Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Political Scene Today

This is a fine first day of fall September 22nd and where is our auto date?   Fall officially began at 1:44 in the afternoon, which was less than an hour ago.  The air is invigorating on this sunny day and even at 1:15 there was a cool breeze blowing on the patio.  I am over my malaise of yesterday, which was only incidentally responsible for my not posting anything on blogger, because I didn’t have anything to say anyhow, and am still not sure I do now.  I noticed a spike in readership about that article mentioning Insanity, so I guess I’ll have to be on my best behavior and try not to say anything insane today, or at least keep the insanity within bounds.  Of course this is Season Premier week on TV.  It’s one of those long awaited weeks when at last we get new night programming, that you never think will arrive.  I got up relatively late at 6:20 when it was already starting to get light.   I smoked up my last two cigarettes before breakfast.  We had oatmeal for breakfast and I had two white sugars.  Finally we got our piece and a half of French toast and a piece of bacon.  Then I borrowed a cigarette from Bill.  We had both been given our Pyramids at the same time but I’ve learned that Bill smokes at a slower rate than I do.

I watched Meet the Press and the usual nut job gallery were on including Wayne La Pierre of the NRA - - and all these right wing congressmen like Chris Matthews had that refuse to answer a direct question but can only verge into irrelevant material.  But when push comes to shove it appears as if President Obama has no way out, and this will be another loss to add to his long string of losses lately.  If we can get through the next few weeks and avoid both an government shutdown and not have problems with the debt ceiling, the President will chalk it up as a win.  These Republicans know of course that raising the debt ceiling of the United States will only insure that our bills get paid - - and won’t add a penny of new expenditure or raise the deficit.  As I suspected, no matter how horrific the gun violence is - - these people don’t have a shred of conscience.  Travis Smiley is the only one in the whole roundtable that has a moral compass and dares to suggest things such as- - we should act- - according to what is Right and not just what is the “easiest thing to do politically”.  If I were President Obama, which I am not, I would propose as a compromise to this impasse an indefinite delay in the individual insurance mandate- - so that the overall shell of the Affordable Care Act remains intact.  But the way these republicans are thinking these days, I’m not sure they’d go for even that.  This President is devoid of sharp political instance- - which is why Romney and company were able to take the whole Bengazi issue and wrap it around his throat and strangle him with it.  That’s something they aren’t letting go of - - and they intend to use it against Hillary.  They are now starting to train their guns on her, because there are “these telltale signs” that Hillary is coming according to Chris Matthews and Meet the Press- - but Hillary won’t come out and admit it.  Clearly the Republicans know she’s the best candidate for the job.  But the dirty little secret is that she was also the best candidate for the job Four Years Ago.  Hillary won all of the big state primaries- - and in the old days the Party bosses would look at these electoral results and conclude that they just better go with her- - despite what the deligate math says.  Unfortunately the politicians of 2008 weren’t that smart.  So the people got a candidate they didn’t have total confidence in.  All through his history- - Barock Obama has always been a man “who had to be sold to us” with endless hype with little substance to it, as his track record has subsequently borne out.

Naturally there are a few things of a Cosmic nature “on the other side of the void’ so to speak, that I could mention from the backlog files of my brain.  So I have to ask myself, “What is the least Insane topic I could bring up?”  Well, Mal Evans greeted me this morning and went on a political rant about those who distort the sort of organization Al Qaeda really is.  Of course the name means “The Base” in Arabec.  So it’s like “the foundation” or Vox Populi, so to speak, of the Sunni Islamic peoples.  Mal resents the notion that it is seen as sort of a “Death Incorporated” type of Organization, which has no other function than blowing up bombs in crowds of people in crowded square, preferably non Islamic.  Mal Evans says that neither all the Bengazi hysteria, nor this event in a shopping mall in Kenya or whatever - - was Al Qaeda.   It’s kind of like “Al Qaeda” is one of those universal buzz words kind of like “Obama” has become the generic word now for “liberal democrat”.  We know that the so called “liberal democrat” is a pretty much extinct species.  But their “market research” tells that them that attaching the word “Obama” to anything- - is kind of those universal catch-all hate words.  If I can help it I hate referring to the Affordable Care act as “Obama Care”.   It’s a pajoritive term coined by our enemies.  But the masters of psychology on the Right have told us we need something to Hate, because it seems that Hate is a stronger, more effective emotion to getting people to do what they want- - than motivating out of more traditional things such as love of country, or duty, or morality, or “seeking justice”.   Clearly the race issue is at play in both the anti Arab and anti Islamic hysteria, just it is with exploiting the President’s ethnicity as Rush Limbaugh does every chance he gets.  People on our side some way somehow, need to “Take back the political language”.  We need to re-frame the debate in terms of actual reality, with an eye to solving problems.

On Breakfast with the Beatles it was “no Paul until he calls” day.  And apparently Chris Carter never got a call from Paul, but played Mc Cartney songs in the last part of the program including “That Was Me”, which was a song I was going to add to some “Best Of” compilation I had done that I was planning to re-vamp, but never did.  “Back Seat of my Car” was written “While Paul was still a Beatle”.  So it was pretty much “Songs by dead Beatles- - or all George and John songs for the majority of the program.  They played “Mama, You’ve Been On My Mind”, which has an interesting guitar style kited from another Dylan song, “Don’t think twice, it’s all right”.   This was one of several Dylan influences songs played today.  “You Can Lead a Horse to Water” was the last song George Harrison recorded.  They said that this is the final year the ‘49ers are playing in Candlestick Park.  I heard the area was named after a certain “Candlestick” water fowl, and not on the shape of some land formation, as I had supposed.   There were rumors of some Beatle-fest being held at the Stadium just before they tear it down, in honor of the Beatles final US concert.  I’ve heard that each of the Beatles took a lot of personal photographs of each other- - often photographing other Beatles taking pictures of them.  Of course I guess they could have an actual Beatle reunion concert if they got Danny Harrison to fill in for George, and Julian to fill in for John.   Of course - - I’ve made it no secret that “Wah Wah” and “The Art of Dying” would both sound a hell of a lot better if they got rid of most of the mind numbing acoustic resonance.  These both are such good songs it’d be nice to actually hear the songs au natural.  Beatles at the BBC volume two will be out soon.   Jackie Lomax died.  Cosmically speaking, he was from the “59th Street Gang” along with others such as Thunderclap Newman - - Yes - - and the Youngbloods.  I’ve always liked those lyrics of “Get back to the way you should be- - find out what’s going down”.   Apparently Ringo, and Paul and George all play on this Apple Record production.   In “Who’s Playing that Beatle song” I was going to play it safe and say that that developed version of “For You Blue” was by “Tom Petti”.

They say that eleven o clock on Sunday morning is the most segregated hour of the week  One can only imagine the vast gulf of difference between the typical Sunday message preached in a White church as opposed to that preached in a Black church.  You know the Catholic alias “Universal” church (as Ireneus first coined the term) has always been obsessed with money - - not because generosity is an inherent human virtue we should all practice - - but rather they want to “Own it all”.  They want our minds, our bodies, and our minds.  It just struck me this morning that the whole story about “Christians sharing all things in common’ was only put in the Bible as a “set up” for the Ananaius and Saphirah story about the perils of lying- - even over matters that are not touched in the Torah.  And by the way if Jesus regarded the Torah as “perfect” and that not a job of a tiddle would pass till he fulfilled it all - - then Jesus is validating things like women with their periods not touching any one - - or mixing wool with cotton - - or selling your children into slavery.  And it makes me wonder.  (There’s no Escaping It)  But the thing is - - the Church was so money grubbing- - that in one of the rare times where God does really “strike somebody dead” it has to do with shortchanging “The Church” on your money by not giving them ALL of it, when it’s demanded.  Think about it.  Also - - Simon Magnus- - he was a 2nd Century Gnostic that people came to hate.  In fact the church fathers hated him so much- - they introduced this “Simon” guy in Acts- - who was guilty of the crime of “Simony” or selling of the gifts of God.  And of course they are so eager on hunting down heriticks, that St Paul makes reference to ‘Visiting the Tyannus school”.  This was a school of desciples that worshiped this Apolonius guy who was a quazi messiah figure who died in 110 AD who was said to have risen from the dead and spent forty days on the earth before ascending into Heaven.  Of course nobody will admit that the book of Acts was written AFTER the year 110 AD.  We also told you in the bit about the coins that- - they gave Jesus a - - Roman coin - - with Ceasar’s image on it - - and Jesus said to use THIS coin - - and not one that Bar Kopalah guy had minted when he temporarily had governance of Israel around 132 AD - - - which again – is in the second century.

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