I guess I should feel smug. My choice for democratic Vice Presidential nominee was picked. Obama got smart and picked Joe Biden even though he's a strong personality. He adds that sought after thing, "gravidas" to the ticket. George Bush knows something about that having picked Dick Chaney to give him some sorely needed respectability, not to mention direction in 2000. After listening to Joe Biden's speech today the only danger is that Biden will outshine Obama, because he gives a better speech. Joe Biden has been in the US Senate since 1973 and will be turning sixty-six soon. He of course ran in his ill fated 1988 campaign when candidates were dropping out right and left for the silliest of reasons. He is best known to TV viewers for his post on the Senate Judiciary committee doing hearings on Supreme Court nominees. They say never has a vice president come swinging at the opponet right out of the gate like this. He is apparently originally from Scranton, PA so this should put Pennsylvania in the Obama collum on election day. Biden beat our Governor Tim Caine and Senator Evan Bygh for the VP slot.
Since that's all the news there is today let's talk about whether one claim of Christianity is even logically possible. It's a part of Christian tradition that when you die you go into a realy "beyond time" into something called Eternity. This is apparently a realm that goes on literally forever but nothing ever changes. They don't refer to it as stretched out time, but as BEYOND time, after "Time" has come to an end. My question is whether it's even logically possible to be alive and yet not be moving through time. Your screen door "never gets tired or impatient, or bored" with life. Your desk doesn't experiance a "middle aged crisis". Inanimate objects don't experiance time or consciousness and don't have a will. Even in the hailed book of Revelation, one is acutely aware of the passage of time. To say there is "No time in Heaven" is contradicted from scriptures from Job to Isaiah 14. If you have a life process going on you have time. If you don't have passing time, you don't have a life process. Another misconception is the nature of the Will. Will is connected with intelligence and intelligence is connected with a life organisum. Even single cells have a will. This is something creationists convieniently forget with their "parts of a watch" analogy of life. The only question now is whether it's actual will or the mere illusion of will. A computer has no "Will" but rather can be programmed to interract in more and more complex ways. A sign of intelligence is a learning process. Computers don't learn or experiance things; they are programmed. Christians don't admit there is anything they don't know, and they claim "having an experiance" is a trick of the devil. This trait of ability to learn is a sign of intelligence, which is an outgrowth of being alive to begin with. Dead things never change. Christians never seem to change. But if you are alive like the rest of us are, you grow and change and adapt. Some may ask whether the whole Universe is not just one big program imprinted on a CD Rom in God's office somethere. I don't know. One thing that Christians, who are Calvinists ignore, and this is a logical flaw them commit, is that it's obsurd to put out these Christian pamflets saying that a Christian is like a CEO who has been hired to manage your life, whereas the unsaved person has chaos. If you're a Calvinist, the President of Pakistan, or a terrorist who has committed a dozen murders and reads the Koran every night- - is every bit as "In The Will" of God as these Christians are. This is a logical deduction of Calvinism. If you want to throw out Calvinistic and Einstinian determism, we can argue differently. In that case we really do have a Will; it isn't just the illusion of having a Will. But as far as I can see, living life in either a conscious or even completely unconscious state is not even possible without the passage of Time because it's part of the Definition of what Life is. In this world when you're up against a hard definition- - you have deductive logic where certain things are intrinsically impossible. They are not merely Physically Impossible, but Logical Impossibilities under ANY circumstances.
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