Friday, May 20, 2016

A Scarey Journey into Right Wing Land

Norman Goldman said today to think for just one minute about what a Donald Trump presidency would entail.  I would say to spend at least five minutes in silent meditation what a Trump presidency would entail.  It could mean the end of internet neutrality depending on who he appoints to the FCC.  He’s throw all environmental regulations by the wayside.  He’s already promised that.  How about Scott Walker as Dept of Labor or Chris Christie as Attorney General or Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court?  We’re getting a small taste of that in a lot of ways this week.  Oklahoma just passed a resolution impeaching President Obama for his bathroom regulation executive order.  But also Oklahoma passed a law banning abortion except in the case where an abortion would save the life of the mother, for instance an ectopic pregnancy.  We have that defense appropriation bill passed by congress yesterday seven republicans used illegal procedure to switch their votes from Yes to No.  A democrat had put forth an amendment that would disallow all of the new provisions of this defense appropriation law.  Basically this law just suspended the 1964 Civil Rights bill that now makes not only discrimination by sexual orientation legal but also discrimination by race legal again.  They did it with the voting rights law so why not?   If Donald Trump becomes president that bill to rig congressional districts permanently in favor of Republicans ruling is coming back once Trump realigns the High Court to his own liking.  This is the provision where they count congressional districts by the number of registered voters rather than the people actually living in the district as the constitution specifies.  If you want to void all these trade agreements with China and the Trans Pacific Agreement and all that- - you can’t count on Trump.  Trump is a blank slate about to have his etch a sketch moment as his brain is washed clean and filled with standard Republican agenda points.  It’s like that device in Star Trek where your brain is made a total blank slate and you black out or something and then the one in the master control booth spoon feeds you all of these post hypnotic suggestions you pursue with vigor.  No sane person would vote for Trump as a way of getting back at Hillary and the Democratic establishment.  I’d like Donald Trump to announce his vice president the same way that Ted Cruz did.  His choice would scare the begesis out of anyone thinking of voting for Trump in some sort of emotional fit.  One minute Trump wants to dialog with the North Korean leader and in the next he wants to jetizen NATO.  He's all over the place.

Israel is also having a right wing fit.  Their defense secretary quit there accusing Netenyahoo of right wing extremism.  As you may know Jimmy Carter already accused the Jews of Apartheid as it pertains to the Palistinians on the West Bank.  These are people with no rights.  There appears to be no legal code which protects them any more than any document proclaiming "borders" to Israel are worth the paper they are written on.  We got a taste of more hysteria in March of 2015 when there was a scare tactic of saying "All of the Arabs are going to vote for the Labor party so you better vote as a good "White American" or whatever conservative Israelis refer to themselves.  It was the first time a speech before an American congress was used in a Lekud campaign commercial.  Now they've carried it a step further.  They want to deport all Arab CITIZENS to the West Bank under Occupied territory.  This looks to be a first or perhaps second step in some sort of Final Solution I don't even want to think about.    

I wasn’t sure what to do after three PM today so I turned on KABC and watched one of these women’s talk shows for a while.  It was just a lot of jibber-jabber.  So I took the bold leap and turned Glen Beck on.  That one was an eye opener.  He opened with this philosophy class horror story about having a life boat that holds only eight people and there are eleven who are drowning so which ones do you say must drown.  The answer is that the ones who got in the life boat first- - no matter who they are- - deserve to stay in and the others deserve to drown.  And there are no “third alternatives”.   This is your classic “either – or” type dilemma of which the right wing is so fond.  Of course then we learn that the ones in the life raft or boat are Europeans and those not yet aboard the boat are refugees and immigrants wanting to come in.  Then there was a generous dose of ethno-centricity.  There was a discussion if you had fifty thousand people to let immigrate to Germany does it make a difference whether they come from Sweden or the Central African Republic.  The notion here is that cultures must be assimilated and if you’re already “drowning in progressive values” you can’t afford any more foreigners.  Glen Beck had a guest who was Jewish with a British accent and kept talking about Judeo-Christian values.  He then spoke of “Our two religions are the only two Covenant religions with God.  In the first place, this man like Prager is ignorant of basic Christianity.  Christianity is NOT a covenant as in "contract" of "You do this for me and I'll do A, B, C and D for you- like some kind of check list balance sheet.  In the next place - if it were a contract it would be an alltogether DIFFERENT contract than the OT Jews had with Jehovah.  But in this man's eyes, the Jew and the Christian are on. in Spirit. There was a vague inference that only the Christian and the Jew were hetrosexual because God "created a bi-polarity of the sexes with Adam and Eve."   The notion that the vast majority of ALL religions are hetrosexual is lost on this guy.   He almost reminds me as one of these people who wants to make Israel the 51st state.  Have you heard that one?  As such we have certain cultural things in common.  By the way “cultural” was redefined as “A Societies relation to God.  And one high Judeo-Christian principle is “Clenliness is next to Godliness”, which of course everybody knows isn’t in the Bible.  And the conversation was reduced to calling all non Judeo Christians as basically animalistic who wallow in their own dung, and the whole thing about the “piss Christ” and the Virgin Mary covered in elephant dung was brought up.  They went to commercial and I turned the radio off feeling like I’d just been slimed. 

I turned on Norman Goldman.  Norman was attacking a caller because he’s 63 years old and tired of waiting for this big change in the way Government opperates that’s supposed to happen after 24 years of a democratic administration.  Goldman responded by calling him an impatient petulant child.  Norman says we never get what we want but “everything is compromise till the day we go down to our grave”.  Well I have a long memory than that and remember President Obama’s book and the “Yes, we can” slogan and all the pie in the sky rhetoric of the 2008 campaign where we were ushering in a period of peace and brotherhood and no more Mideast wars.  That year, 2008 I was for Hillary because of the two candidates, she seemed the most credible in terms of how she handled herself in face to face debates with Obama.  If you assume that Barock Obama and Hillary are about equal in terms of being liars- - and Hillary is campaigning more conservative than "pie in the sky" this year- - what can we assume will happen in a future Hillary Clinton administration?  I would ask Norman Goldman that question.  Sometimes it is better to vote for a third party is you don’t like your other choices.  I voted for Ross Perot in 1992.  Bill Clinton also said he had doubts about NAFTA but he hoped to renegotiate the thing after he was elected.  I didn’t believe him and voted for Ross Perot anyway- - and I was right.  I was also heavily influenced by all of those “Taxula” Al Gore skits that Rush Limbaugh was going on his show then where we would all see draconian income tax rises and we’d all be broke if Bill Clinton were elected.  But Norman expended entirely too much energy attacking this one caller.  Like so many talk show hosts before him they pass that threshold where they shut the callers words out entirely and care to listen only to the sound of their own voices and somehow as if magically, they know everything there is to know about what a certain caller is thinking ahead of time.  

There apparently was a shooting on the White House grounds where a sniper perhaps after the president was shot down by uniformed Secret Service agents.  The President was out of town anyhow.  But it does make you think that assasinations are not out of the question.  I predicted a few years back that President Obama would not finish out his term.  With all these executive orders lately, this increases the magnetic attraction to would be assasins who would try and go for the Big Prize.  Meanwhile Donald Trump got his official endorsement from the NRA after speaking there today, so you know which side his bread is buttered on.  

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