Thursday, December 26, 2013

Plenty To Get "Hung" About

My blogger numbers suck lately so you'll pardon if I take out my frustration by boring you in this posting.  This is the first one I have done in three days.   I was thinking of calling my "next posting' something like "The worst week of the worst month of the worst year".   Another heading I thought of "2013 Signals Fast Track to Hell for the United States".   One caller on Nicole's show talked about revolution.  After all Nelson Mandella if his life demonstrated nothing else it's that "When non violence isn't working- - step up the Resistance to something a little more Effective".   His life is a monument to the success or systematic, armed and organized violence.  And let me tell you don't say the cause of the left isn't just because we've tried everything else and only been walked all over.  They go after our pensions and our SSI and our Union funds, and the Unions themselves, they pander to the worse forms of bigotry and other forms of hatred for hatred's sake.  And they love it!   No sane person could possibly believe Mitt Romney was any Christian because he is completely devoid of empathy, or concern for all of the people he's hurt in his financial dealings.  You can not find one Bible verse from genisis to revelation to justify the things Romney DID and the things the tea party bosses such as Sheldon Adelson and Grover Norquist are doing.   If you're wondering about my own personal New Years resolutions in 2014 I'm well on my way now to becoming a non smoker.  And I don't anticipate having near the number of "Messages from the Other Side" if you know what I mean.  Unless they're throwing money down to me I'm wondering why I need them.  I plan to improve my computer skills in Sketch, and Excel and in Power Point.   I hope perhaps to get one of more good vitamin supplements.

This is just after noon on December 26, 2013 on a warm mid day where temperatures around here spike.  However I think the 85 degree temperature reading for yesterday was a little bogus if you check temperatures anywhere outside downtown Los Angeles.  Places that are normally warmer were not as warm.  Nicole Sandler is on now and we turn our attention to the various Christmas messages of yesterday.  Right now Nicole is reading the Pope’s Christmas delivered from the famous balcony in St Peter’s.  She says she took out most of the references to the Almighty.  The Pope mentioned Syria, and the Central African Republic, and Nigeria, and the Horn of Africa.  It was a gracious message expressing a wish for Peace on Earth and for harmony among mankind.  The Queen too delivered a Christmas message and they released new photos of baby George in his baptismal gown- - perhaps taken a couple months ago.  The baby had a certain regal look about him.  By way of “the opposition response” the Queen allows this too and this time was taken up by an Edward Snowden message.  Snowden wants us to know that he did a good thing and that the dangers of a generalized loss in the expectation of any privacy is a serious one.  American children growing up today have no expectation of privacy or ever having a private, confidential thought.   However the British government was always not so stellar in their desire for human liberties.  The Queen yesterday officially pardoned a patriot and a computer genious who pioneered computer technology during WW II and helped to define just what a computer really is.  He broke a lot of Nazi codes and did much to shorten the duration of World War II.  For his efforts he was convicted in 1952 for “Being a homosexual” and was compelled by the Crown to undergo chemical castration, which apparently they had back then where your balls shrivel up to nothing.  Two years later this guy named “Touring” (?) took his own life by eating a cyanide laced poisoned apple.  He said as a youth his favorite movie was Snow White.  There are those who think it wasn’t suicide.  But the conduct of the State in this matter is totally disgusting- - more disgusting than any acts “Touring” may have committed.  It’s one thing to be flagged for the “act” of sodomy or whatever in Texas.  I can see being convicted for a certain “act” where you pay a fine or something or spend thirty days in jail and then go your merry way.  But this guy was marked for life and apparently his carrier as a computer technician or anything else was completely ruined by what the Crown did in fingering him.  It would seem that somehow the concept of a “thought crime” rather than any specific Act- - is not new.

This morning I got up at a quarter to six and I did not post yesterday or the day before.  At least Moe Kelly and Nicole are live today.  Moe Kelly took off on Jesse Jackson and I’m not at all sure why.  Other people have the right to weigh in on the Phil Robertson issue, but apparently that right doesn’t extend to Jesse Jackson.  I don’t get it.   Moe points out that the KKK has all of their rights intact and they have expressed their “opinion” such as it is, freely in today’s favorable climate.  They can even hold KKK marches if they want to.  But they can’t threaten anyone or incite violence.  The “right to hate” is not an absolute right.  They had coffee in the courtyard and I got a half a ham sandwich from Dora with my coffee, and I also had a second cup.  I called Paul at some point in the morning and we managed to get a little caught up on things.  Yesterday he mainly relaxed and had dinner with friends in the evening, much as I supposed when I couldn’t reach him last night.  Paul and Judy both complemented me on my progress in quitting smoking over the past six and a half days now.  I reminded Paul that there was some book that stated a person could quit smoking in five days flat if they did it completely cold turkey.  Paul mentioned a watch place and an optometrist place where I could get the needed things done on those two areas.  He wasn’t sure whether it would be today or tomorrow and it turns out to be tomorrow.  We have started on page three.  I tried to downplay the extent to which I have been having OCD and downright paranoid thoughts over the past week, as readers of the beginning of this file done yesterday know.  We had baked ham with fairly thick slices for lunch and mashed potatoes and corn, so it was like dinner for lunch.  We had mixed fruit for dessert.  I got a long half cigarette from Gwendeline and felt lucky.  The only other substantial smoke I’d had was a whole cigarette from Richard Moore this morning.  We had Raison Bran for breakfast and after a protracted wait we had scrambled eggs with stuff in it, and toast and butter and jelly, and Owen asked for his piece of toast back he’d given me.  Nicole is worried about the “meaning’ of Christmas, with the enphasis on “meanness” because there has been a spirit of meanness this year that people are fed up with and Moe Kelly was just happy that Christmas was over with, since there seems to be more a spirit of tension in the air this year.

Moe was ticked off about UPS and not delivering on Christmas when they promised.  I have mixed feelings about this.  Moe believes that if you have a backlog of orders and are running behind that you contact your workers and say “I know what we promised you, but you have to work on Christmas”.  But the other side of me just wishes more people would honor the holidays and give promised holidays off.  After all there are virtually no holidays our family has celebrated since I can remember where we actually celebrated holidays on the actual day.   They are talking about “It’s a Wonderful Life” now and in today’s political climate that movie definitely does have a subversive “Non Romney” message.   Nobody knows what the tea party stands for nowdays anyhow.  We don’t know if they are Christian or Ayan Rand or what.  And theological distinctions like being a Mormon obviously don’t matter.   Stephanie Miller this morning had her show from last March just before the sequester was to go into place.   Of course today’s “libertarians” don’t really believe in liberty, as in “civil liberties” but they do want to “help the unemployed out” by taking away their benefits because all that payment was after all just “forcing them into dependency”.   Of course if you follow that logic to its logical conclusion then you’d close down all of the hospitals because “there are a lot of sick people there”.

I noticed that the old red Atlas was moved several books over- - and I wonder if Emma had done that and I never noticed.  I don’t think there are any books missing.  Nora noted that the top of the CD cabinet hadn’t been cleaned- - but maybe that creamer was just spilled.  Last night I got a fourth cup of coffee from Glen last night- - tepid instant- - and I told Glen “I’ll try not to come around in the remaining two days”.   I actually have enough in my ATM account that I could use that card for a big cup of coffee at the liquor store for a fat fifty cent “tip”.   Last night it was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  Then it was a Christmas I Love Lucy special, that was in color, with black & white flashbacks.  It really was a “special” centering on the birth of little Ricky, who gets a drum set at five years old.  The last five or six minutes I watched “The Middle’ and that show was a rerun.  Then I watched about the first eight minutes of the next comedy working off the premise of “What the hell happened last night?”   Then I turned to some animated thing on KTLA and dozed off, and when I next woke this guy was singing- - and I guess he was melodic.  I turned it off and went to bed maybe twenty after nine. 

Today is “Boxing Day” so does that mean your employer gives you a gift- - if we’re going to follow tradition?  Today is the beginning of Quanza and Nicole says “This holiday is all about family unity”.  I’m thinking that if African culture is all that hot on “Peace’ how come the worse moral decadence and debotchery comes out of “The Dark Continent”?   (Selah)  It could be that I could be a “non smoker” for the first time in twelve & a half years, by the end of the year, before the next seven days have expired.  We’ll see.  It’s one thing to say what is “supposed to happen” but it’s another thing for it actually to happen.  “It’s” shouldn’t be green-lined.

Tuesday evening was Christmas Eve but it sure didn’t feel like it.  The songs were playing on KOST radio, but it didn’t feel like Christmas Eve.  About seven thirty James let me have another white cigarette and reminded me that I now owe him fifty cents.  One for that one and the other one he “gave me as a Christmas gift” earlier.  OK.   I had NCIS on and was feeling drowsy.  I prepared the laundry for Denise to pick up in the night, and made out a fresh list.  And luckily Denise even works on Christmas Eve.  Christmas morning was totally strange, being desperate for a cigarette.  However I did luck out this day.  I got a cigarette from Richard Moore, and one from Nancy Warwick and one from Paul Evans, and one from that brunette on the west patio, and two from that Oriental guy (if you’re into smoking pencil shavings)  Phillies don’t really count as a cigarette.   Ricardo said Christmas Eve morning that he would be off until after New Years.  I’ve been going for my medication before breakfast.  We had oatmeal, and I got a second bowl of oatmeal from Hilda.  We got a fried egg and bread pudding with whipped cream on top.  Owen gave me his piece of bread pudding but I didn’t finish that.

I finally listened to some KLOS Christmas classic rock.  They played “Snow for Christmas” by Emerson Lake and Palmer, which I had been hoping to hear right off.  They played Tom Petti’s “It’s Christmas Time” and “Rock and Roll Christmas” by George Toorogood, and a rocking version of “Merry Christmas, Baby” of which Charles Brown has the definitive version.  Later I heard that Hawaiian Christmas song by Bing Crosby, which sounds like he’s joined by the Andrew’s Sisters.   Most of the stations had Christmas songs.  Time kind of hung heavy in the morning.  I did go out for morning coffee.   Dora had more of those bread pudding slices and I was so hungry that I had one.  I had “Let’s Make a Deal” on for the last fifteen minutes, and had “The Price is Right” on a little.  Flashing to the present, “Days of our Lives’ was playing in the big room and I got another short from Gwendeline.

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