1. Behold it is I, Marcus Arelius who brought you out of the land of religious servitude into a state of freedom from Religion. But thow shall not worship or serve me for I "only did what I was supposed to do" (to quote Dylan) to fulfill my Destiny in Life. Go Thow and Do Likewise.
2. Behold the Law was made for Man and not Man for the Law. He who created Man is irrelivent. Man is now a sensient Being with his Own Rights. (meditate on this Truth)
3. Thow shalt not have Gods before thee. Thow shalt serve primarily thine own interests in this life. In in serving thine own interests it will follow as the day doth the night that thow canst not be false to Any Man.
4. Thow shalt not serve the representation of a Thing more than the Thing itself that provideth thee sustenance. Thow shalt not dilute thy Knowledge by trying t drag it down to someone elses' level.
5. Thow shalt not use the Lord's name in vain or use God's "credit card" without permission. If thow persisteth in doing these things, the "bill will come due" for thyself, rather than your neighbor, which thow buildest up thy Ego in endeavoring to Threaten.
5 The Sabbath was made for Man and not Man for the Sabbath. Jehovah himself is "Only human" himself and thus took time off from his busy schedule. Man should go thow and do Likewise.
6 Thow mayest kill but thow mayest not do Murder. He who sheds man's blood shalt have his own blood shed by others.
7. Thow shalt not seek the End of something before the Means to said thing are not Achieved. Thow cannot demand Forgiveness or Love or Trust from Another. The most important thing is Thow lookest into thine own heart and soul. Counterfeit emotion is almost worse than no Emotion at all. (Selah)
8. Thow shalt not steal. Thow shalt not steal a man's property nor his time nor his soul nor his good name.
9. Honor thy Father and thy Mother. For they often know as much or more about you when you are young as you know about yourself. Behold the young mind is not developed and matured. If your elders advise against joining any religious cult, you should listen to them and heed their wisdom.
10. Thow shalt not do in secret what thow wouldst not do Openly. Thow shalt always do the right thing even when nobody is looking, for God sees Everything thow doest. Thow shalt fear the consequences of thine own actions.
11 Thow shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thow shalt not gossip about or slander they neighbor with poisoned pen inferences. Thow shalt guard thy speech and choose thy words carefully.
12. Thow shalt not commit adultry. Thow shalt not adulterate or bring an outside alien influence into thine emotional relationships, nor thy sexual relationships, nor thy beliefs. Thow shalt not betray a true friend.
13. Thow shalt live in the Now, not in the future nor in the past. If Now has no relivence to thee, then the rest is only a wing and a promise or a dead memory. Life comes from the Now. Enjoy life every day.
14. Thow shalt be true to comitments that thy makest, even deals which thow declarest "I made a mistake in doing that". Living with "mistakes" is a part of life and thow shall make economic recompense for any failings or short comings. Thow shall pay all thy debts. Thalt be a responsible individual. Thow shalt be accountable in full for false Promises as thow hast a right to expect fulfillment of promises by others to him.
15. Thow shalt not covet. Thow shalt not covet thy neighbors goods, nor his emotional relationships, nor his sexual relationships, nor his belief system, nor his Gods, nor desire anything that is not inherently his own by Destiny.
16. Thow shalt reverence people and have compassion on them, and use things while thow art in this World. Thow shalt not reverence things above people, and thow shalt not view people as mere things to be exploited.
17. Behold, the Rights of Man come not from the generosity of the collectivist State, but rather from the pure laws of karmic physics.
On a Night like This (Planet Waves)
Seven Days (from Bootleg Disk 3)
You're A Big Girl Now (Blood on the Tracks)
Golden Loom (Bootleg Disk 3)
Catfish (Bootleg Disk 3)
If Not For You (demo with George Harrison)
Abandoned Love (Biograph)
I Threw It All Away (LIVE "Hard Rain")
No Time to Think (Street Legal)
Neighborhood Bully (Infidels)
License to Kill (Infidels)
Everything Is Broken (1989 album)
Property of Jesus ("Shot of Love")
Solid Rock (Solid Rock)
Changing of the Guard (Street Legal)
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