WORMS - - White Old Rural Male Southerners - - WORMS
There has been another theater mass shooting. This one was at a theater in LaFyatte, Louisiana done by a 59 year old “drifter”. Three people are dead including the shooter and nine people were wounded. Now they’re saying that he had a tea party web site. When FOX news learned this (allegedly) they lost interest in covering the thing. Stephanie Miller points out that the gun lobby is counting on us tiring of these events and eventually not being the least shocked by then but think “It’s just another day in the news”. But we can’t give in to those feelings. The gun lobby will also say “It’s too soon in the heat of the moment to think about gun legislation”. We all have to “calm down” and “let the dust settle”. I guess Shawn Hannity would say “We shouldn’t come to any snap decisions”. This whole line of thinking is pure bullshit, of course. This is God’s way of telling congress to get off it’s ass and pass something in the way of gun access legislation.
Loretta Lynch and the
Feds are already down there in Texas to investigate the death of Sandra
Bland. It seems the cannabis THC
chemical in her blood system was sky high and it’s figured that the people at
the jail laced her food heavily with THC which made her stoned out of her mind
and the next morning she refused breakfast.
But also she was taking an anti convulsant drug, Kepra, which has as one
of its side effects increased anxiety and a propensity to commit suicide. And so they should have had her on suicide
watch and had a constant camera in her cell.
But also in Louisiana they recently amended the state constitution that
sais that no anti gun laws could EVER be
passed by the Louisiana state legislature, and also instructed the Courts to
ignore any and all impediments to complete freedom of gun ownership and open
carry. TH has stated that Mississippi
is like Greece in that it gets back a whole lot more from the federal central
government than it contributes by way of taxes.
This is a year end, year out situation.
MSNBC has canceled one
of the last true forces of liberalism, Ed Schultz. The Ed show is hereby canceled. This is the final outrage and the final
sell-out on the part of MSNBC. He was
the only one on MSNBC who talked about net neutrality and all of this anti
Trans Pacific Partnership stuff Ed was doing.
Apparently Senator Bernie Sanders went off on Comcast that basically
owns MSNBC and sets their more conservative policies. At the moment Rachael Maddaw is still on, but
they might end up canceling her next.
Someone said that the great ideological divide in the halls of
Washington DC is not Republican verses Democrat but Insider verses
Outsider. Mike Papantonio also states
that the big Wall Street contributors to Hillary Clinton actually gets MORE of
their money than any Republican candidate.
That’s an eye opener. The number
one beneficiary of Wall Street donations is a democrat. If Democrats end up voting for Hillary it
should be only as a last resort, and not a first resort.
Bill Carol talked about this one planet in the ‘Goldie Locks zone” being neither too hot or too cold, and where perhaps through absorbsion spectra they can gauge what sort of atnosphere it has. This is where it takes presumably one year for a planet’s orbit to occur. This of course assumes the same ratio between generated heat and the mass of the star as our own Sun. It also assumes if you see a planet cross the face of a star in regular intervals, that another planet does not also pass in a regular ratio. It’s stipulated that due to the eccentricity of orbits, few planets actually pass across the face of a star, and so we’re missing about 99 percent of them.
Bill Carol talked about this one planet in the ‘Goldie Locks zone” being neither too hot or too cold, and where perhaps through absorbsion spectra they can gauge what sort of atnosphere it has. This is where it takes presumably one year for a planet’s orbit to occur. This of course assumes the same ratio between generated heat and the mass of the star as our own Sun. It also assumes if you see a planet cross the face of a star in regular intervals, that another planet does not also pass in a regular ratio. It’s stipulated that due to the eccentricity of orbits, few planets actually pass across the face of a star, and so we’re missing about 99 percent of them.
A major shouting match
has occurred in the US Senate today between Mitch Mc Conell and Ted Cruz over
the topic of the export-import bank.
Senator Cruz said that Mitch Mc Conell was “Running the senate like a
democrat” and the vote to renew the export-import bill should not be held. Republicans are against the export – import bank
for reasons unknown, except that the Republicans are for any bill which makes
the balance of trade worse for America.
This bank tends to help domestic exports and therefore will stimulate
our own economy. In fact these
republicans are against any bill that furthers domestic employment and helps
the economy.
I listened to Shawn Hannity but dozed off in
the hour and I heard Bill come in just before Days of our Life. Hannity talked Donald Trump’s visiting of the
border but he didn’t get help from any border agents because someone from
Washington told them to spurn Trump. As you know Hannity like Rush is standing solidly behind Donald Trump and both are using the most overblown rhetoric to support their points. They are proud of the fact that Trump is not your ordenary politician who has to have some mantle of civility. [break in text] The
big news on Days of our Lives is Jack Junior officially being an under-cover
agent in that drug ring. But the guy is
already suspicious of JJ and if I were Jack Junior rather than be around
someone who can out-think me I’d hang it up now before we waded out into any
deeper waters.
Yesterday afternoon I
got in the line to see Dr Saran after returning to a now shorter line. It was still a wait. My temperature was 97 and something. My blood pressure was 130 over 80. Dr Saran said he was going to schedule a
“full blood test” for me. I just had one
a bit over two years ago. I remember it
took months for Judy to get the results.
I don’t know if this blood test will be any “fuller” than that one. I hope I will get some kind of decent warning
ahead of time. I remember in those days
I still had my own coffee. That won’t be
the case this time.