Wednesday, July 03, 2013

The Slate Can't Be Wiped Clean

Things are so out of whack in the South and in places in the Midwest, that perhaps it is “The Left Coast” as Rush Limbaugh referred to us as long as twenty years ago, that should secede from the Union.  You have Washington, Oregon, and California, and you might add to that Nevada since their economy is so closely linked in with ours, particularly in the Lake Tahoe area.  And you could throw in Hawaii in there too.  We could have a constitution after our own desires and you could guarantee in that constitution the right to gay marriage, if you wanted to.  And you could right in a “declining percent filibuster” rule.  That is have a filibuster start off at 65% and then every month or so after that- make it four weeks - - it would drop by five percent so that by the fourth interval- - you’d be back down to your bare 51% majority to pass.  And you could write in fourth amendment protections against internet surveillance by the government without the most stringent means of obtaining a warrant- and not in some Secret Court that’s basically a rubber stamp.  You could have the legislative bodies pass a resolution saying that George Bush was guilty of all of those 35 Points of Impeachment enumerated in 2006.  I have an idea for the flag.  You could have five big stars in a circle with the points almost touching, so it forms a symmetrical design in the center of the five.  The stars would be white, on a navy blue field just as now.  You would feature five green stripes- - alternated with - - how about a light blue instead of white for the white stripes, so that you would have a total of just nine stripes. I would just keep the House seats apportioned as the way they are right now.  I think I would have just a thirty seat senate- -  and apportion it by population perhaps in a symmetrical declining numbering system like California with ten,  Washington with eight, Oregon with six,  Nevada with four and Hawaii with two senators.   I would make Supreme Court Appointments for ten years with a mandatory stepping down after that Decade of service.  I would enact a constitutional ban on committing troops into any War situation for a longer period than sixty days without an official congressional declaration of War.  And I would also stipulate that any drog that was banned by the Food & Drug Administration could be overridden by a popular vote.  And needless to say I would set a much higher bar for anyone who’d be an election official.

This is Wednesday afternoon July 3, 2013.  Sanford, Florida is a disgustingly bigoted place, and I'm ashamed a city with such a long, bigoted history is even a part of America.  The people of Sanford were so insensed when Jackie Robinson and the Dodger farm team practiced there in the late 'forties, the people of the town wanted to ride the mayor of the town out on a rail, for allowing it.  This isn't the first time the taker of an innocent Black life will probably get off, and my guess it won't be the last, either.  Trayvon’s family sued the home owner’s association because Neighborhood Watch people are strictly forbidden to carry a gun while on patrol.  Their one function is to report and call in.  We don’t know what the settlement with the Martin family was because it was a sealed verdict.  Now we have other lies.  Apparently Zimmerman and his attorney, who is a first rate buffoon, were on the Sean Hannity show and they both said that Zimmerman knew nothing of the “stand your ground” law.  Zimmerman not only took a class in that but the teacher gave him an “A” and remembers him as one of his more promising students.  But now they don’t want that testimony admitted unless they also reveal the fact that Trayvon smoked marijuana, as if the two were connected in the least.  Yesterday one Black caller was telling about the time he was in a phone booth and some seedy old lady (?) kept walking past him in a trench coat and she was sticking her hands in the pockets and kept saying “Nigger, Nigger!” trying to goad him.  But the guy on the phone thought ahead and figured if he engaged the old lady at all, she could shoot him and claim self defense.  Here is a really strange one.  This guy waterskiing on Lake Mead- - was “moving his jet skis a few feet” and these National Park officers order the guy to come with them.  He’s in his swim trunks and barefoot and stumbling on rocks having trouble keeping up.  At some point he asks what he’s being charged with and they argue with him but tell him nothing and Taze him in the neck.  He has a bodily spasm and kicks one of them and they write that down too.  Then they stick him in some cage.  So far the onlookers are with the water skier, but then- these Rangers call the superviser and to keep from looking petty and to justify himself, they make up a bunch of lies about him.  He is shipped to jail thirty miles away- to spend the three day weekend.  Getting back to Zimmerman- - he does not take that gun to work but he takes it every place else.  And he keeps it cocked and ready to go.  They asked one officer whether there was a robbery problem in the housing complex, and the authorities said “No there weren’t”.  This was another Zimmerman lie.  Randy Rhodes and a caller agree that the negroes (pardon my French) in the town won’t riot because they don’t want to all be shot.  But Blacks in Miami, where Trayvon is originally from – they will riot.  Zimmerman keeps referring to Martin as “The suspect”.  There is no DNA of GZ on Trayvon’s hands, and also there are no finger prints on Zimmerman’s gun or his holster or anything.  Randy believes that Trayvon pounched him once and he fell- - perhaps one of those “fake falls” like a “flopper” in basketball- - and his head hit the concrete once, but after this the heavier Zimmerman overpowered the lighter Martin- - and tortured him till he finally shot him.  The trouble is that the media is portraying the Prosecution’s case as “falling apart” and of course right wingers all around the country are probably eating that up- because it’s bolstering their beliefs.  Zimmerman was asked if he had any regrets or would do something any differently and Zimmerman said that he wouldn’t, and he also said that Trayvon’s death was “God’s will”.  Do you know how disgusting this remark is?  Zimmerman is a died in the wool sociopath and I seldom say this but from what I see he's never going to change.  If he gets freed from this crime he'll go right out and do it again.  It's like that Sherrels song about "I still love him" and the response is "No you don't it's just your Pride that's hurt" and when she insists that she still loves him the response comes "If you got him back again you'd go right out and do him dirt".

The Army tonight in Egypt announced that President Moricy is out and the people cheered, because basically Egypt isn't an Islamic nation, with or without Sheria Law.  Clearly President Obama was duped about the entire nature of the Moslem Brotherhood eighteen months ago.  Now all the President can do is to say that he stands by decisions the United States government has made in the past.  To him, it's safer to hide his head in the sand, then to wake up and smell the coffee.  It was Moe and that Mexican lady and talk about KTLA news.   And again I like Randy’s show a lot better than most of these nine to twelve concoctions.  Today really isn’t much of a news day aside from the Florida trial.  Oh the President was "really ticked off and- - This Time - - he's really going to do something".  Yeah- - just like Jack Deverox Jr's mother keeps saying she's going to "do something" but when push comes to shove she never does.  Syria isn't any safer now than it was a year ago.  Quite the opposite is true.  But it's a case of "Throwing a war and nobody shows up" or something.  The American people don't want another War, and I really can't blame them for that.  So nothing is doing in the rest of the world as our Media sees it.  Yeah, there is the Egypt thing and all and maybe the President has stepped down and maybe he hasn’t and the United States has evolved such a head in the sand philosophy lately- - we wouldn’t care of WW III broke out abroad. But President Obama has pretty much been "phoning it in" anyhow.  As I said in a recent post, the President pumps everybody full of sunshine like he did in his book, but when push comes to shove basically he's full of hot air.  He'll leave office never accomplishing another thing and he'll just be tickled pink that he'll go down in the History books as the first Black man to be elected President.

There was a 28 year old school teacher who got pregnant by a sixteen year old HS student, and I guess one might say, “What’s the problem?”  My only stipulation is that she not saddle the sixteen year old with child support payments.  The city of Fullerton has legalized fireworks this year for the first time.  They are only allowed to sell fireworks for four days, and they are only allowed to discharge them “between the hours of ten AM and ten PM, on July 4th.  And I think we told you that Pope Benedict may have resigned because some famous gossip magazine- - was just about to reveal the identity of Benedict’s boyfriend.  If nothing else it’s pushing the envelope of things it’s even acceptable to say or not say about the Papacy.

There are times when merely “Wiping the Slate Clean” will not work.  Last night I decided to turn to “House” since two japed out on us with other programming.  Here you have this crack head or whatever House is now- - proposing the most bizarre of procedures to cure a “heart condition”.  He says that anti depressents won’t work because “They only increase the threat of heart attacks”.  I sure never heard that one.  This guy’s memories of a girl were threatening his health so they decided to use electro-shock and “Crank the juice up to eleven” and fry his whole brain wiping out ALL of his personal memories.  The trouble is perhaps some Christians would love to “wipe the slate clean” with people- - yet they forget the adage about pigs and dogs.  A dog will return to his own vomit, and a pig will return to wallowing in the mud, no matter how squeaky clean he once was.  If you have a person who is surrounded by jerks perhaps at his employment- - they’re going to continue to be Jerks after the guy has had a memory wipe.  He’s just “going to learn all over again” that these people he works with ARE jerks but meanwhile he’s forgotten his “coping mechanisms’ to deal with them.  We all have learned coping mechanisms to deal with things we can’t change.  And I’m looking for the first one of those jackasses to go “Why are you antagonistic to us- - are you holding a grudge against us- - I thought you forgave us?”   And the guy will respond “Forgave You?  I have no memory of Forgiving anybody- - because my brain was fried last week and I don’t remember anything.”  Or if you want a more dramatic example how about the case in “Black Like Me’ where the white guy had to “learn what it was like to be a Negro”.  This is what people forget.  Just because you have no memory of the past doesn’t turn you into a Superman who can deal with anything.  Of course in this episode this lady doctor purgered herself to get House off serious charges.  Personally if I were the judge and the lady said what she did I’d say “I don’t care.  His name is on the prescription form- - and in this court we go on evidence, not pleas from a friend desperate to save someone from the consequences of their own actions”.   At ten I went to bed.

If you read any Math book you will hear how probabilities and the laws of chance work themselves out with astonishing regularity.  Indeed you can predict whether certain statistics are Kosher or not merely by seeing if they comport with the laws of change per sample size and all of that.  However it doesn't happen EVERY time.  For instance I have done stuff on Beatle songs and I won't cover them all.  You have Strawberry Fields being an actual strawberry field that I used to walk past on the way to school.  You have the line about passing "The old school - - nothing is changed" because I used to see the school every time we'd pass along a common road.  You have the "pouring rain" reffered to in Penny Lane- - and this was a very rainy winter punctuated by blue skies.  You have the sound effect of the egg sorting machine at my grandfather's ranch.  You have "Dr Robert" associated with a dental visit that went rather well.  You have "She Said She Said" associated with a fairly lengthly conversation with a guidance counselor at the end of my Sophomore year that did not go at all well.  You have the association with "The Word" with increased Church activity starting in September of 1965.  You have the legondary death in their car of John Sneed and Ron Diggins who raced a train and lost.  You have my meeting Kathy Imperiali and going out on a date.  Of course the Beatles admit to certain items in songs.  Like there really was a Blue Jay Way - - and the Meter Maids were real.  And even the Beatles got paranoid about being copied.  John Lennon got paranoid about an obscure Dylan song on "Blond on Blond" being a rip-off or Norwegian Wood.  And so Mc Cartney returns the favor by ripping of another song from the Blond on Blond album "I Want You" only to change things up a bit he does the song from the point of view of the woman.  And I am not the only one to note coincidences seemingly way above the odds of probability.  There are countless examples in books about the lives of Psychics, and there are are a whole lot of stories about events involving Twins.  We have told you about the four "Movements' of statistical data, or perhaps that's "Moment".  I'm not positive.   We told you that standard statistics has a normal 'Kurtosis" at a three, and I would prefer it perfer it more around 2.4 - - but I'll to a statesman like compromise and put it at the Golden Mean plus ONE , which would be 2.618034.   There is some rather obscene imigry for stats with two high a kurtosis.  Think of feminists and "penis envy".  But since this is a family show- - - then a lot of tea paggers must be guilty of this same "feminine' Penis Envy because they too skew tests to generate an abnormally High kurtosis number.  On the other hand- - results with too Low a kurtosis- - most likely is due to either "under sampling" or else "under thinking" questions.  If you're a Cop one thing you know is to ask ALL of the right questions to be able to filter out wrong suspects and bag the right ones.  We told you how people on "Deal or No Deal" routinely screw themselves on the law of cumulitive probabilities.  Certain behaviors get reinforced.  For instance I would not continue to believe in Astrology- - - if regular "pay-offs" didn't keep coming.  Even Dr. Phil can understand that one.  Too few people have the discipline in order to keep anything but a Tiny number of facts in their mind at one time.  As such they would be horrible at either chess or bridge.  (and no- I don't play bridge, but I've talked to people who have)  Economics is an area where it is an asset to keep a large store of knowledge between the ears at all times in order to be able to act when called on.  Suck skills are also an asset in other jobs- - like being a high ranking Military Officer.  The trouble today is that nobody respects intelligence.  It's perhaps the worst epidemic of ignorance and prejudice worship in our nation's history.  People think we were actually Founded as "A Christian Nation".  If they look at the Evidence they glean immediately that the opposite is true.  One person defending the "radical departure of tradition" that Gay Marriage is- - noted that the very Founding Fathers, whom the tea party perports to worship - - they themselves made a "Radical Departure' from everything that went before.  Prior to this most governments were either Monarchies or Theocracies.  But these right wingers lie about everything.  They claim that Christians ended Slavery- - yet they condemn what they refer to "Liberation Theology" which is the practical application of it   They claim that Science as we know it would not be Possible without the Protestant Reformers such as- - Martin Luther, John Calvin, Charles Whesley, John Knox, or what have you.  I don't see how they can get away with saying that we "Owe the renasance to Protestantism".   Jesus spoke about these people two thousand years ago.  He says "you white wash the graves of the prophets keeping them clean and neat and you say "If we have lived back then we would not have mistreated them like that".  But Jesus goes on adeptly in saying "You hypocrites!  Go on and finish up the work your forebearers started!"  (Selah)

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