Sunday, July 07, 2013

Cosmic Debris Report No 787

I paid little attention to Leo Le Port and wad was in fact dozing off when it dawned on me the show had been preempted by this San Francisco plane crash from Asiania airlines from South Korea.  There were 291 passengers on board and it was a Boeing 777 aircraft, with a very safe reputation.  But in the early reports there had been reports of pre existing structural problems with the tail on the plane.  But what happened was that the wheels of the plane appear to have snagged on the sea retaining wall and come off so that the plane cart-wheeled around and caught fire.  The swift safety measures were in place and the passengers slid down the chutes so that more lives weren’t lost than onlookers who witnessed the thing initially feared.  Apparently the weather was calm- - and the only question is whether the pilot was trying to bring up the nose higher to compensate for a loss of fuel, like the engine had been sputtering or something.  They kept saying to say that television coverage was on ALL of the local TV stations, but they obviously meant- - up there.  The crash occurred at about 11:30 in the morning PDT and I guess over a hundred people were initially hospitalized- - and now some forty are in serious condition.  Only the two sixteen year old Korean girls have died so far.  There was never any question about it being a terrorist plot.  Meanwhile down here a plane made a forced landing on the San Diego freeway because it had been during to scoop down and hoist an advertizing banner that it was going to fly over the beach with.  It was not your typical day.

I went down for coffee in the courtyard and then and in this morning’s outing I noticed only three birds- - and was looking for the fourth - - one of the dark gray birds- - but somebody said one died a few days ago, perhaps because of the heat.  (?)  I got two cups from Laura this morning.  Yesterday I had the Chris Matthews show on computer a little earlier than usual but there was some George Zimmerman trial special.  Matthews has joined the chorus of those who say that the prosecution is blowing it- - and seemingly there is a new “blunder” committed by the prosecution every day.  They are preparing us for or “setting us up for” an adverse verdict so that we won’t be that shocked when it comes down.  It’s akin to the media telling us over and over the morning of 9 – 11 that the Twin Towers were in imminent danger of coming down, which they did.  There was a lot of live video of the crowd in Egypt at night with fireworks being shot off and green lasers in evidence.  I have the initials “I D N A” in my notes - - ?

This is Sunday July 7, 2013 and KLOS reminds us that it’s Ringo’s 73rd birthday.  It’s been forty years since the “Ringo” album has been recorded.  Actually Ringo was only 32 when that album was recorded.  I remember that because Eye Witness News around the first of April said that all four Beatles would be in Los Angeles to record an album.  Today is also Nicholas’ birthday and he is 25, which means the 25th anniversary of my moving into that apartment is just around the corner.  Today they had a telephone theme to the songs including “Don’t Hang Up”, by Ringo, which I had never heard before.  They said guess the guest female singer.  I guessed Kim Weston.  I was so far off the mark I wasn’t even in the same galaxy.  They played “She Said She Said” which is my favorite song for Ringo’s drumming.  There is all that interesting tambourine work on “Rubber Soul”.   They also played that “Ringo” song with the cat like falsetto voice that kind of reminds me of Cynthia Little, who always sounded like a whining cat.  That was a different mix of “Calling Me Back Again” and they played the Hard Rock version of “I’m Losing You” with two members of Cheap Trick playing- - which Lennon should have put out as a single.  Of course I got the “All You Need Is Love” clue, but my recollection is some Beatle stuff is a little different.  I remember the song being played on the radio a day or two before July 4th, which fit in nicely with the French National Anthem, who was an allay of ours during the American Revolution.  Ringo redid the drum roll snare introduction the next day.  I’d always thought perhaps they would conclude Beatles CD vol 2 with “All You Need is Love” so we could all see how the layering of the song evolved.  They didn’t have it at all.  I heard one of the Beatles say it’d have been best if the Beatles had broken up in the summer of 1967 just before Brian Epstein died.  They had Barry Livingston on at eleven and I turned it off.  First of all why anyone with a first name of Barry wouldn’t go to Court and have it legally changed- is beyond me.  Secondly- - My Three Sons was on a downward course ever since 1964 when they got rid of William Frawley and Tim Considine, who were the two coolest people on the show.  Otherwise I have a general distaste for these “rent a kid” comedy shows that bring on new people to prolong the series like “Olivia” on the Cosby Show.  Bill Cosby said “I’m sick of all these shows where the kids are smarter than the parents”.  Considering Cosby’s own constricted mental capacity that’s setting a pretty low bar for even a kid to try and limbo under.  And lets face it- - once a child’s age enters double digits- Bill Cosby doesn’t want to know you.  Now for the important news.  We had pizza for lunch and I got a second sliver of a piece from Hilda.  We had watermelon for desert and “spaghetti” soup and a green salad.   We are kind of officially in the dog days of summer, but so far that hasn’t slowed down my writing tempo.  The weather is temperate

Mc Laughlin was a rather non eventful affair in which I sided with the conservatives on all three issues.  They talked about mandentory DNA testing to see what other crimes a suspect may have committed, and I think that’s a pretty good idea as long as you have him there.  The brunette lady called DNA testing “invasive”.  Justice Bryer sided with the conservatives on that five to four ruling and Justice Scelia sided with the three women Justices on the liberal side.  They also discussed obesity being a certifiable disease, which I am opposed to on so many levels as is that conservative brunette lady.  It furthers the “nanny state” and creates just one more way for the government to police us.  Trying to get insurance coverage would be a nightmare with or without government help.  With Obama Care involvement - - all insurance rates- - would be jacked up to cover the acts of irresponsible people.  Personally I don’t want there to even a hint of suspicion that my insurance company regards me as a freeloader.  I agree with the Fat Lobby that this label stignotizes  yet another group in society besides, smokers, homophobes, and “People of Faith”.  The major story of the night however was the whole nuclear disarmlement thing where the President wants to cut a deal with Vladimir Putin to cut nuclear warheads from fifteen hundred to a thousand each.  But Putin, perhaps wisely, believes that it’s pointless for just we too to strike a deal when nearly a dozen nations in the world have Nukes now, who may not be as “restrained” as the big boys are.  (pardon the diminuitive)  Obama made this grand speech on Nukes while in Germany, and my guess this whole show was a rerun, or perhaps deliberately taped in advance for airing now.  My feeling is “The answer is obvious.  Now is not the time to further pursue my own peace drives but to defer to Putin who doesn’t see it as advisable at this time.”  Of course there was some grand test ban treaty ratified in 1996 by many nations but not approved by our own Senate and so the United States is only voluntarily complying with the program, which to me seems the wisest cource.  It’s one thing to do something because you freely choose to do it- - and quite another thing if you’re doing it with a gun pointed to your head.   Nora just said something about the other housekeeper not polishing or checking the toilet or whatever.  I guess we can expect some extended activity around here tomorrow.

I guess this Egyptian President Al Bercelli was supposed to put in an appearance on Meet the Press but he got larengitus at the last minute and his doctors advised rest and not for him to give interviews.  There was talk about the Army “backtracking on the appointment’ but I’m not sure if I heard that right.  It would be stupid for the Obama administration to cut off that 1.6 billion merely because the Military has assumed control of the country.  Because if I were the next military despot I’d figure “I’ll never be any richer in arms than I am right now so if I’m going to show my Force, now would be the time to do it”.  (Selah)  The Obama is obsessed – to a fault – of making sure the Moslem Brotherhood is properly represented in government.  This is despite the clear fact that Morisey wanted to abolish the Supreme Court and any other checks on his balance.  What the Military did was to slam down the lid on Egypt sliding into a Sheria Law republic, which the Egyptian people, whatever else you think about them, clearly don’t want.  Also discussed was the delay of the mandate of business Employers in granting health care for employees.  They are putting it off till 2015 so it will not be an issue in next years congressional elections.  However the Republicans have announced they will not be placated in this matter.  In fact the Republicans don’t want to “fix” what could be improved in the Affordable Care Act, because they have too much political state in its complete failure.  In this way the Affordable Care Act differs from Social Security of Medicare where various “fixes” were put into place by congress.  As to the immigration bill - - clearly it’s a good bill and would accomplish a lot of things that people have want done for a long time.  The Republican house is by all “normal” measurement – in an untenable position.  And I would not place any hope that John Boehner would give the green light to any bill being voted on and sent to conference.  So that’s the state of the world on this July 7th.
We have the matter of that silly book- - the would-be diary of Lucifer.  I remember when I bought the books “666” and “1000” in the mid fall of 1975 and I was troubled by this style of writing even then.  The style seemed a little despotic as well as petty.  In some cases the hypocracy of the thing is so glairing you need sun glasses.  For instance Satan praises Jesus for his humility and not being like the educated men of his day, who graduated from the University of Alexandria and walked around with their robes and their degrees and engaging in lofty discussions.  A number of questions come to mind.  Is the author saying education IS a good idea or is NOT a good idea?  Does Satan hate educated people- - or just the author of the book hates smart people?  Of course - - most of the worst holy rollers are graduates of places like Biola College and Fuller or Dallas seminaries.  And they DO speak in lofty theological terms as they wag their bony fingers at the rest of us.  Of course Alexandria is a buzz word because not to long into the Christian era their library burned to the ground.  Also Alexandria is where they taught such subversive ideas in the early Christian era of- - - the theory the earth was really round.  Also Walter Martin stated that the “Kodex Alexandrinicus is not reliable”.   What is really strange is that the author on the back cover is bragged about as being an award winning newscaster, and a Naval Officer, and the holder of any number of theological degrees with a doctorate at Oxford University and all.  And yet between us two- - I’m the guy who comes off as the guy with the brains.  Here’s something else for you to consider.  These people say that “acquiring knowledge’ is somehow a - - dangerous thing, and yet they prize Wisdom.  Yet- - more than such people despise me for my knowledge- - they despise me MORE for my wisdom.  I can tell you what Satan’s greatest victory of all time was if you’d like.  Dig this.  People should not resent the good fortunes of others who are more righteous than they are.  And yet when Satan - - with no right to be there to begin with- - asks the council of heaven “Well Job is just like me because he does things and gets rewarded for them” - - to go and then “initially- - the council was speechless overcome by the strength of Satan’s argument”.  BULL SHIT  And here is another little gem - - Satan’s victory is not in whether he gets Job to ‘curse God” but it’s in getting God to violate his own Word and basically everything he stands for.   People don’t screw friends over.  When good people are rewarded it is a good thing and not a bad thing.  Conversely when good people get screwed over- - it is a bad thing.  Friends don’t screw other friends over.  Also there is a major academic lacking- - reading out of those Rick Perry science books from Texas again.  When you say stuff like the high mountain ranges were created during the Great Flood of 2400 BC, you are in fringe territory.  And it’s strange that he’d put in Satan’s mouth words such as “The earth is no longer entirely green and lush with rolling hills but now giant granite slabs jut out of nowhere and a lot of this world has turned jagged and desolate”.   I thought Satan might really like it that way because it would remind him of home- - because Satan lives in Hell, doesn’t he?

SEXAPHOBIA or fear of the number Six stems straight from Valintinianism- - hence the book of Revelation has Valintinian gnostic roots.  The theory is this letter Wikkipedia calls a Diagmma, and used to represent the W sound - - which disappeared, apparently till the English brought it back.  Certainly in Germanic use the W is absent hence changing the W to a V in Jehovah.  So the Valintinians didn't count the Diagmma as a real letter used in their mystic "Word and number" calculations.  We in our ingenuity have come up with a few other factoids.  ISH of course is the Hebrew word for man and in English it numerologically comes out to be a 36 or that Valintinian progression with the dreaded 6 in it.  So what do you have to take OUT of 36 to get to the desired thirty.  Interesting you should ask that.  What are the initials for Born Again Christian?  That would be B A C, wouldn't it?  Which adds up to Six.  Take the Born Again factor OUT and you take the Diagmma or the dreaded six factor OUT of the calculation, for 30 as explained below.  In a non related numerological factoid- - there is Another kind of duo-decahedren or 12 sided three D shape that is associated with the five, which would be a Five Pointed Star in 3D, as described below with the cross.  That is you have all Five pairs of inside corners with the 72 degree angle factor- - and you have the two outward faces front and back.  Capish?   Of course the Chinese calendar in the grand scheme of thing is based on factors of five and twelve making sixty year cycles.  On a still other note- - that plane crash was most likely a Crestorian curse- - the Federation people tell me, the same people who brought you the Northridge earthquake here in Los Angeles.  And now dig the following.
I wonder if the author had any affinity for the number Thirty.  This is a key number on Valentinian Gnosticism.  It's adding together of every number from one to eight - - not counting the six, which is counted as a Satanic number.  We told you that if you had a three D cross- - that is-  cross bars going off in all three dimensions- - and thought of it as being made up of blocks of 3 D lumber - - then if you went and counted up the faces of the thing it would come to Thirty.  This would be 24 "inside cofners" counted off in corner sets of two each - - and then you'd have the ends of all the projectile planks.  We told you that Dante patterned El Paradiso after Ptolomy astronomy- - and we know the author's distaste for astronomical studies - - but you would have the moon, mercury, venus, the Sun, and Mars- - as the initial five or the "billiard ball set" of interior planets making 15 if you were scoring them.  But the sixth planet in this scheme would be that asteroid Icrius, which blew up.  Thus "realm six' of heaven- - would be abandomed, perhaps as the former home of Satan.  Then you would have Jupider and Saturn- - who would be one roster number higher in this scheme making a seven and an eight- - or an additional 15 to add to your first 15 of the interior planets.  But alas in all this I know I am expecting way beyond the mental capacity of the book Author.   It dawned on me that with all this talk about how "Words are things" in the theology of many pastors- - the Valentinians were into - - Logy.  Not Sociology or Psychology or Anthropology- - but Logy in the abstract, or the study of words themselves.  There is the Mal Evans school of mystic patterns in Words and letters.  By such a means "all the mysteries of the Universe can be discovered' according to the Valentinians.  The Valentinians believe there are four Heavenly attributes and for attributes "Here Below' to to speak.   In the 3 D cross- - - we think a little deeper than that.  Yes there is this notion of Life or the Awareness realm verses the "Material" realm - - George Harrison talks about.   But there are two OTHER sets of interplays in such a cross with not four but Six points.  There is for instance the Lateral Time- - - verses Cause - Effect Chain Time- - we are more fermiliar with.  I would note that the Awareness Realm is the realm of- - basically the CAUSE- - side of the equation - - remember one of the basic newtonian laws is that every Cause has an Effect, or stated more commonly Every Action has a Reaction.  Thus Cause and Effect like Debit and Credit must balance each other.  Like an equals sign or a balance ledger.  Therefore the other two "Crosses" are the Material Real verses Lateral Time- - - and the Awareness Realm verses Lateral Time.  Thus the Lateral Time is that Third Dimension in our model that merits the Six pointed cross as opposed to the usual Four.

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