Friday, August 15, 2008

Obama Isn't Getting My Vote

I started out this afternoon to "debunk" all the so-called Obama-nation myths. However, although some such pages made effective cases the "Obama-nation" web site reminded us all of a powerful reason not to vote for Obama and that is his fanatical pro abortion stance. Margeret Sanger was the first abortionist and "disseminated" information on birth control when it was legal in most states. Sanger believed in eugenics and the site quotes many of her statements about race and population that can't be taken as anything other than fanatically racist. Obama was profuse in his praise of Planned Parenthood, the organization Margeret Sanger founded with about eight or ten "thank yous". The proposed democratic platform is more up front being pro abortion than any other platform and emphasizing that it should be government funded. To Sanger's credit she was against the gassing of children, and wasnt anti semetic, however she did believe in forced sterilization in some cases. The facts are that black people are three times more likely to have an abortion than the White race. Black abortions account for 36% of all abortions, and abortion has been the leading cause of death among black people for the past thirty years. John Kennedy didn't take kindly to Sanger and Kennedy believed the government should have no policy on birth control. I can't picture Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, or Michael Dukakis running on this democratic platform for other reasons too. I am against the vast expansion of government that would be involved in universal health care. If ever there was a time when we could NOT afford a whole vast new government program, this is it. The media is calling it a crisis when it just isn't a crisis. Also I think this pro gay ruling in California is an abomination. There, I said the word. It is a sacrelegious affront to the centuries old institution of marriage and in no other culture nor or in the past could anyone picture such a thing as a gay marriage. It diminishes the word and young people will get the idea that marriage is just "hanging out together" or something. If Obama tries to pass himself as a fundamentalist, he is a phoney because he isn't one. I hope he gets nailed on this issue too tomorrow. His father is a moslem turned athiest according to that pastor's sermon. His mother and maternal grandmother either one didn't appear to have a religious bone in their bodies. He deliberately picked out a church that didn't adhere to the Bible. But another reason for not going for Obama is that he simply doesn't care about the positive issues I do care about. And also he's too inclined to take a poll and see which way the wind is blowing before he takes a stance. I wish he would take a poll on how the US population feels about marriage. If you say "Yeah, but Mc Cain broke the Logan act by meeting with government authorities in Georgia". Well, the last I heard the nation of Georgia was one of the good guys and by the way - - Christian. John Kennedy said we would support any friend and oppose any foe to insure the survival and success of liberty.

I would like to address some remarks I made about the Jewish people a couple of posts back in that other blog. My intention, and I think you know this, was not to debase the intellectual capacities of the Jewish people. Indeed they are better and more truthful historians, and they tend to look at the world more objectively than non Jews. But the Jews didn't always worship "Jehovah" by name but called their god "El" in the early days and believed that "Elohem" or many Gods created the earth. It's also a fact that the Arabs and Palistinian peoples are Semites but that most of the white Jews that emigrated to Israel are not. It's also true that many cultures have a flood in their past mythology. I'm not anti Jewish but neither do I believe as Gene Scott believes that "Jews kept exacting geniology before the birth of Christ in order to insure that the racial line was kept pure of Satanic contamination". In point of fact it was a later kind that "Re-built the ruins of the temple and "found" the Ark of the Covenent". It's also a fact that there is no evidence of two & a half million people wandered around the Sinai wilderness for fourty years and managed to leave no artifacts of their presence, not to mention dead bodies. Neither is there any evidence of the Jews as such having been in Egypt. Having said all that I certainly believe the Jews of today have the right to self defense and to develope the most sophisticated Air Force money and their own ingenuity can produce. If the rest of the world had the ethics of the Jewish people this would be a far better place.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Elvis Presley'd death. August 16th. is also Laura's birthday and that would make her 49 - - - and holding. Elvis never would have tollerated Pricilla having an abortion. In her book they discuss having one and Elvis says "absolutely not". If Elvis were still alive there is every reason to believe he would attend a church like Saddleback Church. Rick Warran has built an amazing ministry. Personally I'm glad that his church members got first dibs on the ticket sales. After all it's his church, and his people should get first crack at Obama and Mc Cain. You wouldn't want any gay protests to break out, would you?

I'd like to comment again on the processing of these "oil sands" in Alberta for oil. This is an ongoing ecological disaster of the first magnitude. The carbon footprint on the processing of this oil is horrendus. I think anyone who would purchase stock in any of these companies is morally compromizing themselves, and I hope Mc Cain and Obama speak out on this issue.

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