Saturday, March 24, 2012

Now It Seems - Everybody's Been Having Them Doubts

March 24th it seems is the anniversary of a lot of dubious events.  You snail mail fans know for instance today is the 29th anniversary of the last time Mark Campbell ever saw Zachery, or for that matter the last time anybody of the Bosc perswasion saw Dick and Robin.  March 24th 1958 is the anniversary of the day Elvis Presley was inducted into the Army and all those photos were released of Elvis in his tighty whities.  March 24th was the Anniversary in 1972 of the Godfather, an American movie classic.  I remember when the theater signs went up everywhere.  March 24th 1976 is the anniversary of a different sort of 'draft" for me.  You know Miss Crane in the Psycho movie told Norman, "I got myself into a little mess I stepped in back in Phoenix and I'm hoping to extracate myself from it.  Then Miss Crane had that daydream sequence.  But if you will watch the events of that sequence carefully, it wasn't any Day Dream.  That's the events as they Were Actually Happening.  Bob Dylan had a song lyric of "I found myself Daydreaming about the way things Really Are".  I believe that's in "Idiot Wind".  The Idiot Wind must be one of those freak chinook winds that blows during warm winters in Washington DC that makes legeslators do strange things, like pass the Obama health care bill, which I didn't know was passe on March 24th of 2010.  (I had thought it was even later in the month of March)  Mitch Mc Connell is not a raving right winger despite his "One Term President' remark.  He's what is known as one of the Republican moderates.  He gave the Saturday morning address on KNX 1070 today.  And the topic there was this Health Care Bill, which will go into full effect in 2014.  What I didn't know untill just this morning is that the US Supreme Court actually IS having Hearings on the case the first three days of Next Week.  That's a hell of a lot sooner than I envisioned.  So all that stuff from the last posting is no longer abstract theory but about to become a Legal Reality.  You know a couple of observations I omitted yesterday I'd like to make now.  First - many legal experts say that is the Mandentory aspect of Obama Care is taken out, the entire Health Bill in total becomes Inopperative.  Legal experts are divided but this issue also will be argued next week.  The other is that I dialed away and turned my back on the thing when the woman began speaking.  She went on thusly: "Many on the right have differing ideas about the Constitution than we do.  We on the left have gone in the tradition of American Founders who see the Constitution not as some legal document on a piece of paper, but rather as a Living Entity and the broader perpose of the Constitution is "The American Vision" and fulfilling our Dreams, and broadening our Horizons' or whatever else.  Then she concluded "If the Constitution is to be argued strictly on legal grounds, it can be used as an instrument by any Republican to obstruct each and every liberal legeslation that we might care to pass".  On this issue I, Marcus Arelius, part company with my liberal compadres.  The Constitution is indeed a carefully thought and worked out Legal Document, and is what each and every Democratic Congressman swears his oath of allegience to.  Therefore if the Constitution says something is Wrong - - then it's wrong, as outlined in the last post.  Mitch Mc Connell in an act of generous concession to the center and the political left, admitted that we need some sort of "Health care reform legislation".  I'm not even convinced of that.  We might.  But all these issues about being ripped off or dropped by your insurance providers - - these issues are best worked out in the Courts in an individual one by one basic.  That's what the Courts are for is to redress legal injustices, which is what these cases are.  Clearly the Obama Bill was not only Unnecessary - - it's just plain a Bad bill because it's Inneffective, and as Mc Conell points out- - makes a whole lot of things worse, which is not what the President SAYS he wants.  Employers hate it because of mandates and economic hardships on them.  The states hate it because of unfunded Medic-Aid mandates, and old people too have been "Having them dreams" about the day Obama care cuts back their coverage".  So nobody likes the bill.  72% of the American people consistently in polls don't like the Bill.  And economists say this Health Care Act is one of the worst things we can do to impede the economy.  They say that 800,000 people will lose their jobs because of this Act.  We don't want that.  So the writing is definitely on the wall for the Obama Administration on this one.  The Court Ruling will come this year, probably in June, about the same time Mitt Romney announces that he's just secured a majority of his party's Deligates.  Hopefully the President will take it as a wake-up call and press the "Reset" button on his own political campaign strategy.

I guess I'd like to talk a little more about men and women and how each view sex.  Contrary to the common belief, it's Men actually, who tie in Sex and Romance.  So Gabreal on that soap opera was actually thinking the way Men wish women would think.  She was showing all green lights, but it's just too bad that those green lights clashed with Will Horton's pink panties.  Many men will SAY when they have an affair that "It was purely sexual, she didn't mean a thing to me".  In truth many wives such as Samantha Brady, are such bitches that they drive their men out of the house by their constant doubting of their husbands and mistrust and constant questioning even when he's done nothing wrong.  In Sammy's case she has this almost pathological hatred of both her sister and her step father, that drowns out all other reality- - and also puts up an interractional barrier with her husband, Raphael.  So of course the husband is going to seek Escape and go into the company of someone who accepts him as he is and doesn't ask questions.  And naturally such encounters lead to Sex, possibly because the other woman wants to "bag the husband" for herself, so she will entrap him.  However when a woman is sexually unsatisfied- - husbands should not infer it's a lack of emotional love for him.  Women have this ability to bifercate Sex from Love in a way that men can't, or at least I can't.  They view romance as romance and the idea of including sex with romance seems almost superfelus to them.  They view Sex as a mechinical act.  They will say things 'If I want sex I won't go to my husband for it - - I'll go for someone who actually knows what they are Doing".  Often this is another woman. The whole machanical stimulation thing is really big for a woman, and if you don't know how to do it properly then you're kind of up a creek without a paddle.  I'd like to generalize and broaden the basic soap opera story to include lots of married couples who may have the same problem.  One spouse cheats and doesn't inform the other.  He knows something is wrong.  He knows the spouse is acting "different" and there is now a wall between them that wasn't there before, and he doesn't know why and thinks maybe it's him.  So he asks her point blank if there is something wrong.  She emphatically denies it, often doubling down and getting indignent on the Lie questioning why he would ever Doubt her.   He starts adding up two and two and often fixated on a certain date on the calendar when she "Changed".  He will go back in his mind over those events.  But it still doesn't add up.  But when her great Sin is discovered all she can say in her own defences to doubling down on all the Lies and Deception is "Well - - if you really loved me you'd forgive me".  These assholes like to make everything about "Forgiveness" when they are caught.  Of course deep down they haven't forgiven themselves.  What they really WANT is to rewrite history to say that certain events - - - and the whole hose of surrounding events - - Never Happened.  Like this teenage shooting in what we now learn is a suburb or Orlando, Florida, and not the pan handle area as I had assumed- - those on the right not only want to say that the Event never happened- - but that the whole climate of hatred tword Blacks and a gun crazed culture - - doesn't Exist either.  It's all just some "massive liberal conspiracy to get more votes in November" or something.  Yeah, right.

I just briefly here want to review a philosophical point that really really relatively new to me too.  This whole bit about "Physical Marcionism" or the "Jeffersonian Wall" between the Moral or Karmic world, and the physical world, where there is at least some possibility there God can be Proved, and I personally believe that in the physical world God's "effects" can be strongly Inferred.  But not in the Moral world.  I reminded you how St. Paul, being a Marcionite - - does not tie Sin to physicality the same way that someone like Tertulian does, who lived in the Third Century, and who Catholics probably revers over and above St. Paul, whom they would consign as "One of those people the Protestants like to follow".

I just want to add one more thought here.  People like these whackadoodles at C Pac speaking about the scourge of Anti Colonialism in world society - - these people are are entitled to a hearing, if a brief one.  They are to be included in the same class of people that believe in UFO's, or Wayne Dyre's view of the cosmis, or even people who say that Elvis rose from the dead and have seen him.  It all comes down to Evidence.  Show  me the Evidence and we'll talk.  But if not, just shut your Pie Hole, because this writer had heard Enough.

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