Friday, August 22, 2008

A New V P Candidate in the Mix

It could be that Texas congressman Chet Edwards has been picked to be Obama's Vice Presidential running mate. But other sources insist that it's still Joe Biden because of the "actions around the Biden camp". Sometimes, quite often in fact, you can tell what a person intends to do by what they are doing right now. If it's the Texas guy it will most definitely have surprised everybody.

In some ways I don't think either nominee to be at this point is totally plugged into reality. Obama keeps talking about these dreams he has of a new society, but the steps used in getting there are still often vague, and some of the specific things like Nationalized Medical Care I don't like. As to Mc Cain they say he is not "savy" with electronic gadgets. My guess is that he better learn fast. Of course there is a whole school of psychology and psycho-therapy that says reality itself is nothing more nor less than what is congured up in the human mind. Dennis Prager has stated that the great "duty" everybody owes Society is to "Be Happy". That's kind of like George Bush telling us all to go shopping after 9 - 11. Some like Michael Benner and many psychics believe that we somehow magnetically "attract good things to us" with our own minds, as if all we need is a strong enough mental will and we can will ourselves to be content. As President telling the American people to do this would save the President a lot of sleep at night. But there are those who say there IS no "objective reality" but that everyone has hiw own oppinions and perceptions. There is no corporate OR objective reality, but only individual subjective reality. One person I heard today said that Religion itself may have originated with the use of phylosiben or magic mushrooms. The visions are "God". Personally I think this sort of talk is symptomatic of the beginnings of decadence in society and it's core values.

Randy Rhodes is really up on proper usage and care of the American Flag because her father taught her when she was little. You are not permitted to use the Flag in any form of jewelry such as a lapel pin. Only patches can be sewed on, and the field of stars has to always be closest to your heart. Randy is jealous of Mc Cain for becoming a pilot because all we did was work on planes. I’ll mention again that Mc Cain placed 894th in his class which consisted of 899 cadets. His was the class of 1958, which also included Poindexter, who was near the top. It seems Mc Cain crashed four planes prior to the one he was shot down in. It would seem that Mc Cain isn’t a very good pilot. John Mc Cain owns so many houses he can’t remember them all but told a questioner “My staff will get back to you on that”. A new Obama campaign piece says he owns seven, but it might be eight or nine or even higher. There is another Obama commercial just out that states that Mc Cain refused to call a key witness, Ralph Reed (?) in the Abramoff case a few years back. It would seen Mc Cain’s propensity to pander favors is something that his political opponent could exploit more. Apparently when Mc Cain was reading his auto biography book he said (did say) that he got into the Presidential race not for any noble motive but it was sheer ambition at age 62. Mc Cain may want to be in Iraq for fifty or a hundred years but apparently the Bush administration has already worked out a withdrawal time table with the Iraqi government. Apparently we will withdraw our troops from the big cities by next June and will withdraw completely from Iraq by December 2011. They say “Bush has softened his position on this withdrawal issue recently”. Of course that is the prerogative of a President to one-up his opponent with executive decisions.

Randy Rhodes said that the definition of an Antichrist is any person who claims to be the Christ, but isn’t. Jesus Christ on KFI qualifies for that job. In fact if you are a Jew the real Jesus Christ qualifies for that job since that “deliverer” didn’t save Israel.

The United States is planning to install anti-ballistic missiles in Poland. But the Russians say they are going to Nuke Poland if we try that, and Rachael Maddau sides with the Soviets on this issue. It’s absurd to say “they are just a hundred miles from Russia” because if you look at a map there’s a whole set of countries between Poland and Russia now. But Poland is a member of NATO now and deserved to be protected.

The original paragraph occupying this space has been Disintermediated. You have Homer Simpson's new vocabulary to thank for my knowing that word.

The Chicago Bears are beating the SF ‘49ers in a game on FOX right now. But San Francisco just scored a touchdown while I was typing making it 13 to 10 SF. ( I think the '49ers ended up winning.)

Microsoft has a new program called Photo-smith, which stitches together a bunch of photos taken at the same location into a giant 306 degree panorama of a locale. This was one of the items featured on KCET several Wednesdays ago.

If ideas are really material objects in a higher dimension or dimensions as the Greeks like Plato claim they are- - they could exist as six dimensional objects and they would be eternal and unchanging. But if you only were able to perceive five (not 3 or 4 but 5) dimensions, the physical appearance of each and every physical idea-object would be considerably altered, much as shapes become altered even in a software programs like Sketch depending on the “field of view” or stated another way, which 3rd. dimensional reality was used to interpret the relative sizes of said objects. As such it needn’t be necessary for ideas to “war” against each other to achieve “success” or “hegemony”, but all you need to “see things your way” is selective blindness in the fifth dimension. To illustrate this simply, is a calendar a “circle” or a rectangle? Or is that a sliver of a rectangle or a big circle? You may know it as a Frisbee. It would be something if the “Warf” theory were actual reality. And I speak of the T N G episode where Warf visited all these parallel universes. If this theory were anything approaching true, we would have to go “back to the drawing board” on all our physics theories, but would also have to toss our very definition of legal sanity in the trash can. It would of course explain why eye witnesses to an accident have contradictory testimonies. It would explain why John and Paul can’t agree at all despite explicit memories on who wrote “In My Life”. Under this theory of course everyone would literally have their own reality, and it would be an unshakable and inalterable truth for them not just mentally but physically. (Selah) Federation teaching on this matter is that such dimension hopping is impossible for the same reason negative matter can’t exist. The dimensions of space around an object are determined by the physical nature of the object itself. How many times have I said that? And nobody has ever "found" the human soul in research. But others would argue man has a Will, and therefore this Will has to have a Cause and hence a Manifestation somewhere.

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