They have two days in a row of Assholes on KTLK radio. Today they are bashing Blacks saying Black's problem isn't racism but "Immorality" and "Black preachers aren't really called by God". Yesterday this Mexican seemed to continually mock all aspects about his own race in what I regard as a tacky and tasteless way. He is against children retaining knowledge of their mother tongue. As you may know Richi Vallenz didn't even know Spanish and a record executive noted this fact. Debby Lies doesn't know Spanish despite her mother speaking with a pronounced accent. This guy went so far as to say it's "reverse discrimination" to ask any prospective employee to know Spanish even is the job calls for it, to better serve the clientel. He says the same thing about having to know Chinese or Korean in those jobs. This guy took general swipes at the Obama administration. I wonder if he agrees with Geraldo's assertion that Travon Martin is responsible for his own death because he had the nerve to wear a hoodie on the street. The sooner they get Thom Hartman back and restore a little morning sanity together, we'll all be able to rest easier. I just chose this photo because it's a relaxing scene in these troubled times.
You'd think some stories and news events would be obvious. This whole Trevon Martin thing I thought would be over and dead as an issue now. You'd think since FOX never talked about the story for weeks maybe the conservatives would just "sit this one out" and an issue on which they can't win and just let it go. But once again the news cycle has taken on a mutant quality of its own and the story is bigger than ever. I find statements from people on the right continually troubling. Some people like Michael Benner might ask me "Just what axe do you personally have to grind in all of this. What buttons do you have that people like to press?" I'm just another blogger out to report the Truth as I and hopefully every other level headed person sees it. So I was troubled when last night Judy said of Trevon Martin, "Well, he started it. I don't see what the big deal Is" (about his shooting) Judy has as you know said this whole high speed rail thing was a giant government conspiracy to get us all into "urban corrodors" and went on to say that "rail transport was the least efficient transportation of all because rails are fixed. Individual cars are the best". Well the people who first built the first trans contenental railroad would be surprised by the news that rail transport was inefficient. Lots of Chinese workers worked on the western part of that run often under near slave labor conditions. And they didn't do all that back breaking work to people like Judy could criticize them. And I've got news for Judy. The country is a hell of a lot more densely populated now than it was in 1969. Now they want California to be the first leg of the nation's first 200 mph high speed rail, but John Boehner and the tea party obstructionists won't vote the transportation bill out. Judy goes on of course to express horror at the idea of calling a section of Anaheim "little Iran" or whatever they were thinking of naming it. We don't need the people responsible for 9 - 11 honored in any way. Her anti Islamic bias is more than apparent, and is shared by too many Americans. Of course President is an A student head of the Harvord Law Review and a squeaky clean morality, and he is called the more vile names by the tea party right. The bar for Blacks is easily twice as high as it is for Whites. People can't get over the fact that Blacks are even HERE in this country, I don't think, but I suspect if the slaves had to be free, maybe they should be sent back to Africa. You know sometimes I wonder about Novels that were never written. For instance if someone in Hell suggested Cain write an autobiography, mightn't it be called "In My Brother's Shadow". Of course there is a novel called "I, Judas" that I have read that Stewart doesn't like. Because "That Egyptian" was betrayed by a Temple Jew, and some say that Judas was the one somehow being tricked into being crucified instead of "That Egyptian". Then we have Zimmerman's best selling book called "The Nigger who ruined my life". Pastor Don had given up on me before I was ready to give up on him, and suggested I write a book expressing all my hostilities tword Christianity. Of course most writings of people on the right are basically nothing but fiction anyhow. This one link Judy sent me about all this Oil discovered in Alaska and this baptist preacher became chaplin of BP oil and then was invited to sit in on corporate meetings and then given "executive priveleges". Now he says someone from BP oil says there is so much oil in Alaska that were it allowed on the market, gasoline prices would drop to below $1.50 per gallon, and that we would have oil for two hundred years. When Pete Richards heard the exact video I was referring to he adopted kind of a "dismissive tone to his voice" and said that Video was "really old" and 'I've seen it" with the unspoken rides of "And I don't believe a word of it".
So now let's get to the specifics on the latest "accusations" against Trevon Martin. They say remnents of marijuana were discovered in his clothes or something. Now they are saying that as a student he spray canned grafitti on property. Of course nobody is mentioning that his own parents didn't know he had even died for three days till someone saw his toe tag in the morgue. His father just "wanted to know where he was" because he didn't come home. George Zimmerman is the guy guilty of Bullshit. He said his father was a Virginia judge when he applied for becoming a Policeman. But he was rejected. He took "fourteen hours of a Law Enforcement Class", that's all. Well that means I've actually had more Law Enforcement training at Cypress than he's had, if we're going to play that game. Some prosecutor wanted to file Manslaughter charges but he was prevented from higher ups from doing so, for political reasons. Geraldo of course says that Trevon deserved to be shot "because he was wearing a hoodie". Nobody seems to remember that Travon actually LIVED in that that neighborhood and had just stepped out to buy a snack during NBA all star half time and was on his way home. Oh now- - he's a suspicious prowler. Of course Zimmerman's attorney was going to appear on NBC but never showed so they had an empty chair. And a reporter rattled this whole coinvicting list of twenty questions he planned to ask that Attorney had he had the decency to show up for his appointment. Clearly this story stinks to high heaven and Zimmerman and his attorneys are both pathological liars in the Oliver North tradition, if not worse. They don't have a legal leg to stand on, "Stand your Ground" law or not. But they won't admit it but double down on all the poisoned rhetoric.
I wanted to talk a little about Pete Richards. Pete Richards is a little like Mark Campbell and just maybe you can throw in myself and Roger Waters into the mix of "People who don't necessarily mind the idea of Religion just as long as they are the sole arbitor of it and make up all the rules. Mark Campbell didn't like my book first of all because of all the thinly veiled Reagan for President plugs and side swipes against Jimmy Carter. Mark also resents the idea of anybody running someone elses' life with legalism "I don't care is it's a psychic or an astrologer they go to - - or somebody in a Church - - it's all the same to me. Both try and interperate things like the Bible with all their little guimics that is about as scientific as reading tea leaves". Pete Richards has people he doesn't like. I don't think he and Ron Rhodes had that much to say to each other. Pete even in the early days criticised "Decipleship Movements". Pete says he never trusted Lonnie Frizbee of Calvary Chapel. (who turned out to be gay) He left Pastor Mark because "He was beginning to rely too heavily on his own feelings". Mark Campbell of course in summer of 1981 took to calling me "Hoser" and it must have been ten years before I ever knew what that word even meant. It means a sheister or a con artist. Pete of course has done an awful lot of church hopping and I'm not even sure where he's going now. I think he might have found a church. He studied Theology to be a Minister, but has never to the best of my knowledge even tried to get a job as a Pastor and now is a government grunt worker. (His last job review was glowing, however) Of course a lot of people have their own poisoned pen terms for other Christians they don't take a fancy too. The term of "Deliverence Ministry" is spoken of- - as being a bad thing. There is that whole "Decipleship" thing Ron Rhodes has advocated from his legalist Baptist background. And then we have the "Seeker Friendly Churches", which are dangerous according to the Rev. John Mac Arthur. Some people are down on Mormonism even though they are sure as heck "More Christian" than 95% of the Christians out there. I remember as a teenager grown men going nuts over the idea that one guy who used to be a Methodist is now a Mormon. (It was NOT a Methodist church saying this)
The last paragraph didn't get saved and the computer froze up and when I left the page the last paragraph was gone. Mitt Romney now has his mansion with a sea side view in La Jolla that he's going to tear down and build either an 8,100 square foot mansion or an eleven thousand square foot mansion. That would make it almost ten times the size of the Palm Street house. It will have a multi level garage with a car elevator. This is ironic because Romney voted down disabled accomidations for elevators used by PEOPLE. It seems that the people who vote for him get off on this whole "Rich and inaccessable" air about him. I must stress that Romney's view of life is NOT representative of the Mormon people at large. Far from it. Now Rick Santorum is trying to macho up his "goody two shoes" image here in California because the old image doesn't "sell well" out here. Of course California successfully resisted the tea party juggernaut that rolled over the rest of the nation in November of 2010. In terms of this whole Supreme Court case, I missed yesterday's hearing because I was "otherwise engaged" yesterday, if you-know-who knows what I mean. I'm hoping to get up to speed today, unless something else comes up. Judy says that if I think the liberals will pervail in this Court hearing it's because "You've been listening to the liberal media" because supposedly Obama is on the ropes and his people are faced up against tough questions they are unable to answer satisfactorally. I'll look into that right now. I'm looking for a photograph and see what I come up with now. This computer has a growing trend to freeze when doing that so maybe I'll post just this first to play it safe, learning from my experiance.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
An In Dept Revealing Psychological Profile
Even the chickens might be annoyed with a dinner bell that rings as early as ours. Obviously just for a "heads up" I end up telling you nearly nothing about myself but do raise the veil about other people, whom some may suspect "appear in desguise". The number 17 is the number of The Magician in the ZAC Tarrot Card deck. I think Amendment 17 of the Constitution has to do with direct election of US Senators but we need to check that one out. The number of fishes the desciples caught the day they met Jesus was 153, which of course is a triangulation of seventeen. Some pastor counted seventeen different languages the Holy Spirit spoke in, on the day of Pentacost. Numerically seventeen is an "eight", which stands for "New Beginnings". Seventeen is also ten plus seven, or human responsability and reckoning plus God's perfection. Seventeen now is the accepted "MA" or Mature Audiences alias "R" rating for US Movies. The building George Burnes told John Denver to meet in alledgedly only had seventeen stories. The Mormons are much more "Faithful" to the Book of Acts in terms of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are concerned than most main line Protestent denominations. As such one could well argue that you have a far better chance at "finding the true spirit of God" in a Mormon congregation than you would on your typical street corner church. The whole Mormon thing of course is a part of ZAC Theology because the owners of the ZAC House were Mormons from Las Vegas. Strangely when I downloaded the photo of that house from Google maps the dimensions of it looked as if the house had non square dimensions- as if optically distorted. Maybe Ziggy was just playing tricks on the camera man.
And now a recent "rewind moment" that might have been included in an earlier posting but wasn't. Here we go. - - - - - This is approaching twelve noon on Sunday March 25, 2012 and they are playing I mash up I never heard before of “Helter Skelter” and “Whole lot of Love” and it’s pretty good. We had lunch and Oscar actually made it all the way around for seconds of the good spaghetti they had today. We had broth soup and a green salad and the Oriental lady gave me her garlic bread. One thing that I didn’t mention last night was one big reason why I have lost nine pounds since Christmas is that I no longer get extra food from table mates Andy, Loretta and Antwenette. The three now eat everything on their plates. And usually just about everyone is calling for seconds and this decreases odds of getting food at the end of the line. We had a banana for desert. For the first time this whole weekend it actually looks and feels like we could get some rain today. Francis just lent me a cigarette. The amount of cigarettes I’ve smoked in the past 21 hours is well into the single digits. I’ll tell you that. Otherwise on Beatles they had Beatles at the BBC on KOLA playing mostly songs that were NOT on the CD compilation, or in one case an intro that was not included such as in “Till There was You”. They had different altered lyrics to “Tie Me Kangeroo Down” from the usual “altered lyrics’ you hear, on the first two verses. There were two Mc Cartney songs I’ve never heard before at all. KLOS has returned to regular.
I'll be back with the second half in a moment. Right now I'll perform the Indian Rope Trick - - -
It isn't often now that Jesus Freaks or Tea Party members either one are candid about their own beliefs. By the way the British tried to try the Americans for NOT buying their British tea, but they consulted with their Legal authorities and concluded that it was not treasonous NOT to buy some Product. Now all the Obama people just have to sit up and take notice. It's not often you get to get inside the actual twisted Mind of a Christian but via song- - with a third party paper machet vail of respectability that it might not be You- - - this song offers a rare Study in Psychology you rarely get. So lets disect it now line by line.
Go ahead and talk about him because he makes you doubt
- - - - - No, he doesn't "make me doubt". Nothing of the sort
Because he has denied himself the things that you can't live without
- - - - - If you mean sanity and rationality and common sense, you're correct.
Laugh at him behind his back just like the others do
Remind him of what he used to be when he comes walking through.
- - - - - Persecution complexes can prove to be definitely mentally unhealthy.
He's the property of Jesus
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone.
- - - - - Things that are unloving and cold don't merit an emotional response, and should one provide one, it would prove self destructive anyhow. Sometimes things of Stone ain't half bad.
Stop your conversation when he passes on the street
- - - - -If this ever happens with me, I do a lot of self examination real quick
Hope he falls upon himself, oh, won't that be sweet
- - - - - Don't war with an enemy who's busy destroying himself, is my motto
Because he can't be exploited by superstition anymore
Because he can't be bribed or bought by the things that you adore.
- - - - - So he's on another planet now. Who will reach out to him now?
He's the property of Jesus
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone.
When the whip that's keeping you in line doesn't make him jump
Say he's hard-of-hearing, say that he's a chump
- - - - - A lot of regular working Joe six packs out there DO have to jump when our bosses say to, and if we don't - things are inferred about us, and our credibility rating goes down.
Say he's out of step with reality as you try to test his nerve
Because he doesn't pay tribute to the king that you serve.
- - - - - So now, does Rick Perry have the "nerve" as you so put it, to have Texas secede as a State?
He's the property of Jesus
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone.
Say that he's a looser 'cause he got no common sense
- - - - -If the crusifix fits, it must belong to him, if you know what I mean
Because he don't increase his worth at someone else's expense
- - - - -This is one of the biggest propaganda lies Christians ever tell
Because he's not afraid of trying, say he's got no style
- - - - -Believe me, no "risk averse" people exist on the face of the earth than Christians
'Cause he doesn't tell you jokes or fairy tales, say things that make you smile.
- - - - - He wont do nothin' but sit around and Look so Holy
He's the property of Jesus
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone.
You can laugh at salvation, you can play Olympic games
- - - - - wait a minute- - Christians don't participate in the Olympics?
You think that when you rest at last you'll go back from where you came
But you're picked up quite a story and you've changed since the womb
- - - - -We all grow, but Christians are flash frozen at a moment of bad karma
What happened to the real you, you've been captured but by whom ?
- - - - -"I hope the speaker is looking in the mirror when he says this"
He's the property of Jesus
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Marcus Arelius' Seventeen Commandments

1. Behold it is I, Marcus Arelius who brought you out of the land of religious servitude into a state of freedom from Religion. But thow shall not worship or serve me for I "only did what I was supposed to do" (to quote Dylan) to fulfill my Destiny in Life. Go Thow and Do Likewise.
2. Behold the Law was made for Man and not Man for the Law. He who created Man is irrelivent. Man is now a sensient Being with his Own Rights. (meditate on this Truth)
3. Thow shalt not have Gods before thee. Thow shalt serve primarily thine own interests in this life. In in serving thine own interests it will follow as the day doth the night that thow canst not be false to Any Man.
4. Thow shalt not serve the representation of a Thing more than the Thing itself that provideth thee sustenance. Thow shalt not dilute thy Knowledge by trying t drag it down to someone elses' level.
5. Thow shalt not use the Lord's name in vain or use God's "credit card" without permission. If thow persisteth in doing these things, the "bill will come due" for thyself, rather than your neighbor, which thow buildest up thy Ego in endeavoring to Threaten.
5 The Sabbath was made for Man and not Man for the Sabbath. Jehovah himself is "Only human" himself and thus took time off from his busy schedule. Man should go thow and do Likewise.
6 Thow mayest kill but thow mayest not do Murder. He who sheds man's blood shalt have his own blood shed by others.
7. Thow shalt not seek the End of something before the Means to said thing are not Achieved. Thow cannot demand Forgiveness or Love or Trust from Another. The most important thing is Thow lookest into thine own heart and soul. Counterfeit emotion is almost worse than no Emotion at all. (Selah)
8. Thow shalt not steal. Thow shalt not steal a man's property nor his time nor his soul nor his good name.
9. Honor thy Father and thy Mother. For they often know as much or more about you when you are young as you know about yourself. Behold the young mind is not developed and matured. If your elders advise against joining any religious cult, you should listen to them and heed their wisdom.
10. Thow shalt not do in secret what thow wouldst not do Openly. Thow shalt always do the right thing even when nobody is looking, for God sees Everything thow doest. Thow shalt fear the consequences of thine own actions.
11 Thow shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thow shalt not gossip about or slander they neighbor with poisoned pen inferences. Thow shalt guard thy speech and choose thy words carefully.
12. Thow shalt not commit adultry. Thow shalt not adulterate or bring an outside alien influence into thine emotional relationships, nor thy sexual relationships, nor thy beliefs. Thow shalt not betray a true friend.
13. Thow shalt live in the Now, not in the future nor in the past. If Now has no relivence to thee, then the rest is only a wing and a promise or a dead memory. Life comes from the Now. Enjoy life every day.
14. Thow shalt be true to comitments that thy makest, even deals which thow declarest "I made a mistake in doing that". Living with "mistakes" is a part of life and thow shall make economic recompense for any failings or short comings. Thow shall pay all thy debts. Thalt be a responsible individual. Thow shalt be accountable in full for false Promises as thow hast a right to expect fulfillment of promises by others to him.
15. Thow shalt not covet. Thow shalt not covet thy neighbors goods, nor his emotional relationships, nor his sexual relationships, nor his belief system, nor his Gods, nor desire anything that is not inherently his own by Destiny.
16. Thow shalt reverence people and have compassion on them, and use things while thow art in this World. Thow shalt not reverence things above people, and thow shalt not view people as mere things to be exploited.
17. Behold, the Rights of Man come not from the generosity of the collectivist State, but rather from the pure laws of karmic physics.
On a Night like This (Planet Waves)
Seven Days (from Bootleg Disk 3)
You're A Big Girl Now (Blood on the Tracks)
Golden Loom (Bootleg Disk 3)
Catfish (Bootleg Disk 3)
If Not For You (demo with George Harrison)
Abandoned Love (Biograph)
I Threw It All Away (LIVE "Hard Rain")
No Time to Think (Street Legal)
Neighborhood Bully (Infidels)
License to Kill (Infidels)
Everything Is Broken (1989 album)
Property of Jesus ("Shot of Love")
Solid Rock (Solid Rock)
Changing of the Guard (Street Legal)
"God" verses the A M Supreme Court
M A in this case could be either "Mature Audiences" or "Magician Arts" or "Marcus Arelius" so the choice is yours. So now we join our MSMBC coverage of the Court procedings in progress.
Attorney General for MA: We alledge today that God as specified in the Bible has no jourisdiction of mankind today as respect to their morals and therefore has no means either to impose or carry out any penalties for said infractions of His Law.
Justice: I guess you'll have to spell out more precisely what you mean.
Attorney General: Well first of all we are talking about Jehovah God of the Bible whose Son is one Jesus the Nazarene who came to earth to redeem mankind and holds their Judgement in His hands.
Justice: (to God) Do you stipulate to the correctness of these assertions?
God: I am Jehovah God, creator of Heaven and Earth whose only Son was sent to earth to die on the cross for the redemption of all Mankind. Yes, that's Me.
Attorney General: We alledge as you know that there is a Jeffersonian "Wall of Separation" between the morals of man and any God who physically creates their bodies and minds.
God: By what authority do you assert there is no connection between the physical and the moral law?
Attorney General: St. Paul through his assertion that for instance he was not healed by God though he was apparently without sin and therefore by Jehovah's own Law, worthy of a healing yet he was denied one and told that Jehovah's grace was sufficient for him. We assert that we all live by God's "grace" and said "grace" refers to the Act of Creation of the physical world and the environment thereof and has no connection to any - -for the lack of a better term - - karmic virtue".
Justice (To God): I am informed in this afidavid here that you claim that no one gets sent to Hell for any Sin because all sins, past, present and future, are dealt with on the Cross but merely it's mans reluctance to accept this pardon that condemns him and not the actual Sin itself.
God: I didn't know you were going to make levity of this situation. My law is not something that can be abrigated or denied. My law is perfect and therefore must be respected. You can't flaunt my Laws.
Justice: Do you even know what "flaunt" means?
God: Yes, it is the making light of or mockery of a thing or making it as all one bad Joke. I know exactly what the word means and the AG is guilty of it.
Justice: I think the word you are actually looking for here is "Flout". Don't you agree?
God: No, the last time I checked "Flout" was an ancient Italian name for Flute, and the long term would be Flauto Picalo or something.
AG: I maintain that the Ten Commandments were if anything for the Jews only for a set period of time and Jesus Himself found them wanting in many areas and condemned vast segments for the Old Testament Torah on such grounds.
God: Again don't put me to mockery or levity out of such a serious matter as this.
Justice: Just to make sure. Would you define the word "levity" for us to make sure we are all on the same page?
God: Certainly. Levity means to push the bounds beyond their normal limits and try and get away with something you know in your hearts that you can't.
Attorney General: In fact does not Scripture say the Perfect Law of God is already written on every man's heart if he will but follow it?
God: Yes. Man has an immortal soul, which means he always has a moral choice to choose right or wrong.
Attorney General: Oh come, come now, you don't mean "always". Aren't you a little fast and loose with that word "always" just when your son said "You will always have the poor with you".
God: I fail to see your point here.
Attorney General: Well - - you seem to be implying that at no time does man ever get to take, as it were, any "vacation" from his moral choices but it always called upon to make them - the correct way.
God: That's right. One should never presume upon the blood of Jesus Christ or you crucify him afresh. Man's soul is immortal, which is why the state of Hell goes on forever?
Attorney General: Just as an aside, how can a man who was mortal like the rest of us and subject to death at sometime anyhow, by dying on a cross in the act of a Mortal - - can affect something immortal - - such as a man's Soul. This is what you appear to be saying.
Justice: Just to interject a side note. Do you believe a man in a state of Grace can die from unconfessed sin that hasn't yet been "put under the blood"?
God: No - -Jesus died for all Mankind's sins, past present AND future. This is not an issue.
Attorney General: But let me move back to my central idea. The Ten Commandments are and were meant for the nation of Israel only, isn't this correct?
God: No. I created the whole world. I loved the whole world that I sent my son to redeem it. I created the whole world and therefore I Loved it.
Attorney General: But the teaching of Marcion say that the Lord of this World or Satan is both creator and ruler of this physical world.
God: Marcion was the first apostle of Satan Himself.
Justice: Well at least you've studied up on your Polycarp.
Attorney General: Let me get back to this idea of the law written on our hearts. Does not scripture say that
God and Man are both in the "Same Image". For instance if I could produce a perfect enough photograph I could perfectly capture an image that would be identical as the human retina is concerned as physically looking at the living Man.
God: Just what are you trying to Infer?
Attorney General: I don't "infer", YOU "infer". I "imply". And I am Implying that God cannot condemn any moral decision Man makes because God created Man and God doesn't create imperfection and therefore the perfect law is Already written on Man's hearts and therefore Man is in no need of any redeemer but merely look to himself.
God: I gave the Torah to redeem mankind from its sin. You are flat wrong.
Attorney General: Well, St. Paul, a Marcionite, says that the Law cannot redeem man but he who endeavors to follow the Law to achieve such means will only be consigned to Death because the Law itself is Death.
God: I say again that Marcion is an apostle of Satan.
Justice: Where does predestination fall into this matter, if at all.
Attorney General: That's a very good question.
God: Well some are predestined to Believe and others are Predestined not to Believe, and that's the way it will be and nothing can alter that. Man cannot be saved of his own accord but only by My Grace.
Justice: It sounds like you are agreeing with the Attorney General that no act of Man can redeem him, at least in Your eyes. Since this is true, can it not be argued that you poseess no moral Sway over man since he can neither improve nor diminish himself by endeavoring to Please you, as you put it, "In his own efforts".
God: The seeds of original sin were planted in Mankind in the Garden and have been there ever since, and man must be redeemed from that Sin or else perish in the ever lasting flames of Hell.
Justice: What about a new born baby? Will he perish in these flames too? Or is there some sort of Age of Accountability?
God: People can do great evil and claim they have the best of intentions? Man needs the wisdom of God. The world will never be able to govern itself with the flawed intents of mankind even at its best.
Attorney General: So intentions to do good are of no account.
God: No, what I said was that every man has a choice and God sees the thoughts and intents of man.
Attorney General: So it IS a matter of "good intentions". Can a man be saved by saying "I'm just a man. I make mistakes. I had the best of intentions?
God: The moral mind does not grasp this but God sees the intentions of man even before a man himself realizes them. For instance God may see the man comitting great evil in his life but look on ahead of that evil in the future that the man himself doesn't know he'll become guilty of - - and on to see his Redemption. So even a mass murderer can find redemption is his heart is tword me. The fruits of his evil deeds are irrelivent to anything. My son put all Evil under the blood. No man is accountable for the Evil effects of his acts.
Attorney General: It sounds to me like you just flat out contradicted yourself. I mean- - what if I do some deed with certain Risks attatched to it, perhaps in a military comtext. And it works out well but others will come and say "Even though the ends were good- - you still should have not taken the risk.
God: I see how that could happen.
Attorney General: So you ARE back to talking about pure intentions only and not effects - -
God: Now you're twisting my words - - -
Justice slams down gavvel hard: I've Heard ENOUGH! I rule that You, Jehovah God have NO moral jouristiction over the moral Deeds of Mankind and that mankind neither Is, nor Has Been, or ever Will be subject to your Moral Decrees. I therefore that man is and out to be Morally Free and Independant from your Jourisdiction. I have so ruled. Court Dismissed.
"Stuff" I've been Thinking About
Actually there is another whole major Shopping Center that sprang up just the other side of the Freeway from this one, making further incursions into Bajoran territory, and also knocking out an Arby's Roast Beef, which is a Bajoran business.
Here is an update. The Supreme Court worked for ninety whole minutes today hearing a case, which will take then four days to get through all six hours of at that rate. Randy reminds us "Well, they're old man. They need their nap time or whatever". And they'll get through all six hours of the hearing without Clarence Thomas, that great intellectual bastion, without asking a single question because everybody already knows how he'll vote. It's however Karl Rove instructs him to. Well the Dr. Levy gravy train came through on time today so i am no longer economically destitute. Dr. Levy also got through to you know who and Dr. Levy has time to move my records and things next week to his place. Today Dr. Levy was taking I Pad requests. Someone says they don't like Robert Goulet. I have no real problem with him. His singing isn't my cup of tea. Frank Sinatra and Perry Como are better. There are only four vocalists whom I'd like to see taken out and publically stoned- - with tomatoes or whatever, in the town square in the Kingdom of Marcus Arelius. These four would be for starters Bobby Golsboro, whose singing drives me up the walls, not to mentio his singing material. Another is Billy Joel. He rips off everybody - - the Four Seasons - the Walker Brothers, and David Bowie - - and his very first hit I just figured out rips off the key piano part from a Cat Stevens song. I have pegged Billy Joel as The Anti Elvis because many are speculating whom that might be- - the exact polar opposite of Elvis. The third guy would be that high lead singer from Super Tramp. His singing style grates on me more with each passing year. The fourth vocalist would be Debby Reynalds, for her classic stinker of all time "Tammy" and any other female singer with that saccrine "Disney" type voice. You know the type. Today Dick Chaney gets a new heart, as if that were even possible. Many men of the cloth and of the liberal perswasion would say "Sure, I'd love for Dick Chaney to have a new heart and come to Christ". Well, the Darth Vader types among us will always be supported by people like Rush Limbaugh and he's naturally sticking up for Dick Chaney because he knows, "I could be next". If you've been playing against another using a stacked deck all your life, the idea of wanting to play a Key card in an honest card deck for once that Isn't stacked, is understandingly appealing
Marcus Arelius based on an unknown radio observation
"Sure, Adam and Eve ate the Apple but it was just a mistake among thousands that mankind will be guilty of in their lives. The world didn't end when they comitted it. They weren't forever "ruined" or somehow "marked off" with Original Sin from that point forward. This would be contrary to Jewish "constant moral choice" reasoning, which is not incorrect. Besides in the spirit Dr. Levy was talking about today of "putting yourself in the other person's shoes" one should not be too quick to judge an action taken whose circumstances you may not entirely be aware of".
Dr. Levy Primarily Agrees with These Sentaments
This is Monday morning at 9:30 and the staff is beginning their Monday morning meeting. [name withheld] was just in here and I asked him for one toilet paper and a deodorant. Francis lent me my third cigarette but she thinks I owe her four, which is fine. It’s only the second cigarette I’ve had today- - OK the third. I’ve been luckier today than yesterday. Larry kicked in with one. And before breakfast Marsha said I borrowed my fourth, and I was ready to dispute that number too but maybe Saturday night I forgot about. Stephanie Miller was on and wasn’t that Mike Nolan with the bad sound that was spouting all this liberal stuff even though he’s a news guy? Of course this whole Travon Martin thing IS racial and for people to say you shouldn’t inject “race’ into it is silly because you know if the positions were reversed this would be a slam dunk. He would be guilty of murder. And for Zimmerman’s attorney to continue to call it self defense is also silly since he pursued Martin in his car and got out and pursued him further on foot. Rush Limbaugh at nine was discussing Obama Care and his figure for American people rejection of this bill is in the sixties. The figure I quoted was actually higher at 72%. When candidate Obama was most strident in saying this should not be a mandated program and spelled out excellent reasons why it shouldn’t be contrasting his ideas with Romney Care - - in late February of 2008 against Hillary. Now there is a question arising of whether this mandate is a “tax” or not. Because if it’s a “tax” then under some legal precedent it may not be challenged till after it takes effect. This is like Nancy Pelosi saying that “We need to pass this health care bill so we can find out what’s in it”. Silly. I think for a blog posting I’m going to pull out certain stretches of my recounting of events over the weekend, properly “redacted”.
We had corn flakes for breakfast and later on scrambled eggs and a raw bagel with butter and jelly. The Oriental lady gave me her eggs. She must see how skinny I’m getting. I’ve lost nine pounds since Christmas, and am in fact now 19 pounds below where I was the first half of last year. The weight figure hasn’t exactly pursued a straight line down for the past five years and nine months or so, but it’s been close. Close enough so you know it isn’t some kind of Steve Jobs cancer. That Ferris guy from the apartment in late 1991 and 1992 withered away from a fairly hefty robust guy to a shadow of his former self in the summer of 1992 and then he died of some kind of cancer. But there are no symptomatic indications other than weight I have any disease at all. Judy remarked, “I know you’ve you’ve been losing weight. You have no ass”. I’m like that Mickey guy whose one anatomical difference with me was not just that he’s a little taller, but also you see his profile and he “has no ass”. If nothing else they used to medically prescribe those “Ensure” bottle supplements. It’s all this economy of course. Things even in this year of 2012 are still in a state of belt tightening and not expansion. There is no recovery for most of the nation in most areas, and we discussed this in the previous file. So you have Jerry Brown seeking a hike in taxes in order to save yet more programs from being cut. And if you think about it 8.3% unemployment does not represent any economy in any state of “recovery” or growth. It’s just in isolated areas like North Dakota where people are doing well. Now the Republicans are saying that Obama is approving the southern portion of that Pipeline because he didn’t have any choice and is just trying to get out in front of a locomotive saying he’s responsible for leading it. I don’t know. Of course this block of time opens up in the morning because Thom Hartman is off the air, and we are headed into the third week of that.
We got into conversations about their starvation food rations around here. Judy says people who’ve got cancer lose weight because the cancer cells rob the body of nutrients. We discussed ways in which I might broach the problem. Mom talked to various of her friends while we were there. People were sitting in the dining room almost before the stroke of 4:30. I was happy to be eating. I went right to the salad bar and stocked up on the Romaine and Iceberg lettuce and their good blue cheese dressing in generous portions and also threw on some raisons. Then I also loaded three bean salad and coleslaw. However [Pete Richards] ate almost as much as I did getting a salad bar plate, too. The waiter took my plate when I wasn’t entire sure I was through picking every last scrap. I get offended by waiters who want to take away plates so quickly. Pete and I both had what they call a “half a chicken”. I got light meat and Pete got dark meat. I had a baked potato with sour cream. I asked for carrots and then added “can I get spinach instead” and he said “You can have both if you want” and I said “that sounds good” so I got both. They prepare vegetables well there. There was a decorative orange and I got chocolate cake for desert. I also grabbed two of Judy’s half hard boiled eggs from her “cob salad”. Mom had a tuna melt. Only the coffee was a disappointment because it was weak. Mom says that Mr. Cortesse’s Mom died before her son had had completed his dream place for her. Mom was going to have minor eye surgery before Mom and [Alan] talked her out of it. Judy talked about the current state of the government and she was actually more convincing than usual. There was an article about a Time Magazine about Santorum, and Judy says that it’s true that when the Lord intervenes, miracles can and do happen. Santorum says in response to the “Act of God” remark that, “That’s OK; I believe in God”. There was a more telling article in the latest Time magazine dated April 2nd. This is a phoney economic recovery and aside from the few isolated pockets of this economy that have shown signs of growth, the average American think we are not in a recession but a Depression. So things like tax revenues are continuing to fall and government programs are in an ongoing state of still being cut with new cuts to hit, like here in California. They don’t hold parades and fairs the way they used to in many places because the cities just can’t afford it. Newt Gringrich’s point is well taken that 8.3% unemployment features a lot fewer people being employed than when that number was going up on the other side. We continually define “normalcy” down and that gets wearisome. Mom never turned on her computer even though Judy suggested we could Google the whole Cancer and weight question. Mom mused about what would happen to all of her color coordinated with the kitchen cupboards furniture when she was gone. The topic of the records never came up. On the way home I agreed with them that Dr. Levy was a nice guy but I can’t really be a “favorite” because I’m now leery of discussing politics with him because he agrees with Judy. Somebody suggested we leave before it got completely dark out, and it got dark while we rode home. We got off at Katella. I know there are a lot of Street View Google pictures I could bag. Judy spoke at length of her activities as block chairman for getting rid of the drugs in her neighborhood. I never realized how taxing and extensive her activities in that area were. She suggested I not adopt an angry tone when I raised the issue of the food portions. There were some stories about animals that I showed little interest in that the two of them apparently like to read.
I was coming up the stairs at about five after eight. Bill was awake but CBS still didn’t have their regular programming. The only bathroom use I had at Mom’s was mainly to pass gas. There was some Latino program on FOX instead of the usual “Cops”. At nine there was this legal program on KNBC about a guy stalling his execution so that he could donate his heart to an eager recipient. But the three drug cocktail used in Virginia would preclude use of the heart. And the alternate method in Virginia is the electric chair, which would also render the heart useless. I don’t remember how late I watched but it had to be past nine thirty. I was out on the patio talking with Marsha and Larry Barton Previously mentioned was the following stuff about Later
I slept well last night first waking at 5:05 and getting up a little past 5:30. I made the last of the coffee and ran the grounds through again around ten adding in the fraction of a spoon left in the can. Nora was by before ten. Nora reemerged yesterday afternoon after a 20 day vacation in Peru or something. She wasn’t fired. She said she would mop today and she did. I had the “Today” show on. Cigarettes have been really hard to come by these past 21 hours. We had oatmeal for breakfast and scrambled eggs and a single sausage and no toast. The coffee here has been tending weak. I had “Meet the Press” on and watched the full hour. David Gregory said his wife was in the military. Rachael Maddau was on to plug her excellent new book about Bush as the Wartime President and how there has been this “change” of having War as a constant factor in the “background” that most American citizens never even have to think about. The sun was out this morning. Richard Moore said not to ask again when he lent me a lone cigarette.
Ohio State defeated Syracruse last evening in the NCAA game I completely missed. Of course The Romulans were backing Syracruse. I did catch some of the afternoon game from halftime on getting in on the break, between Florida and Louisville. (?) [Apparently Louisville won.] Tom Petti is from Gainsville. Some of his musical influence comes from that M 51 star in Orion. There is news that some people from Aldeberan IX actually ended up in “The Seatle group”, which has never been identified. Also the Monkee’s guardians used to live on Aldebran IX and were awarded “asylum” on Aldeberan VIII as a definite minority. Yesterday I changed into my kakis and Judy called back to say you-know-who had just stepped into the shower and would be late. Then I went downstairs to the west bench for one more cigarette that I got from Lynne. The wind was beginning to pick up and I resolved to put on that blackish-navy-blue sweatshirt, which I did and wore to Mom’s. Judy called again to say they had just left a little after three but it wasn’t a few minutes when she called again to say they were here.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Now It Seems - Everybody's Been Having Them Doubts
March 24th it seems is the anniversary of a lot of dubious events. You snail mail fans know for instance today is the 29th anniversary of the last time Mark Campbell ever saw Zachery, or for that matter the last time anybody of the Bosc perswasion saw Dick and Robin. March 24th 1958 is the anniversary of the day Elvis Presley was inducted into the Army and all those photos were released of Elvis in his tighty whities. March 24th was the Anniversary in 1972 of the Godfather, an American movie classic. I remember when the theater signs went up everywhere. March 24th 1976 is the anniversary of a different sort of 'draft" for me. You know Miss Crane in the Psycho movie told Norman, "I got myself into a little mess I stepped in back in Phoenix and I'm hoping to extracate myself from it. Then Miss Crane had that daydream sequence. But if you will watch the events of that sequence carefully, it wasn't any Day Dream. That's the events as they Were Actually Happening. Bob Dylan had a song lyric of "I found myself Daydreaming about the way things Really Are". I believe that's in "Idiot Wind". The Idiot Wind must be one of those freak chinook winds that blows during warm winters in Washington DC that makes legeslators do strange things, like pass the Obama health care bill, which I didn't know was passe on March 24th of 2010. (I had thought it was even later in the month of March) Mitch Mc Connell is not a raving right winger despite his "One Term President' remark. He's what is known as one of the Republican moderates. He gave the Saturday morning address on KNX 1070 today. And the topic there was this Health Care Bill, which will go into full effect in 2014. What I didn't know untill just this morning is that the US Supreme Court actually IS having Hearings on the case the first three days of Next Week. That's a hell of a lot sooner than I envisioned. So all that stuff from the last posting is no longer abstract theory but about to become a Legal Reality. You know a couple of observations I omitted yesterday I'd like to make now. First - many legal experts say that is the Mandentory aspect of Obama Care is taken out, the entire Health Bill in total becomes Inopperative. Legal experts are divided but this issue also will be argued next week. The other is that I dialed away and turned my back on the thing when the woman began speaking. She went on thusly: "Many on the right have differing ideas about the Constitution than we do. We on the left have gone in the tradition of American Founders who see the Constitution not as some legal document on a piece of paper, but rather as a Living Entity and the broader perpose of the Constitution is "The American Vision" and fulfilling our Dreams, and broadening our Horizons' or whatever else. Then she concluded "If the Constitution is to be argued strictly on legal grounds, it can be used as an instrument by any Republican to obstruct each and every liberal legeslation that we might care to pass". On this issue I, Marcus Arelius, part company with my liberal compadres. The Constitution is indeed a carefully thought and worked out Legal Document, and is what each and every Democratic Congressman swears his oath of allegience to. Therefore if the Constitution says something is Wrong - - then it's wrong, as outlined in the last post. Mitch Mc Connell in an act of generous concession to the center and the political left, admitted that we need some sort of "Health care reform legislation". I'm not even convinced of that. We might. But all these issues about being ripped off or dropped by your insurance providers - - these issues are best worked out in the Courts in an individual one by one basic. That's what the Courts are for is to redress legal injustices, which is what these cases are. Clearly the Obama Bill was not only Unnecessary - - it's just plain a Bad bill because it's Inneffective, and as Mc Conell points out- - makes a whole lot of things worse, which is not what the President SAYS he wants. Employers hate it because of mandates and economic hardships on them. The states hate it because of unfunded Medic-Aid mandates, and old people too have been "Having them dreams" about the day Obama care cuts back their coverage". So nobody likes the bill. 72% of the American people consistently in polls don't like the Bill. And economists say this Health Care Act is one of the worst things we can do to impede the economy. They say that 800,000 people will lose their jobs because of this Act. We don't want that. So the writing is definitely on the wall for the Obama Administration on this one. The Court Ruling will come this year, probably in June, about the same time Mitt Romney announces that he's just secured a majority of his party's Deligates. Hopefully the President will take it as a wake-up call and press the "Reset" button on his own political campaign strategy.
I guess I'd like to talk a little more about men and women and how each view sex. Contrary to the common belief, it's Men actually, who tie in Sex and Romance. So Gabreal on that soap opera was actually thinking the way Men wish women would think. She was showing all green lights, but it's just too bad that those green lights clashed with Will Horton's pink panties. Many men will SAY when they have an affair that "It was purely sexual, she didn't mean a thing to me". In truth many wives such as Samantha Brady, are such bitches that they drive their men out of the house by their constant doubting of their husbands and mistrust and constant questioning even when he's done nothing wrong. In Sammy's case she has this almost pathological hatred of both her sister and her step father, that drowns out all other reality- - and also puts up an interractional barrier with her husband, Raphael. So of course the husband is going to seek Escape and go into the company of someone who accepts him as he is and doesn't ask questions. And naturally such encounters lead to Sex, possibly because the other woman wants to "bag the husband" for herself, so she will entrap him. However when a woman is sexually unsatisfied- - husbands should not infer it's a lack of emotional love for him. Women have this ability to bifercate Sex from Love in a way that men can't, or at least I can't. They view romance as romance and the idea of including sex with romance seems almost superfelus to them. They view Sex as a mechinical act. They will say things 'If I want sex I won't go to my husband for it - - I'll go for someone who actually knows what they are Doing". Often this is another woman. The whole machanical stimulation thing is really big for a woman, and if you don't know how to do it properly then you're kind of up a creek without a paddle. I'd like to generalize and broaden the basic soap opera story to include lots of married couples who may have the same problem. One spouse cheats and doesn't inform the other. He knows something is wrong. He knows the spouse is acting "different" and there is now a wall between them that wasn't there before, and he doesn't know why and thinks maybe it's him. So he asks her point blank if there is something wrong. She emphatically denies it, often doubling down and getting indignent on the Lie questioning why he would ever Doubt her. He starts adding up two and two and often fixated on a certain date on the calendar when she "Changed". He will go back in his mind over those events. But it still doesn't add up. But when her great Sin is discovered all she can say in her own defences to doubling down on all the Lies and Deception is "Well - - if you really loved me you'd forgive me". These assholes like to make everything about "Forgiveness" when they are caught. Of course deep down they haven't forgiven themselves. What they really WANT is to rewrite history to say that certain events - - - and the whole hose of surrounding events - - Never Happened. Like this teenage shooting in what we now learn is a suburb or Orlando, Florida, and not the pan handle area as I had assumed- - those on the right not only want to say that the Event never happened- - but that the whole climate of hatred tword Blacks and a gun crazed culture - - doesn't Exist either. It's all just some "massive liberal conspiracy to get more votes in November" or something. Yeah, right.
I just briefly here want to review a philosophical point that really really relatively new to me too. This whole bit about "Physical Marcionism" or the "Jeffersonian Wall" between the Moral or Karmic world, and the physical world, where there is at least some possibility there God can be Proved, and I personally believe that in the physical world God's "effects" can be strongly Inferred. But not in the Moral world. I reminded you how St. Paul, being a Marcionite - - does not tie Sin to physicality the same way that someone like Tertulian does, who lived in the Third Century, and who Catholics probably revers over and above St. Paul, whom they would consign as "One of those people the Protestants like to follow".
I just want to add one more thought here. People like these whackadoodles at C Pac speaking about the scourge of Anti Colonialism in world society - - these people are are entitled to a hearing, if a brief one. They are to be included in the same class of people that believe in UFO's, or Wayne Dyre's view of the cosmis, or even people who say that Elvis rose from the dead and have seen him. It all comes down to Evidence. Show me the Evidence and we'll talk. But if not, just shut your Pie Hole, because this writer had heard Enough.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Why Mandated Health Insurance Purchase Is Unconstitutional

The US Supreme Court is going to hear the case of Obama verses all us Americans who don't want mandated health coverage, one of these days. I wish it would be sooner rather than later. One speaker at the Cato institute summarized four good reasons why this should never happen. First of all any government mandated purchase is Unprecedented. It's never been done before. As he said "There has always been a temptation to do this because people might think it solve a lot of problems but they knew it was beyond the scope of the Federal government. And this mere persistent rejection is "case law enough" in my book, to insure that it should never be passed. The next is that it is Unlimited. Just because some will argue that "Health Care" is "fundamentally different than any other activity any American engages in" and I'm not convinced in the least of this - - but even were it to be true- - people asked legal authorities, "If you accept this premise what can stop the government from mandating other things?" There would be no legal power because we are in "unprecedented" territory. The next is that this law is Unnecessary. President Obama knew the American people in 2008 would not go for any tax increases, and the President thus misled the American people as to his intensions. They could have just expanded Medicare to include a few younger people in it, perhaps dipping to age 55 or something. But they didn't. The fourth big argument obviously is that the whole premise is a fraud. They call uninsured people "irresponsable' and "costing the system". But countless accountants have concluded that the ammount per capital cost in savings would be more than wiped out by all of their regulations, requiring people to get coverage they don't want and don't need and would not buy for themselves. They speak of price controls causing people to go for the "insurer with the Worst coverage because it's at the lowest price". They speak of "markets for various policies being wiped out" and many programs are already wiped out from Obama care and the people suffer. Rather than save lives, Obama care will actually Cost lives. Many people's insurance rates will actually double under Obama Care. I have heard from many sources that Doctors are withdrawing from the whole system alltogether out of disgust. They said this would be an easy case for the Court to reject but the Supreme Court has alloted three whole days of arguments before the Bench on the many diverse aspects of this bill. The smartest thing this President can do is to take the whole issue off the Table and announce - as I suggested he do countless times - that he will not impose something on the American People of such a vast magnitude that they fundamentally don't want and do not need. Costs will rise, but satisfaction won't.
I would like to shift gears now and talk about something the other side of the political aisle such as FOX news does and is doing more of. They will not even report ANY story such as this Florida shooting case that might invoke concerns over justice in America, because in doing so they inadvertantly help the Left. So they and others will dismiss the importance of it or say things like - oh "These sort of things happen - - I don't see what the big deal is". Or they will say the "Real Story" is that this is just "another ploy of liberals to try and wipe out gun ownership". There was a British guy in for Rush Limbaugh today because "Rush Limbaugh was boycotting himself", which is obviously something I wish he'd do on a permanent basis. He was talking about these shootings of Jewish school children or whatever in France. But then he added "Of course the real story here is that Moslems control the Press (world wide or something) and the Moslems, having control of the world press are peddeling fears of a back lash for these attacks so that the Fear that they are trying to instill in us is the Real Issue. Only a Rush supporter would ponder such conveluted logic. It's like they claim that the "Real Story" why people won't become Christians is not because nothing about it makes sense. The real story is that "They are clinging to their own immoral rebellion and they are unable to free themselves from the Flesh the way they know they have to to please God". You know of course that as long as we are alive we are "In the Flesh" and they know it too. They know THEY are "in the flesh". The whole vocabulary goes back to Marcionism, which was introduced into the Church via St. Paul. It's the idea that the whole world including all flesh is "doomed to destruction and damnation". Therefore nothing about "the flesh" is good, even things like breathing oxygen and cellular metabolism, which keeps us all alive.
Samantha Brady loves to talk about Raphael's lack of "Forgiveness". It's funny the way some people such as Born Again Christians value the one thing they are the LEAST suited for, such as forgiveness. When did Samantha Brady ever forgive anybody? She's in trouble with Raphael, her husband. (not for long if he has his way) She's in trouble with Kate. And she's in ongoing trouble with E J Di Mira. Remember she attempted to shoot him in cold blood and damn near succeeded. All that "evidence which has gone away - - could just as easily come back" depending on how E J is feeling at the moment. Some people rave the loudest about stuff who have the weakest moral legs to stand on.
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