds and bust unions and pass laws to insure elections biased in favor of the far right, and you can have your medicare, social security and vetteran’s benefits stolen from you.  But out here it’s an entirely different story.  Gay couples can adopt children, but cigarettes are all but illegal, you can’t get a plastic bag, and they want to make Styrofoam food implements a thing of the past.  There is pressure to go vegan and have your cholesterol in the two digit range- - and they are even removing fire pits from our beaches, probably at tax payers expense, because they say that fire causes pollution.  And of course they say that char broiled meat gives you cancer, and you have to give your kindergartners gay tollarence training.  I don’t know.  It’s a brave new world.  Maybe nature will rebel and the west coast will just crack off in some giant newly discovered geological rift.  And now it’s time to go to dinner.

This country stands out in peculiar fashion now as being "morally out of balance".  The stuff going on in other countries I can understand.  They are evolving in their own way, sometimes with two steps forward and one step back- - but they seem to be moving tword the Light.  This country since 2008 seems gripped in some sort of insidious Moral Darkness.  I'll tell you what a bogus response to the problem is and that is "Oh that's all in the Past".  That's what they said about Nixon, that's what they said about Iran-Contra, that's what they said about Bush and Chaney.   There is an age old question about allowing Evil people to prosper.  Contrary to what Christians say- I don't see a lot of God saying "Oh hell those were bad attrocities and abomonations but that happened decades ago- - nobody probably even remembers that.  No.  On the contrary through the pages of the Bible you see Jehovah God constantly avenging old grudges.   But you know one of my pet peves is the way people misuse our language.  We bastardize words like Love, and Faith, and Forgiveness, and another victim of said bastardization is the word "Repentance".  The way I see the meaning of the word Repentance means to "Come Clean".  It doesn't mean, "Keep it secret, make some deal to be reassigned or pay a fine and then just go back to business as usual".  People talk about Black reparations.  How about Jewish reparations for "The offence of the Cross" to use a term of St. Paul.  The Jewish People had their land, their language, a lot of their culture and respect among the world's nations, stripped them all on account of "The Cross".  I'd be real offended by that if I were a Jew.  They have lost a lot and virtually none of that vast loss was of their own doing.  I know enough about the Golden Rule to know that I sure as hell would not want to be in their place for most of the past two thousand years.  You know they say that the past means nothing and that a rich man who loses all his wealth will soon become rich again, but a fool, even if he should gain a million dollars (not all that much money these days) will blow through it in a few years.  The truth is that the Rich are so rich - their capital is so Vast- - the Interest rates alone have them pretty much set for life- - without lifting a finger.  Poor people don't have the opportunies to start up a business now.  You can't tell me that a little infusion of Capital would not do a Black inovator a world of good.  I think the question to judge any man by is "What have you done with the resorces you Do have".  I'd love it if I were judged ONLY on the decisions I had CONTROL over.  That's kind of the point of that little rant by Syd Barret yesterday morning.  My fortune in THAT life- - it was made clear was because of NOTHING that I did- - but merely because of the caprice of circumstance.  (One of these days I'll lay out the whole scenario for you)  Mind you I'm no big fan of the "What if" or "If Only" game.  But there are times when it's productive to think in such terms is only to remind yourself of the Consequences of some decision you DID have control over and not make THAT mistake again.  Some say the Universe will pay you back either for good or bad, at the end of your deeds.  The Federation has a term for this karmic force they refer to as the AXIS - - (usually done in all caps) "around which the Universe revolves".  One minister once said of moral pay-back that "You will reap in a manner entirely unexpected- and in a Different Season".  This last part for some reason made me think of Reincarnation.  This idea of The Universe paying you back is popular in a lot of Eastern religions.  But I would close with the classic closing statement of the newly sworn in John Kennedy who said "- - but here on Earth- - God's work must truly be our Own".

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