Allow me to do my review on tonight's forum at Saddleback church conducted by the Reverend Rick Warren. I thought Mc Cain won that debate and I'll tell you why. He didn't overreach. Obama's wheels were always spinning as he had to congure up an answer to the questions put forward to him, to somehow cover all the bases. Mc Cain on the other hand was willing to run the rick of perhaps over-stressing a topic or two while ignoring others. Mc Cain's great strength was that he was able to answer the same questions in a lot fewer words. I noticed this same trait in Hillary verses Obama where she was able to express more in fewer words. As such Mc Cain was given liberty to flush out some of his favorite positions. I thought the Revrend was very fair and thoughtful in the questions he asked and they were at times challenging. Many of them were more the questions you'd be asked on a therapist's couch rather than in a political campaign.
One question was what was the most gut wrenching decision you ever had to make. In my own case it was throwing out multiple hundreds of copies of my prophecy book "God's Winepress" because my brother refused to store them at his place when I had to move in July of 2001.
Answering what was my greatest moral failing in life I'd say it was an attempt to solicit the favor of and rely upon God and not do as Shakesphere suggested, "To thine own self be true and it follows as the day does the night that thow canst not be false to any man". I have fallen into the moral and pragmatic trap of allowing others to do my thinking for me.
Asked what I would tell the American people were I not afraid of the repurcussions it would be that Christianity is doomed, just like John Lennon said it was in February of 1966. I would say not to discount the extra-terrestrial or other dimensions we don't yet know about. That man is an egotistical and egocentric creature fashioning a God in our own image.
As to the one about school teachers I definitely agree with Mc Cain that we should have merit pay. I believe teachers are NOT under-paid as they have been complaining since I was in school but that they are the biggest whiners of just about any profession. Teachers aren't paid more because the market finds its own break-even levels. I believe we should have more and not less of the free market system and not only merit pay but also vouchers and give the people freedom of choice whether they want to go to a decaying public school or find something better.
As to which justice of the supreme court I would not have nominated, I have to give the nod to Obama on this one. Clarence Thomas. I don't know about some of the others but Thomas I don't believe was intellectually qualified for supreme court justice, and is too conservative even for this reporter.
I believe that life begins basically at conception but I'd modify that to say implantation. As to cells in a test tube used as stem calls, I don't believe we have the moral right to deny people who are beseiged with disabeling diseases the hope of finding cures some day. These are cells that are going to be thrown away anyhow and as such are already under a "death sentense" Thom Hartman says even in the animal kindgom among certain cells, some will sacrifice their own lives so that the remaining ones have a chance at life. So I believe it is here. In a Star Trek episode there were these robotic devices called exo-coms and one of them sacrificed itself so that the other two could live. It's immoral to deny those suffering a chance at happiness.
People should be aware that what Obama meant by "late turm abortion" is partial birth abortion, which is a grewsome process. Not only this but once a fetus is aborted and is still "visable" and struggling for life, Obama favors NOT giving this fetus any medical aid.
As to some of the most influencial quatations of people, let's start with Charles Manson's "Bringing to NOW". This means bringing a person to a psychological state where they are focused and know what their true values and priorities are in life. I would pick Ghandi who said "If we insist on an eye for an eye- - the whole world will eventually end up blind." I would quote Vladimir Lenin who said "We are all dead men on furlough". What he means can be applied to Christian faith that our lives are not ours any more but we deserved to be dead but are given life that we might further God's purpose. Such beliefs are invaluable when it comes to participating in some sort of Revolution. I'd quote Sol Allinsky who said "Always deal with the enemy in terms of the fermiliarity of your own group, but outside the fermiliarity of the Enemy with what you are doing and in this way you may move expiditiously and the enemy is put off guard. I would look to Malcolm X, who tought that the Whate Race is and was the enslaver of the black race, both physically and morally, and Black people should look to their own racial pride for their own advancement rather than the benevelent but illusive hand of government. I would quote John Kennedy who said that "Human rights come not from the generosity of the State, but from the hand of God. I'd quote Martin Luther who said "Here I stand, for I can do no other".
On the question of evil should we Ignore it, Negotiate with it, Contain it, or Defeate It? The answer is obviously "D" - - Defeate it. In the cosmic realm there is a group called the Sutterans who often have the ability to seemingly override good. But if one appeals to Alcyonne, this action of theirs can be deturred. But how much better it would be rather to defeat the source of Evil directly. Evil's desire is an undying one, and untill it is done away with, you can't really live.
As to which political issue I've change most on in the past ten years it must have something to do with ecology and global warming, and saving our planet. It is said "He who will not provide for his own household is worse than an infadel. This planet earth is our "household". It is the environment in which we live, and it's sheer suicide to think we can long neglect it.
Jesus said, "Why do you say to your brother 'let me take the speck out of your eye' and have a plank of wood in your own eye. First take the plank out of your own eye and you can see clearly to take the speck out of your brothers. In this way criticism of your local pastor can be more than justified. Sometimes it's essential. In like manner Jesus said that you should extend mercy you have received to others. If someone has forgiven you a great debt, you don't have the moral right to nit pick small matters owed you. In this way the new convert shows himself a hypocrite, forgetting his own iniquity- - as he casts stones at his brother struggling with his own faith.
And now we are done discussing tonight's forum. Let's talk about Johnny Wendell's topic today of picking a Vice President. Johnny suggested that Obama pick John Kerry. I thought about it a little and came to the conclusion that would be a pretty good idea. Kerry like Edwards has gotten "sharper" and more focused in his public statements over the past four years. Both have improved with the passage of time as they grow and put things in perspective. While I may end up voting Libertarian, I still say that John Kerry would be a definite plus for the Obama campaign and would ballance the ticket racially as well as religiously.
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