Friday, July 24, 2015

Mass Shooting in La Fyatte, Louisiana

WORMS - - White Old Rural Male Southerners - - WORMS
There has been another theater mass shooting.  This one was at a theater in LaFyatte, Louisiana done by a 59 year old “drifter”.  Three people are dead including the shooter and nine people were wounded.  Now they’re saying that he had a tea party web site.  When FOX news learned this (allegedly) they lost interest in covering the thing.  Stephanie Miller points out that the gun lobby is counting on us tiring of these events and eventually not being the least shocked by then but think “It’s just another day in the news”.  But we can’t give in to those feelings.  The gun lobby will also say “It’s too soon in the heat of the moment to think about gun legislation”.   We all have to “calm down” and “let the dust settle”.  I guess Shawn Hannity would say “We shouldn’t come to any snap decisions”.  This whole line of thinking is pure bullshit, of course.  This is God’s way of telling congress to get off it’s ass and pass something in the way of gun access legislation.

Loretta Lynch and the Feds are already down there in Texas to investigate the death of Sandra Bland.  It seems the cannabis THC chemical in her blood system was sky high and it’s figured that the people at the jail laced her food heavily with THC which made her stoned out of her mind and the next morning she refused breakfast.  But also she was taking an anti convulsant drug, Kepra, which has as one of its side effects increased anxiety and a propensity to commit suicide.  And so they should have had her on suicide watch and had a constant camera in her cell.  But also in Louisiana they recently amended the state constitution that sais that no anti gun laws  could EVER be passed by the Louisiana state legislature, and also instructed the Courts to ignore any and all impediments to complete freedom of gun ownership and open carry.   TH has stated that Mississippi is like Greece in that it gets back a whole lot more from the federal central government than it contributes by way of taxes.  This is a year end, year out situation.

MSNBC has canceled one of the last true forces of liberalism, Ed Schultz.  The Ed show is hereby canceled.  This is the final outrage and the final sell-out on the part of MSNBC.  He was the only one on MSNBC who talked about net neutrality and all of this anti Trans Pacific Partnership stuff Ed was doing.  Apparently Senator Bernie Sanders went off on Comcast that basically owns MSNBC and sets their more conservative policies.  At the moment Rachael Maddaw is still on, but they might end up canceling her next.   Someone said that the great ideological divide in the halls of Washington DC is not Republican verses Democrat but Insider verses Outsider.  Mike Papantonio also states that the big Wall Street contributors to Hillary Clinton actually gets MORE of their money than any Republican candidate.  That’s an eye opener.  The number one beneficiary of Wall Street donations is a democrat.  If Democrats end up voting for Hillary it should be only as a last resort, and not a first resort.

Bill Carol talked about this one planet in the ‘Goldie Locks zone” being neither too hot or too cold, and where perhaps through absorbsion spectra they can gauge what sort of atnosphere it has.  This is where it takes presumably one year for a planet’s orbit to occur.  This of course assumes the same ratio between generated heat and the mass of the star as our own Sun.  It also assumes if you see a planet cross the face of a star in regular intervals, that another planet does not also pass in a regular ratio.  It’s stipulated that due to the eccentricity of orbits, few planets actually pass across the face of a star, and so we’re missing about 99 percent of them. 

A major shouting match has occurred in the US Senate today between Mitch Mc Conell and Ted Cruz over the topic of the export-import bank.   Senator Cruz said that Mitch Mc Conell was “Running the senate like a democrat” and the vote to renew the export-import bill should not be held.  Republicans are against the export – import bank for reasons unknown, except that the Republicans are for any bill which makes the balance of trade worse for America.  This bank tends to help domestic exports and therefore will stimulate our own economy.   In fact these republicans are against any bill that furthers domestic employment and helps the economy.

 I listened to Shawn Hannity but dozed off in the hour and I heard Bill come in just before Days of our Life.  Hannity talked Donald Trump’s visiting of the border but he didn’t get help from any border agents because someone from Washington told them to spurn Trump.  As you know Hannity like Rush is standing solidly behind Donald Trump and both are using the most overblown rhetoric to support their points.  They are proud of the fact that Trump is not your ordenary politician who has to have some mantle of civility.  [break in text] The big news on Days of our Lives is Jack Junior officially being an under-cover agent in that drug ring.  But the guy is already suspicious of JJ and if I were Jack Junior rather than be around someone who can out-think me I’d hang it up now before we waded out into any deeper waters.

Yesterday afternoon I got in the line to see Dr Saran after returning to a now shorter line.  It was still a wait.  My temperature was 97 and something.  My blood pressure was 130 over 80.  Dr Saran said he was going to schedule a “full blood test” for me.  I just had one a bit over two years ago.  I remember it took months for Judy to get the results.  I don’t know if this blood test will be any “fuller” than that one.  I hope I will get some kind of decent warning ahead of time.  I remember in those days I still had my own coffee.  That won’t be the case this time.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It's A Question of Power

Sandra Bland - - was found hanging in her cell with a plastic bag over her head.  She had been arrested for arguing with an officer over failure to make a safe lane change.  Apparently the police car was tailing her so she nervously changed lanes to let him go past her.  In Texas it's a ploy to "come up from behind you really past" and once they stop you they can do drug searches in the car or anything.  Interesting.   In other words he "set her up".  They referred to her as an “activist”.   This is another case for protest groups to pursue.  Apparently it’s illegal to even have trash bags in a prison.  I didn’t know that. Thom Hartman (this is the next day) claims that likely the dash cam video was cropped both to get rid of the time stamp and also most dash cams have a 120 degree viewing field – way more than a normal movie camera- - and maybe she was being physically mistreated off camera.  Also police have been known to loop videos and you see the same car going through an intersection four times - -  (masters of illusion).   Apparently Bernie Sanders suffers from having only nine percent of the Black vote.  I’m racially conscious but not THAT racially conscious.  I don’t know what the problem is.  If Blacks voted for Sanders they’d see a lot of changes.  Remember Sanders in his twenties used to be a member of the Congress of Racial Equality.   But Black groups are giving Sanders a hard time as though he were the enemy.  Hopefully this will change.  I’ve heard that when Obama started out that most Blacks still considered Hillary Clinton as the safe, reliable choice.

In TISA or Trade In Services Agreement, the banks get the government to agree that scams that DON’T YET EXIST because they haven’t been thought of- - but when they are thought of, they are immune from any government prosecution.  After this TISA agreement is passed, the provisions of this “treaty” are still to be kept secret from the public for five years.  But Wikki leaks at least exposed the deal so we know something about it.   Clearly like the TPP and that other one- - if the public got to attend a hearing on this law or “provision” they would never allow it to come to pass.   And of course if there are any bank failures- - the tax payer is on the hook.  Republicans want Dodd Frank repealed because Dodd Frank set up regulations such as the crash of September 2008 could never occur again.   The Dodd Frank bill is one of the only means to protect consumers.  That’s why the Republicans all hate it.

 John Kasec announced for President today as the sixteenth republican to enter the race.  Thom Hartman stated that Kasec earned the ire of the Koch Brothers lobby by saying that he favored Medic-aid for his state.  When a woman criticized his stance on this he said “I don’t want to be accountable for neglecting the poor on judgement day”.  What a strange twist of fate that by such a Christian act he’d earn the displeasure of the Republican party establishment.  But Kasec did close down rape crisis and abortion crisis centers throughout the state and instead started up some prayer group organization to pray for the fetus after the woman has been raped.  Back in the day I figured if I "prayed for a revival to break out" I figured that ALL politicians would have Christian values such as compassion and caring for the poor.  I didn't know that Thom Hartman prays every morning.  He's a more devout Christian than I am.

We are having one of those retro High pressure systems moving back into California from Texas where it is now.  They said that 1982 - 1983 and 1997 – 1998 were El Nino years.  The powers that be appear increasingly confident that this year will be one of the strongest El Nino years we’ve had, and that we will get a lot of that badly needed snow-pack in the Sierra Nevada.  People will look silly putting in those rock and cactus gardens, or putting in green artificial turf.  You get one big downpour this year and the same guy will come whining that "All that rain left water marks on my astro turf!".

Pope Francis has come out and called Capitalism as “the dung of the Devil” and encouraged young people to have courage and rise up against the System.  That’s about as ballsy as the Pontiff has ever gotten.  Pope Francis has referred to world Capitalism as a system which economically enslaves all of humanity.  Of course those on the right such as Rush Limbaugh don’t need an excuse to hate this Pope because they have already “Obamatized him” in that “he was always suspect” in that it’s his background and he was raised with “liberation theology”.   Another name for liberation theology is Christian theology.  It’s the theology that was taught by Jesus Christ.  Gene Scott has actually come out and said to NOT follow the teachings of Jesus as in “What would Jesus do” but insists that St Paul is “Thee” authority from whence you are to get all of your guidance on questions of theology- not the Gospels.  And we know the abiding loathing and contempt Gene Scott has for anybody who is not filthy Rich like he is.  

The belief is stronger than ever that Donald Trump is merely a stalking horse for Scott Walker.  He criticizes all of the other candidates mercilessly but doesn’t touch Scott Walker.  So the belief now only has broader acceptance now among diverse aspects of the left, but evidence continues to accumulate that the notion is true.   One poll had Trump at 25% which would be way above anybody else.  Now Scott Walker is in second place and Bush has fallen dramatically to third place at 12 percent.   Norman Goldman was discussing what a "good politician" would say.  It's his belief that the blander and more non comittal to ANYTHING the better.  It's the Dr Levy doctrine of bleaching all the personality out of a speech or a written composition so that it's boring to read but doesn't offend anybody.  Norman says "Just tell everybody thaqt whatever our problems are, to tell them you want to make America number one again and restore America to her former glory and whatever the problem, YOU are uniquely qualified to solve it.  In other words, you have to learn to be plastic and not be averse to bullshitting your way through life.

I would have listened to Rush and Shawn Hannity but the static level was prohibitive today so I settled for Bill Carol.  He had a trans-sexual on named Zowie, who got into an argument with an “Orthodox Jew” from the National Review.   California passed a law that makes it easy to get patients seeking (or in) psychotherapy to get arrested- - or at least reported to the authorities, if they talk too explicitly about certain escapades such as looking at kitty porn or entertaining various kinky sexual fantasies like tying people up or other S & M type stuff.   Chad and Abigail seem to be drawing closer to each other on an emotional level- - even as both consciously endeavor to put distance between themselves.  Now Will Horton is counseling Abigail, and he’s actually making sense.

I used to have the saying that if by some means we were all suddenly (mystically) aware that there WAS no reality to any supernatural reality (kind of an oxy-moronism) that I would suffer a lot less from it than the teachers and Christian leaders would.  This is to say that I would gladly jetizen my belief in extra terrestrials and UFO's and talking with dead people like Mal Evans - - but in exchange these people give up their belief in "Gowd" just as Southerners are being compelled to give up their belief in the Confederate flag.  It's a power play of course.  People say that childish beliefs about an old man in the sky with a long beard and who judges right and wrong and a white robe and a staff or something- - - is sentamental hogwash people outgrow and "mature out of" and they are supposed to "mature into - - " some OTHER belief, but they won't tell you what it is.  Often they play the "God IS NOT" game with you.  Whatever it is you think God IS - - you are sadly informed that he isn't.   Sometimes you're even laughed at for "Taking the thing so seriously".  OK - - - Let me simplify and put in a nut shell what religious teachers teach.  They teach that THEY and THEY ALONE make up the rules, and if they themselves should attempt to "play" by the rules you just laid down such that they appear to be "winning" then you will change the rules so that the other person is kept continuously off guard and subserviant to you.  I've told you there have been times where I assumed what the Right would believe in like "personally responsability" and "reaping the consequences of your actions".  But sadly NOT in the case of physician mal practiced suits.  These right wingers don't want the Rich to ever be "personally accountable" - - particularly to any poor person.  Just remember, to these religious teachers, God is their little geenie in a bottle- - and it's THEIR bottle.  (Selah)  It's kind of a game with them that all the good things that happen to you are "God" and since the teacher assumes the role of "God" then you owe THEM personally for any good fortune you may have.  But I said this WAS the situation.  These days nobody even bothers to pretend they are Christians.  They're too busy reading Ayan Rand.  Christianity to the right wing is more of an embarrassment than anything else and should someone inform them that it no longer existed- - most right wingers would shrug their shoulders and say "Ah- - it's just as well - - ".

Monday, July 20, 2015

Tracking Responsability for one's Actions

It used to be that blame for things was proportional.  For instance if a boy and a girl dating stay out past hours and have sex in the back seat of the car, the girl is traditionally held the more responsible because teenage boys are deemed a slave to their hormones and can’t control themselves.   In the same way only a tea bagger would blame the poor Latinos courted by George W to purchase a new home- - are not deemed nearly as responsible for the subsequent loan foreclosure as the corrupt banking system with all of their investment swaps and derivitives.  Likewise- - and try to follow the logic- - if you get in an accident your own auto insurance rates will go up, but why should auto insurance rates in general have to rise punishing the innocent with the guilty?  Now we come to mal practice medical insurance, and you see where I’m headed with this.   If a doctor should fowl up and give a patient too much anesthesia during an operation and it kills the patient or a patient is permanently blinded by a botched cateract surgery- - I can see why that doctor’s own mal practice rates should go up- - but why should everybody’s?   And let’s suppose for a moment there is a LOT of malpractice out there and “everybody is being sued” still the question is posed- - why should the PATIENT be the one punished by raising the rates.  Why not just say to those doctors that “You just have to deduct the settlement from the income of fees you normally get.  If you break something in a store the proprietor will make the offending party pay for the broken merchandise- - rather than raises prices on everybody going into that antique shop.   Now we move on to the situation with Greece.  We are always told by Dr Phil and others on the political right that “Actions have consequences” and “You made your decision and now have to live with it”.   This USED to be the way people dealt with each other in business but not since the fall of 2008.   Suddenly Bush and Obama rewrote the rule book with these massive bail-outs.  If a bunch of European banks lend money to the Greek government and they default then normally the bank would stand the loss.  In business accounting it’s written off as a bad debt expense- - and the accountants are happy.  But that’s not what happened.  You have the Judy doctrine and those on the right who say “Well the Greek people are shiftless and lazy and don’t know how to cut back in hard economic times.”   The trouble is- - the way loan sharks work- - debts never go down but always go up no matter how hard you try to pay off these loan shark.  Even the Bible made provisions for bankruptsy when one faced an impossible situation.  It was deemed more important to have “redemption” at some point along the way.  Since the Banks made the decisions to loan out all this money and not the Greek people then they are the ones who are deemed responsible.  It’s like this pool drowning situation.  Unjust as it seems the owner of the swimming pool under California law is deemed responsible for any deaths or law suits.  In this case the Banks are the OWNERS of that money and it’s their responsibility whatever happens to it.  You don’t stick it to the Greek taxpayers.  In other words you don’t rob Peter to pay Paul.  Because as I’ve said before- - these powder-kegs are the sort of things from which upheavels and revolutions are made- - and you might have a French Revolutionscenario on your hands or worse.  Like I said previously- - Greece as a nation could swerve right into the Russian orbit.  After all Greece would be the sort of ideal Medeterainian port that Russia has been looking for for years, and Russia just could cause a whole lot of trouble down the line if its Navy were allowed to build military bases in Greece in exchange for being out of their debts, which in the grand scheme of things are pretty small to begin with and could be easily forgiven.

The Cuban flag was once again hoisted over the Cuban embassy in Washington DC this morning.  No doubt those on the right will contrast it like this.  They’ll say “What a sad day it is that the beloved Confederate flag is forced to be taken down (somehow that will get blamed on Hillary) and at the same time the flag of communist Cuba is hoisted over our own capital.  Both in the cases of Cubs and in Iran, this new “accord” with both nations will afford our peoples to get to know each other better and it will be a boost to business and cultural exchange as tourism is stimulated on both ends.   I see only good things coming from restoring diplomatic relations with Cuba.  Only time will tell.

The swift boast people seemed to be telling the truth about John Kerry.  I fail to find any bias in the reporting of this - - and the way Kerry has falsified his record.  They appear to be ex comrads who figured that John Kerry was a liar and a flake.  Jeb Bush praised the swift boat people in helping get his brother reelected in 2004.  Yet Thom Hartman blindly defends him without any evidence not saying where the swift boat people were in error.  Over the weekend Donald Trump attacked John Mc Cain and his statements were universally condemned by all the other republicans.  One wonders whether Donald Trump is looking for an excuse not to participate in the debates but is some kind of a stalking horse to make Walker look good by comparison.  The Koch Brothers can point and say, “Look, Scott Walker is the sane one” even though Walker is a first rate liar.  Attacking someone because they get captured is the ultimate “blame the victim” mentality.  Why Trump said the things about John Mc Cain he did is beyond the pale.  It’s beyond explanation.   But maybe it keeps the media entertained and Trump never has to say what he thinks on the serious issues. When it comes to trashing veterans, the Republicans are expert at that.  Max Clealand and Tammy Duckworth were both disabled veterans missing limbs.  Both of them ran in contests for the US Senate. Tammy made it into office and Max didn’t.   I’m still feeling tired and lethargic and probably in a rut.   Scott Walker is leading the pack in Iowa right now and Donald Trump is in second place.   It’s still holding true that Trump refuses to attack Scott Walker though he attacks just about every other candidate.  [later]  Hawking claims that he doesn’t want anyone from NASA sending out messages into space because they’ll reach a hostile alien space culture who might take “Hello, we’re here!” to be an act of war.  This was in the Brigitte Jones interview.   Then there was a caller who stated that chlorinated and fluoridated water causing Iodine and hence thyroid deficiency.  You learn something new every day.   If you’re like me you’re thinking “But higher intelligences are already AWARE of mankind’s existence on planet earth and have been for millennia.   So to me Hawking’s attitude comes off as rather paranoid.

Washingtonsblog’s anonymous founder and principal commentator is one of the most deeply knowledgeable writers on current events, and on July 19th he headlined “Governments Worldwide Will Crash the First Week of October … According to 2 Financial Forecasters.” He noted that both Martin Armstrong and Larry Edelson, two of the most respected stock-market predictors, are independently of each other predicting that “virtually all governments worldwide will be hit with a gigantic economic crisis in the first week of October 2015,” due to “a collapse of government solvency” as ricocheting government defaults spiral each other downward; and, because the U.S. won’t be forced to crash as quickly as Europe and Japan, there will then be a temporary worldwide rush into U.S. corporate stocks and bonds, especially stocks, as the short-term safe haven for investors fleeing from sovereign (government) bonds.  The next day, July 20th, Michael Meier’s German Economic News bannered “Clear Signs of Relaxation Between Obama and Putin,” and reported: “The nuclear deal with Iran and the withdrawal of heavy weapons by the rebels in the eastern Ukraine are clear signs of a détente between Russia and the US. The EU now needs to quickly develop their own strategy. Otherwise, the Europeans will have to pay for the chaos in Ukraine.” The article continues, addressing Europeans. . .   The reckless Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine took the European taxpayer immediately into the obligation: As in Greece, the Americans will insist that Europeans must keep Ukraine financially afloat. [Whereas the U.S. has few financial obligations there, the EU now is committed to Ukraine via its post-February-2014 Association Agreement. And Russia has already lost what it had risked in Ukraine, and now is relatively immune to Ukraine’s continuing collapse.] The Russians can always carry out their threat, and stop the gas deliveries through Ukraine [if the EU does not pay Ukraine, and Ukraine not pay Russia]. …
The costs of the “rescue” of Ukraine will exceed those for Greece many times.  So, with Japan’s having postponed its crash as long as possible, and the EU’s crash being now imminent, a flood of foreign billionaires’ cash into U.S. equities seems assured.  The article explains: “So, basically, another Great Depression seems to be predicted here. According to their model, it will probably happen after the interest-rate on 10-year Treasuries rises above 5.2%, when the unrealism of current official projections has become sufficiently clear to the world so that the federal debt resumes soaring and the interest-portion of federal expenditures rises similarly. That would be some time after 2018.”   However: What would happen if, in, say, October 2015, all the rest of the industrialized world crashes and their investors are pouring into U.S. equities? In that case, the Federal Reserve will be able to end their QE and raise U.S. interest rates beyond the magical 5.2% with impunity.  Has Obama’s strategy been to weaken all other major economies so that the U.S. will still be able to avoid a collapse even while the wealth-disparity between America’s rich and poor continues getting ever-wider (largely via the Fed’s monetary policies reinforcing the fiscal policies from a heavily Republican pro-austerity Congress)? For example, is this part of the reason for what Obama has been doing to Ukraine, and to Russia, and soon stopping doing to Iran? Has he been preparing to get foreign aristocrats to pour their money into Wall Street?

Friday, July 17, 2015

Our Closest Middle East Ally - Saudi Arabia

Shawn Hannity speaks of our best allies in the world as being Saudi Arabia and Egypt.  The Egyptian government has only been around a few years and came about as an unelected military coup.  Fifteen of the 9 - 11 hijackers are from Saudi Arabia, which to me seems to be the world's largest state sponseror of terrorism- rather than Iran.
Former engineer Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, according to investigators, was a lone gunman with no prior infractions who this week targeted two US military facilities in Tennessee, killing four militants and no civilians.
Salman bin Abdulaziz is one of the world’s worst dictators.  He has many prior infractions, such aspublicly announcing becoming a rogue nuclear state, beheading and torturing hundreds of people and repressing millions, and is currently carrying out a war of aggression against one of the poorest countries in the world, Yemen, killing thousands of civilians and enforcing a blockade that risks starving millions, as Yemen imports almost all of its food.
The despot Abdulaziz is one of Washington’s top allies.  His terrorist regime is the recipient of the biggest shipment of weapons in US history, approved by Obama in 2010 (the US is the world’s biggest arms trafficker).  These killing machines are now being used on the people of Yemen.  In 2013, Obama sent the despot almost a billion dollars worth of banned cluster bombs, which both Obama and Abdulaziz have now used against Yemenis.
Many foreign nationals are trapped in the war-zone in Yemen, and eight countries, including India, China, and Russia, are performing risky missions to rescue civilians, their own citizens as well as others.  While there are thousands of US civilians trapped in Yemen, Washington vocally refuses to rescue them, issuing a facile claim that it would be too risky, while at the same time performing rescue missions for Saudi pilots whose planes have gone down in Yemen.
Washington is also personally coordinating with dictator Abdulaziz on the strikes, and is refueling the US planes being flown by Saudi pilots.
Obama continues to bomb Yemen himself, killing hundreds of suspects and civilians in a death campaign he has been pursuing for years.  He is also participating in enforcing the blockade, which human rights groups say has led the country to the brink of a mass humanitarian catastrophe.
The attack by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez is a small and diluted taste – no explosives were used and no suspects or civilians were killed  – of what drone strikes on one’s country are like.
Whenever the US gets a small taste of its own medicine, it doesn’t like it, yet continues to administer the medicine to others in mega-doses.  Washington elites know their violence causes violent retaliation, but continue it because they themselves are insulated and safe, and only lower-level grunts and civilians, their human shields, will take the hits.
The Tennessee shooter is quoted in his high school year book as saying that his name, Abdulazeez, “causes national security alerts”.  This is now literally true, but is dependent on circumstances.  One attack by an Abdulazeez is saturating US headlines and receiving stark condemnation from the US government/oligarchy (Obama called it “heartbreaking”), while an incomparably worse attack by an incomparably worse Abdulaziz, raining down on thousands of people, including US Americans abandoned by their oligarchy, is met with media silence and extreme support and participation from Washington.
Author is a US-based researcher focusing on force dynamics, national and global.  @_DirtyTruths
I listened to Shawn Hannity rave on for the hour- he said the "snap back" of sanctions was bogus because there is a loophole nobody knows about but him.   He carried on at length about the President's past faborible references to Islam, as though Hannity was at war not with just one terrorist but a whole religion.  By the way he did say that this lone wolf attack is "an act of war" by Islam.  He spoke of Michael Brown and how "He's not jumping to conclusions like the democrats did after the Michael Brown shooting.   There - as the facts continued to accumulate to indicate the officer's guilt - - and that only changed three months later in November when a massive PR campaign was unleashed including that fairy tale testimony of the officer.  Speaking of PR - -  Governor Walker takes out full political ads if he disagrees with the state legislature on a matter.  He polititicizes everything and makes every government post a quazi campaign post.  Today I saw my first ad that Congress should vote down the Iranian treaty.  So he's trying the issue in the media- - which would have been farsical - - that such a specialized issue would be reduced to arguing whether Pepsi is better than Coke.    Shawn Hannity used every cliche in the book today playing the "no gun zone" card again -  and the "What if US troops shot Israeli bombers out of the sky down" card, and in general talking about the President's radical leftist agenda.   On the soap opera Clyde Weston has been bugging the Di Mira mansion and don’t ask me why someone in the past thirty years never thought of that before.   These Titans Di Mira and Kiriacus appear to be powerless playthings in the hands of Clyde Weston.  They both seem completely powerless against him.  Brady and Teresa and co haven’t been on the show since Wednesday.  Yesterday’s blogger number was up. 

It seems to me that I’m always hoping for the next election year and having democrats get elected, but instead more republicans than ever get elected and things get only steadily worse for people like me, who are on the lower rungs of society.  It seems I’ve averaged nearly a phone call a day from the phone company each time with a new salesperson.  But my response to them is always the same and you’d think at some point they’d give up.  They are the source of my own economic malaise- - increasing rates at double and more- - the rate of inflation.    IT'S NOTABLE that the economy and the Federal Reserve and the National Deficet are things no candidate are talking about today.  Suddenly there are no candidates questioning the veracity of the Federal Reserve or saying they ought to be audited.  The deficet has been steadily coming down.  What we have economically is "the new normal" and people under Walker in Wisconsin or Snyder in Michigan could tell you all about "the new normal" because this will be and is a never ending recession for them.

PRESIDENT REAGAN also negotiated with Iran.  When the Iranian proxy group Hez Ballah attacked those marine baricks in Lebanon and killed 273 of our marines, the President's response was "Arms for hostages" concerning other hostages.  To me this is utterly madness not knowing his motive.  Just as such a blanket immigration amnesty in 1986 seemed an act of "devil may care" attitude.  But once again knowing his motives clarifies things.  It's not that Ronald Reagan was always conservative, but Reagan is a SYMBOL of someone whom people like the Koch Brothers PUT IN POWER in the first place.  So they are revering these conservative power brokers more than they are the President himself.  But when you listen to Boni Sadir's continuing accusation that Bill Casey made a deal to free the Iranian hostages taken in November of 1979, suddenly it all makes sense.  President Reagan OWED Iran and he knew it, and he knew he had to make good on his promise by selling missiles to a nation we were technically at war with, because "officially" we took Iraq's side in the Iran Iraq war.  This is about as two-sided as you can get!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Scott Walker is Politically Dangerous

Scott Walker had all investigations of political corruption charges dropped today thanks to four illegal justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  Two featured illegal funding from the Koch brothers, so they passed a law against that in 2009.  But then Scott Walker in 2011 when he came to power just annulled the law by executive action, as if you could do that.  So by the same corrupt and illegal process two more justices were put on the Supreme Court.  With a court now packed- - they now serve as a rubber stamp for anything the Governor wans done.  It will be just another thing Governor Walker can brag about at next month’s FOX debates.   Hartman says that Scott Walker has the “heart of Richard Nixon”.   Actually he’s decidedly worse than Nixon.  Nixon was never as blatant as Walker is.   Hartman admitted for the first time he actually fears this guy getting in the White House “and we’ll be stuck with eight years of him”.  But Hartman added strangely, “But the good news there will be an economic crash during his term in office and there will be a revolution in this country and we’ll get another FDR.  That’s a real pipe dream.  But it was pointed out that massive numbers of people protesting in one place like the Wisconsin capitol building were unable to stop Governor Walker’s election and legislative successes.  It’s better to “spend that many man hours involved in protesting” getting on the phones and being active politically”.   Democrats are kind of “old school” whereas the tea party plays the whole thing much smarter.

Could Planned Parenthood go the way of the ill fated “Acorn”?  Now there is a video going around on FOX news and the internet showing people from planned parenthood actually selling baby parts.  They are selling organs from aborted fetuses.  Is that sick or what?   And the thing is they admit these organ donations are planned so they tell the doctor “Don’t crush this part of the baby because we want those organs”.  And they get paid a lot of money for these organs, which of course is illegal.  Shawn Hannity has been talking about this disturbing incident for the past two days.  You just have to know that sting operations are just going on all the time these days.   I don’t know how Planned Parenthood could ever live down an exposee like this.

A home grown “domestic terrorist”  (so designated by the FBI) - - shot and killed four marines in Chatanuga, Tenn.  He shot one officer, but ended shot dead himself.  There were two different shooting locations which were recruiting centers.  They highlight that these were “gun free zones” implying that if the had guns then this shooter would have been halted in his tracks before he killed four people.  He’s a Muslim named Mohamed of all things.  They say there is a possible connection with it being the final day of Romadon.  It just underscores that there’s an epidemic of gun violence in this country.    Needless to say that the right wing will chalk this shooting up as “more evidence that we haven’t secured our borders” or something like that.   A jury in the Aurora, Colorado mass theater shooting case reached a verdict three hours ago but they still aren’t telling us what it is.  I would logically presume that it’s “Guilty on all counts”.   In a strange news item, former President Clinton has admitted that the long prison sentences bills he signed into law during his term- - were misguided and wrong.  President Clinton now gives Hillary to go “soft on crime” and ease up on non violent drug offenders.

The small business climate in America is getting progressively less healthy.  Only about the top quarter or 25% derive a living income for the proprietor.   I’m arbitrarily calling a “living wage” as over forty thousand per year.   In other words, three quarters of American small business are losing ventures in terms of you being able to live on the profits.  I would presume that since most businesses earn so little, they don’t have to pay much in the way of Federal income taxes.  And I’m also talking we are talking about personal businesses and not corporations.    The share of firms dissolving has been steadily rising over the past thirty years, whereas the share of viable small businesses less than a year old is steady shrinking.  These are not good signs.

People have drawn up a list of comparrisons as to whether it's the United States or Iran that is more war like.  We appear to have eight times the per capita military spending on armlements as Iran, but of course it's a lot more than that in actual dollars.  Iran abides by the nuclear non polliferation treaty.  The US and Israel don't.  I have a problem with the idea that we are even a position to judge.  The US had attacked a lot more nations over the past century than has Iran.  Iran's only infraction appears to be the Iran - Iraq war in the 1980's where they had chemical weapons used ON them by Iraq.  The US in contrast used agent orange in Viet Nam for purposes of defoliation.  Now Shawn Hannity is putting forth the notion that if Israel were to send out its bombers to take out Iranian Nuclear facilities, that somehow President Obama is so leftist that he would attack these Israeli jets.  I'm pretty certain neither Obama nor any other President of the United States would do that.  If I were President I wouldn't attack them either but allow them to bomb.  But that's now to say I wouldn't warn the Iranian government they were coming, if they didn't already know.  And if any of these Israeli pilots were shot down in this bombing mission, President Marcus would not lift a finger to help them.  But Shawn Hannity is convinced that the "nuclear poliferation  crisis" had been made a whole lot worse by this treaty - - - in a line of logic I don't really follow.  Yet there is a part of me that thinks Israel is so trigger happy they'd do it just to "start something' the same way they sank one of our ships during the six day war of June 1967 "just to start something".   Christians have this teaching about "Not tempting fate" or "forcing God to do something - - by pushing him to do it".   I'm not sure why the word "Peace" is suddenly a dirty word in Christian circles.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

An Alarming New High Court Case

A scarey new potential Supreme Court ruling looms large and ominus for June of next year just before the Presidential elections.   Norman Goldman says the High Court has approved a case where the very wording of the Constitution about using cencus figures for apportionment of congressional districts is put in question.  The cencus measures the residents - - warm bodies- - living in a state without regard to whether they are either registered to vote or even CAN vote.  After all we counted three fifths of a slave as a person.  We counted free Blacks and obviously women as residents of states well before either of these constituancies got the vote.  So the very idea of “ellegable voter” is absurd on its face.  The reason why the Republicans want to do it is obviously to increase the perportion of rural voters, which vote red neck, as opposed to those urban districts, which will be cut back if this ruling goes forth.  Clearly this is an insult upon the Constitution itself but that didn’t stop the citizens united ruling.  That ruling in early 2010 is responsible in large part for the “revolution of 2010” in congress.  And the thing is Justice Roberts broadened the question (the issue) to go way beyond the scope of the original issue before the court.  Norman reminds us when the court gutted the voting rights act (another “unconstitutional act” done by this court) all of the “Several States” had their anti voters legislation ready to go, almost as if they’d been expecting the ruling.  If the court is so nakedly political, maybe the court itself is unconstitutional.

Staten anti cholesterol drugs are natural born killers.  You know the truckload of warnings and side effects.  It's downright criminal to even vaguely suggest that half of the population of American should be taken them- - or for that matter ANY chemical drug.  What the drug companies are trying to do is downright criminal.

One of my more popular postings was the one on the US Senate and guns done in April of 2013.  Naturally I looked to see what the attraction was.  But there is that line of Norman Bates from the Psycho movie of “Sometimes we all go a little Mad”.   And clearly my grip on sanity appeared a little tenuous in this posting at times.  It’s not just I was channeling Syd Barret but maybe was BECOMING him.   I’d like to pick up on one new term used in this paragraph I had never used before.  That is “gravemetric storm”.   I never explained what a gravemetric story was, actually.   I would speculate that perhaps this is a reference to “Dark Matter”, which I knew virtually nothing about two years ago.  But the only way you “see” it at all is a gratational field.   I would only add that when it comnes to “time distortion” this can be explained simply.  As scientists well know- - any time one gravitational field is stronger than another gravitational field- - time will go more slowly in the stronger of the two fields and go faster in the weaker of the two fields.  As such you will either gain or lose time or be thrown either forward or backward in time.  Of course if I could count on getting calm, reasoned “comments” I guess perhaps I would read them more faithfully to get some badly needed feedback on content.

The radio static was pretty loud when I listened to Shawn Hannity but maybe I improved it a little.  Shawn is still raving about our dreadful Iranian nuclear treaty.   Tim never called all day today.  On the soap opera you have to make three major leaps of faith (credulity) to believe the baby sitter is actually guilty of what Teresa accuses her of.   First of all, Brady and Victor only have Teresa’s side of it and appear unwilling to let the nanny speak one word in her own defense before she’s fired.  I’ve never known Victor to be so easily conned by something as obvious as a heavily edited video tape.  He never asks himself why the security for the tape was non existant.  He never questions the fact (?) that of course the tape is genuine and unedited.  But worst of all Victor and Brady know that lying and setting other people up for selfish motives is Teresa’s specialty.  Do we really have to remind you about Teresa blaming Brady for hitting John with a fireplace poker? 

A lot of things are questions of character.  It's a sign of character to ask a political figure "embarrassing questions" because they are questions people have a right to know.  They say that stress doesn't produce character, it just reveals it.  Character is what you're like when nobody is looking.  Norman Goldman criticized a CBS reporter for asking why the President is content to leave four prisoners in Iran and not trying to negotiate their freedom.  Norman lost it.  He just fumed and babbled and I have no idea why.  The president isn’t some kind of Royalty where he is seemed to be quazi divine and therefore infallible, is he?  The President held an hour long press conference today that obviously wasn't carried on over the air TV.   Were I the President I would have mentioned how the Jewish lobby could be instrumental in causing world war III just as the China lobby in the thirties contributed in a big way to be beginning of World War II and I did a whole posting on this subject.  Certainly the Jewish people have suffered mindless prejudice and persecution for most of the past two thousand years.  But perhaps Netenyahoo should learn the old adage "The sincerest form of flattery is imotation".   Does Netenyahoo really want to flatter people who have persecuted the Jews by being like them in persecuting the Palestinians and doing everything you can to shun peace and work tword war with Iran?     Should Bill Cosby be stripped of the President's medal of freedom given to him by George Bush?  I vote yes, they should take that medal away.  Keep his Hollywood star but not this honor.   The President was asked to define rape and Obama said that any time a man drugs a woman for the purpose of having sex with her- - then it's rape".  I would agree with that assertion.  All the President has to do to keep the treaty with Iran is to get just over one third of the votes in one House of Congress.  Norman Goldman said Joe Byden could use his vote here if the thing were really close.   

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Obama Ratifies Nuclear Treaty with Iran

Forecasters Predict a Rainy Winter

California is finally set to get some drought relief …Specifically, forecasters say a strong El Niño is heading our way.  Time gives odds:
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said there is now a 90% chance that El Niño will last through the winter and an 80% chance it will last into spring 2016.
As does the Los Angeles Times:
Scientists say the likelihood that a significant El Niño will happen is more than 90%, and some models suggest there is a nearly 100% chance it will be strong this fall.
El Niño increases rainfall in California.  Forecasters say this could be the strongest El Niño in 50 years.  USA Today notes:
There is growing evidence California could see an even stronger El Niño event this winter than the 1997 one that caused massive flooding across Northern California.
Indeed, it could be so large that it sets “a new all-time record”  However, even a very wet winter probably won’t be enough to erase California’s drought.   Personally I am very hesitent to believe any of this because they predicted the exact thing last year about this time and we all know what kind of a dry winter and worsening drought we've had.   Since I've lived in California the state has almost continually been getting dryer and dryer.  This is certainly true since the wet year of 1997 - 1998.   Anything Rush Limbaugh pronounces as a fact I'm inclined to doubt.  There is also stuff about how the sun is entering a fifteen year cool down phase and we could have some kind of a mini ice age on earth.  You get the feeling a lot of this is anti global warming propaganda- trying to stem the tide of ongoing reality.
The Iranians and the Obama Administration announced a nuclear agreement this morning, quite contrary to what I just put in yesterday’s blog, pasting word for word in most cases.  I listened to the President’s four minute official speech where he claims the United States got every concession we wanted from them and how it would now be impossible for Iran to build a nuclear bomb any time in the next fifteen years.  All the possible pathways to obtaining weapons grade uranium have been cut off to them.  This agreement will lower oil prices, making a liar out of a certain blog I read yesterday.  Oil prices will continue in their downward trek thus pissing off all the other oil producers including OPEC, Russia, and all of the frackers and drillers here.   I’m gratified by all of that- - and now it will tick Israel’s prime minister no end.  But I’m rather puzzled how in just the past two days there could be this whole laundry list of concessions we were still arguing over and now it’s a done deal.  I’m sure all the Republicans and Shawn Hannity will be ready with their doom and gloom speeches.   Needless to say this deal will markedly increase Iran’s power and presteige in the Mideast.   It could prove to be a really good thing assuming all goes as hoped.  Thom Hartman says this deal will go through unless two-thirds of both houses of Congress votes against the treaty.  So the numbers work in reverse.

If there is any torturing going on with Iran it went on during the reign of the Shaw of Iran, when we overthrew their democratically elected government in 1953.  One Iranian leader says “We have had a troubled history with the United States”.  Iraq, whom the US supported, used chemical weapons on Iran.  But there is no indication that Iran has ever tortured any of our prisoners.  Iran has signed the nuclear non polliferation treaty.  Yet Israel gets all high and mighty saying how Iran “Now has a path to acquiring a nuclear bomb” because of this deal.  I fail to connect the dots on that one Shawn Hannity also says “Because Iran has this nuclear deal now all the Sunni countries like Saudi Arabia are looking to get a nuclear bomb”.  Again I fail to see the causal justification for that, unless that the very fact that Iran is now at peace is somehow in itself a “threat” to the Saudis or Israel.  It would seem as if Israel wants all war all the time.  In general this looks to be a good deal.  I don’t know how it happened- - but it seems Peace indeed has been given a chance.  So the thing to do now is NOT to “blow it”!   Together let us work together to defeat ISIS.  Saudi Arabia and Israel don’t have any objections to that, do they?

Mal Evans greeted me and said that the Federation under Taccoman leadership made banner headlines out of the event.  Had Mal still been in charge of propaganda it would be a little article on page 29 or whatever.   Mal is skeptical as am I because it goes against the longstanding Mark Campbell prophecy of May of 1982.  This is the one where we were supposed to be in a war with Iran in 2012.   Also the fact that Iran is under Lanian influence is suspect.  Bones surprised me in that he is enthusiastically for it.  I mentioned Bible prophecy to Bones and he said “I don’t surrender my free will to a bunch of authors in the first century BC”.    He said “We have to work for peace today”.   It’s a case of “Got peace if you want it”.  Bush could have had peace in Iran ten years ago but of course ten years ago Bush had no appetite for peace.