Monday, May 09, 2016

Government Surveillance Is Out Of Control

Attorney General Loretta Lynch is on C-Span now because the government is filing a lawsuit against the North Carolina governor and legislature for passing the March 23rd law.  This lawsuit is bogus.  They say it violates Title Nine or Title Seven or some sexual discrimination thing.  But what the government is doing is redefining sex, which they have no right to do.   Sex like marriage before it was generally understood to be certain things by society as a whole.  You could call it part of “common law”, which this AG lawsuit is trying to up-end.  There is a presumption of privacy in a locker or shower or restroom.  Common decency dictates that you don't shoot video inside these places and then put them up on You Tube.  If the government can arbitrarily redefine what one's gender is - - they can redefine words all over the place so that nothing can be counted on to mean what "normal" people think it means on a piece of paper (legal document).
Donald Trump has announced that he plans to “get rid of Paul Ryan” as chairman of the Republican convention.  A lot of time it is the speaker of the House who leads party conventions if that party is in power at the time.  I see it the other way around.  The truth is whether Paul Ryan will tolerate Donald Trump.  He has the power to set the rules.  Donald trump is not yet the party nominee.  He could change the rules even now to make it harder for Trump to be the nominee.  None the less Paul Ryan said he would step down, “If Donald Trump asked him to”.  So if I were Trump I’d say “Clean out your desk now”.  Norman Goldman has a theory that Ryan wants Trump to lose in November to he, Ryan can be king of the hill in 2020.  This new crop of conservative demagogues are in their forty and thus have many bites at the apple. 

This is Monday May 9, 2016.  Last night it was news and then “Eye on LA” featuring summer attractions.  They talked about “The Hollywood Farmer’s Market” and then it was water-jet packs in Newport Bay where jets of water lift you off the water.  Then it was propeller powered snorkeling off Catalina.  Then they had the Strawberry Festival in Oxnard and they talked about Lego Land.  Finally they discussed the many attractions of Lake Havisu, Arizona.  Then I switched to Sixty Minutes.  Their first segment was Russia doing massive cheating in the summer Olympics in London in 2012 and in the winter Olympics on the Black Sea.  There were steroids including testosterone for women, and also other kinds of “blood doping”.  Then it was ISIS invading the Ezittee culture in Syria.  They had been around for a thousand years and had an eclectic religion.  The Kurds and US forces waged battle for the town and leveled the city more than ISIS already had.  ISIS had a network of underground tunnels.  The final segment was on the explosion of plus 3.0 earthquakes in Oklahoma.  Their largest earthquake was a 5.6 – which was a record setter in that area.  Kansas also had earthquakes but they stopped pumping water into the bedrock and earthquake action calmed down.  You get unusable water with the gas and oil from drilling.  But officials in Oklahoma denied it was happening.  Finally you had more of Hades and the underworld on “Once Upon a Time”.  If you graduate it’s either to eventual salvation or the Lake of Fire. 

This is Monday May 9, 2016 and today is a transit of the planet Mercury across the face of the sun.  These transits occur on average of thirteen times in a century and they generally occur either in the months of May or November.  When Mercury transits the sun like this it's always in retrograde from an astrological basis.  But I think luck tends to be with me when Mercury is in retrograde, so I am not in the normal way of things here.  This morning I watched “Ring of Fire” from May 4th, the latest episode they had.  They generally discussed pollution and did a whole review of the Flint water crisis.
Bill Binney is the high-level NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information. A 32-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency, Binney was the senior technical director within the agency and managed thousands of NSA employees.
Last year, Binney held his thumb and forefinger close together, and said:
We are, like, that far from a turnkey totalitarian state.
But today, Binney told Washington’s Blog that the U.S. has already become a police state.
By way of background, the government is spying on virtually everything we do.
All of the information gained by the NSA through spying is then shared with federal, state and local agencies, and they are using that information to prosecute petty crimes such as drugs and taxes. The agencies are instructed to intentionally “launder” the information gained through spying, i.e. to pretend that they got the information in a more legitimate way … and to hide that from defense attorneys and judges.
This is a bigger deal than you may realize, as legal experts say that there are so many federal and state laws in the United States, that no one can keep track of them all … and everyone violates laws every day without even knowing it.
The NSA also ships Americans’ most confidential, sensitive information to foreign countries like Israel(and here), the UK and other countries … so they can “unmask” the information and give it back to the NSA … or use it for their own purposes.  

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