Thursday, September 19, 2013

LA Dodgers Clinch the NL West

Here's a notion I'm experimenting with.  See how you like it.
Awareness without an Avatar - - Cannot Exist

"If I hear the word Doffelganger one more time - - - I'm going to have to learn how to Spell it"

"Anyway it had to be- - two Lives - - one Destiny"
I won't pass any psychological stability tests for saying this but it's my belief that this song is neither about sex- - nor Marriage

"If you want my body - - and you think I'm Sexy - - "
Now THERE is a Wadding Song for you!

And Bon Scott says:  "Go Down! - Go Down! - Go Down!"

And Stephano says, "Bellisimo!"

The Los Angeles Dodgers have clinched the National League West today September 19, 2013, beating the Arizona Diamond Backs 7 to 6.  They had a come from behind win because they were down 3 to 6 at one point.  Seldom has a team been in last place at the end of June and come back to win a division title, but one of the times it happened was with the 1914 Boston Braves, who apparently went on to win the World Series.   I assume this feat will insure over the air television coverage of the play-off games.  They start two weeks from today.  The Dodgers are the first team in major league baseball to win a divisional championship this year.

Pope Francis has been making more of those strange statements in his endeavor to shake things up in the Catholic Church.  The Pope said that for too long have Priests been “obsessed” with the topics of abortion, and gay marriage, and contraception.  Because there are a lot of other issues that are more important in these troubled times.  The Pope even spoke of such clergy who harp on these topics as “small minded”.   He said what a lot of us have been thinking- - of clergy that appeal to a “select group”, which is what John Mac Arthur specializes in.  As you know Mac Arthur specifically fingered those pastors who run “Seeker friendly ministries”.    But the sage saying of the day award goes to none other than Christine Di Mira.   Because she felt a little puzzled by her priest speaking in such terms of “Where is your relation going?” or other expressions that treat the relation as a “thing”, that you can “work on” and “develop”.  Christine said – correctly - - “I thought relationships just Were”.  That’s it.  Relations just Are.  They Are until they Aren’t.  If you look at as a math thing (the way I look at so many things) this view of relationships makes perfect sense.  They aren’t “things” they are what they ARE.   To attach “thing-hood” to a Relationship is to anthropomorphize them.  (Selah)

I am still looking for that elusive patch of common ground that Judy and I might share.  I’m intrigued by this passing thought (now and then) of the idea that if Banks have all of this money and you need it- - and for instance they say they won’t lend it out for a half of a percent interest even though President Obama lets them have it for that.  No.  You could offer more, such as maybe one and a half percent, or even three and a half percent or higher.  If it doesn’t MATTER what percent you offer and they STILL won’t lend the money- - then there is some NEW force at work here that has nothing to do with the Free Market economy.  Really when you come right down to it, Messers Bush and Obama have just Given- - the Rich Wall Street bankers trillions of dollars over the past five years.  They said that 95% of the growth of wealth has come about from Obama just loading the rich with the green stuff.  It’s almost as if they just backed up a dump truck to the US Treasury and the Obama Administration just loaded the bags of money in.  And by the way- - one investment commercial that just might merit looking into is this one on the Rush Limbaugh show talking about how Silver is slated to rise sharply in value as a commodity.  You know this- - give today’s troubled times- - precious metals aren’t going to CRASH in value in 1980.  No, they don’t pay dividends, but they won’t crash either,  and given the right conditions- - owning precious metals may be the best way to increase your capital.

This whole saga of the Florida football player who left his apartment to his son, who turned it over to three hundred wild party people, who utterly trashed the place and caused twenty thousand dollars- - let me tell you that football guy was a whole lot calmer about the whole thing than I would have been.  If it were me I would do what I call a “class action law suit” in reverse.  I’d sue the parents of all three hundred of those kids - - and I’d win because unlike criminal court all I’d need is a preponderance of evidence that those kids did the damage, and I’d also pay the Court Costs, too.  I believe under the law I’d be entitled to that.  And having to own up to their little trespass against property- - would be the best thing to happen to them.

Ken Norton died today so another icon of Boxing is gone.  As Moe Kelly stated earlier, Boxing just isn’t the high status sport that it was in this country when I was growing up, up to a point of about twenty years ago, when something happened.  Apparently one female who called literally thought that George Forman just sold barbecues.  “I thought he was a professional chef or something”.  Apparently Ken Norton - - applied for the part of Apollo Creed in the Rocky movies.   Other people are saying that the sport of professional football is not long for this world despite what it looks like now.  Some fear it may be turned into such a whoos game with a bunch of new rules- - that it just isn’t fun to watch any more.  I don’t know about that.   What they could do - - and this sounds treasonous - - is to place some weight limit on the entire league such as say 270 pounds, and if you are any heavier than that you just can’t play in the NFL.

It dawned on me just today that “Life After Death” as we think of it- - being in a disembodied state - - isn’t what we think it is, and for all practical purposes DOESN’T EXIST.  So you can flag this paragraph as a MAJOR POSITION CHANGE ALERT.    This is because as we have told you that “Awareness” is an Effect- - and we said that Effects were on This Side of the Void or whatever you want to call it.  We told you that there must be a balance between Effect and Cause.  And Karma is the Cause.  But Karma is not “Aware” any more than a “Relationship” is a thing that can be given a coat of turtle wax like your car.  “Hey, I bet Christine Di Mira gets it!”   I think at times I’ve been guilty of having lapses in Logic when I speak in matters of the After Life.  Just think for a moment.  We say “never get even with anybody for wrongs done you” and “why would you want to get Even”.   I’ll ask you Why would you NOT want to get Even.  Because balance or “getting even” as you call it, is the basic law of karma.  Why is it two little kids on the teeter totter understand something you don’t?  And I’d go on to ask you “Who TOLD you that “getting even” was wrong?”  Remember that from the Garden of Eden when God asks Adam “Who TOLD you that you were naked, because it sure as Hell didn’t come from Me”.   (Selah)  For instance if you use logic - - if you have a bunch of things that are all positive - - and One of those things stays Positive and the Rest go Negative- - then though the one thing that remained the same did not Change- - all of the relations to the other Things on the list- - has changed- - so that IT will be seen as the one negative thing.  Or if two things change - - like say mass and space - - - where optics and refraction is involved – if BOTH things change but keep the SAME relation to each other- - then there will be no changes in their optics.   Let me just say one more thing and I’ll stop.  People may ask me “You say that on the Other Side- - you see every object from the Inside Out rather than the Outside In”.  And I would affirm “That’s right”.  You’d continue, “Well you have Sketch don’t you?  You can view any object from the “Inside’ merely by using the Zoon control and “looking around” once you get Inside it.”    Here’s where that won’t work.  It’s not just view local - - but you see Everything you now see from the Outside- - From the Inside - - All At Once- - just the way you see it from the outside all at once in a single view.  (camera or otherwise)  Capish? 

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