Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thumbs Up On Joe Biden
Since that's all the news there is today let's talk about whether one claim of Christianity is even logically possible. It's a part of Christian tradition that when you die you go into a realy "beyond time" into something called Eternity. This is apparently a realm that goes on literally forever but nothing ever changes. They don't refer to it as stretched out time, but as BEYOND time, after "Time" has come to an end. My question is whether it's even logically possible to be alive and yet not be moving through time. Your screen door "never gets tired or impatient, or bored" with life. Your desk doesn't experiance a "middle aged crisis". Inanimate objects don't experiance time or consciousness and don't have a will. Even in the hailed book of Revelation, one is acutely aware of the passage of time. To say there is "No time in Heaven" is contradicted from scriptures from Job to Isaiah 14. If you have a life process going on you have time. If you don't have passing time, you don't have a life process. Another misconception is the nature of the Will. Will is connected with intelligence and intelligence is connected with a life organisum. Even single cells have a will. This is something creationists convieniently forget with their "parts of a watch" analogy of life. The only question now is whether it's actual will or the mere illusion of will. A computer has no "Will" but rather can be programmed to interract in more and more complex ways. A sign of intelligence is a learning process. Computers don't learn or experiance things; they are programmed. Christians don't admit there is anything they don't know, and they claim "having an experiance" is a trick of the devil. This trait of ability to learn is a sign of intelligence, which is an outgrowth of being alive to begin with. Dead things never change. Christians never seem to change. But if you are alive like the rest of us are, you grow and change and adapt. Some may ask whether the whole Universe is not just one big program imprinted on a CD Rom in God's office somethere. I don't know. One thing that Christians, who are Calvinists ignore, and this is a logical flaw them commit, is that it's obsurd to put out these Christian pamflets saying that a Christian is like a CEO who has been hired to manage your life, whereas the unsaved person has chaos. If you're a Calvinist, the President of Pakistan, or a terrorist who has committed a dozen murders and reads the Koran every night- - is every bit as "In The Will" of God as these Christians are. This is a logical deduction of Calvinism. If you want to throw out Calvinistic and Einstinian determism, we can argue differently. In that case we really do have a Will; it isn't just the illusion of having a Will. But as far as I can see, living life in either a conscious or even completely unconscious state is not even possible without the passage of Time because it's part of the Definition of what Life is. In this world when you're up against a hard definition- - you have deductive logic where certain things are intrinsically impossible. They are not merely Physically Impossible, but Logical Impossibilities under ANY circumstances.
Friday, August 22, 2008
A New V P Candidate in the Mix
In some ways I don't think either nominee to be at this point is totally plugged into reality. Obama keeps talking about these dreams he has of a new society, but the steps used in getting there are still often vague, and some of the specific things like Nationalized Medical Care I don't like. As to Mc Cain they say he is not "savy" with electronic gadgets. My guess is that he better learn fast. Of course there is a whole school of psychology and psycho-therapy that says reality itself is nothing more nor less than what is congured up in the human mind. Dennis Prager has stated that the great "duty" everybody owes Society is to "Be Happy". That's kind of like George Bush telling us all to go shopping after 9 - 11. Some like Michael Benner and many psychics believe that we somehow magnetically "attract good things to us" with our own minds, as if all we need is a strong enough mental will and we can will ourselves to be content. As President telling the American people to do this would save the President a lot of sleep at night. But there are those who say there IS no "objective reality" but that everyone has hiw own oppinions and perceptions. There is no corporate OR objective reality, but only individual subjective reality. One person I heard today said that Religion itself may have originated with the use of phylosiben or magic mushrooms. The visions are "God". Personally I think this sort of talk is symptomatic of the beginnings of decadence in society and it's core values.
Randy Rhodes is really up on proper usage and care of the American Flag because her father taught her when she was little. You are not permitted to use the Flag in any form of jewelry such as a lapel pin. Only patches can be sewed on, and the field of stars has to always be closest to your heart. Randy is jealous of Mc Cain for becoming a pilot because all we did was work on planes. I’ll mention again that Mc Cain placed 894th in his class which consisted of 899 cadets. His was the class of 1958, which also included Poindexter, who was near the top. It seems Mc Cain crashed four planes prior to the one he was shot down in. It would seem that Mc Cain isn’t a very good pilot. John Mc Cain owns so many houses he can’t remember them all but told a questioner “My staff will get back to you on that”. A new Obama campaign piece says he owns seven, but it might be eight or nine or even higher. There is another Obama commercial just out that states that Mc Cain refused to call a key witness, Ralph Reed (?) in the Abramoff case a few years back. It would seen Mc Cain’s propensity to pander favors is something that his political opponent could exploit more. Apparently when Mc Cain was reading his auto biography book he said (did say) that he got into the Presidential race not for any noble motive but it was sheer ambition at age 62. Mc Cain may want to be in
Randy Rhodes said that the definition of an Antichrist is any person who claims to be the Christ, but isn’t. Jesus Christ on KFI qualifies for that job. In fact if you are a Jew the real Jesus Christ qualifies for that job since that “deliverer” didn’t save
The original paragraph occupying this space has been Disintermediated. You have Homer Simpson's new vocabulary to thank for my knowing that word.
The Chicago Bears are beating the SF ‘49ers in a game on FOX right now. But
Microsoft has a new program called Photo-smith, which stitches together a bunch of photos taken at the same location into a giant 306 degree panorama of a locale. This was one of the items featured on KCET several Wednesdays ago.
If ideas are really material objects in a higher dimension or dimensions as the Greeks like Plato claim they are- - they could exist as six dimensional objects and they would be eternal and unchanging. But if you only were able to perceive five (not 3 or 4 but 5) dimensions, the physical appearance of each and every physical idea-object would be considerably altered, much as shapes become altered even in a software programs like Sketch depending on the “field of view” or stated another way, which 3rd. dimensional reality was used to interpret the relative sizes of said objects. As such it needn’t be necessary for ideas to “war” against each other to achieve “success” or “hegemony”, but all you need to “see things your way” is selective blindness in the fifth dimension. To illustrate this simply, is a calendar a “circle” or a rectangle? Or is that a sliver of a rectangle or a big circle? You may know it as a Frisbee. It would be something if the “Warf” theory were actual reality. And I speak of the T N G episode where Warf visited all these parallel universes. If this theory were anything approaching true, we would have to go “back to the drawing board” on all our physics theories, but would also have to toss our very definition of legal sanity in the trash can. It would of course explain why eye witnesses to an accident have contradictory testimonies. It would explain why John and Paul can’t agree at all despite explicit memories on who wrote “In My Life”. Under this theory of course everyone would literally have their own reality, and it would be an unshakable and inalterable truth for them not just mentally but physically. (Selah) Federation teaching on this matter is that such dimension hopping is impossible for the same reason negative matter can’t exist. The dimensions of space around an object are determined by the physical nature of the object itself. How many times have I said that? And nobody has ever "found" the human soul in research. But others would argue man has a Will, and therefore this Will has to have a Cause and hence a Manifestation somewhere.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Waiting Game Continues
There really isn't much news except that we're already up to the F's in mid August for hurricanes. People are still into following the Olympics and other news has to take a back seat. Of course there are other things to keep in the back of our minds when we vote. One is the lobbyest question. Over the past forty years the ammount of money given to Congressmen and candidates by lobbyiests has skyrocketed. We go from exercising a first amendment right "the right to petetion the government for redress of grievences" to what we have now which is the old fashioned "buying" of politicians. The urgent need for ethics reform is a point in Obama's favor. Also we need to as Thom Hartman says, "Set an example for others to follow and emulate in this country of finding alternate energy sources. History has shown that whatever the United States does now will be emulated by other nations later. I still think leagelizing hemp would be a good idea and apparently in Canada they have legalized the male hemp plant so there is no concern of getting high off the produce. We could use hemp for a host of things, notibly paper, and save a bunch of trees that put back oxygen. I hope T Boone Pickens continues to have success with his wind power in west Texas and other west plains states where the wind blows so much of the time. That way we can use that to generate electricity to save propane, which we can use to drive our cars. Other areas to consider in picking a President would be how they will advance science, such as stem cell research, which will determine how healthy we all are in the future. And there's Thom Hartman's theory about "spreading out the risk" in medical insurance. By his way of thinking if we could get every healthy person to contribute to help out those in dire medical need, nobody would have to face catistrophic financial risk. But it's kind of like trying to put the Golden Rule, "do unto others - - " into practice. I'm not sure the human race is quite ready for that yet. We humans unlike God, have to live in this, the real world which "contains some people who aren't very nice" and also people who "Don't take good care of their health". And so all we healthy people aren't really sure whether we all want to subsidize the chain smokers and those who work in coal mines and who drink themselves into oblivian every night. In theory, ah yes, "in theory" it would seem a good idea to turn over medical insurance to some "non profit" outfit such as the government. And I'm also aware of another Hartman axiom that "what republicans want to do is sabotage government with bad employees getting plum jobs, and that way when it all falls apart these Republicans can say "You see, I told you government doesn't work". These are all just things to weigh in your minds.
Another "background issue" is the fact that George Bush has always have a "negitive voter ballance" in that he really didn't fairly "win" either of his Presidential elections. We have to watch what the media does and what the courts do and what bribable government and election officials do. It is said that Obama needs to have a landslide victory this fall, or else the Republicans will "flip" another election. Another thing to remember is that list of fourteen signs of creeping fascist government. You know them- - keeping some crisis going, keeping the fear and "national security" thing going, and jingoism and prejudice, and turning the military over to some elite and unaccountable private corporation or corporations. In some ways Obama is like Clark Kent on all those Smallville episodes. He alone has to decide "whether or not he wants to use his powers". Obama can have all sorts of "ethical" excuses for NOT using his powers of perswasion and "selling the democratic position to the voters". I guess Obama has to decide whether he'd rather win an election or struggle with "ethical phantoms" in his own mind.
Some of you may wonder about my answer to that Pastor's question about Evil. I guess me and Mc Cain think in one way and Obama thinks in another way. I took the question as a direct choice of a. b. c. and d. answers, and pick one and it's done. Instead Obama chose to give a whole treaties on every aspect of "Evil". Just as there are times when citric acid is good for the stomach as a cure for other types of acid attacks, there are times when in order to handle Evil you need to bring out a different kind of Evil to attack it. In the same say often you fight one insect pest with another insect that hopefully won't also turn into a pest. Sometimes you need Satan to drive out Satan because that which we call "Good" (the Federation) is off in its Ivery Tower somewhere with "ethical problems about getting involved". If you have one Satan you cannot reason or deal with or make headway against, and another Satan who is "willing to deal" you go with the one who is willing to deal and take your chances. Hopefully like as with George Burnes on "Oh God You Devil", you will come out on top. The fact is if the Federation wanted to really come after you, they could mess with your life in ways that would make Stephano Di Mira look like a novice in the area. You know, George Bush talked about "political capital" when he didn't have any, at least based on his votor margins of victory. But I'd be interested in their being some bank where you could cash in on your "moral capital". Remember it was Gene Scott (who like a stopped clock is right twice a day for a moment) who said "Being without sin doesn't make you Good; it just makes you a nothing. I'm not claiming to be without sin, but in an analog world things or people "without sin" are little more than a non existant abstraction. The whole concept of being "Sin-free" is about as bogus as a drink being "Sugar Free" and therefore it must be healthy to drink it by the 32 oz. bottle full. Being "without sin" isn't what qualifies you as Alive. The lamp on your nightstand is sin free, but I would hope to be more "alive" than it is. If nothing else modern fundamentalism is a white bread "bleached out" approach to life.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Marcus Arelius - The Third Wave
One question was what was the most gut wrenching decision you ever had to make. In my own case it was throwing out multiple hundreds of copies of my prophecy book "God's Winepress" because my brother refused to store them at his place when I had to move in July of 2001.
Answering what was my greatest moral failing in life I'd say it was an attempt to solicit the favor of and rely upon God and not do as Shakesphere suggested, "To thine own self be true and it follows as the day does the night that thow canst not be false to any man". I have fallen into the moral and pragmatic trap of allowing others to do my thinking for me.
Asked what I would tell the American people were I not afraid of the repurcussions it would be that Christianity is doomed, just like John Lennon said it was in February of 1966. I would say not to discount the extra-terrestrial or other dimensions we don't yet know about. That man is an egotistical and egocentric creature fashioning a God in our own image.
As to the one about school teachers I definitely agree with Mc Cain that we should have merit pay. I believe teachers are NOT under-paid as they have been complaining since I was in school but that they are the biggest whiners of just about any profession. Teachers aren't paid more because the market finds its own break-even levels. I believe we should have more and not less of the free market system and not only merit pay but also vouchers and give the people freedom of choice whether they want to go to a decaying public school or find something better.
As to which justice of the supreme court I would not have nominated, I have to give the nod to Obama on this one. Clarence Thomas. I don't know about some of the others but Thomas I don't believe was intellectually qualified for supreme court justice, and is too conservative even for this reporter.
I believe that life begins basically at conception but I'd modify that to say implantation. As to cells in a test tube used as stem calls, I don't believe we have the moral right to deny people who are beseiged with disabeling diseases the hope of finding cures some day. These are cells that are going to be thrown away anyhow and as such are already under a "death sentense" Thom Hartman says even in the animal kindgom among certain cells, some will sacrifice their own lives so that the remaining ones have a chance at life. So I believe it is here. In a Star Trek episode there were these robotic devices called exo-coms and one of them sacrificed itself so that the other two could live. It's immoral to deny those suffering a chance at happiness.
People should be aware that what Obama meant by "late turm abortion" is partial birth abortion, which is a grewsome process. Not only this but once a fetus is aborted and is still "visable" and struggling for life, Obama favors NOT giving this fetus any medical aid.
As to some of the most influencial quatations of people, let's start with Charles Manson's "Bringing to NOW". This means bringing a person to a psychological state where they are focused and know what their true values and priorities are in life. I would pick Ghandi who said "If we insist on an eye for an eye- - the whole world will eventually end up blind." I would quote Vladimir Lenin who said "We are all dead men on furlough". What he means can be applied to Christian faith that our lives are not ours any more but we deserved to be dead but are given life that we might further God's purpose. Such beliefs are invaluable when it comes to participating in some sort of Revolution. I'd quote Sol Allinsky who said "Always deal with the enemy in terms of the fermiliarity of your own group, but outside the fermiliarity of the Enemy with what you are doing and in this way you may move expiditiously and the enemy is put off guard. I would look to Malcolm X, who tought that the Whate Race is and was the enslaver of the black race, both physically and morally, and Black people should look to their own racial pride for their own advancement rather than the benevelent but illusive hand of government. I would quote John Kennedy who said that "Human rights come not from the generosity of the State, but from the hand of God. I'd quote Martin Luther who said "Here I stand, for I can do no other".
On the question of evil should we Ignore it, Negotiate with it, Contain it, or Defeate It? The answer is obviously "D" - - Defeate it. In the cosmic realm there is a group called the Sutterans who often have the ability to seemingly override good. But if one appeals to Alcyonne, this action of theirs can be deturred. But how much better it would be rather to defeat the source of Evil directly. Evil's desire is an undying one, and untill it is done away with, you can't really live.
As to which political issue I've change most on in the past ten years it must have something to do with ecology and global warming, and saving our planet. It is said "He who will not provide for his own household is worse than an infadel. This planet earth is our "household". It is the environment in which we live, and it's sheer suicide to think we can long neglect it.
Jesus said, "Why do you say to your brother 'let me take the speck out of your eye' and have a plank of wood in your own eye. First take the plank out of your own eye and you can see clearly to take the speck out of your brothers. In this way criticism of your local pastor can be more than justified. Sometimes it's essential. In like manner Jesus said that you should extend mercy you have received to others. If someone has forgiven you a great debt, you don't have the moral right to nit pick small matters owed you. In this way the new convert shows himself a hypocrite, forgetting his own iniquity- - as he casts stones at his brother struggling with his own faith.
And now we are done discussing tonight's forum. Let's talk about Johnny Wendell's topic today of picking a Vice President. Johnny suggested that Obama pick John Kerry. I thought about it a little and came to the conclusion that would be a pretty good idea. Kerry like Edwards has gotten "sharper" and more focused in his public statements over the past four years. Both have improved with the passage of time as they grow and put things in perspective. While I may end up voting Libertarian, I still say that John Kerry would be a definite plus for the Obama campaign and would ballance the ticket racially as well as religiously.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Obama Isn't Getting My Vote
I would like to address some remarks I made about the Jewish people a couple of posts back in that other blog. My intention, and I think you know this, was not to debase the intellectual capacities of the Jewish people. Indeed they are better and more truthful historians, and they tend to look at the world more objectively than non Jews. But the Jews didn't always worship "Jehovah" by name but called their god "El" in the early days and believed that "Elohem" or many Gods created the earth. It's also a fact that the Arabs and Palistinian peoples are Semites but that most of the white Jews that emigrated to Israel are not. It's also true that many cultures have a flood in their past mythology. I'm not anti Jewish but neither do I believe as Gene Scott believes that "Jews kept exacting geniology before the birth of Christ in order to insure that the racial line was kept pure of Satanic contamination". In point of fact it was a later kind that "Re-built the ruins of the temple and "found" the Ark of the Covenent". It's also a fact that there is no evidence of two & a half million people wandered around the Sinai wilderness for fourty years and managed to leave no artifacts of their presence, not to mention dead bodies. Neither is there any evidence of the Jews as such having been in Egypt. Having said all that I certainly believe the Jews of today have the right to self defense and to develope the most sophisticated Air Force money and their own ingenuity can produce. If the rest of the world had the ethics of the Jewish people this would be a far better place.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of Elvis Presley'd death. August 16th. is also Laura's birthday and that would make her 49 - - - and holding. Elvis never would have tollerated Pricilla having an abortion. In her book they discuss having one and Elvis says "absolutely not". If Elvis were still alive there is every reason to believe he would attend a church like Saddleback Church. Rick Warran has built an amazing ministry. Personally I'm glad that his church members got first dibs on the ticket sales. After all it's his church, and his people should get first crack at Obama and Mc Cain. You wouldn't want any gay protests to break out, would you?
I'd like to comment again on the processing of these "oil sands" in Alberta for oil. This is an ongoing ecological disaster of the first magnitude. The carbon footprint on the processing of this oil is horrendus. I think anyone who would purchase stock in any of these companies is morally compromizing themselves, and I hope Mc Cain and Obama speak out on this issue.
Hillary to be Placed in Nomination
Julia Child used to be an agent for the OSS, which she claims stood for "Oh so secret". At age thirty in 1942 Julia wasn't exactly a spring chicken even then. She started off as a typist at a salary of $29.00 and that is per month. She was later promoted and was entitled to deal with secret foreign documents. She lied and said she was six feet even because Julia had first applied for the Navy but she's six foot two, which apparently is too tall to join the Navy.
Now they say if a woman takes birth control pills it will throw off her molicule scent system where she weeds out men who have a similar fragrance, whom it is believed would make inferior mates. I guess all that brother sister studd they did in Egypt must have been because the women were on birth control pills. Does that mean if I went out with a Georgian or Armenian woman that we would have superior children? To me it seems body odor would be determined the most by the food you ate, and so eating communal meals might be a no-no.
Where do Ideas come from? The Greeks believed they came from some different "higher realm". A psychologist on the other hand would say the brain constructs ideas from the information and values it has learned in this lifetime. Certainly other animals get ideas as part of a social unit like a group of dogs surrounding a fox, or apes who conspire to murder an ape that doesn't fit into their social system. Apes seem to be full of ideas. We know that bears can think and come up with ingenious ways of breaking into food containers. But we also know that mankind as a whole's idea of their "history" or past- - seems to center on being descended from the sky or from heaven. People wonder whether we get ideas from "God", who would place them in our brains. In Ezekiel it says that Russia in the last days- - "An idea will come into your mind and you will attack nations to the south". People have speculated whether God places ideas into people's heads to manipulate them. If you ever played chess with a person of E T I it would be a slam dunk win for your opponet every time if he could places ideas in your head to always make the wrong move. It would not be necessary for some Extra Terriestrial Intelligence to do any voodu "Bewitched" tricks with the ball to win a football or baseball game. All this ETI power would have to do is to put the wrong ideas on where to position themselves in the opponet's teams minds and the right ideas that would work in your own team's heads. And if these sources are intelligent, they may not see the future but are so expert at projecting out various contingencies in the game far beyond those of mortal men- - that they know which ideas will work to win and which ideas will lose the game. Some may say like George Burnes in "Oh God", well if we all desired world Peace, we could have it tomorrow, along with perfect ecological ballance in the earth. I guess I'm humble enough to realize I don't have that kind of power to- -say - - start a new religion or to start a new political movement that will sweep world wide. Some people you see on TV like on Montell Williams come up with an idea for a new product that seems to catch on like wildfire and everybody wants what they are making. People make the mistake of thinking "We can insure something happening that is POSSIBLE". It's only "Possible" from a mathematical probability standpoint. From God's point of view he knows only those things that actually Happen are in deed things that in the end turned out to be "Possible".