Monday, December 23, 2013

Completely Fraudelant Dynesty

 The amount of sheer fraud or bogusness on the part of the tea party right is even beyond my fathoming.  I was mentioning yesterday about 2013 being nothing but bad news.  It started off really bad.  Stephanie Miller had about the first show of 2013 this morning and it's eye opening just to realize all the stories you may have forgotten.  Let's take Hillary Clinton's accident, from which she got a possibly life threatening brain injury, which required recouperation.  Those on the right said that the whole thing was staged and that it was a way of avoiding the so called Bengazi contraversy.  Others on the right were merely laughing about the whole thing- - as if there were anything funny about a 65 year old woman getting a serious concussion.  Then we had the sequester thing- - and now congress would not move on that but keep constrictive spending meassures in place.   Then of course there was a semi-tax giveaway to the rich- - who had their tax liability lessened from over $250,000 to over $400,000 and John Boehner was saying "We let the democrats have their tax increase".  No, we gave them a $150,000 concession for free.  Even then there was talk of the nuclear option in congress by which appointments needed only to be approved by the constitutionally specified majority of the Senate and not a super-majority.  Some posts would languish for literally years without being headed by anybody because they weren't approved.  The media and others did us a disservice by calling it the "fiscle cliff", of which it was not.  Personally if I had been President I would have said I wanted certain concessions from the right or I simply would not sign a $150,000 tax concession to the richest among us.  Every year we hear the same song and dance about "This at last will be the year that things change markedly better and we see some real improvement in the economy. But then each year comes and goes- - and it doesn't happen.

I never realized to what a compete extent that this Robertson guy was a complete fraud.  Johnny Wendell pointed out something no one else had pointed out in the two weeks of this Duck Dynesty contraversy and that is that Phil Robertson was doing his GQ interview in character.   I have always been confused whether this Robertson duck call dynesty was real or not.  It seems it is a total invention of somebody.  This man is not poor.  He didn't grow up on the Bayou and he never picked cotton with Blacks as a youth.  Instead he is a milti millionaire - - and could best be compared to someone like Mitt Romney drinking his chablis out of expensive crystal glassware.  I'm always marvled that these people on the far right are college educated themselves and yet- - they trash others would seek to get a college degree calling them "Education snobs" or something.  This idea that Robertson was "poor white trash" as as fraudulant as saying that Buddy Ebson was really a backwoods hillbilly in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee who struck oil.  We all know that show is an act, but we take Duck Dynesty as reality because it's on "Reality television".  It makes you wonder just how many of these other reality shows such as Suvervivor are pre scripted.  As to this notion about Blacks never "singing the blues" in the fifties.  One of my dead friends (Perhaps Johnny Cash) pointed out that Sam Philips would have gone out of business before I even came along, if there weren't black blues singers.  Obviously the fifties were the hay day of delta blues.  The idea that Robertson never heard it is laughable.  The idea that Robertson never saw Blacks suffering under discrimination is laughable.  Johnny Wendell points out something I had forgotten about, even though I'd heard it before.  When Martha Reves and Dianna Ross and the Temptations and all the rest went on a grand southern tour because their Motown records were selling well in 1964, they had to suffer indignities about going around to the back of a resturant and being given a cold drink probably with all the fizz gone, and a cold hot dog, and if they didn't like it, that's just the way things were in the South for Blacks.  And in Tulsa Oklahoma apparently because a black elevator opperator looked at a white woman suspiciously- - in 1919 the white people of Tulsa burned down the whole Black community, which was prosperous at the time.  People say that minorities lack any pride or business sense.  And yet when the Irraquois Indian nation was "acting a little too White" with their own local prosperity- - President Andrew Jackson took certain measures against them.  And of course people have been taking pot shots at another racial minority for centuries- - the Jews, when they would try and show a little ethnic pride and elevate their stature a little.  I'm still vaguely puzzled.  Doesn't Sarah Palin for example know this guy isn't a real Duck Hunter?  Interestingly one thing I've never heard out of Robertson's mouth is one word about duck hunting.  These people who put on acts are sickening.  I even heard that during the 2004 campaign John Kerry went to a red state in America's Heartland and applied for a hunting license- - but did so in a fake rural accent deliberately using gramatically inept terms to convince these people he was "really one of them".  I guess that went over about as well as Michael Dukakis riding around in a tank.  Why do these people feel they have to do things like this.  They say a lot of these right wingers really aren't "homophobic" themselves- - but they put on this Act that they are outraged and insensed by it to garner votes from the prejudiced among us.  I myself would be a "real homophobe" if you are looking for that, because when I think when it comes to a parent looking out for the welfare of their kids, we should all be homophobic.  I do not reguard homosexuality as an ideal mental "state" to grow up in, and like any disease, if you can avoid it- so much the better.  They say that now politicians "Study the craft of appearing Genuine".  I wouldn't have to "study" any such thing.  I'd just go out and be myself and that way I wouldn't trip myself up forgetting my lines or forget which audience I was pandering to today.   Finally this whole idea of bringing Christianity into it is puzzling.  You know- - a generation ago if someone had tried this stunt- - Churches themselves would be rising up and saying "Get this bozo off the air.  He's defaming Christianity and making us all look like a bunch of hick blithering idiots".  But today the bar is so much lower (like burried in the ground) that churches don't do that.   Another thing that's so fraudulant is the whole idea that the man's "Free Speech" is violated.  His remarks are literally EVERYWHERE.  And being fired cost him nothing because the whole next season has Already Been Filmed, and it's going to be aired by A & E right on schedule.  So this guy can't be compared to Martin Bashier, who by the way apologised to Sarah Palin for his remarks.  So Bashier suffered the additional humiliation of both losing his job and NOT having his apology even Accepted by Sarah Palin.  Yes every year people say "The tea party is losing it- - this phenoninon can't go on much longer" and every year it does.  Let's hope and pray that 2014 truely is a year when things Turn Around.

Last night it was the ABC network news and later the Mc Laughlin group.  Pat Buchannon has become quite the Vladimir Putin fan.  Last night he called him a rising political force and a bulwark of traditional culture against Western cultural decadence.   The more I come to dislike Vladimir Putin, the fonder of Putin Pat gets.  They had their categories of the year best of’s and worst of’s yesterday.   Word blue-lined “fonder” saying it should have been “founder”.  That only shows how dopey Word’s grammar system still is.   But really.  Pat is the guy who has turned peacenick on the matter of Iranian Nukes and should we trust them to not build a bomb- - even though Iran has no track record of honorable actions.   We know Pat has in the past referred to how "upsetting" it is for Putin for NATO to add countries closser to Russia.  And Pat has defended the invasion of Georgia by Russian forces.  Now we are hearing how "masterful" Putin was- - at somehow "outsmarting and out manuvering" the President on Syrian weapons of mass destruction.  I'm not buying it.  Russia hasn't turned peacenic where Syria is concerned.  I call it "cutting your losses".  If Putin wasn't afraid of true patriots like John Mc Cain and Lindsey Graham- - they never would have acted.

Congress set a record according to Mario.  They did "more of nothing" than any other Congress in existance  And they've never been paid for it.  I'd like a two hundred grand a year job for doing nothing.  Hell, I'd do SOMETHING being paid that- - just to ease the boredom and "make myself feel useful".   According to Mario this congress has passed only seventy bills but the next "lazy" congress under Harry Truman, passed over three hundred bills and people called THAT lazy.  OK, if you say so.  The other issue is this whole bit about the more Obama tries to streamline the Affordable Care Act, the more they protest hysterically.  So their motive becomes crystal clear.  It isn't that Obama Care might FAIL that upsets them so, it's because they fear Obamacare might WORK that has their panties all in a bunch.  So I guess there are four major concessions to pragmatism.  I remember watching C-SPAN what a horrible thing it was that they were delaying the employee mandate.  Now that they have granted a year delay on "keeping your old insurance coverage" does that mean the Republicans are going to stop running those ads of "My insurance just went up by 250%".  I don't think so.  Whiny is the Tea Party's middle name.

I'd like to call this next paragraph "Insight for Dummies".   For instance in the parables of Jesus.  Some say that "Jesus is the Pearl of Great Price" where one should be willing to sacrifice all their material goods as well as their lives, to obtain the prize- - namely Jesus.  Well keep in mind in Jewish (as well as Dardanian) culture, the Pearl is not considered an item of worth as are true Gems.  As such one would never speak of "A pearl of great price".  It would be like "The hot dog of great price" in our culture.  Hence if Jesus gave this parable, one needs to look elsewhere for an explanation of it.  I'll leave it to you to decide what that is.    The next has to do with the comparrison of the Apostle Paul to George Zimmerman.  The analogy isn't entirely complete since it would seem Zimmerman really IS at least part Latino.  In our story- - Paul traded on his "Greekness" but others said "He isn't Greek".  And in truth Paul is indeed NOT Greek at all genetically.  His father was a Roman.  In our little story the Romans ruled the world.  Hence Paul, according to the tea baggers in the story had the right to refer to himself as "White".   We then come to our fifth dimensional question of a couple weeks ago.  The question is "What is fifth dimensional Crosstalk?"   And we gave you choices such as- - oh - maybe the psychic abilities of members of the Fifth Dimension music group.  Or maybe it was some strange feng chue geometry of fifth dimensional space?  Well how about the old chestnut- - "A fundamental disturbance in the time-space continuoum".  It wasn't that either.  No- - "Fifth dimensional crosstalk" is the idea that something can pop into your mind- - and no matter WHAT it is - - - no matter what- - it IS true "In some dimension" because of our adage "Everything that could Possibly happen HAS happened- - in some dimension".    Finally we have the insight of E J Di Mira who said "Kate can't go on texting Nick Fallon's family forever.  Some time or another they are going to want to talk to a real voice- - and get some confirmation that Nick really exists.  Though that hasn't bothered people about Gold, who has been "texting" readers of the Bible and they "get a Word from Him" and hence convinced he is still Alive.  (Selah) 

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