Sunday, March 09, 2014

Former Defense Sec Gates - "Crimea Is Lost"

"Why are we the Prophets - - why are we the ones - - who see the sad solution - know what must be Done"

Whether you call it "Instant Karma's gona get you" or of "Bring a person to NOW" you are talking about basically the same thing.  The source of either statement really doesn't matter.

"The Dealer's gona sell you a lot of Sweet Dreams - - but he'll lay your Soul to waste, and leave your Mind to Scream"

"What will a man give in exchange for getting his soul back?  Whatever he's asking, it's cheap at twice the price"  (Selah)

"There comes that moment of instant mental clarity where you know what needs to be done, and at that moment the Dream-weavers have no power over you.  Their weapons have been rendered useless, and now you can fight for your own interests on an even playing field".
Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said today that “Crimea is lost”.  It’s no use trying to get it back.  This is a concencus the world at large appears to be arriving at since no one simply has the cajones to take on Vladimir Putin.  It doesn’t matter what dangerous precedents it sets in these modern times, Putin doesn’t care, and now the world is figuring they’re “just going to have to get used to it” like a seventh grader being bullied in junior high school.  But even a bully doesn’t operate in a vacuum.  He looks around the room and sizes up the crowd and sizes up the teachers how bright they are, and then he acts.  If the world at large sent certain Signals, and quickly- - at Putin’s action, then he wouldn’t feel so sure of himself and dare we say “justified”.   Dick Chaney was on Face the Nation this morning and I watched it on line this afternoon.  Chaney points out that “instantly taking options off the table is never a wife move”.  But it’s the FIRST thing this President always does.  That’s why he’s a dope.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s republicans and the tea party, or a foreign power- - he wants the other side to rest securely in all the things this president Won’t Do.  There are military options short of boots on the ground.  For instance remember when Putin was whining because we planned to put NATO missiles in Poland.  Putin said he felt “threatened” so to placate him we took them out.  Bush placated Putin after the attack on Georgia and Dick Chaney rationalized that in saying “Well, that situation wasn’t as clear as this one”.  Just as the Rodney King case wasn’t as black and white as was Trayvon Martin.  There are times when being one hundred percent in the right avails you nothing in this world.  And of course we could conduct NATO training troop exercises on the Soviet border.  And of course we could lend direct monetary aid and training of the Ukraine Army so they’d be in a better position to fight back.  Paul Ryan was on next and he also had a number of good suggestion.  This will be a first for my readers.  Me praising Paul Ryan.  First of all this whole “national energy security” issue raised by Ed Schultz- - has a point here.  Perhaps it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to just let the natural gas fracking issue slide for a couple years or so.  If there are any oil leases pending on federal lands, these processings could be speeded up, so we’d have the oil ready if we needed it.  Paul Ryan’s idea is to drive the price of oil and gas down, because this will hurt Putin, particularly if the Ukrane says “Go ahead and cut us off, we don’t care”.  After all they do have access to some nuclear generated power.  We need to make it clear that the people in Ukraine and also the threatened Baltic Sea states- - that they needn’t let themselves ruled by sheer fear, like a cowering student before a bully.  Because we’ll be there to backstop them.  If you’re in the old west and you’re a gun slinger and you walk into a bar and suddenly the music stops and everyone is staring at you, many with guns aimed, you’ll think twice about what you do from that point on.    The fact is that - - to quote a May of 1964 commercial in California for the Republican Primary, he said “Apeasement has always led to war, but real Peace comes only from firm resolve and strength, and I want that Peace”.   People who say they want Peace- - and at the same time put at jeopardy not themselves, but people they have a great level of influence over- - these people are not brave but using others who look up to them merely as pawns to make themselves look better.  I don’t care if you’re running as a “Man of Peace” or you’re going all the way and calling yourself the Messiah now, it shows no character to make pronouncements that do Nothing to actually achieve Peace- - but only feather your own nest, need we say, the nests of people who basically hate the nation to begin with - - and wouldn’t mind seeing it fail.  I’m not saying any names but if the shoe fits, wear it.

It’s a sign of some intelligence to “know all the answers”  I maintain that it’s a greater sign of intelligence to ask the right questions to begin with.  Police detectives know this is true.  Computer programmers know this is true.  People who have ever worked on these “story” math problems (usually in grammar school) know this is true.  Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedies knows that if you “Don’t even know the questions’ you have no business talking about “The Answer”.  (Selah)  That’s one thing people liked about John Lennon is that he always asked a lot of question, and his mind was open to new ideas and concepts.   And I am not insulted when people ask me questions about things I have written.  It least I know then their minds were engaged when they read it.  So many people like my Mom I call “Book junkies”.  Some people may read two or even three books a week - - like clockwork- - and yet when it comes to summarizing a book they read six months ago they can’t remember a thing.  That’s not how I read.  I always read something expecting that I might be tested on it by - - somebody.   For instance in that rapture paragraph we spoke of “the twelfth night” but we didn’t say whether you count the very beginning of the month of October- - or did we mean one night after a full day had elapsed.   And also when we spoke of “Spiritual Powers” of a disembodied but intelligent nature- - what we didn’t say, but left the door open to believe, that somehow the whole idea of “Causes” to begin with was just another “realm of consciousness” that we experience all the time here in our fleshly bodies, but somehow aren't "tuned into it usually".  That - - would be a case of "Not knowing what we know", which is a whole lot better in 'Not knowing that we do not know", which is a state far too many people are in.  But we also left the idea open that somehow - -  there was what you would call “cultural pluralism” in the next life.  Lest you balk as my suggestion that there are demonic (evil) entities in what we might call “Heaven”, the Apostle Paul, Marcionite that he was, already open that door speaking of demonic powers “in the heavenlies” and called them “powers of the air” when I think “air’ can also be translated “spiritual”.    Thus “getting spiritual” is no occasion for some proficiency certificate in Morality.   But neither was I saying that things such as Good and Evil, and whether one is preferable to the other- - is of no avail in the after life, because it most certainly is.  But we’ve got to get over this thing of what I call “afraid of our own inate goodness”.   In the writings of John the Apostle in the Bible there are scriptures about “You need that no man teach you” and “look to your own conscience and if your own conscience does not condemn you, you do well”.   It is my belief that Martin Luther himself may have been swayed to act because of having read passages such as these.  So if we are the best qualified to say what is “Good’ for us- - then we want to see our own values in others.  And we believe that we do things like showing consideration and compassion to people, and kindness to strangers - -not because we have some Pastor riding shot gun on us, but rather because “this is who we are innately” and we know there is a payoff of kindness and consideration and generosity- - which “comes back to us”.   Not that we let an oppressor take it by force, but that we of our own Free Will - - - Give it.   So in essence this is Karma.  It isn’t that “goodness” is like some “free ticket to the next world” but rather that since we ARE good, then we will BE good and do good acts.  However like all other acts we do “It will come back on us” because of that karmic law of cause and effect and the Cosmic Scales of Justice.  Remember that evidence is weighed - - so that even a Blind man can see it.  (Selah)

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