OK I guess we’re ready
for our opus magnum. This morning when I
got up I was feeling a little resentful at how impoverished I am and we all are
and “where did the money go?”, which is what countless households ask
themselves these days. Last week I got
eleven dollars from here and spent most of three of that on a big thing of
coffee creamer I thought would last me two or three weeks. It lasted six days. This is just another case where Nora and male
trainee- - helped themselves a week ago.
What does she think- - these things like a half thing of creamer are her
“tip” or something? But I thought in
broader terms of the scam “The System” is running on us all now. Because they are distracting us with all this
violence crap. Moe Kelly (who seems to
be morphing into Larry Elder and I thought I had the wrong station) was going
on about how he won’t travel in Ghetto areas now. He won’t stop at a gas station because he
fears being caught up in some robbery scenario.
He obviously won’t use an ATM at night.
The media wants us all paranoid and distracted about “terrorism” and the
“epidemic of violence in America”. The
last time I checked crime statistics were way down from their 21 year
highs. And they are going on and on
about Chicago. A month ago I heard crime
violence had dipped sharply in Chicago this year, too. But now they are saying there were ten
shooting deaths in the LA area over the weekend. And just to drive the point home- - ABC news
is showing this simulation of a mall terrorist shooting scenario like they had
in Kenya, with people running in terror and being shot and falling, ect. But this next detail got me mad. They are now claiming that though this is
strictly a “civil war’ of sorts between Kenya and Samolia- - or that Kenyans
are being shipped to Samolia - - from this terrorist organization. Now they are saying that because of the
recruiting commercials they are showing- - with this one white guy saying that
being in a terrorist group is “more fun than Disneyland” that the FBI has to be
sicked on this group and of course they will be gunned down by the CIA or taken
out with drones or something. Because
all though these American recruits may have never killed anybody and for that
matter may be “green as grass” the Obama doctrine says “Any American gives up
his citizenship and rights the minute he joins a foreign terror group - - even
though until our CIA got involved- - this group had no interest in attacking
Americans and indeed this IS a situation we should stay out of. But we aren’t. We’re going to be in there with our
drones. But if young whites think “Allah”
is cool- - - remember that story decades ago in George Putnum - - where this
deaf guy reaches into his pocket to pull out his care identifying he is deaf- -
and of course he gets shot dead by the police.
Because since “Justice is blind” the police can’t tell the difference
between a deaf card and a gun. And of
course they are so “visually challenged” that they can’t aim other than “shoot
to kill’ going for body mass all the time.
None of this ‘shooting in the leg’ stuff for them. And this guy was white, as I recall. But a Black in the ghetto has several times
the chance of being shot dead by the cops - - for doing nothing wrong- - as he
ever would face from an “Al Qaeda terrorist”.
Now the government is saying that this Kenyan group is “waiting on
instructions from Al Qaeda- - on their plans for major attacks in America. I just get tired of all this hyperbolic crap
after a while- - and it’s all a distraction from the fact, the news, that
government as we have known it in the United States, may come to an end soon if
John Boehner and the Republicans are able to ramroad through this bill to
defund Obama care through the US Senate.
And they won’t even vote on the bill till Saturday. So people like Randy Rhodes who thinks “Ted
Cruise has already lost” are living in a fool’s paradise. It doesn’t matter that what the House
Republicans are doing is unprecedented and probably unconstitutional- - nobody
is there to stop them. It’s like the
start of the LA Riots where all the cops run for cover, because the last thing
they want is to be involved in something where the other side actually has guns
and is shooting back. I hear Ted Cruise
has a big framed oil painting of himself in his office. Just for me- - I’m not so stuck on my own
good looks that I would want a giant picture on the wall of “Me” looking down
at me all the time. Ted Cruise will
probably be the front runner for President in 2016. He is so stereotypical of a right wing demagogue,
it’s as though he were from central casting- - right down to that rant,
preacher tone in his voice. And Teddy
Boy does have a point because he says “If I’m weird- - just remember the whole
Republican House agrees with me”. What
worried me most is how lobotomized the American electorate has become.
Mario was on at nine,
and they way they have such a deep rotation of hosts- - getting the one you
want is increasingly difficult. You have
Monique, and Johnny Wendell, and Ebony K and whoever else they deem to throw
into the mix, and finally we’re back to Mario, who is probably the best one at
that hour. Like me, Mario believed it
was one of the most boring Emmy programs ever- and it was on CBS this year –
early. I just found it confusing. Mario, like me, doesn’t believe we should
retreat into total isolationism in our foreign policy. There are certain areas where only a main
nation like the United States is in a position to offer help. This whole thing with the terrorism and all
is still not completely resolved. So
many are dead and sixty people are not accounted for. It seems they ask them to recite certain
Moslem prayers or ask who Mohamed’s mother was- to decide whether you should be
shot. In Disneyland and Disney World,
there is this whole scandal with the wheel chairs and the disabeled people
going to the front of the line immediately - - and the company thinks they
should be demoted to the “fast pass” option, where you are given an expected
ride time, and you’re free to come back then and ride. Some people may bring neighbors or others who
aren’t even related to get in on this good thing. They now are talking about putting your
personal photo on your pass, so that you can’t sell your pass to others. In the whole I Phones thing- - they hired
homeless people to stand in line for them - - and then didn’t pay them - - but
a bunch of other things went wrong, too.
Mario believes that the Glee star, Corrie deserved that special tribute
he got- - and was denied more worthy people who had passed on, such as Jack
Klugman and Jean Stapleton. Of course
son Adam Klugman registered his protests- - saying that Corrie was young- - and
lacked a “body of work” that his father had- - and if you die of self inflicted
drug addiction- - I don’t see why that should be singularly honored – as Mario
says should be the case. Jack Klugman
was a juror in Twelve Angry Men, and did extensive stage work on Broadway and
starred in “The Odd Couple’ and “Quincy”.
If it was indeed the 65th Emmy Awards- - that means they
wasted no time in establishing these awards. I wonder what the hell the very
first one was like in 1949.
Mario said something
that is a key point about the Affordable Care Act. He says this excuse about how the provision
is a thousand pages and therefore nobody has read it - - argument – is wearing
a little thin. These people who call
themselves talk show hosts have had three and a half years to read these
thousand pages, and since it’s double spaced it’s really only five hundred
pages. I remember in sixth grade in Mrs
Louee’s class- - where she was telling us we had to read five hundred pages a
week and I and others said “I don’t think that’s a realistic figure” and she
lowered it to three hundred. I heard
Uncle Bob used to read two mysteries a week.
But returning to Health Care - - it could well be that the main reason
why the tea party is working overtime right now to block the Affordable Care
Act from taking effect in eight days - - is because once people have it and
discover they like it- - then they know their voter base will evaporate and
nobody will re elect them next year. Since
there are web sites you can go to to learn about how the Affordable Care act
will affect you personally, it’s kind of irrelevant, as Mario points out- - to
say how the act’s going into effect will affect congress or the president or
what have you? Nobody bothers to point
out the post important question that what the average Joe out there wants to
know is how the Affordable Care act affects them, personally. If you will remember in April of 2006 – the
political momentum in this state with Swartzenegger still governor- - was a
more progressive agenda, because the economy was at least improving. Bush and the Republicans had failed to get
through some of their pet projects like overturn abortion or gut the Social
Security system – and so people thought that the Republicans were spent. The governor had tried to push through all
these right wing ballot measures in November of 2005 – and they went down in
flames. The difference between then and
now is that - - I didn’t go around pointing THEN all of the bizarre realities
that are the case now that weren’t true then.
They didn’t EXIST them, and one usually doesn’t make reference to things
that don’t yet exist. Stephanie Miller
was reading this article in jest about- - no matter what President Obama does
or doesn’t accomplish- - the people on the right have an instant come-back for
And now other highlights from my Word files lately -
This is at a quarter to
three. I ran out of my own cigarettes
and at two thirty borrowed one of Bill’s, who smokes at a slower rate. I don’t know what to make of today’s soap
opera episode. Randy Rhodes’ optimism is
misplaced in my opinion since there has been no vote in the senate voting out a
“Clean” spending bill leaving Obama Care intact. Right now I’m listening to a Louisiana
congressman being interviewed, with an elongated picture. We had a tuna casserole for lunch with toast
and mixed vegetables. We had watermelon
for desert. There will be no blog
posting today apart from some actual breaking news, and there isn’t any.
Mario contrasted how
progressive and “International’ a city like Miami has become with everybody
speaking Spanish – and something else.
He spoke of these new Jetson style high rise apartments rising up to
sixty floors that are very expensive, and yet sell out. Then there is the city of Lief, South Dakota,
which is reserved for all whites. They
have 24 in this new settlement now and plan to have a population of fifty by
Friday. Of course one wonders how many
cities in the nation’s “heartland” that are in fact avid minority race hating
Dr Levy’s class he still didn’t have that thing for us. He said I could get it at his web site, the
Levy launch. I looked and I didn’t see
any of the Founders poetry or Arleen’s art or anything, that used to be on his
site. The Founders heading just had a
thing on Founders. And “Publications by
others’ had Gail’s book, but nothing else “domestically” produced. There were a lot of links to Word docs for
his newsletters. If I could remember I
could pan through all of them. There
were logistical problems such as scale- - and things coming in sideways, and I
was able to correct both. But if people
reading my Blog had as much trouble finding things, my blogs wouldn’t be
ready. I watched “Chris Matthews” in the
morning breaking pattern- - and that was till nearly eleven. The class this morning started off very
small, but grew. We did our check-in and
I was mistaken in cutting Dr Levy’s conversation with Lisha off getting in an
argument abut how many weeks he’s been back.
I said it was two and it was three.
Joe will be getting his Jewish New Testament. Since he had nothing for us in terms of
hand-outs, we really didn’t end up discussing much. I complained about all of our SSI money not
being restored, and then Dr Levy talks about the high tax rates in California
driving the wealthy corporations away and bankrupting our state. But the not so secret truth is that - - since
taxes have been raised- - our government is a whole lot more solvent than it
had been. There’s no mystery there. Class broke up about ten after nine and about
half the class lingered longer than the other half. Dr Levy will not be starting up another class
till the middle of October. We talked a
little bit about resiliency.
In the morning I got up
in time for fifteen minutes of Bill Press.
Most of the actual news events from yesterday are covered in the
previous file, and in the latest posting.
This morning we had Raison Bran with two white sugars- - and in time we
got out omlette, which is a pleasant change.
I was thinking aimlessly that I’d like to go back and read my files from
around June of 2005 because I know there are a couple of things where I appear
to have “reversed positions” or saying something a bit different now from what
I was saying them. There was an interesting clue about that famous "baby Howard" incarnation of mid 2005 birth- - which Mal Evans points out "Another obvious identifier of Howard is Ernest Hemmingway". The only question is would a "confirmation clue' of his identity drive me Batty? Other areas such as the "Event Horizon" that's there, then not there, then there again- - we take care to note "The invalidation of the Black Hole event horizon is still intact. Black Holes cannot exist in this Universe. As to the notion of "Life after Death" - - my writings have never been to clear on just what "Identity" or form the majority of "dead people" take on after death. So to say that "Awareness without an Avatar is impossible" really isn't that radical of a statement. Back then nobody can
argue that I was mentally happier- - and not weighted down with - - the tea
party or Judy’s machinations or - - money problems. Green Harbor – despite its problems, did have
its upside. It’s amazing all these
words that “Word” is suggesting be combined now. Stephanie Miller had a good program today -
- and people should get the podcast if they didn’t watch it live. But the problem with the “live and local”
stuff after on KTLK is that it’s bor-ring!